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How to secure Android: 14 top tips for securing your phone or tablet

Securing your Android phone or Android tablet is more involved than adding a PIN lock (although you should certainly do that). Here we run through 14 ways you can keep Android secure, from dealing with app permissions to locking down apps, dealing with Android viruses and tracking down a stolen phone. 保护您的Android手机或Android平板电脑比添加PIN锁更有意义(尽管您当然应该这样做)。在这里,我们运行14种方式,你可以保持Android的安全,从处理应用程序的权限,锁定应用程序,处理Android病毒和跟踪被盗的手机。

1. Secure Android: Screen lock

Setting up a screen lock is the simplest way to protect Android when your phone or tablet falls into the wrong hands. These days you can set a PIN lock, pattern lock, password lock and, if your device supports it, a fingerprint or eye scanner lock. It’s so easy to do you really have no excuse. Head to Settings > Security > Screen lock to get started. 1.屏幕锁定

2. Secure Android: Lock individual apps & media

You can add an extra layer of protection to your apps by locking down those you really wouldn’t want to get into the wrong hands with an app such as App Lock. Not only does this let you toggle on and off a PIN lock for individual apps such as Facebook and Gmail, but it has a secure fault for hiding photos and video that shouldn’t be seen by prying eyes. Also see:How to password-protect Android apps.  2.锁定个别应用程式和媒体
您可以通过锁定那些真正不想通过App Lock等应用程序进入错误的手中,为您的应用程序添加额外的保护层。这不仅能让您为个别应用程式(例如Facebook和Gmail)切换开启或关闭PIN锁定功能,而且还会隐藏无法窥视的相片和影片。另请参阅:如何密码保护Android应用程序。

3. Secure Android: Keep the OS & apps up-to-date

Android- and app updates don’t just bring new features, but also bug fixes and patches to security vulnerabilities. You should ensure your apps are set to auto-update over Wi-Fi in Google Play’s Settings > General > Auto-update apps menu, and make sure you have have applied any new operating system updates in Settings > About Phone > System updates. Also see: How to update Android. 让操作系统和应用程式保持最新状态
Android和应用更新不仅带来了新功能,而且还提供了针对安全漏洞的错误修复和补丁。您应确保自己的应用在Google Play的设置>常规>自动更新应用菜单中设置为通过Wi-Fi自动更新,并确保您已在设置>关于手机>系统更新中应用了任何新的操作系统更新。另请参阅:如何更新Android。

4. Secure Android: Don’t download apps outside Google Play

By default your Android phone or tablet won’t let you sideload apps from anywhere other than the Google Play store, but it’s easy to get around this in Settings > Security > Device Administration > Unknown sources. Google has no control over apps outside its app store, so only those who really know what they’re doing should even think about sideloading, and doing so only from trusted sources. 请勿在Google Play以外下载应用程式
默认情况下,您的Android手机或平板电脑不会让您从Google Play商店以外的任何地方进行侧载,但在设置>安全>设备管理>未知来源中很容易解决此问题。 Google无法控制其应用程式商店以外的应用程式,因此只有真正了解使用者所做工作的使用者才应考虑使用侧载功能,而且只能从可靠的来源进行。

5. Secure Android: Manage app permissions

A benefit of downloading apps only from Google Play is that it will tell you which permissions an app requires before you install it. There is often a good reason for apps needing access to seemingly unrelated facilities on your phone, such as games that want to view your contacts (to allow you to compete against your friends) and messaging apps that want to access your camera (to allow you to send picture- and video messages). However, if you can think of no reason for an app needing a particular permission, don’t install it.

New in Android Marshmallow is the ability to manage app permissions and control what an app can and can’t do on your phone even after you’ve installed it. Should an app need a permission you haven’t granted, it will prompt you for permission before it does its thing. You’ll find App Permissions in Settings > Apps > App Permissions. Also see: How to use app permissions in Android Marshmallow.  管理应用程式权限
只从Google Play下载应用程式的好处是,在安装应用程式前,它会告诉您应用程式需要哪些权限。应用需要访问您手机上看似无关的设施,例如想要查看您的联系人的游戏(允许您与您的朋友竞争)以及想要访问您的相机的通讯应用(允许您发送图片和视频消息)。但是,如果您能想到应用程序需要特定权限的原因,请不要安装它。
Android Marshmallow的新功能是管理应用程序权限,并控制应用程序可以和不能在您的手机上做,即使安装它。如果应用程序需要您没有授予的权限,它会提示您获得权限,然后才能执行其操作。您会在设置>应用>应用权限中找到应用权限。还请参阅:如何使用Android Marshmallow中的应用程序权限。

6. Secure Android: Set up user accounts

Since Android Lollipop we’ve been able to set up multiple user accounts on tablets, and more recently on phones. If you are going to be sharing your device with another family member, a colleague or a friend, you can give them access to only the parts of your Android that you are willing to let them see. Set up user accounts in Settings > Users > Add User. Also see: How to set up parental controls on Android.设置用户帐户
自从Android Lollipop以来,我们已经能够在平板电脑上(最近在手机上)设置多个用户帐户。如果您要与其他家庭成员,同事或朋友共享您的设备,您可以授予他们只有您愿意让他们看到的您Android设备的部分。在设置>用户>添加用户中设置用户帐户。另请参阅:如何在Android上设置家长控制。

7. Secure Android: Be careful what information you share

We’ve often complained that people are sharing too much information on social media, such as publicising the fact they are going abroad for a week on Facebook and leaving their home vulnerable to burglars (don’t do that), but with Android you may find you’re sharing too much information with yourself.

Android uses the Chrome browser, which you may well also be using on your laptop or desktop PC. The ability to sync your bookmarks, passwords and more through a Google account (which is also tied and automatically logged into your email- and other Google accounts) is an awesome timesaver, but it could become an issue should you lose your phone or tablet or it gets into the wrong hands. All your logins, passwords and sensitive data within your emails will be available to whoever finds your Android device and knows where to look for that stuff.

You can control what data (particularly passwords) is stored by Chrome by launching the browser, tapping on the three-dot icon at the top right of the window, and choosing Settings > Basics > Save passwords. Also open the Settings menu in Chrome, tap on your account, then choose what data is synched.

Don’t forget Chrome’s Incognito mode, which lets you browse the web in privacy and won’t track you. Open a new Incognito tab from Chrome’s Settings menu. Also see: How to stop Google Search history on Android.  小心你分享的信息
您可以通过启动浏览器,点击窗口右上角的三点图标,然后选择设置>基本>保存密码,来控制Chrome存储的数据(特别是密码)。也可以在Chrome中打开“设置”菜单,点按您的帐户,然后选择要同步的数据。 不要忘记Chrome的隐身模式,它可让您以隐私权方式浏览网络,而不会跟踪您。 在Chrome的设置菜单中打开新的隐身标签页。 另请参阅:如何在Android上停止Google搜索记录。

8. Secure Android: Set up remote tracking & wiping

Android Device Manager is an excellent tool for tracking down and, if necessary, wiping a lost or stolen Android phone or tablet. It’s a free app for your phone or tablet from Google Play, but can also be accessed on any web browser in which you are signed into a Google account. Also see: How to find my phone and How to use Android Device Manager. 设置远程跟踪和擦除
Android设备管理器是一个很好的工具,用于跟踪,并在必要时擦除丢失或被盗的Android手机或平板电脑。这是Google Play的手机或平板电脑的免费应用程式,但也可以在您已登入Google帐户的任何网页浏览器上存取。另请参阅:如何找到我的手机和如何使用Android设备管理器。

9. Secure Android: Consider device insurance

Following on from the last tip, should your phone or tablet go walkies you don’t want to find yourself out of pocket. Given that some devices can cost over £600, it’s worth considering device insurance if losing your phone is something you tend to be rather good at.Insurance2Go offers smartphone insurance from £5.99 per month. 考虑设备保险

10. Secure Android: Back up Android

It’s not just the fact that our data might get into the wrong hands when our device is lost or stolen that it worrying - it’s also the fact it will no longer be in our hands. Backing up Android is essential, and in doing so you can tie everything to your Google account rather than a piece of hardware that could break at any point. Backing up Android also means things such as your photos and videos are accessible through any web browser signed into your Google account, and that next time you buy a new phone you won’t have to manually download and install all your favourite apps. Learn more about how to back up Android here. 备份Android
这不仅仅是我们的数据可能进入错误的手,当我们的设备丢失或被盗,它担心 - 这也是事实,它将不再在我们手中的事实。备份Android是至关重要的,因此,您可以将所有内容与Google帐户关联,而不是一个可能在任何时候中断的硬件。备份Android也意味着您的照片和视频等内容可以通过登录您的Google帐户的任何网络浏览器访问,下次购买新手机时,您不必手动下载和安装所有您喜爱的应用。进一步了解如何备份Android这里。

11. Secure Android: Dealing with Android viruses and malware

Android viruses are few and far between, and you’re more likely to find yourself in trouble by clicking on a dodgy link in Gmail or a text message and giving away too much personal information than you are to download a dodgy app. But it is possible. Some people like to install an antivirus app such as LookoutAvast or AVG Free, but we’re not yet at the point where that is strictly necessary and usually all you need do to avoid Android viruses is to stick to downloading apps only from Google Play. If you do think your phone or tablet may have contracted a virus, also see our guide on how to remove a virus from an Android phone or tablet. 处理Android病毒和恶意软件

12. Secure Android: Use secure Wi-Fi

Smartphones and tablets are mobile devices, which means we are as likely to use them in a cafe or pub as we are our own homes. Provided free Wi-Fi is available, of course. Just don’t fall into the trap of jumping on to an unsecured wireless network just so you can take advantage of a free internet connection when out and about - whoever is providing that ‘free’ internet connection may be taking a great deal more from you in return. 使用安全的Wi-Fi
智能手机和平板电脑是移动设备,这意味着我们可能在咖啡馆或酒吧使用它们,因为我们是我们自己的家。酒店提供免费无线网络连接。只是不要陷入跳到一个不安全的无线网络的陷阱,所以你可以利用一个免费的互联网连接时,外面和关于 - 谁提供免费的互联网连接可能会从你的很多更多作为回报。

13. Secure Android: Encrypt Android

Those wanting to secure their Android device will more than likely have spotted the encryption option in Settings > Security > Encryption. This scrambles all the data on the phone - apps, media and more - until you put in the decryption password, which you will need to do every time you turn it on. Encrypting and decrypting your data takes time, and for the majority of people it’s an unneccessary step that will simply slow things down. However, if your device contains extra-secure information, it’s a possibility you might like to consider. 加密Android
那些想要保护他们的Android设备的用户将更有可能在设置>安全>加密中发现了加密选项。这会扰乱手机上的所有数据 - 应用程序,媒体和更多 - 直到您输入解密密码,这将需要做每次你打开它。加密和解密你的数据需要时间,对于大多数人来说,这是一个不必要的步骤,只会减慢事情。但是,如果您的设备包含额外的安全信息,这可能是您可能需要考虑。

14. Secure Android: Use a secure messaging app

Where do your text messages go once they’ve left your phone, and can others snoop on them? That all depends on the service you are using. As of the beginning of April, popular instant messaging service WhatsApp now offers end-to-end encryption. Another secure messaging app often cited is Signal Private Messenger, which allows you to chat freely with your friends without its server being able to access your communication or data. Just keep in mind that any messages on your phone itself will still be visible to those who have physical access to it. 使用安全的通讯应用程序





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