基于dalvik模式下的Xposed Hook开发的某加固脱壳工具


这段时间好好的学习了一下Android加固相关的知识和流程也大致把Android加固的一些思路理清楚了,不巧在博客上看到了这篇文章《某加固使用xposed脱壳》感觉还不错,正好有时间可以学习一下这款基于Xposed Hook框架开发的某加固脱壳工具,原作者的博客已经找不到但是作者已经给出了主要的实现代码,我在作者给出的原代码基础上稍微做了一下修改和优化并且在Android Nexus 5手机上测试某加固的脱壳,成功得到了某加固解密后的dex文件。在进行源码分析之前,你需要了解Xposed Hook框架模块编写相关的知识,还不了解的可以先看下我前面的博客《Xposed框架之函数Hook学习》。Android加固的实现是基于DexClassLoader的加载流程来实现的,具体详细的流程后面有时间再整理一下,因此这里使用Xposed Hook框架来脱某加固壳的工具也是基于DexClassLoader的加载流程来实现的。


DexClassLoader到openDexFileNative函数的整个流程下来,DexClassLoader的java层实现全部完成,openDexFileNative之后是由native层函数实现,暂时不关心;dex文件的加固是基于DexClassLoader的加载流程而来的,dex文件优化为odex文件后加载到apk进程的内存中返回是mCookie值,这个mCookie值就是dex文件加载到内存之后的镜像描述结构体指针DexOrJar* ,DexOrJar结构体的实现如下图所示:


 * Internal struct for managing DexFile.
struct DexOrJar {
	// 描述的dex文件或者jar文件的路径
    char*       fileName;
	// 是否是dex文件的标识
    bool        isDex;
    bool        okayToFree;
	// 描述dex文件内存加载镜像odex文件的结构体
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
	// 描述内存加载后的jar文件的结构体
    JarFile*    pJarFile;
    u1*         pDexMemory; // malloc()ed memory, if any

openDexFileNative在native层对应的实现函数是 Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFileNative。


// 对应函数的注册结构体
const DalvikNativeMethod dvm_dalvik_system_DexFile[] = {
    { "openDexFileNative",  "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)I",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFileNative },
    { "openDexFile",        "([B)I",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFile_bytearray },
    { "closeDexFile",       "(I)V",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_closeDexFile },
    { "defineClassNative",  "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;I)Ljava/lang/Class;",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_defineClassNative },
    { "getClassNameList",   "(I)[Ljava/lang/String;",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_getClassNameList },
    { "isDexOptNeeded",     "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z",
        Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_isDexOptNeeded },
    { NULL, NULL, NULL },
 * private static int openDexFileNative(String sourceName, String outputName,
 *     int flags) throws IOException
 * Open a DEX file, returning a pointer to our internal data structure.
 * "sourceName" should point to the "source" jar or DEX file.
 * If "outputName" is NULL, the DEX code will automatically find the
 * "optimized" version in the cache directory, creating it if necessary.
 * If it's non-NULL, the specified file will be used instead.
 * TODO: at present we will happily open the same file more than once.
 * To optimize this away we could search for existing entries in the hash
 * table and refCount them.  Requires atomic ops or adding "synchronized"
 * to the non-native code that calls here.
 * TODO: should be using "long" for a pointer.
static void Dalvik_dalvik_system_DexFile_openDexFileNative(const u4* args,
    JValue* pResult)
    StringObject* sourceNameObj = (StringObject*) args[0];
    StringObject* outputNameObj = (StringObject*) args[1];
    DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = NULL;
    JarFile* pJarFile;
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
    char* sourceName;
    char* outputName;

    if (sourceNameObj == NULL) {
        dvmThrowNullPointerException("sourceName == null");

    sourceName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(sourceNameObj);
    if (outputNameObj != NULL)
        outputName = dvmCreateCstrFromString(outputNameObj);
        outputName = NULL;

     * We have to deal with the possibility that somebody might try to
     * open one of our bootstrap class DEX files.  The set of dependencies
     * will be different, and hence the results of optimization might be
     * different, which means we'd actually need to have two versions of
     * the optimized DEX: one that only knows about part of the boot class
     * path, and one that knows about everything in it.  The latter might
     * optimize field/method accesses based on a class that appeared later
     * in the class path.
     * We can't let the user-defined class loader open it and start using
     * the classes, since the optimized form of the code skips some of
     * the method and field resolution that we would ordinarily do, and
     * we'd have the wrong semantics.
     * We have to reject attempts to manually open a DEX file from the boot
     * class path.  The easiest way to do this is by filename, which works
     * out because variations in name (e.g. "/system/framework/./ext.jar")
     * result in us hitting a different dalvik-cache entry.  It's also fine
     * if the caller specifies their own output file.
    if (dvmClassPathContains(gDvm.bootClassPath, sourceName)) {
        ALOGW("Refusing to reopen boot DEX '%s'", sourceName);
            "Re-opening BOOTCLASSPATH DEX files is not allowed");

     * Try to open it directly as a DEX if the name ends with ".dex".
     * If that fails (or isn't tried in the first place), try it as a
     * Zip with a "classes.dex" inside.
    if (hasDexExtension(sourceName)
            && dvmRawDexFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pRawDexFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (DEX)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = true;
        pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile = pRawDexFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else if (dvmJarFileOpen(sourceName, outputName, &pJarFile, false) == 0) {
        ALOGV("Opening DEX file '%s' (Jar)", sourceName);

        pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*) malloc(sizeof(DexOrJar));
        pDexOrJar->isDex = false;
        pDexOrJar->pJarFile = pJarFile;
        pDexOrJar->pDexMemory = NULL;
    } else {
        ALOGV("Unable to open DEX file '%s'", sourceName);
        dvmThrowIOException("unable to open DEX file");

    if (pDexOrJar != NULL) {
        pDexOrJar->fileName = sourceName;
    } else {


基于Xposed Hook开发的某加固脱壳工具是使用Xposed Hook框架Hook掉 DexClassLoader加载dex文件流程中类dalvik.system.DexFile的方法loadDex函数,等到loadDex函数返回时拿到dex文件内存加载后的mCookie值,然后内存dump出mCookie值描述的dex文件的值。类dalvik.system.DexFile的loadDex函数的实现如下:


     * Open a DEX file, specifying the file in which the optimized DEX
     * data should be written.  If the optimized form exists and appears
     * to be current, it will be used; if not, the VM will attempt to
     * regenerate it.
     * This is intended for use by applications that wish to download
     * and execute DEX files outside the usual application installation
     * mechanism.  This function should not be called directly by an
     * application; instead, use a class loader such as
     * dalvik.system.DexClassLoader.
     * @param sourcePathName
     *  Jar or APK file with "classes.dex".  (May expand this to include
     *  "raw DEX" in the future.)
     * @param outputPathName
     *  File that will hold the optimized form of the DEX data.
     * @param flags
     *  Enable optional features.  (Currently none defined.)
     * @return
     *  A new or previously-opened DexFile.
     * @throws IOException
     *  If unable to open the source or output file.
    static public DexFile loadDex(String sourcePathName, String outputPathName,
        int flags) throws IOException {

         * TODO: we may want to cache previously-opened DexFile objects.
         * The cache would be synchronized with close().  This would help
         * us avoid mapping the same DEX more than once when an app
         * decided to open it multiple times.  In practice this may not
         * be a real issue.
        return new DexFile(sourcePathName, outputPathName, flags);

1.某加固脱壳工具Xposed Hook模块的编写,xxx.yyy.zzz为需要被脱壳的apk应用的包名,Xposed Hook掉类dalvik.system.DexFile的方法loadDex函数,获取到dex文件内存加载后的mCookie值,然后进行内存dex文件的dump处理。

package com.xposeddemo;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import dalvik.system.DexFile;
import de.robv.android.xposed.IXposedHookLoadPackage;
import de.robv.android.xposed.XC_MethodHook;
import de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge;
import de.robv.android.xposed.XposedHelpers;
import de.robv.android.xposed.callbacks.XC_LoadPackage;
import de.robv.android.xposed.callbacks.XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam;

public class Module implements IXposedHookLoadPackage {

	// native方法在libnativelib.so库文件中实现
	public native void dumpdex(int cookie);
	// 内部类
	class dumpThread implements Runnable {
	    int cookide;
	    public dumpThread(int cookide){
	    	// 保存dex文件的mCookie值
	        this.cookide = cookide;
	    public void run() {
	        try {
	        	// 休眠5s 时间足够壳修复dex
	        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
	        // 从内存中dump出解密后的内存dex文件

	public void handleLoadPackage(LoadPackageParam lpparam) throws Throwable {
		// 判断是否是要Hook的包名(xxx.yyy.zzz为需要脱壳的apk的包名)
		if (lpparam.packageName.equals("xxx.yyy.zzz")){
			XposedBridge.log("Loaded App:" + lpparam.packageName);
	    	// 加载动态库文件libnativelib.so
			// 对类dalvik.system.DexFile的方法loadDex进行java Hook操作
	        // 获取到需要脱壳apk解密dex文件加载后返回的mCookie值
	        // 根据mCookie值进行内存dex文件的dump操作
	 private void loadhooklib(XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam lpparam) {
		// 对类dalvik.system.DexFile的方法loadDex进行dalvik模式下的java Hook操作
		// /libcore/dalvik/src/main/java/dalvik/system/DexFile.java
		// static public DexFile loadDex(String sourcePathName, String outputPathName, int flags)
		// http://androidxref.com/4.4.4_r1/xref/libcore/dalvik/src/main/java/dalvik/system/DexFile.java#141
        		lpparam.classLoader, "loadDex", 
        		String.class, int.class,
        		new XC_MethodHook() {
                protected void afterHookedMethod(MethodHookParam param) throws Throwable {
                    if (!param.hasThrowable()) {
                        int falg = (Integer) param.args[2];
                        // 加载的dex文件的路径
                        String sourcePathName = (String) param.args[0];
                        // dex被优化后的odex文件的存放路径
                        String outputPathName = (String) param.args[1];
                        XposedBridge.log("sourcePathName:" + sourcePathName + " outputPathName:" 
                        				+ outputPathName + " falg:" + falg);
                        // 获取dex文件被loadDex后返回的DexFile文件对象
                        Object object = param.getResult();
                        if (object instanceof DexFile) {
                        	// 通过类反射获取DexFile类的私有成员mCookie的调用Field
                            Field field = ((DexFile) object).getClass().getDeclaredField("mCookie");
                            // 设置有权限
                            // 获取到DexFile类的私有成员mCookie的值
                            int cookie = field.getInt(object);
                            // 恢复权限
                            System.out.println("cookie:" + String.format("%x", cookie));
                            // 创建线程对需要脱壳的apk进程进行内存dex的dump操作
                            Thread thread = new Thread(new Module.dumpThread(cookie));
                            // 启动线程


2.内存dump函数实现在动态库文件libnativelib.so中实现,先通过jni函数反射调用java方法获取到手机设备的scard卡的文件路径,然后将内存dump的dex文件保存到手机设备的scard卡文件路径中。原作者在nativelib.cpp文件的源码实现中使用了C++的stl模板库函数,考虑到代码中字符串的处理比较简单,去掉了C++的stl模板库函数的使用,直接使用C语言的相关函数替换掉了,并且做了一些小调整;原作者在处理 code_off偏移超过dex文件大小的加固类型脱壳时比较暴力,直接保存三倍dex文件长度;如果dex文件内存dump时,想处理的精细一些可以参考一下dexHunter代码的实现。

#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
//#include <string>
#include <android/log.h>
#include "Object.h"

//using std::string;

char* getExternalStorageDirectory(JNIEnv* env);
void printinfo(const char* tag, const char* fmt, ...);

char* jstringTostring(JNIEnv* env, jstring str)
    char* rtn = NULL;
    jclass clsstring = env->FindClass("java/lang/String");
    jstring strencode = env->NewStringUTF("utf-8");
    jmethodID mid = env->GetMethodID(clsstring, "getBytes", "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B");
    jbyteArray barr = (jbyteArray)env->CallObjectMethod(str, mid, strencode);
    jsize alen = env->GetArrayLength(barr);
    jbyte* ba = env->GetByteArrayElements(barr, JNI_FALSE);
    if (alen > 0)
        rtn = (char*)malloc(alen + 1);
        memcpy(rtn, ba, alen);
        rtn[alen] = 0;
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(barr, ba, 0);

    return rtn;

// 通过jni函数反射调用java方法获取到设备的scard卡的文件路径
char* getExternalStorageDirectory(JNIEnv* env)
    jclass Environment = env->FindClass("android/os/Environment");
    if (Environment != NULL)
        //Messageprint::printinfo("util", "Environment class have found");
        jmethodID getExternalStorageDirectoryID = env->GetStaticMethodID(Environment,
        							"getExternalStorageDirectory", "()Ljava/io/File;");
        if (getExternalStorageDirectoryID != NULL)
            jobject fileobject = env->CallStaticObjectMethod(Environment, getExternalStorageDirectoryID);
            jclass Fileclass = env->FindClass("java/io/File");
            jmethodID getAbsolutePathId = env->GetMethodID(Fileclass, "getAbsolutePath", "()Ljava/lang/String;");
            jstring jstringPath = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(fileobject, getAbsolutePathId);
            char* StorageDirectoryPath = jstringTostring(env, jstringPath);
            return StorageDirectoryPath;

    return NULL;

// 使用了stl的库函数
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

// 调用native层实现的jni方法dumpdex
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_xposeddemo_Module_dumpdex(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance, jint cookie) {

	DexOrJar* pDexOrJar = (DexOrJar*)cookie;
	DvmDex* pDvmDex;
	printf("jni", pDexOrJar->fileName);

	// 判断当前mCookie值是否是dex文件的
	if (pDexOrJar->isDex)
		// 得到内存加载的odex文件的信息结构体
		pDvmDex = pDexOrJar->pRawDexFile->pDvmDex;
		pDvmDex = pDexOrJar->pJarFile->pDvmDex;

	// 获取到描述内存加载的odex文件信息的结构体DexFile
	DexFile* dexFile = pDvmDex->pDexFile;
	// 得到内存加载的odex文件的基地址(起始地址)
	MemMapping mapping = pDvmDex->memMap;
	printinfo("jni","MemMapping:addr:%x length:%x baseAddr:%x baseLength:%x",
			 mapping.addr, mapping.length, mapping.baseAddr, mapping.baseLength);

	// 通过jni函数反射调用java方法获取到设备的scard卡的文件路径
	char* path = getExternalStorageDirectory(env);

	char szBufferDexPath[128];
	memset(szBufferDexPath, 0, sizeof(szBufferDexPath));
	memcpy(szBufferDexPath, path, strlen(path));
	// 拼接字符串得到dump的dex文件的路径
	strcat(szBufferDexPath, "/xxxx.dex");
	printinfo("dump dex path: %s", szBufferDexPath);

	// F_OK = 0
	if (!access(szBufferDexPath,  F_OK))
		// 删除已经存在的文件

	// 创建新文件保存dump的dex文件
	FILE* file = fopen(szBufferDexPath, "wb+");

	// 保存三倍dex文件长度(比较暴力,可以参考dexhunter的实现代码进行优化)

	// 关闭文件

#ifdef __cplusplus

// 打印Log日志信息
void printinfo(const char* tag, const char* fmt, ...)
    va_list ap;
    char buf[1024];

    va_start(ap, fmt);
    vsnprintf(buf, 1024, fmt, ap);
    __android_log_write(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, tag, buf);

3.jni目录需要的头文件 Object.h

#include <stddef.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <pthread.h>

typedef uint8_t             u1;
typedef uint16_t            u2;
typedef uint32_t            u4;
typedef uint64_t            u8;
typedef int8_t              s1;
typedef int16_t             s2;
typedef int32_t             s4;
typedef int64_t             s8;

/* fwd decl */
struct DataObject;
struct InitiatingLoaderList;
struct ClassObject;
struct StringObject;
struct ArrayObject;
struct Method;
struct ExceptionEntry;
struct LineNumEntry;
struct StaticField;
struct InstField;
struct Field;
struct RegisterMap;

struct Object;
union JValue
    u1 z;
    s1 b;
    u2 c;
    s2 s;
    s4 i;
    s8 j;
    float f;
    double d;
    Object* l;

typedef void (*DalvikBridgeFunc)(const u4* args, JValue* pResult,
                                 const Method* method, struct Thread* self);

enum AccessFlags
    ACC_MIRANDA = 0x8000, // method (internal to VM)
    JAVA_FLAGS_MASK = 0xffff, // bits set from Java sources (low 16)

typedef void (*DalvikNativeFunc)(const u4* args, JValue* pResult);

enum ClassFlags
    CLASS_ISFINALIZABLE = (1 << 31), // class/ancestor overrides finalize()
    CLASS_ISARRAY = (1 << 30), // class is a "[*"
    CLASS_ISOBJECTARRAY = (1 << 29), // class is a "[L*" or "[[*"
    CLASS_ISCLASS = (1 << 28), // class is *the* class Class

    CLASS_ISREFERENCE = (1 << 27), // class is a soft/weak/phantom ref
    // only ISREFERENCE is set --> soft
            CLASS_ISWEAKREFERENCE = (1 << 26), // class is a weak reference
    CLASS_ISFINALIZERREFERENCE = (1 << 25), // class is a finalizer reference
    CLASS_ISPHANTOMREFERENCE = (1 << 24), // class is a phantom reference

    CLASS_MULTIPLE_DEFS = (1 << 23), // DEX verifier: defs in multiple DEXs

    /* unlike the others, these can be present in the optimized DEX file */
            CLASS_ISOPTIMIZED = (1 << 17), // class may contain opt instrs
    CLASS_ISPREVERIFIED = (1 << 16), // class has been pre-verified

#define SET_CLASS_FLAG(clazz, flag) \
    do { (clazz)->accessFlags |= (flag); } while (0)

#define CLEAR_CLASS_FLAG(clazz, flag) \
    do { (clazz)->accessFlags &= ~(flag); } while (0)

#define IS_CLASS_FLAG_SET(clazz, flag) \
    (((clazz)->accessFlags & (flag)) != 0)

#define GET_CLASS_FLAG_GROUP(clazz, flags) \
    ((u4)((clazz)->accessFlags & (flags)))

enum MethodFlags
    METHOD_ISWRITABLE = (1 << 31), // the method's code is writable

#define SET_METHOD_FLAG(method, flag) \
    do { (method)->accessFlags |= (flag); } while (0)

#define CLEAR_METHOD_FLAG(method, flag) \
    do { (method)->accessFlags &= ~(flag); } while (0)

#define IS_METHOD_FLAG_SET(method, flag) \
    (((method)->accessFlags & (flag)) != 0)

#define GET_METHOD_FLAG_GROUP(method, flags) \
    ((u4)((method)->accessFlags & (flags)))

enum ClassStatus
    CLASS_ERROR = -1,

    CLASS_IDX = 1, /* loaded, DEX idx in super or ifaces */
            CLASS_LOADED = 2, /* DEX idx values resolved */
            CLASS_RESOLVED = 3, /* part of linking */
            CLASS_VERIFYING = 4, /* in the process of being verified */
            CLASS_VERIFIED = 5, /* logically part of linking; done pre-init */
            CLASS_INITIALIZING = 6, /* class init in progress */
            CLASS_INITIALIZED = 7, /* ready to go */
#define CLASS_WALK_SUPER ((unsigned int)(3))
#define CLASS_SMALLEST_OFFSET (sizeof(struct Object))
#define CLASS_BITS_PER_WORD (sizeof(unsigned long int) * 8)
#define CLASS_HIGH_BIT ((unsigned int)1 << (CLASS_BITS_PER_WORD - 1))
#define _CLASS_BIT_NUMBER_FROM_OFFSET(byteOffset) \
    (((unsigned int)(byteOffset) - CLASS_SMALLEST_OFFSET) / \
#define CLASS_CAN_ENCODE_OFFSET(byteOffset) \
#define CLASS_BIT_FROM_OFFSET(byteOffset) \
#define CLASS_OFFSET_FROM_CLZ(rshift) \

struct InterfaceEntry
    ClassObject* clazz;
    int* methodIndexArray;

struct Object
    ClassObject* clazz;
    u4 lock;

#define DVM_OBJECT_INIT(obj, clazz_) \
    dvmSetFieldObject(obj, OFFSETOF_MEMBER(Object, clazz), clazz_)

struct DataObject : Object
    u4 instanceData[1];

struct StringObject : Object
    u4 instanceData[1];
    int length() const;
    int utfLength() const;
    ArrayObject* array() const;
    const u2* chars() const;

struct ArrayObject : Object
    u4 length;
    u8 contents[1];

struct InitiatingLoaderList
    Object** initiatingLoaders;
    int initiatingLoaderCount;

struct Field
    ClassObject* clazz; /* class in which the field is declared */
    const char* name;
    const char* signature; /* e.g. "I", "[C", "Landroid/os/Debug;" */
    u4 accessFlags;

struct StaticField : Field
    JValue value; /* initially set from DEX for primitives */

struct InstField : Field
    int byteOffset;

enum PrimitiveType
    PRIM_NOT = 0, /* value is a reference type, not a primitive type */
            PRIM_VOID = 1,
    PRIM_BYTE = 3,
    PRIM_SHORT = 4,
    PRIM_CHAR = 5,
    PRIM_INT = 6,
    PRIM_LONG = 7,
    PRIM_FLOAT = 8,
    PRIM_DOUBLE = 9,

// java类的描述结构体
struct ClassObject : Object
    u4 instanceData[CLASS_FIELD_SLOTS];

    const char* descriptor;
    char* descriptorAlloc;
    u4 accessFlags;
    u4 serialNumber;

    void* pDvmDex;

    ClassStatus status;

    ClassObject* verifyErrorClass;

    u4 initThreadId;

    size_t objectSize;

    ClassObject* elementClass;
    int arrayDim;
    PrimitiveType primitiveType;

    ClassObject* super;

    Object* classLoader;

    InitiatingLoaderList initiatingLoaderList;

    int interfaceCount;
    ClassObject** interfaces;

    int directMethodCount;
    Method* directMethods;
    int virtualMethodCount;
    Method* virtualMethods;

    int vtableCount;
    Method** vtable;

    int iftableCount;
    InterfaceEntry* iftable;

    int ifviPoolCount;
    int* ifviPool;

    int ifieldCount;
    int ifieldRefCount; // number of fields that are object refs
    InstField* ifields;

    u4 refOffsets;

    /* source file name, if known */
    const char* sourceFile;

    int sfieldCount;
    StaticField sfields[]; /* MUST be last item */

struct DexProto
    const void * dexFile; /* file the idx refers to */
    u4 protoIdx; /* index into proto_ids table of dexFile */

struct Method
    /* the class we are a part of */
    ClassObject* clazz;
    u4 accessFlags;

    u2 methodIndex;

    u2 registersSize; /* ins + locals */
    u2 outsSize;
    u2 insSize;

    /* method name, e.g. "<init>" or "eatLunch" */
    const char* name;

    DexProto prototype;

    const char* shorty;

    const u2* insns; /* instructions, in memory-mapped .dex */

    int jniArgInfo;

    DalvikBridgeFunc nativeFunc;

    bool fastJni;

    bool noRef;

    bool shouldTrace;

    const RegisterMap* registerMap;

    /* set if method was called during method profiling */
    bool inProfile;

    ACC_PUBLIC = 0x00000001, // class, field, method, ic
    ACC_PRIVATE = 0x00000002, // field, method, ic
    ACC_PROTECTED = 0x00000004, // field, method, ic
    ACC_STATIC = 0x00000008, // field, method, ic
    ACC_FINAL = 0x00000010, // class, field, method, ic
    ACC_SYNCHRONIZED = 0x00000020, // method (only allowed on natives)
    ACC_SUPER = 0x00000020, // class (not used in Dalvik)
    ACC_VOLATILE = 0x00000040, // field
    ACC_BRIDGE = 0x00000040, // method (1.5)
    ACC_TRANSIENT = 0x00000080, // field
    ACC_VARARGS = 0x00000080, // method (1.5)
    ACC_NATIVE = 0x00000100, // method
    ACC_INTERFACE = 0x00000200, // class, ic
    ACC_ABSTRACT = 0x00000400, // class, method, ic
    ACC_STRICT = 0x00000800, // method
    ACC_SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000, // field, method, ic
    ACC_ANNOTATION = 0x00002000, // class, ic (1.5)
    ACC_ENUM = 0x00004000, // class, field, ic (1.5)
    ACC_CONSTRUCTOR = 0x00010000, // method (Dalvik only)
    0x00020000, // method (Dalvik only)

bool dvmIsPublicMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_PUBLIC) != 0;

bool dvmIsPrivateMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_PRIVATE) != 0;

bool dvmIsStaticMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) != 0;

bool dvmIsSynchronizedMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0;

bool dvmIsDeclaredSynchronizedMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_DECLARED_SYNCHRONIZED) != 0;

bool dvmIsFinalMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_FINAL) != 0;

bool dvmIsNativeMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_NATIVE) != 0;

bool dvmIsAbstractMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0;

bool dvmIsSyntheticMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0;

bool dvmIsMirandaMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & ACC_MIRANDA) != 0;

bool dvmIsConstructorMethod(const Method* method)
    return *method->name == '<';

/* Dalvik puts private, static, and constructors into non-virtual table */
bool dvmIsDirectMethod(const Method* method)
    return dvmIsPrivateMethod(method) ||
           dvmIsStaticMethod(method) ||

/* Get whether the given method has associated bytecode. This is the
* case for methods which are neither native nor abstract. */
bool dvmIsBytecodeMethod(const Method* method)
    return (method->accessFlags & (ACC_NATIVE | ACC_ABSTRACT)) == 0;

bool dvmIsProtectedField(const Field* field)
    return (field->accessFlags & ACC_PROTECTED) != 0;

bool dvmIsStaticField(const Field* field)
    return (field->accessFlags & ACC_STATIC) != 0;

bool dvmIsFinalField(const Field* field)
    return (field->accessFlags & ACC_FINAL) != 0;

bool dvmIsVolatileField(const Field* field)
    return (field->accessFlags & ACC_VOLATILE) != 0;

bool dvmIsInterfaceClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->accessFlags & ACC_INTERFACE) != 0;

bool dvmIsPublicClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->accessFlags & ACC_PUBLIC) != 0;

bool dvmIsFinalClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->accessFlags & ACC_FINAL) != 0;

bool dvmIsAbstractClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->accessFlags & ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0;

bool dvmIsAnnotationClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->accessFlags & ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0;

bool dvmIsPrimitiveClass(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return clazz->primitiveType != PRIM_NOT;

/* linked, here meaning prepared and resolved */
bool dvmIsClassLinked(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return clazz->status >= CLASS_RESOLVED;

/* has class been verified? */
bool dvmIsClassVerified(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return clazz->status >= CLASS_VERIFIED;

bool dvmIsClassInitialized(const ClassObject* clazz)
    return (clazz->status == CLASS_INITIALIZED);

/* annotation constants */
    kDexVisibilityBuild = 0x00, /* annotation visibility */
            kDexVisibilityRuntime = 0x01,
    kDexVisibilitySystem = 0x02,

    kDexAnnotationByte = 0x00,
    kDexAnnotationShort = 0x02,
    kDexAnnotationChar = 0x03,
    kDexAnnotationInt = 0x04,
    kDexAnnotationLong = 0x06,
    kDexAnnotationFloat = 0x10,
    kDexAnnotationDouble = 0x11,
    kDexAnnotationString = 0x17,
    kDexAnnotationType = 0x18,
    kDexAnnotationField = 0x19,
    kDexAnnotationMethod = 0x1a,
    kDexAnnotationEnum = 0x1b,
    kDexAnnotationArray = 0x1c,
    kDexAnnotationAnnotation = 0x1d,
    kDexAnnotationNull = 0x1e,
    kDexAnnotationBoolean = 0x1f,

    kDexAnnotationValueTypeMask = 0x1f, /* low 5 bits */
            kDexAnnotationValueArgShift = 5,

/* map item type codes */
    kDexTypeHeaderItem = 0x0000,
    kDexTypeStringIdItem = 0x0001,
    kDexTypeTypeIdItem = 0x0002,
    kDexTypeProtoIdItem = 0x0003,
    kDexTypeFieldIdItem = 0x0004,
    kDexTypeMethodIdItem = 0x0005,
    kDexTypeClassDefItem = 0x0006,
    kDexTypeMapList = 0x1000,
    kDexTypeTypeList = 0x1001,
    kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList = 0x1002,
    kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem = 0x1003,
    kDexTypeClassDataItem = 0x2000,
    kDexTypeCodeItem = 0x2001,
    kDexTypeStringDataItem = 0x2002,
    kDexTypeDebugInfoItem = 0x2003,
    kDexTypeAnnotationItem = 0x2004,
    kDexTypeEncodedArrayItem = 0x2005,
    kDexTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem = 0x2006,

/* auxillary data section chunk codes */
    kDexChunkClassLookup = 0x434c4b50, /* CLKP */
            kDexChunkRegisterMaps = 0x524d4150, /* RMAP */

            kDexChunkEnd = 0x41454e44, /* AEND */

/* debug info opcodes and constants */
    DBG_END_SEQUENCE = 0x00,
    DBG_ADVANCE_PC = 0x01,
    DBG_ADVANCE_LINE = 0x02,
    DBG_START_LOCAL = 0x03,
    DBG_END_LOCAL = 0x05,
    DBG_SET_FILE = 0x09,
    DBG_LINE_BASE = -4,
    DBG_LINE_RANGE = 15,

    kSHA1DigestLen = 20,
    kSHA1DigestOutputLen = kSHA1DigestLen * 2 + 1

* Direct-mapped "header_item" struct.
struct DexHeader
    u1 magic[8]; /* includes version number */
    u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum */
    u1 signature[kSHA1DigestLen]; /* SHA-1 hash */
    u4 fileSize; /* length of entire file */
    u4 headerSize; /* offset to start of next section */
    u4 endianTag;
    u4 linkSize;
    u4 linkOff;
    u4 mapOff;
    u4 stringIdsSize;
    u4 stringIdsOff;
    u4 typeIdsSize;
    u4 typeIdsOff;
    u4 protoIdsSize;
    u4 protoIdsOff;
    u4 fieldIdsSize;
    u4 fieldIdsOff;
    u4 methodIdsSize;
    u4 methodIdsOff;
    u4 classDefsSize;
    u4 classDefsOff;
    u4 dataSize;
    u4 dataOff;

* Direct-mapped "map_item".
struct DexMapItem
    u2 type; /* type code (see kDexType* above) */
    u2 unused;
    u4 size; /* count of items of the indicated type */
    u4 offset; /* file offset to the start of data */

* Direct-mapped "map_list".
struct DexMapList
    u4 size; /* #of entries in list */
    DexMapItem list[1]; /* entries */

* Direct-mapped "string_id_item".
struct DexStringId
    u4 stringDataOff; /* file offset to string_data_item */

* Direct-mapped "type_id_item".
struct DexTypeId
    u4 descriptorIdx; /* index into stringIds list for type descriptor */

* Direct-mapped "field_id_item".
struct DexFieldId
    u2 classIdx; /* index into typeIds list for defining class */
    u2 typeIdx; /* index into typeIds for field type */
    u4 nameIdx; /* index into stringIds for field name */

* Direct-mapped "method_id_item".
struct DexMethodId
    u2 classIdx; /* index into typeIds list for defining class */
    u2 protoIdx; /* index into protoIds for method prototype */
    u4 nameIdx; /* index into stringIds for method name */

* Direct-mapped "proto_id_item".
struct DexProtoId
    u4 shortyIdx; /* index into stringIds for shorty descriptor */
    u4 returnTypeIdx; /* index into typeIds list for return type */
    u4 parametersOff; /* file offset to type_list for parameter types */

* Direct-mapped "class_def_item".
struct DexClassDef
    u4 classIdx; /* index into typeIds for this class */
    u4 accessFlags;
    u4 superclassIdx; /* index into typeIds for superclass */
    u4 interfacesOff; /* file offset to DexTypeList */
    u4 sourceFileIdx; /* index into stringIds for source file name */
    u4 annotationsOff; /* file offset to annotations_directory_item */
    u4 classDataOff; /* file offset to class_data_item */
    u4 staticValuesOff; /* file offset to DexEncodedArray */

* Direct-mapped "type_item".
struct DexTypeItem
    u2 typeIdx; /* index into typeIds */

* Direct-mapped "type_list".
struct DexTypeList
    u4 size; /* #of entries in list */
    DexTypeItem list[1]; /* entries */

typedef struct DexMapId
    u2 type; /*Section type*/

    u2 unused; /*unused*/
    u4 size; /* section size*/
    u4 offset; /* section offset */
} DexMapId;

* Direct-mapped "code_item".
* The "catches" table is used when throwing an exception,
* "debugInfo" is used when displaying an exception stack trace or
* debugging. An offset of zero indicates that there are no entries.
struct DexCode
    u2 registersSize;
    u2 insSize;
    u2 outsSize;
    u2 triesSize;
    u4 debugInfoOff; /* file offset to debug info stream */
    u4 insnsSize; /* size of the insns array, in u2 units */
    u2 insns[1];
    /* followed by optional u2 padding */
    /* followed by try_item[triesSize] */
    /* followed by uleb128 handlersSize */
    /* followed by catch_handler_item[handlersSize] */

* Direct-mapped "try_item".
struct DexTry
    u4 startAddr; /* start address, in 16-bit code units */
    u2 insnCount; /* instruction count, in 16-bit code units */
    u2 handlerOff; /* offset in encoded handler data to handlers */

* Link table.  Currently undefined.
struct DexLink
    u1 bleargh;

* Direct-mapped "annotations_directory_item".
struct DexAnnotationsDirectoryItem
    u4 classAnnotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */
    u4 fieldsSize; /* count of DexFieldAnnotationsItem */
    u4 methodsSize; /* count of DexMethodAnnotationsItem */
    u4 parametersSize; /* count of DexParameterAnnotationsItem */
    /* followed by DexFieldAnnotationsItem[fieldsSize] */
    /* followed by DexMethodAnnotationsItem[methodsSize] */
    /* followed by DexParameterAnnotationsItem[parametersSize] */

* Direct-mapped "field_annotations_item".
struct DexFieldAnnotationsItem
    u4 fieldIdx;
    u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */

* Direct-mapped "method_annotations_item".
struct DexMethodAnnotationsItem
    u4 methodIdx;
    u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */

* Direct-mapped "parameter_annotations_item".
struct DexParameterAnnotationsItem
    u4 methodIdx;
    u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnotationSetRefList */

* Direct-mapped "annotation_set_ref_item".
struct DexAnnotationSetRefItem
    u4 annotationsOff; /* offset to DexAnnotationSetItem */

* Direct-mapped "annotation_set_ref_list".
struct DexAnnotationSetRefList
    u4 size;
    DexAnnotationSetRefItem list[1];

* Direct-mapped "annotation_set_item".
struct DexAnnotationSetItem
    u4 size;
    u4 entries[1]; /* offset to DexAnnotationItem */

* Direct-mapped "annotation_item".
* NOTE: this structure is byte-aligned.
struct DexAnnotationItem
    u1 visibility;
    u1 annotation[1]; /* data in encoded_annotation format */

* Direct-mapped "encoded_array".
* NOTE: this structure is byte-aligned.
struct DexEncodedArray
    u1 array[1]; /* data in encoded_array format */

* Lookup table for classes.  It provides a mapping from class name to
* class definition.  Used by dexFindClass().
* We calculate this at DEX optimization time and embed it in the file so we
* don't need the same hash table in every VM.  This is slightly slower than
* a hash table with direct pointers to the items, but because it's shared
* there's less of a penalty for using a fairly sparse table.
struct DexClassLookup
    int size; // total size, including "size"
    int numEntries; // size of table[]; always power of 2
        u4 classDescriptorHash; // class descriptor hash code
        int classDescriptorOffset; // in bytes, from start of DEX
        int classDefOffset; // in bytes, from start of DEX
    } table[1];

* Header added by DEX optimization pass.  Values are always written in
* local byte and structure padding.  The first field (magic + version)
* is guaranteed to be present and directly readable for all expected
* compiler configurations; the rest is version-dependent.
* Try to keep this simple and fixed-size.
struct DexOptHeader
    u1 magic[8]; /* includes version number */

    u4 dexOffset; /* file offset of DEX header */
    u4 dexLength;
    u4 depsOffset; /* offset of optimized DEX dependency table */
    u4 depsLength;
    u4 optOffset; /* file offset of optimized data tables */
    u4 optLength;

    u4 flags; /* some info flags */
    u4 checksum; /* adler32 checksum covering deps/opt */

    /* pad for 64-bit alignment if necessary */

#define DEX_OPT_FLAG_BIG            (1<<1)  /* swapped to big-endian */

#define DEX_INTERFACE_CACHE_SIZE    128     /* must be power of 2 */

* Structure representing a DEX file.
* Code should regard DexFile as opaque, using the API calls provided here
* to access specific structures.
struct DexFile
    /* directly-mapped "opt" header */
    const DexOptHeader* pOptHeader;

    /* pointers to directly-mapped structs and arrays in base DEX */
    const DexHeader* pHeader;
    const DexStringId* pStringIds;
    const DexTypeId* pTypeIds;
    const DexFieldId* pFieldIds;
    const DexMethodId* pMethodIds;
    const DexProtoId* pProtoIds;
    const DexClassDef* pClassDefs;
    const DexLink* pLinkData;

    * These are mapped out of the "auxillary" section, and may not be
    * included in the file.
    const DexClassLookup* pClassLookup;
    const void* pRegisterMapPool; // RegisterMapClassPool

    /* points to start of DEX file data */
    const u1* baseAddr;

    /* track memory overhead for auxillary structures */
    int overhead;

    /* additional app-specific data structures associated with the DEX */
    //void*               auxData;

struct MemMapping
    void* addr; /* start of data */
    size_t length; /* length of data */

    void* baseAddr; /* page-aligned base address */
    size_t baseLength; /* length of mapping */

struct DvmDex
    /* pointer to the DexFile we're associated with */
    DexFile* pDexFile;

    /* clone of pDexFile->pHeader (it's used frequently enough) */
    const DexHeader* pHeader;

    /* interned strings; parallel to "stringIds" */
    struct StringObject** pResStrings;

    /* resolved classes; parallel to "typeIds" */
    struct ClassObject** pResClasses;

    /* resolved methods; parallel to "methodIds" */
    struct Method** pResMethods;

    /* resolved instance fields; parallel to "fieldIds" */
    /* (this holds both InstField and StaticField) */
    struct Field** pResFields;

    /* interface method lookup cache */
    struct AtomicCache* pInterfaceCache;

    /* shared memory region with file contents */
    bool isMappedReadOnly;
    MemMapping memMap;

    jobject dex_object;

    /* lock ensuring mutual exclusion during updates */
    pthread_mutex_t modLock;

struct JarFile
    u4* Nocare[9];
    char* cacheFileName;
    DvmDex* pDvmDex;

struct RawDexFile
    char* cacheFileName;
    struct DvmDex* pDvmDex; //DvmDex*

struct DexOrJar
    char* fileName;
    bool isDex;
    bool okayToFree;
    RawDexFile* pRawDexFile;
    JarFile* pJarFile;
    u1* pDexMemory; // malloc()ed memory, if any


LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE    := nativelib
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := nativelib.cpp

# 支持log日志打印需要加载链接的库    
LOCAL_LDLIBS += -L$(SYSROOT)/usr/lib -llog    


5.使用当前Xposed Hook工具进行某加固脱壳的测试结果。









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