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翻译 阻止远程截屏_2020年创建优质技术截屏,演示和远程会议指南

I've had a lot of people ask me to write up a guide to creating great technical screencasts. This is an update to my 2011 post on the same topic. 我有很多人要求我撰写有关创建出色的技术截屏视频的指南。 这是我2011年针对同一主题的帖子的更新。 ...

2020-10-14 18:38:07 2440

翻译 从团队中的Microsoft图形将您的状态镜像到LIFX或Hue偏光

During the Microsoft Build keynote last week - that you can watch free online here - we snuck in a LOT of detail and easter eggs. We planned the whole thing out like a live stage play (I have a backgr...

2020-10-14 18:27:31 573

翻译 如何在Beyonce的Internet上使用新的Microsoft Edge分别创建工作和个人资料

I'm a long time Chrome user but have been slowly finding myself using the new Edge (Edgium?) and am now basically living in it full time. 我是Chrome的长期用户,但是一直在慢慢地使用新的Edge (Edgium?)来找我自己,现在基本上可以全职使用它了。...

2020-10-14 18:17:02 1083

翻译 .core 控制台应用程序_如何查找.NET Core控制台应用程序从哪个目录启动或从哪个目录运行?

.core 控制台应用程序I got a great question emailed to me today. And while I could find the answer and email them back, I also have a limited number of keystrokes. Plus, every question that moves knowledge fo...

2020-10-14 18:07:07 745

翻译 通过导入和导出轻松在Windows 10计算机之间移动WSL发行版!

windows10 wslMy colleague Tara and I were working on prepping a system for Azure IoT development and were using WSL2 on our respective machines. The scripts we were running were long-running and tedio...

2020-10-14 17:46:52 1229

翻译 wsl bash_简便的方法如何从外部计算机在Windows 10上SSH进入Bash和WSL2

wsl bashThis is an interesting blog post on How to SSH into WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine. Read it. Know how it works. Learn it. AND DO NOT DO IT BECAUSE IT'S TOO COMPLEX. 这是一篇有关如何从外部计算机...

2020-10-14 17:37:16 687

翻译 polly .net_使用Try .NET创建出色的交互式文档-Polly NuGet库做到了!

polly .netI've blogged at length about the great open source project called "Polly" 我已经在博客中详细介绍了一个伟大的开源项目“ Polly”NuGet Package of the Week: Polly wanna fluently express transient exception handling p...

2020-10-14 17:17:40 393

翻译 电线完全交叉了! -使用Ben Eater的6502套件学习底层计算

I've blogged about the importance of the LED Moment. You know, that moment when you get it to blink. 我已经在博客中介绍了LED Moment的重要性。 你知道的那一刻,当你眨眼。Ben Eater is a bit of an internet legend. His site at https...

2020-10-14 15:50:15 873

翻译 Adafruit的Circuit Playground Express模拟了Visual Studio Code的Device Simulator Express

adafruit1306I'm an unabashed Adafruit fan and I often talking about them because I'm always making cool stuff with their hardware and excellent tutorials. You should check out the YouTube video we mad...

2020-10-14 15:41:00 538

翻译 为适用于Linux的Azure App Service中托管的.NET Core 3.1 Web App设置Azure DevOps CI / CD

azure3.0Following up on my post last week on moving from App Service on Windows to App Service on Linux, I wanted to make sure I had a clean CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipeli...

2020-10-14 15:01:46 341

翻译 添加expires标头_轻松向您的ASP.NET Core Web应用添加安全标头并获得A级

Well that sucks.好糟糕。That's my podcast website with an F rating from SecurityHeaders.com. What's the deal? I took care of this months ago! 那是我的播客网站,获得SecurityHeaders.com的F评级。 这是怎么回事? 我几个月前已经照顾好了!Tur...

2020-10-14 14:41:24 577

翻译 obs推流怎么使用摄像头_使用OBS,NDI工具和Elgato Stream Deck将Remote Worker / Educator网络摄像头视频通话提升到一个新的水平

obs推流怎么使用摄像头Over the years I've collected a few webcams, some quality and some not. If you're interested in creating the ultimate remote worker webcam setup on a budget, I've written a blog post on th...

2020-10-14 13:50:19 3211

翻译 cs1.6 gui下载_现在是2020年,是时候使用Gui.cs进行文本模式了

cs1.6 gui下载Nearly 16 years ago I complained that Windows is completely missing the TextMode boat. It's 2020 and it's TIME FOR TEXT MODE BABY. 将近16年前,我抱怨Windows完全缺少TextMode。 现在是2020年,是时候进行文字模式婴儿训练了。I ...

2020-10-14 12:03:07 1154

翻译 整理日历和Outlook的碎片

It's a double-meeting that! Get it? "Outlook?" 这是两次会议! 得到它? “外表?”Seriously, though, sometimes folks comment on my busy schedule and I joke that I'm "playing tetris with Outlook" where appointments ar...

2020-10-14 11:52:28 240

翻译 windows 新终端安装_是时候安装Windows终端了

windows 新终端安装It's time. It's the feature complete release of the Windows Terminal. Stop reading, and go install it. I'll wait here. You done? OK. 是时候了。 这是Windows终端的功能完整版本。 停止阅读,然后安装它。 我在这里等你做完了吗好。You...

2020-10-14 11:42:27 236

翻译 java orm 开源框架_探索.NET开源混合ORM库RepoDB

java orm 开源框架It's nice to explore alternatives, especially in open source software. Just because there's a way, or an "official" way doesn't mean it's the best way. 探索替代方法非常好,尤其是在开源软件中。 仅仅因为有一种方法或“官方”...

2020-10-14 11:32:41 305

翻译 raspberry pi4_如何将Raspberry Pi 4用作Minecraft Java服务器

My 14 year old got tired of paying $7.99 for Minecraft Realm so he could host his friends in their world. He was just hosting on his laptop and then forwarding a port but that means his friends can't ...

2020-10-14 11:23:15 412

翻译 将ASP.NET Core 2.2网站更新为.NET Core 3.1 LTS

Now that .NET Core 3.1 is out just this last week and it is a "LTS" or Long Term Support version, I thought it'd be a good time to update my main site and my podcast to .NET 3.1. You can read about wh...

2020-10-14 11:13:48 447

翻译 wsl2 ssh_如何从外部计算机在Windows 10上SSH进入WSL2

wsl2 ssh 不要在此岗位上做说明(DO NOT DO THE INSTRUCTIONS IN THIS POST )until you have read the FOLLOW UP THE EASY WAY how to SSH into Bash and WSL2 on Windows 10 from an external machine and made the right de...

2020-10-14 11:03:27 5867

翻译 在YouTube上制作快乐的小型计算机视频中找到快乐

We're all remote and it's sad, but I've found some new joy of late in rebooting my little low-traffic newsletter AND making YouTube videos when the kids are asleep. You can go subscribe to my YouTube ...

2020-10-14 10:53:58 116

翻译 .net是语言还是平台_什么是.NET? 它是如何工作的? 是语言还是平台?

If you want to learn about .NET, I worked with my friends to make a whole series of videos at https://dot.net/videos that go into lots of details about C# the language, .NET the platform, ASP.NET the ...

2020-10-14 10:43:34 295

翻译 程序todo:_您的Todo应用程序太复杂或不够复杂

程序todo:I've blogged before about ASP.NET Architect David Fowler's hidden gems in ASP.NET. His GitHub is worth following because he's always exploring and thinking and he's doing it in public. I love r...

2020-10-14 10:33:09 245

翻译 git 重命名分支_轻松将Git默认分支从master重命名为main

git 重命名分支The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) points out that "Master-slave is an oppressive metaphor that will and should never become fully detached from history" as well as "In addition to be...

2020-10-14 10:22:12 6171

翻译 dos3.3.gho_.NET到处显然也意味着Windows 3.11和DOS

dos3.3.ghoI often talk about how .NET Core is open source and runs "everywhere." MonoGame, Unity, Apple Watches, Raspberry Pi, and Microcontrollers (as well as a dozen Linuxes, Windows, etc) is a lot ...

2020-10-14 10:12:16 222

翻译 rdp微软远程桌面rdp_如何将远程桌面(RDP)导入Windows 10 Azure AD加入的计算机

rdp微软远程桌面rdpSince everyone started working remotely, I've personally needed to Remote Desktop into more computers lately than ever before. More this week than in the previous decade. 由于每个人都开始远程工作,因此我个...

2020-10-14 09:32:54 1297

翻译 新版YouTube系列:他们在学校没有教过的电脑知识

OK, fine maybe they DID teach you this in class. But, you'd be surprised how many people think they know something but don't know the background or the etymology of a term. I find these things fascina...

2020-10-14 09:22:24 212

翻译 .net core示例_数百篇实用的ASP.NET Core示例学习基础知识

There's a growing world of .NET 101 samples out there. From our own http://dot.net/videos starter videos on YouTube (over 100 and adding more all the time!) to the whole .NET learning center where you...

2020-10-14 09:12:00 245

翻译 嵌套远程页面_远程工作和隔离工作时嵌套的重要性

嵌套远程页面Quarantine work is not Remote work. It doesn't feel the same because it's not the same. It's a hard time right now and tension is high. 隔离工作不是远程工作的艰辛方式。 感觉不一样,因为它不一样。 现在这是一个艰难的时期,紧张情绪很高。"People...

2020-10-14 08:43:21 141

翻译 托管您自己的NuGet服务器和Feed以使用BaGet构建构件

nuget 构建自己的包NuGet is the package management system underlying the .NET programming platform. Just like Ruby Gems or NPM Packages, you can bring in 3rd party packages or make your own. The public repos...

2020-10-14 08:22:55 396

翻译 宣布.NET交互式-尝试.NET包括.NET笔记本等

At Microsoft Ignite 2019, we were happy to announce that the "Try .NET global tool" added support for C# and F# Jupyter notebooks. Last week, the same team that brought you .NET Notebooks announced Pr...

2020-10-14 08:12:26 314

翻译 vs调试linux wsl_从Windows上的Visual Studio远程调试WSL2中的.NET Core Linux应用

vs调试linux wslWith Visual Studio Code and WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) you can be in a real Linux environment and run "code ." from the Linux prompt and Visual Studio Code will launch in Windows a...

2020-10-14 07:33:19 1053

翻译 Windows PowerToys FancyZones是Windows 10必不可少的窗口管理器

Last year Microsoft rebooted PowerToys and it's open source and on GitHub. It's a few months later and PowerToys is getting even better. You can download and install it from https://github.com/microso...

2020-10-14 06:33:29 2679

翻译 Windows Terminal 1.0即将推出-立即更新并设置您的拆分窗格热键!

The Windows Terminal is free and in the Windows Store and you should go make sure you have the latest update. The v0.10 is out and it's got a number of lovely quality of life improvements, not the lea...

2020-10-14 06:23:21 302

翻译 wsl 上使用docker_首先通过在WSL和Docker中进行测试,将ASP.NET Core从Windows上的Azure应用服务迁移到Linux

I updated one of my websites from ASP.NET Core 2.2 to the latest LTS (Long Term Support) version of ASP.NET Core 3.1 this week. Now I want to do the same with my podcast site AND move it to Linux at t...

2020-10-14 06:02:57 359

翻译 gameboy模拟器开发_CoreBoy是使用C#编写的跨平台GameBoy模拟器,甚至可以执行ASCII

gameboy模拟器开发.NET and C# are great languages for programming emulators. Specifically retrogaming and retroarcade emulators. In fact, there's a long history of emulators written in C#. Here's just a few...

2020-10-14 05:42:50 612

翻译 Windows上的Ruby on Rails不仅可行,而且使用WSL2和VS Code很棒

I've been trying on and off to enjoy Ruby on Rails development on Windows for many years. I was doing Ruby on Windows as long as 13 years ago. There's been many valiant efforts to make Rails on Window...

2020-10-14 05:13:06 446

翻译 git文件夹不区分大小写_Git区分大小写并且您的文件系统可能不区分大小写-Windows上奇怪的文件夹合并

git文件夹不区分大小写I was working on DasBlog Core (an .NET Core cross-platform update of the ASP.NET WebForms-based blogging software that runs this blog) with Mark Downie, the new project manager, and Shayne...

2020-10-14 05:03:40 397

翻译 DragonFruit和System.CommandLine是思考.NET Console应用程序的新方法

There's some interesting stuff quietly happening in the "Console App" world within open source .NET Core right now. Within the https://github.com/dotnet/command-line-api repository are three packages:...

2020-10-14 04:53:01 197

翻译 评论:Ubiquiti Networking的UniFi是终极的专业家用网络解决方案

* I use Amazon referral links and donate the little money to my kids' school. You support charter schools when you use these links.*我使用Amazon推荐链接并将这笔小钱捐赠给我的孩子的学校。 使用这些链接时,您将支持特许学校。I LOVE my Amplifi W...

2020-10-14 04:03:26 1023

翻译 gist.github_ServiceStack中的SharpScript使您可以直接从GitHub Gist运行.NET应用程序!

I've blogged about ServiceStack before. It's an extraordinary open source project - an ecosystem of its own even - that is designed to be an alternative to the WCF, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Web API fr...

2020-10-14 03:53:37 209



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