【翻译】衡量大数据的真实价值(Measuring the True Value of Big Data)

              作者Martin Fleming                             来源:Smarter Planet Blog


         在纽约时报最近的一片文章中,作者James Glanz问道:大数据是不是一颗经济哑弹?Glanz 先生似乎对这个问题保持怀疑的态度。他说,“大数据时代”和早期制造业、家庭生活以及交通的变革不会很相似。













         在经济历史的一个类似点上,JohnMaynard Keynes1931年写到:“发达国家的生活水平在未来100年内会相较今天增长48倍”一段时间后,大规模生产技术被开发出来,美国在82年后生活标准涨了6倍,在未来的几十年,大数据技术的应用,作为集成了世界的数字和物理的基础设施的一部分,也将开始产生类似的效果。


Measuring the True Value of Big Data

Author:Martin Fleming  Source: Smarter PlanetBlog

In a recent New York Times article,reporter James Glanz asks: “Is Big Data an Economic Dud?” Mr. Glanz seems toanswer his own question skeptically. The “data era,” he suggests, will notmatch the earlier revolutions in manufacturing, domestic life andtransportation.

In addition, the Wall Street Journal posted a blogdiscussing that Big Data is at, or near the peak of the Gartner “hype cycle”and “big data technologies are now soon to be due for a fall into the ‘troughof disillusionment.’”

While it’s easy to be skeptical about an uncertain future,in fact, Big Data is providingbusiness and consumer value today. Take for example the energy industry. Themassive transformation of the US energy industry means that the US will soonbecome the world’s largest energy producer. This success is built on the use ofhydraulicfracturing – or fracking – that has made vast amounts of formerlyinaccessible hydrocarbons profitable to extract. Fracking technology is, inpart, the result of the use of millions of sensors that generate massivevolumes of data that drive and govern exploration and production.

In a related industry, electric power suppliers around theworld are deploying smart grids to more effectively manage the transmission,distribution and use of power. The recent 10th anniversary of theblackout that struck the northeast US is yet another reminder that over thedecade the industry has begun the process of strengthening the electric powerinfrastructure with increased use of information technology. Transmission anddistribution systems now produce massive volumes of data that significantlyreduce the probability of large scale blackouts.

In addition, smarter transmission and distribution gridshave also increased the ability of the electric power infrastructure to makeuse of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar. While the use of theseenergy sources is still in its infancy, the possibility of a significantreduction in fossil fuel use for power generation has been greatly enhanced.

There are, today, thousands of Big Data industryapplications in early stages of deployment. The value these applications createis not in the data but in the use of the data. The ability oforganizations to apply analytic skills to drive change and transformation isthe route to value creation. The value is not in the data, per se,but in its use.

With billions of gigabytes of data coursing through theinternet, it is not just the business sector benefiting from Big Data.Consumers are also benefiting.

For every successful industry application, there arethousands of consumers who are realizing substantial gains. In theenergy industry, for example, the benefits from increasingly secure energysupplies and reduced prices flow, in part, to consumers.

More directly, the explosion of web-based capabilities hascreated an enormous increase in the variety, choice, convenience and qualitythat consumers now have available. The result has been a significant increasein consumer satisfaction. While businesses measure value by increased revenueand profitability, consumers measure value by the satisfaction received overand above the price paid. Everybody loves a bargain.

The vast expansion of available searchtools has increased the ability of consumers to find products and services ofchoice with much less time and effort. Search providers – Google, Microsoft andothers – use the massive volumes of data generated from search to improve and refinetheir offerings, algorithms and capabilities. Consumers benefit from theimproved search at little to no cost to them.

Similarly, the step function increase in convenience andflexibility that online retailing has brought to consumers is also, in part, afunction of Big Data applications. Successful online retailers, such as Amazonand ebay, are using Big Data applications to continuously refine availableofferings, test the most responsive price points, and innovative new promotionideas.

Recommendation engines deployed by online retailers, musicsites and others that provide ideas about products that might be of interestare terrific examples of Big Data applications. These recommendation engines have been thesubject of much-advanced research in machine learning and data mining. Clearly,the ability to make good recommendations can increase sales and customersatisfaction.

The deployment of Big Data remains in its infancy. With theGreat Recession and financial crisis receding into the past and with the US andother economies well along the healing process, a period of stronger growth isahead. While growth will likely remain below average for the immediate future,three or four future decades of much stronger growth is probable. The decadesahead will be one of massive global transformation with Big Data applicationsplaying an increasing role. Ultimately, living standards will be increased formuch of the world’s population.

At a similar point in economic history, JohnMaynard Keynes in 1931 wrote: “the standard of life in progressivecountries100 years hence will be between four and eight times as highas it is today.” After a period in which mass production technology was broadlydeployed, the US standard of living 82 years later is six times higher. In thedecades ahead, the use of Big Data, as part of the integration of the world’sdigital and physical infrastructure, has already begun to deliver similargains.





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