Getting NetBeans 6.0 Ready for Seam Development


I’m starting a series of tutorials on web application development using the JBoss Seam framework. However, before I go on to that i’ll like to get started with setting up my favourite IDE – NetBeans for Seam development (sorry Eclipse folks, but I’m an addict. Just wishing that JBoss will see sense in working on a NetBeans version of the excellent JBoss Tools).

The following will be needed to follow this setup process
JDK 5 (6 is way faster to use) –
NetBeans 6.0 –
JBoss Seam 2.0 –
JBoss Application Server (JBoss AS) 4.2.x –
Seam plugin for NetBeans & Facelets Support –

I’ll assume that both the JDK and NetBeans are already installed. I’ll also assume that JBoss AS has been extracted into a suitable location, the JBOSS_HOME environment variable set and it has been added to your PATH variable.


In NetBeans, click the “Services” tab and right-click the “Servers” tree for the “Add Server” option.
NetBeans 6.0 Services Tab
Clicking that causes a “Add Server Instance” dialogue box to open up. This same result can be gained by selecting the “Tools” menu and selecting the “Servers” menu option, followed by the “Add Server” button. Select “JBoss Application Server” and in the Name field add the full name of the version of JBoss AS installed. This helps differentiate different instances of JBoss AS you might install. Currently mine reads “JBoss Application Server 4.2.1.GA”, reflecting the currently installed instance.
Supported servers in NetBeans
Clicking “Next” takes you to the next step to specify the location of the server. Mine is as shown below.
Location of Installed Server in NetBeans 6.0
The next step is to specify server configuration. The “default” domain is good enough for us and we’ll click “Finish” to conclude JBoss AS setup.
Configuring your instance of the server
Next is to add the Seam plugin for NetBeans. This is done by selecting the “Plugins” option from the “Tools” menu. NetBeans will scan all your installed plugins as well as establish an internet connection to find out available plugins. On the downloaded tab, click the “Add plugins” button. Navigate to the location of the Seam plugin for netbeans and click “Open” to add it. Click the “Install” button to install the Seam plugin.
Installing Seam plugin for NetBeans
Now specify where the Seam package you downloaded from have been extracted to. This saves you the trouble of having to specify it every time you use the Seam Generator to create a project. This can be done by selecting “Options” from the “Tools” menu and selecting the “Miscellaneous” icon. The “Seam Gen Framework” tab will allow to specify the location of Seam.

Seam Gen Configuration

The last thing to do is to install the NetBeans Facelets Support. Extract the nbfacelets-support. Following the previously described process, select all the nbm files included in nbfacelets-support zip archive.
Installing Facelets plugin for NetBeans
This ends the preparatory setup of NetBeans for Seam applications development. We’ll tackle some simple applications next on this series after this short commercial break.





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