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原创 C# type rebinding, very ngerful

C# type rebinding, a program demonstrating what I can figure out about simulating generic type rebinding in C# (which is so common in C++ programs), it may look stupid, but it really works as intended

2009-04-11 20:58:00 677 1

原创 MONO Malfunctions?

Here is a piece of code I wrote that fails in running when compiled by MONO. I checked it carefully according to the language specification I have known, and couldnt find any explanation for the fail

2009-03-19 22:49:00 644

原创 见鬼,结果还就这样了

原题:(CIA面试题?) (参考链接: http://club.pchome.net/topic_1_15_3420979_1__.html)两个人A和B玩游戏。方法是:A选定一个长度为3的正反序列“正反反”,B选定另一个不同的长度为3的正反序列正正反。现在开始反复丢一枚出现正反的可能性都是1/2的硬币,直到出现A或B选定的正反序列为止。谁的序列出现了,谁就是赢家。问A和B获胜的概率各是多少?

2009-03-02 22:39:00 713

原创 Android札记

这个标题的忧虑不无道理,虽然iphone和苹果的大部分做法确很令人反感,但是不得不说gphone和iphone鹿死谁手难以定论。http://news.csdn.net/n/20090224/123479.html 过两天有心情再详细谈谈Android。 

2009-02-24 21:00:00 575

原创 C# Learners - C# interface polymophism

i was writing a c# program this afternoon, it was no easy job. i found the interface mechanism was involved, which reminded me of the letter robbie had sent to me several weeks ago. it was about c# in

2009-02-22 14:48:00 648

原创 Releasing-request problem

/* .. One solution to the releasing-request problem */// this is a non-releasing routine requesting releasing routine_a(){    mutex_lock(mutex);    // ...    mutex_lock(mutex_r);   

2008-12-15 11:41:00 634

原创 《模式识别和机器学习》摘要和关键问题

ML 和 MAPML: argmax(p , p(x | p)) 。其中x是样本。如果参数p先验等概,于是根据Bayesian定理ML和MAP等价。        ML的方差低估(bias):        对Gaussian的参数计算ML,得到方差为sML = 1/N * sum(i, xi - uML)2        展开计算可得E(sML) = (N-1)s / N,其中s

2008-11-18 20:14:00 1499 2

原创 《机器学习》学习笔记

$4.4中有一个比较容易混淆的问题:即4.4.2和4.4.3,出现以下概念:1. Perceptron Training Rule2. Delta Rule其中最后的形式都是根据预测误差对输入网络的权重进行一个类似负反馈的调整,因而给人造成错觉,似乎两者是同一的。但是,文中清楚说明了他们的区别,即能否适用于线性不可分(Linearly Separable)网络。个人理解:首先,前者是对多个样本逐个

2008-11-01 12:04:00 1442 5

原创 POSIX Thread相关

1. 关于pthread_cond系列函数pthread_cond_wait的参数里有一个mutex,其作用往往令人费解。最近在考察OpenMAX系统发现这一部分的实现可能导致较大的风险。一般而言有了这个mutex以后对于cond实现一些增强的特性就比较方便。例如,如果要将cond用作semaphore,以下代码应该能起作用:sem_down(sem){    

2008-10-30 17:20:00 954

原创 OpenMAX大意(六) OpenMAX过滤器

    OpenMAX过滤器基类由OpenMAX直接继承,在omx_base_port.c中定义。    Filter组件含输入输出各一个端口。    Filter组件主要定义了BufferMgmtFunction方法,即Filter组件进行数据处理的通常行为。    函数主体是一个在OMX_StateIdle、OMX_StateExecuting或OMX_StatePause状态下,或OMX_T

2008-10-09 23:54:00 1524

原创 OpenMAX大意(五) OpenMAX端口

 OpenMAX端口基类在omx_base_port.c中定义。1. 端口构造和析构    端口常用的数据包括    sPortParam - 端口参数,包含:      nPortIndex - 端口索引      nBufferCountActual - 端口的缓冲个数      nBufferCountMin - 端口最小缓冲个数      bEnabled - 端口使能      bPop

2008-10-09 23:53:00 2587

原创 OpenMAX大意(四) OpenMAX组件

OpenMAX组件基类在omx_base_component.c中定义。1. 组件构造和析构   1) 构造函数 Constructor    基类构造函数为omx_base_component_Constructor    这是基于C方式的构造函数实现,其中openmaxStandComp->pComponentPrivate指针指向可能的私有数据。私有数据指针原型为omx_base_compo

2008-10-07 16:54:00 2737

原创 OpenMAX大意(一~三)

解析以OpenMAX非Tunneled为例,从应用线程开始。一、应用线程基本流程1. OMX_Init()2. 获取句柄,组件转到Loaded状态   OMX_GetHandle(out handle, in componentName, in appData, in callbacks);    其中callbacks结构包括三个回调函数指针(作用后文介绍):   1) EventHan

2008-10-07 13:49:00 4074

原创 Video profiles commonly used in low-bitrate circumstances

The following parameters are only for recommendation.These parameters always slip off my mind.Video chatting(QCIF)MPEG-4 Simple Profile, Level 0 (1object allowed at maximum). (up to 4-object a

2008-10-07 10:44:00 650

原创 How to write a simple Makefile

ENVDIR = (SOME PLACE)/ws     # the project environmentinclude    $(ENVDIR)/tpmakeenv   # predefinition by the environment# directory for output filesOS_OBJDIR = (SOME PLACE)/lib# directory for source

2008-10-07 09:50:00 653

原创 Element Picker (C#, Regular Expression)

The following code picks element from a text file according to the pattern specified.It is first used in collecting source file names from a vc project file in order to list them in a common makefile.

2008-10-06 15:46:00 611

原创 Tiny Tricky Code

1. SwappingThe following piece of code is what I discovered by a glance to what my deskmate was reading:It is about swapping and I think it can be applied to all kinds of data swapping if there is no

2008-09-27 21:49:00 627

原创 从Cygwin中取出MinGW for GCC

    Cygwin内含MinGW,于是就把原有的MinGW卸载了。但是由于某种原因(原因在最后介绍)gcc在Windows命令行下就不起作用了(运行后并不产生编译结果),即使Path设置正确。    采用掩蔽DLL的方法。将gcc放置于一个新建的文件夹,并运行,会出现缺失DLL,逐个加上这些DLL后能执行通过,但结果仍是无法产生输出文件。估计仍是有相关的DLL没有被链入。但是使用Dependen

2008-09-25 12:48:00 1127

原创 Topics on Discrete Mathematics

It is published as google doc:http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dc5txnhj_73cz9vssgn

2008-09-19 23:32:00 621

原创 H.264笔记之三——环路内滤波

    H.264环路内滤波顾名思义在编码侧开启后解码部分必须跟随开启,因此是该视频编码方案的不可分割的组成部分。    以下整理了Baseline情形下环路滤波的四种情形:    All cases that may exist for Baseline    Bs = 4: either is intra, MB edge    Bs = 3: either is intra, blo

2008-09-08 11:21:00 2559

原创 Error statistics

DateTypeDescriptionThe scale of the program by thenTime for Locating the problemTime for DebuggingRemarks2008-09-07InconsistencySQL string doesnt go with the data structure definitionthousands of lin

2008-09-07 15:08:00 723

原创 C++边边角角(二)

 #include struct Ex{    static int gId;    int id;    Ex(){id=gId++;printf("Ex()-id=%d/n",id);}    Ex(const Ex &e){id=gId++;printf("Ex(e)-id=%d,copy from %d/n", id, e.id);}    ~Ex(){printf("~Ex()-id=%

2008-09-05 01:54:00 715

原创 C++边边角角(一)

#include #include struct A{    int a;    int b;    int c;    A() {a=0; printf("A()/n");}    A(int _a) {a=_a;}    ~A() {printf("~A()/n");}    void *operator new[](unsigned int s)    // 无论如何 s传递的是大小,而

2008-09-05 01:30:00 665

原创 Simple Error Code Generation

The need of error code generation is growing in the field of communication. Both the imitation of real situation and the feasibility of the implementation are in the consideration. The simple Markov m

2008-08-03 13:52:00 667 1

原创 数学的永恒地位——又一个面试题

一个题目(据说又是一个面试题): 三个数的乘法:a*b*c,共有两种结合方式:(a*b)*c,a*(b*c) 四个数的乘法:a*b*c*d,共有五种结合方式:((a*b)*c)*c, (a*(b*c))*d, a*((b*c)*d), a*(b*(c*d)), (a*b)*(c*d) 写一个函数,参数是乘数的个数,返回值是用乘法结合律后可能的结合方式总数。(链接:http://topic.cs

2008-07-15 19:00:00 893 3

原创 Collision Detection Model, google code project

This collision detection module is straightforward in thinking like most of my works, but I take pleasure of it, and hope that I will have time to refine and expand it and apply it to some interesting

2008-06-27 22:03:00 972 1

原创 About Macro

C or C++ is a language that one can always tweak to dig out something helpful but graceless. Below is an example I recently used to solve the problem of one of my colleagues. I think it is not astound

2008-06-25 19:53:00 589 1

原创 Subtitle Resynchronizer (II)

It is revealed that this code doesnt worth the time I spent once it is done.The code of rangemap.h is not provided. It is the most unqualified for being part of the lib.#include #include #include #in

2008-06-06 00:07:00 631

原创 Subtitle Resynchronizer (I)

I found some of the movies I downloaded failed to have any perfectly matching subtitles that can be easily found online, so I have to use some of the closest. But using resync function of vobsub or so

2008-05-11 14:16:00 760

原创 SQlite, kickoff

Introduce the author first, the following information is provided by wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:D. Richard Hipp (born April 9, 1961) is best known on the internet as the architect and primary au

2008-04-22 23:50:00 868

原创 Simple MKV splitter

I finished off this task which was left a couple of weeks ago. This splitter, virtually a primitive parser,  draws recoginizable tracks out from MKV files, esp. helpful to get the subtitles. Reference

2008-04-20 03:23:00 1464 1

原创 Image Flattener

The code is to smooth out the JPEG artifacts on some digitized maps in order to facilitate the PNG compression. I finally decided to use some flood-style algorithm the result of which is somewhat sati

2008-04-16 23:55:00 838

原创 TopCoder Practices: PhoneNetwork

My 300-point answer to the 1000-point problem (TCO06 Championship Round). Incomplete solution, for only as much as 31-fold edge is allowed, which is below 50, the constraint of line number. About 1 we

2008-04-14 23:41:00 626

原创 TopCoder Practices: NotchedWoodBarsPuzzle

I cannot figure out any better solution, for the 500-point problem in practice room "TCO06 Championship Round. It marked the code I pasted below only 150 point, maybe it takes the time difference betw

2008-04-08 20:10:00 843

原创 TopCoder Practices: SkipList

Since topcoder reserves the proprietorship of the problem statement, I will not paste it here, and I do not have time and energy and see any necessity to reinterpret it.My answer, the proof of the cor

2008-04-06 14:22:00 763

原创 Difference Equation

M-order homogenous difference equation:sigma(m = 0 : M - 1, a[m] * x[n+m]) = 0 (... 1.1)can be represented bysigma(m = 0 : M - 2, a(1)[m] * x(1)[n+m]) = 0 (... 1.2),where x(1)[k] = a"[1]*x[k+1] + a[0]

2008-04-04 22:25:00 1288

原创 Issue List on T264

1. Interpolation (likely bug), detected and corrected.2. Deblocking (bug/incompatiblity), detected and verified. Solutions recommended: replacement by X264, JM, P264, ...

2008-04-04 16:58:00 659

原创 SQLite cominbed source file splitter

This program splits the combined version of SQLite source code. See http://www.sqlite.org/ or http://www.sqlite.org/download.html for more of SQLite.#include typedef enum{    Error = -1,    None = 0, 

2008-04-03 20:42:00 747

原创 The Old RegExp Matcher

This article contains mere code. Several header files are merged. The validity of the result is not guaranteed. Last updated on 3 Apr 2008./* ========== Beginning of "rgl_pars.h" ========== */ /** *

2008-04-02 01:24:00 918 2

原创 MB Probe

This article contains mere code./* * It is a standalone console application that reveals macroblock  * level information for YUV 4:2:0 QCIF raw video stream only. * It is generally used as a small too

2008-03-24 21:45:00 877

Windows 字体实例(小范作品)

小范(德德)创作的Fandecheng Sans Serif字体及相关第三方字体配置程序。



WPF自定义控件实例,可以多种不同模式(键盘按键,或不按键)多项选择项目的树列表(TreeView),原作者为和著作权归:Marzio Pattano,原链接地址:http://dotnetlearning.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/multi-selection-tree-view/


Objective C开发参考(英文)

Objective C语言。本人对其(无论是苹果产品、文化还是开发技术)不太感兴趣,对大部分用现代编程语言的人一开始会很不适应。但如果做苹果系统上的应用开发,则是必学技术。此书是基础语言部分。苹果的这想法面也有不少有意思的概念,如MVC架构,基于dynamic类型的message组件沟通机制,smalltalk对Objective-C的特性贡献以及Objective-C与C/C++的兼容性以及效率等,有望在这本书里有所介绍(不能确定)。多种因素该资源免资源分提供。


Pro Entity Framework

微软ORM框架Entity Framework的又一本经典参考书


Programming Entity Framework



SliDoc - PowerPoint文件(PPTX)文本内容萃取器(C#编写)

用于提取微软Office 2010 PowerPoint的PPTX文件的文本内容的小工具。 基于OpenXML的API。 只能用于最新的基于XML的PPTX文件,对老版本的PPT文件不适用。 供需要的用户使用以及需要学习OpenXML相关技术的同学学习。 在目录下已经附有一个可执行文件SliDoc.exe;如不能运行则需要用用Visual Studio 2010编译



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