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转载 JQuery datatable

1 //@translator codepiano 2 //@blog codepiano 3 //@email codepiano.li@gmail.com 4 //尝试着翻译了一下,难免有错误的地方,欢迎发邮件告知,多谢。 5 /*------------------------------------------------Feature--------------

2015-08-12 10:02:37 1533

转载 jquery插件之DataTables

DataTables(http://www.datatables.net/)应该是我到目前为止见过的,功能最强大的表格解决方案(当然,不计算其它整套框架中的table控件在内)。 先把它主页上写的特性翻译罗列如下: 可变长度分页;动态过滤;多列排序,带数据类型检测功能;列宽度的智能处理;从多种数据源获取数据(DOM,js Array, ajax file, server-side

2015-08-12 10:01:06 424

转载 基于Android中dp和px之间进行转换的实现代码

import android.content.Context;  public class DensityUtil {      /**      * 根据手机的分辨率从 dp 的单位 转成为 px(像素)      */      public static int dip2px(Context context, float dpValue) {         

2014-09-26 16:09:37 475

转载 ListView不能响应itemclick事件的解决方法

大家都知道listview可以根据自己的需求,重写baseadapter ,实现自己的布局及数据,但是当我们在自己的布局中加入了button或者ImageButton,还有其他比如checkbox,radiobutton等控件时,发现listview不在响应onitemclick事件,让人很悲愤啊,自己在网找了个方法,可以处理掉这个东东    发生的原因:当listview中包含butto

2014-09-25 15:18:44 617

转载 Android Resource

android的res目录是固定的,只能xanim drawable layout values xml raw color

2014-09-18 11:59:39 468

转载 loading图标生成网站


2014-09-18 11:54:25 817

转载 linerlayout 加边框

1.首先在res目录下新建一个xml文件,类型选择drawable,将自动生一个一个drawable文件(我用的sdk是android 4.1),并生成一个xml文件,在其中写入以下代码:[java] view plaincopy"1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  "http://schemas.android.com/apk/r

2014-09-18 11:54:01 672

原创 LinearLayout、RelativeLayout、FrameLayout居中显示

LinearLayout--> android:gravity="center_horizontal"FrameLayout-> android:layout_gravity="center" RelativeLayout-->

2014-09-17 14:47:52 434

转载 Android布局文件layout.xml的一些属性值

第一类:属性值 true或者 falseandroid:layout_centerHrizontal 水平居中android:layout_centerVertical 垂直居中android:layout_centerInparent 相对于父元素完全居中android:layout_alignParentBottom 贴紧父元素的下边缘android:l

2014-09-10 16:01:15 441

转载 Android获取屏幕高度、状态栏高度、标题栏高度

在android应用中,有时需要计算个View的位置,导致需要计算状态栏高度,标题栏高度等信息。为以后方便,在此做个简单记录。晒代码前先了解一下android屏幕区域的划分,如下图(该图引用自此文http://www.iteye.com/topic/828830 )1、 屏幕区域的获取[java] view plaincopy

2014-09-10 15:59:52 390

转载 Java java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError 的解决办法

以简单而经典的 “HelloWorld.java” 为例不含包层次的HelloWorld.java  public class HelloWorld      {        public static void main(String[] args)             {                    System.out.println(

2014-02-28 17:04:24 1120

转载 SharePoint 2010 PowerShell 系列

转自http://www.cnblogs.com/Fengger/archive/2012/06/30/2571331.html 在学习一个新的知识点时,最重要的是我们要知道,他是做什么的,对于今后的开发有什么样的用处,下面我来介绍一下PowerShell的基本用法。      最近想换份工作,就出去面试,在面试过程中了解到了PowerShell,在面试过程中,有这样一个问题,

2014-02-17 14:47:09 500

转载 Setting Up the Development Environment for SharePoint 2010 on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows


2014-02-13 12:43:29 521

转载 在X64位机上安装VS2010失败

Windows 7安装后将系统的自动更新给优化了,导致.net framework 4.0不能安装,单独下的安装包也不能安装,现在解决了,将解决方法写一下1.开始->运行->net stop wuauserv2.开始->运行->%windir%3.将文件夹Softwaredistribution 重命名为SDold4.开始->运行->net start wuauserv如果不能

2014-01-16 15:24:49 623

转载 Win7远程桌面连接设置关键点

办公室电脑Win7重装后远程桌面老是连接失败,摸索了好一阵子终于搞定,几个关键点:1、常规设置:      鼠标右键单击“计算机”图标,选择“属性”,在打开的“系统”窗口点击“远程设置”,在弹出的系统属性中的的“远程”选项窗口中选择“允许远程协助连接这台计算机”和“允许运行任意版本远程桌面的计算机连接(较不安全)”2、 如果第1点设置完后其他电脑不能远程过来,首先要看看能否

2014-01-15 17:09:55 1192


首先要了解的是CAML(Collaboration Application Markup Language)不仅仅是用在对列表、文档库的查询,字段的定义,站点定义等处处使用的都是CAML。简单的提一下CAML列表查询相关知识,请注意CAML查询无论对于标签还是值均大小写敏感CAML查询的根元素是Query,Query元素包含两个元素(非必须):, 是最简单的元素,用

2013-12-31 16:37:30 744

转载 浅谈SQL Server中的三种物理连接操作

三种SQL最常见得物理连接,我们需要深入了解他们得原理以及适用场景。这样我们可以根据实际情况,优化脚步,使得查询引擎采用更高效得连接方式。这篇大牛得文章图文并茂深入浅出得描述了这3个连接,保存在这里后续回顾用。简介    在SQL Server中,我们所常见的表与表之间的Inner Join,Outer Join都会被执行引擎根据所选的列,数据上是否有索引,所选数据的选择性转化

2013-12-26 14:17:23 542

转载 SQL Server问题之The remote procedure call failed. [0x800706be]

打开SQL Server Confirmation Manager  在SQL Server Services下出现错误The remote procedure call failed. [0x800706be]  问题原因猜测本机上软件的安装顺序为VS 2008 -> SQL Server 2008 R2 -> VS 2012,有可能是由于VS 2

2013-12-18 14:41:46 3523

转载 Session state has been disabled for ASP.NET.

Session state has been disabled for ASP.NET.The Report Viewer control requires that session state be enabled in local modeWhile i was trying to setup some reports on a SPF 2010 site.After tryi

2013-12-17 14:49:29 779

原创 删除错误的web part

有时我们添加一个webpart 到页面中,会导致页面加载错误,造成页面无法打开,这时我们可以尝试在地址栏中添加?Contents=1,就会显示出页面中的webpart, 我们就可以移除掉错误的那个了。

2013-12-17 13:52:27 589

原创 Error occurred in deployment step 'Retract Solution': Invalid object name 'AllWebs'

Check the error message on Monitoring-->Review Project and solutions, and try running SharePoint 2010 Products Configuration Wizard.

2013-12-16 15:45:32 2350

转载 Creating a Custom Timer Job Definition

What is a Timer Job?A Timer Job is a periodically executed task inside SharePoint Server. It provides us a task execution environment.Default Timer Jobs inside SharePointThere are ma

2013-12-11 14:03:39 898

转载 Access denied when deploying a timer Job or activating a feature

SYMPTOMSYou get Access Denied when you try to activate a feature in code from SharePoint 2010 web application. This error occurs whenever you try to make changes from the content applications (web

2013-12-10 16:57:22 877

原创 如何在 SharePoint中显示详细错误信息

有时在 SharePoint站点中进行某些操作,会显示Runtime Error的错误信息。Runtime ErrorDescription: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details

2013-12-10 15:46:57 1264

转载 How to Deploy or Remove a Solution Package Using PowerShell Commands

SharePoint 2010 introduced many new features to improve user experience. One such feature is the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, a plug-in for Windows PowerShell which contains more than 500 command

2013-12-10 14:44:11 941

转载 ASP.NET教程:友好的Html和JS适合SEO

假设你需要从一个页面转向其他页面,下面有很多种方式,你是如何选择的呢?你能清晰的说明理由么?        --链接的表现形式--%>        asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Default2.aspx">HyperLinkasp:HyperLink>        a

2013-11-21 15:45:22 672

转载 有关PowerShell脚本你必须知道的十个基本概念


2013-10-31 11:50:47 815

转载 IE8 Rounded Corners (With No Images)

Internet Explorer Version 8 (and earlier versions) doesn't support rounded corners, however there are few other solutions you may consider:Use Rounded Corners Images instead (this generator

2013-09-27 16:57:53 589

转载 Why the description of Page Layout is not showing

When custom page layouts as part of a feature, the internal name for "Description" is "MasterPageDescription".

2013-09-26 17:01:46 647

转载 Why is SPD adding content to my file?

Question:I'm using SPD to edit an HTML file that's in SharePoint (in a subfolder of SiteAssets). Later, I return to the file in SPD to find that the following content has been added to the file 

2013-09-26 16:39:37 979

转载 Sharepoint 2013 master page related error

Error: The page '/_catalogs/masterpage/__DeviceChannelMappings.aspx' allows a limit of 11 direct dependencies, and that limit has been exceeded.I was getting this error when I try to access my Sha

2013-09-25 17:14:41 1411

转载 SharePoint JavaScript – Page Load Add function: _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames

In most cases SharePoint pages are based on a master page that contains the “body” element. These content pages can’t directly add a function to the body’s onload event. In order to work around this l

2013-09-25 14:56:38 736

转载 Can not delete a master page "This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pa

When you try to delete a master page file from the Master Page and Page Layout Gallery on the Site Settings page in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007, you receive the following error message:

2013-09-25 11:06:45 1123

转载 IE 条件解释的语句

这里是一个演示条件注释如何工作的简单示例。You are using Internet Explorer 6.p>You are not using Internet Explorer./p>句法[编辑]有两种「条件注释」:下层显示 (downlevel revealed)和下层隐藏(downlevel hidden)。每种注释的基本句法如下

2013-09-25 10:43:22 587

转载 custom errors in webconfig

If you need more detailed information than in the following screen you went to the virtual directory under IIS and changed the web.config for your web application:Error Unhandled exception was th

2013-08-27 14:34:39 1003

转载 Feature with id already exists - force option

I'm getting that old familiar error when trying to deploy my SharePoint solution via Visual Studio:Error occurred in deployment step 'Add Solution': A feature with ID {Guid} has already been ins

2013-08-20 13:23:01 1187

转载 create rounded corners with CSS

http://www.css3.info/preview/rounded-border/The CSS3 border-radius property allows web developers to easily utilise rounder corners in their design elements, without the need for corner images o

2013-08-06 15:55:10 628

转载 WebPart的Web部件页部署时发生错误

http://blog.csdn.net/downmoon/article/details/412412 使用dwp方式部署自定义的webPart,web.config中也将它们进行了安全注册。在门户中通过dwp方式导入都是正常的。可是当想使用frontpage修改页面的时候发现无法打开部署了webpart的页面,错误信息如下:soap:Server 发生类型为 Mic

2013-08-06 15:53:38 882

转载 Referencing JS files using CustomAction element

http://www.spdeveloper.co.in/tipsntricks/pages/referencing-js-files-using-custom-action.aspxJavascript plays an important role in a SharePoint web application. So, as we customize a SharePoint site,

2013-07-26 17:14:44 661

转载 DIV层的五条叠加法则

转自:http://www.21shipin.com/html/92379.shtml貌似很多同学对为什么这个div在上层,那个div在下层、无论如何设置z-index都无法居上的问题纠结抓狂、上吐下泻、恶心失眠、郁郁而终,致使不敢随意使用层的叠加。但层的叠加效果,在交互设计中却频频出现,所以我们必须驾驭它,要驾驭它,就要掌握其规律。 首先明确几点在文中所需要用到的概念: 1.静态

2013-07-03 17:16:53 437



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