《那些来自华尔街的赚钱之道》 ---每天读一点英文

How to start a Successful Bussiness?

    What dose it take to start a successful business?While there's no such thing as the perfect entrepreneur--even Bill Gates had made mistakes---a number of personal qualities can help you build a successful business.If you pass muster on most of these traits,you're off and running.

     You can delegate.No matter how smart and energetic you are,it's a mistake to try to attend to every detail yourself.Unless you're a solo act,you're going to have to trust employees to do their jobs so that you can run the business.

     You are a teacher.In order to delegate successfully,you will need people with appropriate skills and they may have to learn some of those skills from you.

     You are self-motivated.As a small business owner,you won't hava a boss to tell you when to get to work.If that's a problem,keep your day job.

      You can work with number.You will spend a fair amount of time keeping track of money expenses,revenues,taxs and the like.A math phobia won't help.

       You don't mind making mistake.You will make them;the trick is to learn from them and move on.Not everyone finds that easy to do.

        You like to work.Contrary to myth,you don't need to be a workaholic to start a successful business.Many entreprenneurs find that it makes more sense to establish a resaonable working pace -- one that lets them strike a balance between work and their personal lives.That said,don't start a business unless you enjoy work.There's hoing to be plenty of it.

         You don't mind selling.You'll hava to sell products to customers,of course.You may also need to sell
lenders or other financial backers on prospects of your company.And you'll need to convince potential employees to accept jobs with your firm rather than going to work for competition.

          You don't quit easily.You'll encounter abstacles that might stymie some individuals.You'll have more success if you are the type of person who relishes such challenges.A dash of optimise helps;it's will help you handle the uncertainty that is par of every venture.
华尔街之星1.6EA》是一款非常受欢迎的交易软件。它是一种自动化交易系统,专为股票、期货和外汇交易而设计。这个软件能够利用复杂的算法和统计模型,通过分析市场动态、预测价格走势,帮助投资者做出更明智的交易决策。 华尔街之星1.6EA的主要特点包括高速执行交易指令、高度可定制化的界面、实时行情数据提供以及多种交易策略选择。它可以根据用户设定的条件自动下单、止损或止盈,同时也支持用户手动操作。用户可以根据自己的需求,选择适合自己的交易策略,并根据市场变化进行灵活调整。 该软件还提供了丰富的图表和数据工具,帮助用户更好地分析市场趋势和进行技术分析。用户可以通过这些工具,更好地理解市场走势、识别买卖信号,提高交易效果。 华尔街之星1.6EA还具有用户友好的界面设计和易于操作的功能。即使是对于初学者来说,也可以迅速上手,并且提供强大的支持服务。对于有经验的交易员来说,这个软件也可以满足他们更为独特的交易需求。 总之,华尔街之星1.6EA是一款功能强大的自动化交易软件,通过提供精确的市场分析、高速的交易执行和灵活的交易策略,帮助投资者提高交易效果。无论是对于新手还是有经验的交易员来说,该软件都是一种非常有价值的工具,值得尝试和利用。




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