Few of questions that can ask from you at Interview...

1. What is the most important feature of Java?
Java is a platform independent language.
2. What do you mean by platform independence?
Platform independence means that we can write and compilethe java code in one platform (eg Windows) and can execute the class in anyother supported platform eg (Linux,Solaris,etc).
3. What is a JVM?
JVM is Java Virtual Machine which is a run time environmentfor the compiled java class files.
4. Are JVM's platform independent?
JVM's are not platform independent. JVM's are platformspecific run time implementation provided by the vendor.
5. What is the difference between a JDK and a JVM?
JDK is Java Development Kit which is for development purposeand it includes execution environment also. But JVM is purely a run timeenvironment and hence you will not be able to compile your source files using aJVM.
6. What is a pointer and does Java support pointers?
Pointer is a reference handle to a memory location. Improperhandling of pointers leads to memory leaks and reliability issues hence Javadoesn't support the usage of pointers.
7. What is the base class of all classes?
8. Does Java support multiple inheritance?
Java doesn't support multiple inheritance.
9. Is Java a pure object oriented language?
Java uses primitive data types and hence is not a pureobject oriented language.
10. Are arrays primitive data types?
In Java, Arrays are objects.
11. What is difference between Path and Classpath?
Path and Classpath are operating system level environmentvariales. Path is used define where the system can find the executables(.exe)files and classpath is used to specify the location .class files.
12. What are local variables?
Local varaiables are those which are declared within a blockof code like methods. Local variables should be initialised before accessingthem.
13. What are instance variables?
Instance variables are those which are defined at the classlevel. Instance variables need not be initialized before using them as they areautomatically initialized to their default values.
14. How to define a constant variable in Java?
The variable should be declared as static and final. So onlyone copy of the variable exists for all instances of the class and the valuecan't be changed also.
static final int PI = 2.14; is an example for constant.
15. Should a main() method be compulsorily declared in alljava classes?
No not required. main() method should be defined only if thesource class is a java application.
16. What is the return type of the main() method?
Main() method doesn't return anything hence declared void.
17. Why is the main() method declared static?
main() method is called by the JVM even before theinstantiation of the class hence it is declared as static.
18. What is the argument of main() method?
main() method accepts an array of String object as argument.
19. Can a main() method be overloaded?
Yes. You can have any number of main() methods withdifferent method signature and implementation in the class.
20. Can a main() method be declared final?
Yes. Any inheriting class will not be able to have it's owndefault main() method.
21. Does the order of public and static declaration matterin main() method?
No. It doesn't matter but void should always come beforemain().
22. Can a source file contain more than one classdeclaration?
Yes a single source file can contain any number of Classdeclarations but only one of the class can be declared as public.
23. What is a package?
Package is a collection of related classes and interfaces.package declaration should be first statement in a java class.
24. Which package is imported by default?
java.lang package is imported by default even without apackage declaration.
25. Can a class declared as private be accessed outside it'spackage?
Not possible.
26. Can a class be declared as protected?
A class can't be declared as protected. only methods can bedeclared as protected.
27. What is the access scope of a protected method?
A protected method can be accessed by the classes within thesame package or by the subclasses of the class in any package.
28. What is the purpose of declaring a variable as final?
A final variable's value can't be changed. final variablesshould be initialized before using them.
29. What is the impact of declaring a method as final?
A method declared as final can't be overridden. A sub-classcan't have the same method signature with a different implementation.
30. I don't want my class to be inherited by any otherclass. What should i do?
You should declared your class as final. But you can'tdefine your class as final, if it is an abstract class. A class declared asfinal can't be extended by any other class.
31. Can you give few examples of final classes defined inJava API?
java.lang.String, java.lang.Math are final classes.
32. How is final different from finally and finalize()?
final is a modifier which can be applied to a class or amethod or a variable. final class can't be inherited, final method can't beoverridden and final variable can't be changed.
finally is an exception handling code section which getsexecuted whether an exception is raised or not by the try block code segment.
finalize() is a method of Object class which will beexecuted by the JVM just before garbage collecting object to give a finalchance for resource releasing activity.
33. Can a class be declared as static?
We can not declare top level class as static, but only innerclass can be declared static.
public class Test
static class InnerClass
public static void InnerMethod()
{ System.out.println("Static Inner Class!"); }
public static void main(String args[])
//output: Static Inner Class!
34. When will you define a method as static?
When a method needs to be accessed even before the creationof the object of the class then we should declare the method as static.
35. What are the restriction imposed on a static method or astatic block of code?
A static method should not refer to instance variableswithout creating an instance and cannot use "this" operator to referthe instance.
36. I want to print "Hello" even before main() isexecuted. How will you acheive that?
Print the statement inside a static block of code. Staticblocks get executed when the class gets loaded into the memory and even beforethe creation of an object. Hence it will be executed before the main() method.And it will be executed only once.
37. What is the importance of static variable?
Static variables are class level variables where all objectsof the class refer to the same variable. If one object changes the value thenthe change gets reflected in all the objects.
38. Can we declare a static variable inside a method?
Static variables are class level variables and they can't bedeclared inside a method. If declared, the class will not compile.
39. What is an Abstract Class and what is it's purpose?
A Class which doesn't provide complete implementation isdefined as an abstract class. Abstract classes enforce abstraction.
40. Can a abstract class be declared final?
Not possible. An abstract class without being inherited isof no use and hence will result in compile time error.
41. What is use of a abstract variable?
Variables can't be declared as abstract. only classes andmethods can be declared as abstract.
42. Can you create an object of an abstract class?
Not possible. Abstract classes can't be instantiated.
43. Can an abstract class be defined without any abstractmethods?
Yes it's possible. This is basically to avoid instancecreation of the class.
44. Class C implements Interface I containing method m1 andm2 declarations. Class C has provided implementation for method m2. Can icreate an object of Class C?
No not possible. Class C should provide implementation forall the methods in the Interface I. Since Class C didn't provide implementationfor m1 method, it has to be declared as abstract. Abstract classes can't beinstantiated.
45. Can a method inside an Interface be declared as final?
No not possible. Doing so will result in compilation error. Publicand abstract are the only applicable modifiers for method declaration in aninterface.
46. Can an Interface implement another Interface?
Interfaces doesn't provide implementation hence a interfacecannot implement another interface.
47. Can an Interface extend another Interface?
Yes an Interface can inherit another Interface, for thatmatter an Interface can extend more than one Interface.
48. Can a Class extend more than one Class?
Not possible. A Class can extend only one class but can implementany number of Interfaces.
43. Can an abstract class be defined without any abstractmethods?
Yes it's possible. This is basically to avoid instancecreation of the class.
44. Class C implements Interface I containing method m1 andm2 declarations. Class C has provided implementation for method m2. Can icreate an object of Class C?
No not possible. Class C should provide implementation forall the methods in the Interface I. Since Class C didn't provide implementationfor m1 method, it has to be declared as abstract. Abstract classes can't beinstantiated.
45. Can a method inside an Interface be declared as final?
No not possible. Doing so will result in compilation error.public and abstract are the only applicable modifiers for method declaration inan interface.
46. Can an Interface implement another Interface?
Interfaces doesn't provide implementation hence an interfacecannot implement another interface.
47. Can an Interface extend another Interface?
Yes an Interface can inherit another Interface, for that matteran Interface can extend more than one Interface.
48. Can a Class extend more than one Class?
Not possible. A Class can extend only one class but canimplement any number of Interfaces.
49. Why is an Interface be able to extend more than oneInterface but a Class can't extend more than one Class?
Basically Java doesn't allow multiple inheritances, so aClass is restricted to extend only one Class. But an Interface is a pureabstraction model and doesn't have inheritance hierarchy like classes(do rememberthat the base class of all classes is Object). So an Interface is allowed to extendmore than one Interface.
50. Can an Interface be final?
Not possible. Doing so will result in compilation error.
51. Can a class be defined inside an Interface?
Yes it's possible.
52. Can an Interface be defined inside a class?
Yes it's possible.
53. What is a Marker Interface?
An Interface which doesn't have any declaration inside butstill enforces a mechanism.
54. Which object oriented Concept is achieved by usingoverloading and overriding?
55. Why does Java not support operator overloading?
Operator overloading makes the code very difficult to readand maintain. To maintain code simplicity, Java doesn't support operatoroverloading.
56. Can we define private and protected modifiers forvariables in interfaces?
57. What is Externalizable?
Externalizable is an Interface that extends SerializableInterface. And sends data into Streams in Compressed Format. It has twomethods, writeExternal(ObjectOuput out) and readExternal(ObjectInput in)
58. What modifiers are allowed for methods in an Interface?
Only public and abstract modifiers are allowed for methodsin interfaces.
59. What is a local, member and a class variable?
Variables declared within a method are "local"variables.
Variables declared within the class i.e not within any methodsare "member" variables (global variables).
Variables declared within the class i.e not within anymethods and are defined as "static" are class variables.
60. What is an abstract method?
An abstract method is a method whose implementation isdeferred to a subclass.
61. What value does read() return when it has reached theend of a file?
The read() method returns -1 when it has reached the end ofa file.
62. Can a Byte object be cast to a double value?
No, an object cannot be cast to a primitive value.
63. What is the difference between a static and a non-staticinner class?
A non-static inner class may have object instances that areassociated with instances of the class's outer class. A static inner class doesnot have any object instances.
64. What is an object's lock and which object's have locks?
An object's lock is a mechanism that is used by multiplethreads to obtain synchronized access to the object. A thread may execute asynchronized method of an object only after it has acquired the object's lock.All objects and classes have locks. A class's lock is acquired on the class'sClass object.
65. What is the % operator?
It is referred to as the modulo or remainder operator. Itreturns the remainder of dividing the first operand by the second operand.
66. When can an object reference be cast to an interfacereference?
An object reference be cast to an interface reference whenthe object implements the referenced interface.





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