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原创 开发SparkStreaming消费Kafka的应用要注意OutOfMemoryError

这里写自定义目录标题遇到的问题新的改变功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入遇到的问题其他部门的同事开发了一个SparkStreaming消费Kafka数据的应用,运行了一个多月后,不能消费数据了,但是应用在Yarn上

2021-03-07 23:38:26 309 1

原创 采用Ansible配置集群节点

采用Ansible配置ssh和jdkAnsible简介安装Ansible配置ssh和jdk1. 创建Ansible配置文件ansible.cfghostsvars/main.ymljdk.ymlssh.yml运行Ansible命令配置集群ssh配置集群jdkAnsible简介Ansible 是基于 Python 语言开发的,主流的自动化运维管理工具,其余的工具还有Puppet和Saltstack。Ansible只需要在一台普通的服务器上运行即可,不需要在客户端服务器上安装客户端。因为 Ansible

2020-06-27 16:02:57 944

原创 Hive修改分区表的分区列类型

alter table <表名> partition column (<分区列1> <新类型>);alter table <表名> partition column (<分区列2> <新类型>);如果有多个分区列的类型需要修改,则需要一个一个修改,不能一起修改...

2020-05-20 10:07:10 4375

原创 CDH集成Kafka时配置的版本问题

CDH集成Kafka时配置的版本问题问题原因解决方法问题当提交使用了Kafka的Spark应用到CDH集群时,抛出异常如下2020-01-27 11:33:48,289 ERROR [TestApp] - java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer.subscribe(Ljava/u...

2020-01-29 23:52:30 1692 2

原创 解决提交SparkStreaming应用读取启用了Kerberos的Kafka中数据的问题

集群版本:CDH: 5.14.2Kafka:1.0.1-kafka-3.1.1Spark:2.3.0遇到的问题 1:SparkStreaming读取Kafka数据时抛出jaas.conf文件不存在的错误jaas.conf文件的内容KafkaClient { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required debug=...

2019-11-08 10:29:07 2703 6

原创 Spark UI的Executors页面中有Executor显示Dead

问题:提交一个Spark Job,在Spark UI中,显示部分Executor为Dead状态,而Dead的Executor的Failed Tasks为0查找问题原因:查看Dead Executor的stderr日志在Executor Shutdown前,只有一个ErrorERROR executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend: RECEIVED S...

2019-09-17 16:32:12 4120 2

原创 Spark RDD缓存操作的小坑

今天发现了RDD缓存时的一个小坑,百度没有多少关于这个坑的介绍,也许是太简单了。不过我还是写下来,免得自己以后再被陷进去。在Spark-shell中运行这样的代码val rdd=sc.textFile("/zhangyan/result20190822.txt").map(x=>{(x.substring(0,25), x)}).cacherdd.take(20)然后,删除...

2019-09-11 17:35:45 720 1

原创 Flume1.7及以上版本的Kafka Sink batchsize(flumeBatchSize) 配置问题

Flume1.6的Kafka Sink参数中的batchSize属性在Flume1.7以后,变成了flumeBatchSize(应该是为了区分Kafka Producer的batch.size参数)。在flume-ng-1.6.0-cdh5.14.4中Kafka Sink也使用 flumeBatchSize 参数。flumeBatchSize的作用How many messages to p...

2019-03-28 18:49:22 6537

原创 利用Spark2.2.0源码编译生成适合于CDH5.14.4的Spark包

1. 不使用预编译版本安装包的原因:因为开源版本的组件如Hadoop、HBase、flume等等配合使用时可能会有jar包的冲突,所以下载相应的CDH版本进行安装。因为Spark的预编译版本如 spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz,可能存在小版本的兼容问题。所以下载Spark2.2的源码,然后进行编译安装。2....

2019-03-14 10:37:55 539

原创 Oozie启动作业遇到的坑

基于Kerberos权限认证对利用Oozie启动作业环境Oozie启动作业的命令(启动的是Oozie的官方examples)运行oozie命令,运行 examples中的job查看oozie web UI要改变运行Job的User环境CDH-5.14.2Oozie启动作业的命令(启动的是Oozie的官方examples)在系统中找到 oozie-examples.tar.gz,加压缩后出现...

2019-02-28 16:19:45 2328

转载 2--MySQL安装

#安装配置mysqlyum install mysql-serverservice mysqld startnetstat -nplt | grep 3306#开机启动chkconfig mysqld onchkconfig --list mysqld#创建用户CREATE USER 'hadoop'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'hadoop'; CREATE ...

2018-08-22 09:48:35 115

转载 Hbase列族数量限制思考

Hbase列族数量限制思考文章出处 https://my.oschina.net/nk2011/blog/796715Hbase官方文档中写明,目前列族数量最优不超过3个。先看Hbase的存储结构 每个 RegionServer 包含多个 Region,每个 Region 包含多个Store,每个 Store 包含一个 MemStore 和多个 StoreFile。在 Hbase...

2018-07-12 09:33:03 4096

转载 1--zookeeper安装

1. 解压2. 配置data、log、out路径和server3. 创建目录4. 复制zookeeper到其他节点5. 配置环境变量6. 逐个启动验证

2018-07-11 13:14:38 159

转载 6--安装Hbase 1.2.4

1. 解压tar -xf Downloads/hbase-1.2.4-bin.tar.gz -C ~/2. hbase-env.shexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8/export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false    # Tell HBase whether it should manage it's own instance o

2018-07-11 11:37:54 319

原创 线性可分支持向量机最大间隔唯一性证明

线性可分支持向量机最大间隔唯一性证明《统计学习方法》定理7.1中 唯一性的证明:假设问题(7.13)~(7.14)存在两个最优解(w∗1,b∗1w1∗,b1∗w^*_1, b^*_1)和(w∗2,b∗2w2∗,b2∗w^*_2, b^*_2),则 w∗1和w∗2w1∗和w2∗w^*_1和w^*_2的长度相同,即 ||w∗1||=||w∗2||=c||w1∗||=||w2∗||=c||w^*...

2018-04-20 17:27:36 1563 2

转载 《机器学习》周志华——勘误表

原贴地址是: http://cs.nju.edu.cn/zhouzh/zhouzh.files/publication/MLbook2016.htm对数学公式的Latex代码进行转换(第一版第25次印刷, 2018年3月): p.39, 最后一行:”[−∞,[−∞,[-\infty,” –&gt; “(−∞,(−∞,(-\infty,”,”,∞],∞], \infty]” –...

2018-03-26 14:57:23 1739 3

原创 8--安装kafka_2.10-集群(三个节点)

1. tar –zxvf kafka_2.10- 配置(config/server.properties)1) master 节点上broker.id=0zookeeper.connect=master:2181listeners=PLAINTEXT://master:9092advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:

2017-08-12 01:17:01 932 1

原创 3--安装Hadoop 2.7.3

1. 解压tar -xf hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz 2.创建目录3. 修改配置文件的JAVA_HOME4. 配置core-site.xml5. 配置hdfs-site.xml6. 编辑mapred-site.xml7. 编辑yarn-site.xml8. 编辑slaves9. 复制到其他节点10.配置各节点环境变量11.集群启动1)

2017-08-09 14:25:08 686

转载 Spark累加器

Accumulator(累加器, 计数器)类似于MapReduce中的counter, 将数据从一个节点发送到其他各个节点上去;通常用于监控, 调试, 记录符合某类特征的数据数目等累加器在Driver端被读取,使用的是 Accumulator.value累加器在Executor端被读取,使用的是 Accumulator.localValue,获取的是Executor本地的值。Exe...

2017-04-10 11:07:53 2884 4

转载 Spark常用函数之Action操作

1.reduce(func):通过函数func先聚集各分区的数据集,再聚集分区之间的数据,func接收两个参数,返回一个新值,新值再做为参数继续传递给函数func,直到最后一个元素 2.collect():以数据的形式返回数据集中的所有元素给Driver程序,为防止Driver程序内存溢出,一般要控制返回的数据集大小 3.count():返回数据集元素个数

2017-04-09 19:01:06 605 1

转载 Spark常用函数之键值RDD转换


2017-04-09 18:57:43 552

转载 Spark常用函数之RDD基本转换

原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/MOBIN/p/5373256.html0. filterRDD1经过filter过滤,转换成RDD2,但RDD2和RDD1的分区数是一样的,只不过RDD2的有些分区没有数据filter只会影响分区内数据的变化,不会影响分区数的变化基础转换操作: 1.map(func):数据集中

2017-04-09 18:46:40 458

转载 Spark算子:统计RDD分区中的元素及数量

原文地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/seaspring/articles/5641895.html//创建一个RDD,默认分区15个,因为我的spark-shell指定了一共使用15个CPU资源//–total-executor-cores 15scala> var rdd1 = sc.makeRDD(1 to 50)rdd1: org.ap

2017-04-08 19:24:02 3155

转载 Spark程序设计—创建初始RDD

有几种创建初始 RDD 的方式:1. 通过Scala 集合创建 RDD使用SparkContext的parallelize方法,为Scala集合的数据指定分片数,存储到内存中。例如:sc.parallelize(List(1,2,3), 2);//对List(1, 2, 3)进行并行化, 并行度为2(把scala的Seq序列,分为2片)2. 通过读取本地文件或HDFS

2017-04-08 18:41:23 448

转载 转:Spark的运行架构分析(二)之运行模式详解

原文链接:http://blog.csdn.net/gamer_gyt/article/details/51833681在上一篇博客  spark的运行架构分析(一)中我们有谈到Spark的运行模式是多种多样的,那么在这篇博客中我们来具体谈谈Spark的运行模式一:Spark On Local    此种模式下,我们只需要在安装Spark时不进行Hadoop和Yarn的环境配置

2017-04-06 08:20:35 458

转载 转:Spark的运行架构分析(一)之架构概述

原文链接:http://m.blog.csdn.net/article/details?id=518227651:Spark的运行模式2:Spark中的一些名词解释3:Spark的运行基本流程4:RDD的运行基本流程一:Spark的运行模式        Spark的运行模式多种多样,灵活多变,部署在单机上时,既可以用本地模式运行,也可以

2017-04-06 08:19:06 515

原创 运行Spark程序

spark-submit --master local --class demo.SparkPi SparkDemo/target/SparkDemo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar基本运行方式  spark-submit --master local/yarn-client/yarn-cluster 类名 jar包路径

2017-04-05 11:09:39 411

原创 Maven使用

1. 在Maven pom.xml中加入                 有各自的sdk和编译器,所以需要专门的maven插件来处理scala的编译 -->           org.scala-tools       maven-scala-plugin       2.15.2                              

2017-04-05 10:54:07 667

原创 Yarn运行Mapreduce程序的工作原理

第 1 步:Client执行main()函数中run job(),开启作业 通过submit或者waitForCompletion提交作业,waitForCompletion()方法通过每秒循环轮转作业进度,如果发现与上次报告有改变,则将进度报告发送到控制台。其实waitForComplection()方法中还是调用submit()方法。第 2 步:client向RM发送作业请求同时RM将作业id

2017-04-04 19:31:23 2443

原创 201611月课程day14的Spark问题

输入目录大小为1GB, spark为何产生了8个或100个任务? Spark程序的Reduce task为何是200个, 如何减小?   Spark如何访问hbase?Spark cache如何使用?

2017-04-04 18:14:13 244

原创 Spark号称“内存计算框架” , 它将所有数据写 到内存吗?


2017-04-04 14:45:35 2155

转载 Spark在任何情况下均比MapReduce高效吗?


2017-04-04 14:44:06 4600

转载 Spark RDD的缓存 rdd.cache() 和 rdd.persist()

RDD的缓存级别顺便看一下RDD都有哪些缓存级别,查看 StorageLevel 类的源码:object StorageLevel { val NONE = new StorageLevel(false, false, false, false) val DISK_ONLY = new StorageLevel(true, false, false, false) val DISK_ON

2017-04-04 01:16:02 13137

原创 HDFS读写文件的过程

HDFS写入流程 1、 使用HDFSᨀ供的客户端Client, 向远程的Namenode发起RPC请求 2、 Namenode会检查要创建的文件是否已经存在, 创建者是否有权限进行操作, 成功则会为文件创建一个记录, 否则会让客户端抛出异常; 3、 当客户端开始写入文件的时候, 客户端会将文件切分成多个packets, 并在内部以数据队列“data queue( 数据队列) ”的形式管理这些p

2017-04-03 14:34:14 8013

转载 转--Storm的ack机制

原文可参见:http://www.tuicool.com/articles/jeqYryJhttp://blog.csdn.net/endlu/article/details/52151967一、Storm消息可靠性Tuple树在Storm的一个Topology中,Spout通过 SpoutOutputCollector 的emit()方法发射一个t

2017-02-13 15:04:07 367

原创 如何本地调试Storm topology

1. 在Main程序中,要使用 LocalCluster提交topologyLocalCluster cluster = new LocalCluster();cluster.submitTopology("word-count", conf, builder.createTopology());Thread.sleep(10000);cluster.shutdown

2017-02-09 16:16:16 3393

转载 8--安装storm 0.9.6

1. 解压: tar -xf Downloads/apache-storm-0.9.6.tar.gz -C ./2. 创建 data 路径cd apache-storm-0.9.6/mkdir data3. 配置环境变量vim ~/.bash_profileexport STORM_HOME=/home/zkpk/storm-0.9.7exp

2017-02-08 10:33:32 581

原创 For循环

1. 枚举集合类for(file for(i for(i scala> for( i ) println(i+":"+j)  //嵌套枚举1:11:22:12:23:13:2for{ i    j } println(i+":"+j)2. 过滤for(file  println(file)for(file

2017-01-21 13:54:12 225

原创 Map的使用

Map和Set一样采用了类继承机制提供可变的和不可变的两种版本的Map。同样可以使用Array、List、Set同样的工厂方法构造和初始化scala> var m2=Map[Int,String]()m2: scala.collection.immutable.Map[Int,String] = Map()scala> m2+=(10->"Ten")  #10->"Ten"相当于1

2017-01-20 10:59:33 195

原创 Set的使用

对于Set,Scala有可变和不可变两种类型,不过并非对于各种Set各提供可变与不可变两种类型,而是通过类继承的差别把可变性差异蕴含其中。例如,示例:1. 不可变Setscala> var s1=Set("1","2")s1: scala.collection.immutable.Set[String] = Set(1, 2)  #调用Set伴生对象的apply工厂方法

2017-01-20 10:40:00 235

深入理解Redis 中文版(带完整标签的高清版)

本书以由浅入深、由原理到应用场景的方式介绍了Redis 这款NoSQL 数据库产品。书中不仅细致地讲解了Redis 中的数据结构及流行的使用模式,还针对Redis 键的设计和管理,以及内存管理提出了建设性的方案。同时,作者深入Redis 源码,将其内部构造通过源代码调试的方式进行呈现。本书适合有一定NoSQL 经验的开发者或者架构师阅读。读者可以从书中找到许多应用场景和解决方案,例如Docker 部署、Redis 消息队列、基于Redis 的ETL 应用和基于Redis 的机器学习等。


Apache Kafka实战 高清PDF(带完整的目录标签)

基于Apache Kafka 1.0.0版本介绍,Kafka Contributor执笔。包括Kafka基本概念与特性以及部署、开发、运营、监控、调试、优化以及重要组件的设计原理,并给出了翔实的案例。



书签完整,并且划分了书签的结构层级。 《HBase应用架构》主要针对那些架构师及开发人员而设计,希望他们能更好地理解大数据应用程序的部署。在这之前,你应该具备基本的Hadoop知识,包括所需组件的设置以及成功安装过Hadoop集群,我们不会在Hadoop的配置或NodeManager功能上花费时间。阅读本书的架构师不需要有一个完整的Java 知识,但必须充分了解部署章节的内容。



耿嘉安新著。带完整标签。 多位专家联袂推荐,360大数据专家撰写,剖析Spark 2.1.0架构与实现精髓。细化到方法级,提炼出多个流程图,立体呈现架构、环境、调度、存储、计算、部署、API七大核心设计。


利用Python进行数据分析 标签重置版



Servlets和JSP核心技术 卷2(英文版) 第二部分

没办法,文件超出上传20M限制 Servlets和JSP核心技术 卷2 内容还是很详细的,看过卷1的人可以继续用这本书深造,呵呵 目录: Chapter 1. Using and Deploying Web Applications Section 1.1. Purpose of Web Applications Section 1.2. Structure of Web Applications Section 1.3. Registering Web Applications with the Server Section 1.4. Development and Deployment Strategies Section 1.5. The Art of WAR: Bundling Web Applications into WAR Files Section 1.6. Building a Simple Web Application Section 1.7. Sharing Data Among Web Applications Chapter 2. Controlling Web Application Behavior with web.xml Section 2.1. Purpose of the Deployment Descriptor Section 2.2. Defining the Header and the Root Element Section 2.3. The Elements of web.xml Section 2.4. Assigning Names and Custom URLs Section 2.5. Disabling the Invoker Servlet Section 2.6. Initializing and Preloading Servlets and JSP Pages Section 2.7. Declaring Filters Section 2.8. Specifying Welcome Pages Section 2.9. Designating Pages to Handle Errors Section 2.10. Providing Security Section 2.11. Controlling Session Timeouts Section 2.12. Documenting Web Applications Section 2.13. Associating Files with MIME Types Section 2.14. Configuring JSP Pages Section 2.15. Configuring Character Encoding Section 2.16. Designating Application Event Listeners Section 2.17. Developing for the Clustered Environment Section 2.18. J2EE Elements Chapter 3. Declarative Security Section 3.1. Form-Based Authentication Section 3.2. Example: Form-Based Authentication Section 3.3. BASIC Authentication Section 3.4. Example: BASIC Authentication Section 3.5. Configuring Tomcat to Use SSL Section 3.6. WebClient: Talking to Web Servers Interactively Section 3.7. Signing a Server Certificate Chapter 4. Programmatic Security Section 4.1. Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security Section 4.2. Example: Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security Section 4.3. Handling All Security Programmatically Section 4.4. Example: Handling All Security Programmatically Section 4.5. Using Programmatic Security with SSL Section 4.6. Example: Programmatic Security and SSL Chapter 5. Servlet and JSP Filters Section 5.1. Creating Basic Filters Section 5.2. Example: A Reporting Filter Section 5.3. Accessing the Servlet Context from Filters Section 5.4. Example: A Logging Filter Section 5.5. Using Filter Initialization Parameters Section 5.6. Example: An Access Time Filter Section 5.7. Blocking the Response Section 5.8. Example: A Prohibited-Site Filter Section 5.9. Modifying the Response Section 5.10. Example: A Replacement Filter Section 5.11. Example: A Compression Filter Section 5.12. Configuring Filters to Work with RequestDispatcher Section 5.13. Example: Plugging a Potential Security Hole Section 5.14. The Complete Filter Deployment Descriptor Chapter 6. The Application Events Framework Section 6.1. Monitoring Creation and Destruction of the Servlet Context Section 6.2. Example: Initializing Commonly Used Data Section 6.3. Detecting Changes in Servlet Context Attributes Section 6.4. Example: Monitoring Changes to Commonly Used Data Section 6.5. Packaging Listeners with Tag Libraries Section 6.6. Example: Packaging the Company Name Listeners Section 6.7. Recognizing Session Creation and Destruction Section 6.8. Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions Section 6.9. Watching for Changes in Session Attributes Section 6.10. Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders Section 6.11. Identifying Servlet Request Initialization and Destruction Section 6.12. Example: Calculating Server Request Load Section 6.13. Watching Servlet Request for Attribute Changes Section 6.14. Example: Stopping Request Frequency Collection Section 6.15. Using Multiple Cooperating Listeners Section 6.16. The Complete Events Deployment Descriptor Chapter 7. Tag Libraries: The Basics Section 7.1. Tag Library Components Section 7.2. Example: Simple Prime Tag Section 7.3. Assigning Attributes to Tags Section 7.4. Example: Prime Tag with Variable Length Section 7.5. Including Tag Body in the Tag Output Section 7.6. Example: Heading Tag Section 7.7. Example: Debug Tag Section 7.8. Creating Tag Files Section 7.9. Example: Simple Prime Tag Using Tag Files Section 7.10. Example: Prime Tag with Variable Length Using Tag Files Section 7.11. Example: Heading Tag Using Tag Files Chapter 8. Tag Libraries: Advanced Features Section 8.1. Manipulating Tag Body Section 8.2. Example: HTML-Filtering Tag Section 8.3. Assigning Dynamic Values to Tag Attributes Section 8.4. Example: Simple Looping Tag Section 8.5. Assigning Complex Objects as Values to Tag Attributes Section 8.6. Example: Table Formatting Tag Section 8.7. Creating Looping Tags Section 8.8. Example: ForEach Tag Section 8.9. Creating Expression Language Functions Section 8.10. Example: Improved Debug Tag Section 8.11. Handling Nested Custom Tags Section 8.12. Example: If-Then-Else Tag Chapter 9. JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) Section 9.1. Installation of JSTL Section 9.2. c:out Tag Section 9.3. c:forEach and c:forTokens Tags Section 9.4. c:if Tag Section 9.5. c:choose Tag Section 9.6. c:set and c:remove Tags Section 9.7. c:import Tag Section 9.8. c:url and c:param Tags Section 9.9. c:redirect Tag Section 9.10. c:catch Tag Chapter 10. The Struts Framework: Basics Section 10.1. Understanding Struts Section 10.2. Setting Up Struts Section 10.3. The Struts Flow of Control and the Six Steps to Implementing It Section 10.4. Processing Requests with Action Objects Section 10.5. Handling Request Parameters with Form Beans Section 10.6. Prepopulating and Redisplaying Input Forms Chapter 11. The Struts Framework: Doing More Section 11.1. Using Properties Files Section 11.2. Internationalizing Applications Section 11.3. Laying Out Pages with Tiles Section 11.4. Using Tiles Definitions Chapter 12. The Struts Framework: Validating User Input Section 12.1. Validating in the Action Class Section 12.2. Validating in the Form Bean Section 12.3. Using the Automatic Validation Framework Developing Applications with Apache Ant Section A.1. Summarizing the Benefits of Ant Section A.2. Installing and Setting Up Ant Section A.3. Creating an Ant Project Section A.4. Reviewing Common Ant Tasks Section A.5. Example: Writing a Simple Ant Project Section A.6. Using Ant to Build a Web Application Section A.7. Example: Building a Web Application Section A.8. Using Ant to Create a WAR File Section A.9. Example: Creating a Web Application WAR File Index


Servlets和JSP核心技术 卷2(英文版) 第一部分

Servlets和JSP核心技术 卷2 内容还是很详细的,看过卷1的人可以继续用这本书深造,呵呵 目录: Chapter 1. Using and Deploying Web Applications Section 1.1. Purpose of Web Applications Section 1.2. Structure of Web Applications Section 1.3. Registering Web Applications with the Server Section 1.4. Development and Deployment Strategies Section 1.5. The Art of WAR: Bundling Web Applications into WAR Files Section 1.6. Building a Simple Web Application Section 1.7. Sharing Data Among Web Applications Chapter 2. Controlling Web Application Behavior with web.xml Section 2.1. Purpose of the Deployment Descriptor Section 2.2. Defining the Header and the Root Element Section 2.3. The Elements of web.xml Section 2.4. Assigning Names and Custom URLs Section 2.5. Disabling the Invoker Servlet Section 2.6. Initializing and Preloading Servlets and JSP Pages Section 2.7. Declaring Filters Section 2.8. Specifying Welcome Pages Section 2.9. Designating Pages to Handle Errors Section 2.10. Providing Security Section 2.11. Controlling Session Timeouts Section 2.12. Documenting Web Applications Section 2.13. Associating Files with MIME Types Section 2.14. Configuring JSP Pages Section 2.15. Configuring Character Encoding Section 2.16. Designating Application Event Listeners Section 2.17. Developing for the Clustered Environment Section 2.18. J2EE Elements Chapter 3. Declarative Security Section 3.1. Form-Based Authentication Section 3.2. Example: Form-Based Authentication Section 3.3. BASIC Authentication Section 3.4. Example: BASIC Authentication Section 3.5. Configuring Tomcat to Use SSL Section 3.6. WebClient: Talking to Web Servers Interactively Section 3.7. Signing a Server Certificate Chapter 4. Programmatic Security Section 4.1. Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security Section 4.2. Example: Combining Container-Managed and Programmatic Security Section 4.3. Handling All Security Programmatically Section 4.4. Example: Handling All Security Programmatically Section 4.5. Using Programmatic Security with SSL Section 4.6. Example: Programmatic Security and SSL Chapter 5. Servlet and JSP Filters Section 5.1. Creating Basic Filters Section 5.2. Example: A Reporting Filter Section 5.3. Accessing the Servlet Context from Filters Section 5.4. Example: A Logging Filter Section 5.5. Using Filter Initialization Parameters Section 5.6. Example: An Access Time Filter Section 5.7. Blocking the Response Section 5.8. Example: A Prohibited-Site Filter Section 5.9. Modifying the Response Section 5.10. Example: A Replacement Filter Section 5.11. Example: A Compression Filter Section 5.12. Configuring Filters to Work with RequestDispatcher Section 5.13. Example: Plugging a Potential Security Hole Section 5.14. The Complete Filter Deployment Descriptor Chapter 6. The Application Events Framework Section 6.1. Monitoring Creation and Destruction of the Servlet Context Section 6.2. Example: Initializing Commonly Used Data Section 6.3. Detecting Changes in Servlet Context Attributes Section 6.4. Example: Monitoring Changes to Commonly Used Data Section 6.5. Packaging Listeners with Tag Libraries Section 6.6. Example: Packaging the Company Name Listeners Section 6.7. Recognizing Session Creation and Destruction Section 6.8. Example: A Listener That Counts Sessions Section 6.9. Watching for Changes in Session Attributes Section 6.10. Example: Monitoring Yacht Orders Section 6.11. Identifying Servlet Request Initialization and Destruction Section 6.12. Example: Calculating Server Request Load Section 6.13. Watching Servlet Request for Attribute Changes Section 6.14. Example: Stopping Request Frequency Collection Section 6.15. Using Multiple Cooperating Listeners Section 6.16. The Complete Events Deployment Descriptor Chapter 7. Tag Libraries: The Basics Section 7.1. Tag Library Components Section 7.2. Example: Simple Prime Tag Section 7.3. Assigning Attributes to Tags Section 7.4. Example: Prime Tag with Variable Length Section 7.5. Including Tag Body in the Tag Output Section 7.6. Example: Heading Tag Section 7.7. Example: Debug Tag Section 7.8. Creating Tag Files Section 7.9. Example: Simple Prime Tag Using Tag Files Section 7.10. Example: Prime Tag with Variable Length Using Tag Files Section 7.11. Example: Heading Tag Using Tag Files Chapter 8. Tag Libraries: Advanced Features Section 8.1. Manipulating Tag Body Section 8.2. Example: HTML-Filtering Tag Section 8.3. Assigning Dynamic Values to Tag Attributes Section 8.4. Example: Simple Looping Tag Section 8.5. Assigning Complex Objects as Values to Tag Attributes Section 8.6. Example: Table Formatting Tag Section 8.7. Creating Looping Tags Section 8.8. Example: ForEach Tag Section 8.9. Creating Expression Language Functions Section 8.10. Example: Improved Debug Tag Section 8.11. Handling Nested Custom Tags Section 8.12. Example: If-Then-Else Tag Chapter 9. JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) Section 9.1. Installation of JSTL Section 9.2. c:out Tag Section 9.3. c:forEach and c:forTokens Tags Section 9.4. c:if Tag Section 9.5. c:choose Tag Section 9.6. c:set and c:remove Tags Section 9.7. c:import Tag Section 9.8. c:url and c:param Tags Section 9.9. c:redirect Tag Section 9.10. c:catch Tag Chapter 10. The Struts Framework: Basics Section 10.1. Understanding Struts Section 10.2. Setting Up Struts Section 10.3. The Struts Flow of Control and the Six Steps to Implementing It Section 10.4. Processing Requests with Action Objects Section 10.5. Handling Request Parameters with Form Beans Section 10.6. Prepopulating and Redisplaying Input Forms Chapter 11. The Struts Framework: Doing More Section 11.1. Using Properties Files Section 11.2. Internationalizing Applications Section 11.3. Laying Out Pages with Tiles Section 11.4. Using Tiles Definitions Chapter 12. The Struts Framework: Validating User Input Section 12.1. Validating in the Action Class Section 12.2. Validating in the Form Bean Section 12.3. Using the Automatic Validation Framework Developing Applications with Apache Ant Section A.1. Summarizing the Benefits of Ant Section A.2. Installing and Setting Up Ant Section A.3. Creating an Ant Project Section A.4. Reviewing Common Ant Tasks Section A.5. Example: Writing a Simple Ant Project Section A.6. Using Ant to Build a Web Application Section A.7. Example: Building a Web Application Section A.8. Using Ant to Create a WAR File Section A.9. Example: Creating a Web Application WAR File Index


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