Who are more intelligent, men or women

Who are more intelligent, men or women? I bet millions of people have millions of answers. Before answering this question, we should give the definition of intelligence. According to Collins dictionary, intelligence is the ability to think, reason, and understand instead of doing things automatically or by instinct. Although some studies of science have showed that men have slightly bigger brain size than women and men's IQs are up to five points higher than women’s. But considering the complexity of real world, in addition the criterion is far away applicable everywhere, in my opinion, the intelligence of a person does not link to the gender. Man can be intelligent and also women. Similarly, there are not a few stupid men in the world, stupid comes in all genders. Therefore both genders are intelligent on their own way. I will illustrate this on the following sections. Men have more adventurous spirit than women as to the unknown future. Great discovery, 15th century shipping pioneers, Columbus discovered the New World---America, comes from this characteristic. Men have more creative thinking than women as to the unknown object. Without this characteristic, Einstein didn’t found the theory of relativity. Men are good in logical reasoning skills. A good politician or lawyer must possess logical reasoning skill. Those are key characteristics to drive individual to success. That is why most entrepreneurs, politicians and scientists are male. For women the 'glass ceiling' phenomenon is probably due to those characteristics, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity. If we think those characteristics are exclusive ingredients of intelligence, we can quickly draw a conclusion that men are more intelligent than women. But we cannot curtly and simply bring to the conclusion. Now definitely, some women contradict with a question that is if men are so intelligent, why is the world in such a not good state? The coming next is a time to give some characteristics, which should be important ingredients of intelligence, that women have higher score than men. Women can think accurately. Women have higher language skill than men. Women are more diligent than men. Girls do better in school exams than boys. It seems like women are more intelligent than men. However, the recent study concluded that the faster maturing of girls leads to them outshining boys in the classroom. Up until late adolescence, the females have the advantage over males because they mature faster. There is an interesting phenomenon that women prefer men who are more intelligent than them for their husbands. Just as women prefer men who are taller than them, they also prefer a male who is a little ahead of them in IQ. Perhaps this is a reason man look more intelligent than woman in a family. Who are more intelligent, men or women? Both and neither.
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