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原创 Android Package and Manifest File

The Android project, sometimes also referred to as an Android package, is a collection of Java packages. Different Android packages can have the same Java package names, whereas the Android package na

2013-04-29 22:32:29 1218

原创 Creating Multiple APKs for Different GL Textures 创建多个APK给不同的GL结构

When developing your Android application to take advantage of multiple APKs on Google Play, it’s important to adopt some good practices from the get-go, and prevent unnecessary headaches further into

2013-04-28 12:53:24 1302

原创 Creating Multiple APKs for Different Screen Sizes 创建多个APKs为不同的屏幕尺寸

When developing your Android application to take advantage of multiple APKs on Google Play, it’s important to adopt some good practices from the get-go, and prevent unnecessary headaches further into

2013-04-28 12:52:37 952

原创 Creating Multiple APKs for Different API Levels 创建多个不同的API级别的APK

When developing your Android application to take advantage of multiple APKs on Google Play, it’s important to adopt some good practices from the get-go, and prevent unnecessary headaches further into

2013-04-28 12:51:32 1351

原创 Controlling the Camera 控制相机

Directly controlling a device camera requires a lot more code than requesting pictures or videos from existing camera applications. However, if you want to build a specialized camera application or so

2013-04-28 12:50:15 1149

原创 Recording Videos Simply 简单录制视频

Your application has a job to do, and integrating videos is only a small part of it. You want to take videos with minimal fuss, and not reinvent the camcorder. Happily, most Android-powered devices al

2013-04-28 12:49:28 1018

原创 Taking Photos Simply 简单地拍摄照片

Suppose you are implementing a crowd-sourced weather service that makes a global weather map by blending together pictures of the sky taken by devices running your client app. Integrating photos is on

2013-04-27 09:48:02 1490

原创 Adding an Easy Share Action 添加一个简单的共享行动

Implementing an effective and user friendly share action in your ActionBar is made even easier with the introduction ofActionProvider in Android 4.0 (API Level 14). An ActionProvider, once attache

2013-04-27 09:47:21 1118

原创 Receiving Content from Other Apps 接收来自其他应用程序的内容

Just as your application can send data to other applications, so too can it easily receive data from applications. Think about how users interact with your application, and what data types you want to

2013-04-27 09:46:04 963

原创 Sending Content to Other Apps 将内容发送到其他应用程序

When you construct an intent, you must specify the action you want the intent to "trigger." Android defines several actions, includingACTION_SEND which, as you can probably guess, indicates that the

2013-04-27 09:43:33 1274

原创 Creating a Custom Account Type 创建自定义帐户类型

So far we've talked about accessing Google APIs, which use accounts and users defined by Google. If you have your own online service, though, it won't have Google accounts or users, so what do you do?

2013-04-27 09:42:02 1317

原创 Authenticating to OAuth2 Services 验证OAuth2服务

In order to securely access an online service, users need to authenticate to the service—they need to provide proof of their identity. For an application that accesses a third-party service, the secur

2013-04-26 10:04:33 1192

原创 Remembering Your User 记住你的用户

Everyone likes it when you remember their name. One of the simplest, most effective things you can do to make your app more lovable is to remember who your user is—especially when the user upgrades to

2013-04-26 10:02:35 902

原创 Remaining Backward Compatible 保持向后兼容

The SearchView and action bar are only available on Android 3.0 and later. To support older platforms, you can fall back to the search dialog. The search dialog is a system provided UI that overlays o

2013-04-26 10:01:34 852

原创 Storing and Searching for Data 数据存储和搜索

There are many ways to store your data, such as in an online database, in a local SQLite database, or even in a text file. It is up to you to decide what is the best solution for your application. Thi

2013-04-26 10:00:34 910

原创 Setting Up the Search Interface 设置搜索界面

Beginning in Android 3.0, using the SearchView widget as an item in the action bar is the preferred way to provide search in your app. Like with all items in the action bar, you can define theSearch

2013-04-26 09:59:38 1125

原创 Optimizing the View 优化视图

Now that you have a well-designed view that responds to gestures and transitions between states, you need to ensure that the view runs fast. To avoid a UI that feels sluggish or stutters during playba

2013-04-26 09:58:32 853

原创 Making the View Interactive 视图互动

Drawing a UI is only one part of creating a custom view. You also need to make your view respond to user input in a way that closely resembles the real-world action you're mimicking. Objects should al

2013-04-20 15:21:01 1066

原创 Custom Drawing 自定义绘制

The most important part of a custom view is its appearance. Custom drawing can be easy or complex according to your application's needs. This lesson covers some of the most common operations.

2013-04-20 15:16:10 977

原创 Creating a View Class 创建一个视图类

A well-designed custom view is much like any other well-designed class. It encapsulates a specific set of functionality with an easy to use interface, it uses CPU and memory efficiently, and so forth.

2013-04-20 15:15:00 1263

原创 Manipulating Broadcast Receivers On Demand 按需操控广播接收

The simplest way to monitor device state changes is to create a BroadcastReceiver for each state you're monitoring and register each of them in your application manifest. Then within each of these rec

2013-04-20 15:13:56 923

原创 Determining and Monitoring the Connectivity Status 根据网络连接状况去省电

Some of the most common uses for repeating alarms and background services is to schedule regular updates of application data from Internet resources, cache data, or execute long running downloads. But

2013-04-20 15:12:37 884

原创 Determining and Monitoring the Docking State and Type 判断并监测设备的停驻状态与类型

Android devices can be docked into several different kinds of docks. These include car or home docks and digital versus analog docks. The dock-state is typically closely linked to the charging state a

2013-04-19 09:58:13 1017

原创 Monitoring the Battery Level and Charging State 监测电池电量和充电状态

When you're altering the frequency of your background updates to reduce the effect of those updates on battery life, checking the current battery level and charging state is a good place to start.

2013-04-19 09:57:06 1607

原创 Dealing with Audio Output Hardware 处理音频输出硬件设备

Users have a number of alternatives when it comes to enjoying the audio from their Android devices. Most devices have a built-in speaker, headphone jacks for wired headsets, and many also feature Blue

2013-04-19 09:55:50 910

原创 Managing Audio Focus 管理音频焦点

With multiple apps potentially playing audio it's important to think about how they should interact. To avoid every music app playing at the same time, Android uses audio focus to moderate audio playb

2013-04-19 09:54:06 1128

原创 Controlling Your App’s Volume and Playback 控制应用程序的音量和播放

A good user experience is a predictable one. If your app plays media it’s important that your users can control the volume of your app using the hardware or software volume controls of their device, b

2013-04-19 09:52:34 942

原创 Animating Layout Changes 动画布局的更改

A layout animation is a pre-loaded animation that the system runs each time you make a change to the layout configuration. All you need to do is set an attribute in the layout to tell the Android syst

2013-04-18 09:53:47 1076

原创 Zooming a View 缩放视图

If you want to jump ahead and see a full working example, download and run the sample app and select the Zoom example. See the following files for the code implementation:src/TouchHighlightImage

2013-04-18 09:52:45 1504

原创 Displaying Card Flip Animations 显示卡片翻转动画

If you want to jump ahead and see a full working example, download and run the sample app and select the Card Flip example. See the following files for the code implementation:src/CardFlipActivi

2013-04-18 09:51:47 1344

原创 Using ViewPager for Screen Slides 使用屏幕幻灯片ViewPager

Screen slides are transitions between one entire screen to another and are common with UIs like setup wizards or slideshows. This lesson shows you how to do screen slides with aViewPager provided by

2013-04-18 09:50:36 1242

原创 Crossfading Two Views 淡入淡出的两种观点

Crossfade animations (also know as dissolve) gradually fade out one UI component while simultaneously fading in another. This animation is useful for situations where you want to switch content or vie

2013-04-18 09:49:11 1065

原创 Implementing Adaptative UI Flows 实施自适应用户界面流程

Depending on the layout that your application is currently showing, the UI flow may be different. For example, if your application is in the dual-pane mode, clicking on an item on the left pane will s

2013-04-17 09:33:23 799

原创 Supporting Different Densities 支持各种屏幕密度

Use Density-independent PixelsOne common pitfall you must avoid when designing your layouts is using absolute pixels to define distances or sizes. Defining layout dimensions with pixels is a problem

2013-04-17 09:32:07 609

原创 Supporting Different Screen Sizes支持不同的屏幕尺寸

Use "wrap_content" and "match_parent"To ensure that your layout is flexible and adapts to different screen sizes, you should use"wrap_content" and"match_parent" for the width and height of some vi

2013-04-17 09:31:34 869 1

原创 Modifying your Download Patterns Based on the Connectivity Type

Use Wi-FiIn most cases a Wi-Fi radio will offer greater bandwidth at a significantly lower battery cost. As a result, you should endeavor to perform data transfers when connected over Wi-Fi whenever

2013-04-17 09:27:08 766

原创 Redundant Downloads are Redundant

The most fundamental way to reduce your downloads is to download only what you need. In terms of data, that means implementing REST APIs that allow you to specify query criteria that limit the returne

2013-04-17 09:26:38 913

原创 Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates

The optimal frequency of regular updates will vary based on device state, network connectivity, user behavior, and explicit user preferences.Optimizing Battery Life discusses how to build battery-ef

2013-04-16 17:14:29 662

原创 Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access

Using the wireless radio to transfer data is potentially one of your app's most significant sources of battery drain. To minimize the battery drain associated with network activity, it's critical that

2013-04-16 17:11:17 863

原创 Parsing XML Data

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a set of rules for encoding documents in machine-readable form. XML is a popular format for sharing data on the internet. Websites that frequently update their cont

2013-04-16 17:07:25 794





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