
VB code
' ******************************************************************************** ' ' Name.......... APIClass ' File.......... APIClass.cls ' Version....... 1.0.0 ' Dependencies.. kernel32.DLL ' Author........ Zhou Wen Xing<humanhome@126.com> ' Date.......... Apr, 17nd 2008 ' UpdateURL..... http://bbs.rljy.com/?m=vbAPIClass ' ' Copyright (c) 2008 by www.rljy.com ' Liuzhou city, China ' ' ******************************************************************************** Option Explicit ' ============================================================================== ' 数据类型定义 ' ============================================================================== Private Type VariableBuffer VariableParameter() As Byte End Type ' ============================================================================== ' API 函数声明 ' ============================================================================== Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib " kernel32 " Alias " LoadLibraryA " (ByVal lpLibFileName As String ) As Long Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib " kernel32 " (ByVal hModule As Long , ByVal lpProcName As String ) As Long Private Declare Function CallWindowProc Lib " user32 " Alias " CallWindowProcA " (ByVal lpPrevWndFunc As Long , ByVal hwnd As Long , ByVal Msg As Long , ByVal wParam As Long , ByVal lParam As Long ) As Long Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib " kernel32 " (ByVal hLibModule As Long ) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib " kernel32 " Alias " RtlMoveMemory " (lpDest As Any, lpSource As Any, ByVal cBytes As Long ) ' ============================================================================== ' 成员定义 ' ============================================================================== ' 类中的全局变量 Private m_opIndex As Long Private m_OpCode() As Byte ' ******************************************************************************** ' ** 作 者 : 人类(Supermanking) ' ** 函 数 名 : ExecuteAPI ' ** 输 入 : LIBPath(String) - 刷新的目标窗口句柄,可为0 ' ** : APIScript(String) - 场景图像的宽度 ' ** 返 回 : (Long) - 返回零表示失败,非零表示成功 ' ** 功能描述 : 动态执行类库里的API函数 ' ** 创建日期 : 2008-04-17 ' ** 修 改 人 : ' ** 修改日期 : ' ** 版 本 : Version 1.0.0 ' ******************************************************************************** Public Function ExecuteAPI(LIBPath As String , APIScript As String ) As Long Dim hProcAddress As Long , hModule As Long , x As Long , y As Long Dim RetLong As Long , FunctionName As String , FunctionParameter As String Dim LongCount As Long , StringInfo As String , StrByteArray() As VariableBuffer Dim StringSize As Long , ByteArray() As Byte , IsHaveParameter As Boolean Dim ParameterArray() As String , OutputArray() As Long StringSize = 0 ReDim StrByteArray(StringSize) ' 识别函数名称 RetLong = InStr ( 1 , APIScript, " " , vbTextCompare) If RetLong = 0 Then ' 没有参数的函数 FunctionName = APIScript IsHaveParameter = False Else ' 带参数的函数 FunctionName = Left (APIScript, RetLong - 1 ) IsHaveParameter = True ' 识别函数参数 FunctionParameter = Right (APIScript, Len (APIScript) - RetLong) ' 分析函数参数 ParameterArray = Split (FunctionParameter, " , " ) ' 初始化函数内存大小 ReDim OutputArray( UBound (ParameterArray)) ' 格式化函数参数 For x = 0 To UBound (ParameterArray) If IsNumeric ( Trim (ParameterArray(x))) = True Then LongCount = CLng ( Trim (ParameterArray(x))) OutputArray(x) = LongCount Else StringInfo = Mid ( Trim (ParameterArray(x)), 2 , Len (ParameterArray(x)) - 3 ) If Len (StringInfo) = 0 Then OutputArray(x) = CLng (VarPtr( Null )) Else ReDim Preserve StrByteArray(StringSize) ByteArray = StrConv(StringInfo, vbFromUnicode) ReDim Preserve StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter( UBound (ByteArray) + 1 ) CopyMemory StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter( 0 ), ByteArray( 0 ), UBound (ByteArray) + 1 OutputArray(x) = CLng (VarPtr(StrByteArray(StringSize).VariableParameter( 0 ))) StringSize = StringSize + 1 End If End If Next x ReDim m_OpCode( 400 + 6 * UBound (OutputArray)) ' 保留用来写m_OpCode End If ' 读取API库 hModule = LoadLibrary(ByVal LIBPath) If hModule = 0 Then ExecuteAPI = 0 ' Library 读取失败 Exit Function End If ' 取得函数地址 hProcAddress = GetProcAddress(hModule, ByVal FunctionName) If hProcAddress = 0 Then ExecuteAPI = 0 ' 函数读取失败 FreeLibrary hModule Exit Function End If If IsHaveParameter = True Then ' 带参数的情况在此执行 ExecuteAPI = CallWindowProc(GetCodeStart(hProcAddress, OutputArray), 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) Else ' 不带参数的情况在此执行 ExecuteAPI = CallWindowProc(hProcAddress, 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ) End If ' 释放库空间 FreeLibrary hModule End Function Private Function GetCodeStart(ByVal lngProc As Long , arrParams() As Long ) As Long Dim lngIndex As Long , lngCodeStart As Long lngCodeStart = (VarPtr(m_OpCode( 0 )) Or & HF) + 1 m_opIndex = lngCodeStart - VarPtr(m_OpCode( 0 )) For lngIndex = 0 To m_opIndex - 1 m_OpCode(lngIndex) = Next lngIndex For lngIndex = UBound (arrParams) To 0 Step - 1 AddByteToCode AddLongToCode arrParams(lngIndex) Next lngIndex AddByteToCode AddLongToCode lngProc - VarPtr(m_OpCode(m_opIndex)) - 4 AddByteToCode AddByteToCode AddByteToCode GetCodeStart = lngCodeStart End Function Private Sub AddLongToCode(lData As Long ) CopyMemory m_OpCode(m_opIndex), lData, 4 m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 4 End Sub Private Sub AddIntToCode(iData As Integer ) CopyMemory m_OpCode(m_opIndex), iData, 2 m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 2 End Sub Private Sub AddByteToCode(bData As Byte ) m_OpCode(m_opIndex) = bData m_opIndex = m_opIndex + 1 End Sub

VB code
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim API As New APIClass Dim APIScript As String ' 最简单的调用API函数 APIScript = " MessageBoxA 0, ""这是动态调用API函数显示的MSGBOX内容,下面将要在作面画一笔。"", ""API信息提示"", 0 " API.ExecuteAPI " C:/WINDOWS/system32/user32.dll " , APIScript ' =============在作面画画============ Dim DesktophWnd As Long , DesktophDC As Long ' 取得桌面窗口句柄 DesktophWnd = API.ExecuteAPI( " C:/WINDOWS/system32/user32.dll " , " GetDesktopWindow " ) ' 取得桌面窗口设备句柄 DesktophDC = API.ExecuteAPI( " C:/WINDOWS/system32/user32.dll " , " GetWindowDC " & DesktophWnd) ' 在作面设备上画一条线 API.ExecuteAPI " C:/WINDOWS/system32/gdi32.dll " , " LineTo " & DesktophDC & " , " & Screen.Width / 15 & " , " & Screen.Height / 15 End Sub




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