
11 篇文章 0 订阅
4 篇文章 0 订阅

//  无向图的欧拉回路线性时间算法
//  by rappizit@yahoo.com.cn
//  2007-11-02

< vector >
< list >
< stack >
< algorithm >
< iostream >
using   namespace  std;

#define  pause system("pause")
typedef vector 
< int >  vi;
typedef list 
< int >  li;
typedef vector 
< li >  vli;

vi EulerCircle (vli G)
int  n  =  G.size ();
int  edge  =   0 ;
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  n; i  ++ )
int  degree  =  G [i].size ();
if  (degree  %   2   ||   ! degree)
return  vi ( 0 );
+=  degree;
    vi path (edge 
/   2   +   1 );
< int >  s;
int  p  =   0 , i  =   0 ;
do     {
if  (G [i].empty ())
do     {
                s.pop ();
                path [p 
++ =  i;
while  ( ! s.empty ()  &&  (i  =  s.top (), G [i].empty ()));
else     {
int  t  =   * (G [i].begin ());
            G [i].erase (G [i].begin ());
            G [t].erase (find (G [t].begin (), G [t].end (), i));
//  使用带有十字链接的双向邻接表可以常数时间地删除边 e(t, i)?!
            s.push (t);
=  t;
while  ( ! s.empty ());
return  path;

void  main ()
int  n, m;
>>  n  >>  m;
    vli G (n);
while  (m  -- )
int  u, v;
>>  u  >>  v;
        G [u].push_back (v);    
//  这里为了迎合书上的例子,每条无向边分两次输入
    vi path 
=  EulerCircle (G);
if  (path.size ())
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  path.size (); i  ++ )
<<  path [i]  <<   "   " ;
<<  endl;

采用邻接表存储,vector <list <int>> 类型。
1.如果某点的度数为奇数或零,则没有欧拉回路,返回空的 vector。
2.否则,从标号为 i = 0 的点开始。
3.如果 i 没有邻接点,那么堆栈中所有没有邻接点的点弹出到 vector path 中,如果堆栈非空则 i 赋值为栈顶元素。
  否则取 i 的第一个邻接点 t ,删除它们的边(要在 G 中的两处都删除)。将 t 压栈。i 赋值为 t 。
4.如果堆栈为空,返回 path,否则转 3。
算法时间复杂度为 O (E)。

7 20
0 1
0 2
0 5
0 6
1 0
1 2
2 0
2 3
2 4
2 1
3 4
3 2
4 6
4 5
4 3
4 2
5 4
5 0
6 4
6 0

0 6 4 2 3 4 5 0 2 1 0

First, the program adds the edge 0-1 to the tour and removes it from the adjacency lists (in two places) (top left, lists at left). Second, it adds 1-2 to the tour in the same way (left, second from top). Next, it winds up back at 0 but continues to do another cycle 0-5-4-6-0, winding up back at 0 with no more edges incident upon 0 (right, second from top). Then it pops the isolated vertices 0 and 6 from the stack until 4 is at the top and starts a tour from 4 (right, third from from top), which takes it to 3, 2, and back to 4, where upon it pops all the now-isolated vertices 4, 2, 3, and so forth. The sequence of vertices popped from the stack defines the Euler tour 0-6-4-2-3-4-5-0-2-1-0 of the whole graph.

First, the program adds the edge 0-1 to the tour and removes it from the adjacency lists (in two places) (top left, lists at left). Second, it adds 1-2 to the tour in the same way (left, second from top). Next, it winds up back at 0 but continues to do another cycle 0-5-4-6-0, winding up back at 0 with no more edges incident upon 0 (right, second from top). Then it pops the isolated vertices 0 and 6 from the stack until 4 is at the top and starts a tour from 4 (right, third from from top), which takes it to 3, 2, and back to 4, where upon it pops all the now-isolated vertices 4, 2, 3, and so forth. The sequence of vertices popped from the stack defines the Euler tour 0-6-4-2-3-4-5-0-2-1-0 of the whole graph.

Algorithms In Java, Part 5 Graph Algorithms , Chapter 17.7 / Java 算法(第 3 版,第 2 卷)——图算法,章节 17.7

PS:但是我是用 C++ 实现的^_^
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