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原创 xcode11 上传ipa

xcrun altool --upload-app --type ios --file "/Users/appledev/Downloads/XunDaApp.iOS.ipa" --username "xxxx@xxxxx.com" --password "xxxxxxx"

2019-10-23 15:41:01 359

转载 Xamarin.Forms 启动页面的设置

Create Splash Screens on Xamarin Forms: The rightway!You wanted to learn Xamarin Forms to write code once for both Android and iOS, unfortunatly not today, not for making splash screens. It’s not t...

2019-06-24 16:41:33 3637

原创 xcode framework 真机+模拟器架构合并

1. xcode framework 真机+模拟器架构合并:     lipo -create [真机framework exec文件路径] [模拟器framework exec文件路径] -output [最终输出路径]2. 查看framework 支持的架构:    lipo -info [framework exec文件路径]...

2018-09-27 15:28:07 575

原创 xcode 中 cocoapods 恢复

打开终端Terminal,cd Pofile目录,执行命令: pod update

2018-09-13 17:19:58 402

原创 Xamarin.iOS 获取健康计步数据

```NSCalendar calendar = NSCalendar.CurrentCalendar;            NSDateComponents interval = new NSDateComponents            {                Hour = 24            };            NSDateComponents anchorC...

2018-07-16 11:23:17 389

转载 Penetration Testing for iPhone Applications

Runtime analysis allows an attacker to manipulate the application’s behaviour at runtime to bypass security locks and access sensitive information from memory. Before getting into runtime analysis, fi...

2018-03-02 10:27:48 374

原创 Xamarin.IOS Binding Objective Sharpie

Sharpie pod init IOS LFLiveKit -fSharpie pod bind

2017-09-27 14:28:17 631

原创 Xamarin.ios 设置导航栏后退按钮 不显示文字

UIBarButtonItem.Appearance.SetBackButtonTitlePositionAdjustment(new UIOffset(System.nfloat.MinValue,System.nfloat.MinValue),UIBarMetrics.Default);

2017-08-25 19:46:47 863

原创 合理规范使用VSTS代码管理工具 ---之PR与Branch(tag)的使用

软件开发周期过程中,一直存在着生产与测试两种开发环境。所以对应着代码中需要保留生产与测试两种代码,而Branch的存在很好的解决了这个问题。生产测试开发环境的两种完美解决方案:Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Master分支Master分支Dev分支Dev分支新分支新分支更多分支...更多分支...开发新一阶段任务,Pull确保本分支为稳定版本,仅支持Pull/PR本次阶段任务完

2017-07-12 17:17:09 1040

原创 Xamarin.IOS 通过代码布局 最佳类库 Xibfree

xamarin.ios 通过代码布局的最佳类库:Xibfreehttp://www.toptensoftware.com/xibfree/ nuget:  https://www.nuget.org/packages/XibFree

2017-06-29 17:45:53 435

原创 Xamarin.IOS UiTextView 长文本不显示问题。

ios中UITextView 赋值很长的文字时,文字显示空白。拷贝和复制功能都可用,说明文字存在,但是就是不显示。 解决方案:  设置 ScrollEnabled 属性为true。参阅: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24768091/uitextview-not-showing-long-text

2017-02-20 18:11:56 1439

原创 Xamarin.IOS 使用visual studio 链接mac时总是提示 请重试

解决方案:删除 ~\AppData\Local\Xamarin\MonoTouch下 id_rsa id_rsa.pub 两文件,然后重新连接即可。

2017-02-13 12:09:44 694

转载 Xamarin Studio build event issue

參閲:http://www.mono-project.com/archived/porting_msbuild_projects_to_xbuild/Pre/PostBuildEventsThese events contain shell commands to be run before or after a build. They are executed usi

2017-02-08 11:56:29 683

原创 Xamarin.ios UIImagePickerController 仅启用拍照功能。 禁止视频。

imagePicker.MediaTypes = new string[] { UTType.Image };

2016-12-05 09:50:40 572

原创 Xamarin.ios 使用webview加载gif图片

NSData imageData = NSData.FromFile(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource("test","gif"));            string path = NSBundle.MainBundle.BundlePath;            NSUrl baseURL = new NSUrl(path,true); 

2016-11-30 12:40:44 1415

原创 Xamarin.IOS 加载base64的图片

byte[] encodedDataAsBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String (imageToDisplay);NSData data = NSData.FromArray (encodedDataAsBytes);return UIImage.LoadFromData (data);

2016-11-30 12:39:25 1222

转载 String Format for Double [C#]

下面的例子显示如何在C#中的字符串格式化浮点数。你可以使用静态方法String.Format 或实例方法double.ToString的和 float.ToString小数点后的数字这个例子格式的两位小数固定长度的字符串。对于小数点后两位使用模式“0.00”。如果浮点数小数少,右边其余数字将是零。如果有更多的小数,将四舍五入。[C#]// just two deci

2016-09-09 15:44:12 342

翻译 Xamarin.Android set cornerRadius by code

GradientDrawable gd = new GradientDrawable(); gd.SetColor(color.White); gd.SetCornerRadius(10); gd.SetStroke(2, color.LightGray); this.Control.SetBackgr

2016-06-24 18:56:45 755

原创 Xamarin 画圆

//// Oval Drawing   画园var ovalPath = UIBezierPath.FromOval(newCGRect(51.0f, 66.0f,37.0f, 36.0f));UIColor.Gray.SetFill();ovalPath.Fill();//// Star Drawing  画星星UIBezierPath starPat

2016-06-01 19:36:29 1105

原创 Xamarin.Forms 判断颜色亮度

Color ColorToContrastColor(Color color)        {            // Standard luminance calculation.                         double luminance = 0.30 * color.R + 0.59 * color.G + 0.11 * color.B;     

2016-06-01 15:28:38 762

原创 Xamarin.Forms 强迫横竖屏

Android:        public void ForceLandscape()        {            GetActivity().RequestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape;        }        public void ForcePortrait()     

2016-05-17 16:45:25 3345 1

原创 Xamarin.Forms 获取IP地址

Android:        public string GetIPAddress()        {            IPAddress[] adresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName());            if (adresses != null && adresses[0] != null)

2016-05-17 16:41:12 1635 1

原创 Xamarin.Forms 获取当前版本号

Android:        public string GetVersion()        {            var activity = GetActivity();            return activity.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(activity.PackageName, 0).VersionName;

2016-05-17 16:37:51 3212 2

原创 Xamarin 判断颜色值得相近程度

public static Color GetForeColor(Color foreColor, Color backColor)        {            var colorVariance = GetColourVariance(foreColor, backColor);            if (colorVariance            

2016-03-29 16:22:19 827

转载 IOS 用UIWindow自定义AlertView(最基本代码)

[cpp] view plaincopy//  //  ABCustomAlertView.h  //  KnowledgeChoice  //  //  Created by  on 13-6-19.  //  Copyright (c) 2013年 DoubleMan. All rights reserved.  //  自定义相应的控件

2015-12-11 18:09:12 1554

转载 Xamarin.Forms 获取设备的ip地址

May 16, 2015App Development, Coding, Programming, Uncategorized, XamarinIP Address, Xamarin, Xamarin DependencyService, Xamarin Forms, Xamarin.Forms DependencyServiceSo I have been wor

2015-12-04 14:41:52 2072

原创 Xamarin.Android Get Screen size

App.ScreenWidth = Resources.DisplayMetrics.WidthPixels;App.ScreenHeight = Resources.DisplayMetrics.HeightPixels;It's good idea for xamarin.forms to get screen size.

2015-11-25 15:05:26 1222

转载 Xcode7 上传报错

本人最近提交包的时候出现以下提示:Could not make parent directory for: /Users/xxx/.itmstransporter/softwaresupport/bin/Frameworks/ITunesSoftwareService.framework/Resources/ITunesSoftwareServiceConfiguration.xml 

2015-10-30 18:41:02 813

原创 Xamarin Studio 手动升级nuget 组件

You can find updated NuGet addin binaries that support NuGet 2.8.7 on GitHub. I have tested these on the Mac and they will allow you to install the latest version of System.Collections.Immutable.

2015-09-21 14:29:35 1398

原创 Xamarin.IOS UIAlertController 自定义字体

var alertController =UIAlertController.Create ("", messageText, UIAlertControllerStyle.ActionSheet);            var okButton = UIAlertAction.Create (okText, UIAlertActionStyle.Default,null);    

2015-09-15 11:23:57 1502

原创 Xamarin.ios 解决new NSUrl 返回为空的方法。

var uri = new Uri (urlString);var nsurl = new NSUrl (uri.GetComponents (UriComponents.HttpRequestUrl, UriFormat.UriEscaped));UIApplication.SharedApplication.OpenUrl (nsurl);

2015-08-21 15:09:52 935

原创 C# Xamarin.Parse 模糊查询 忽略大小写

var query = ParseObject.GetQuery ("RatedMovies")  //.WhereContains("FaceBookName",searchText);                    .WhereMatches("FaceBookName",new Regex(searchText,RegexOptions.ECMAScript));var re

2015-08-11 17:29:19 438

转载 mac 上显示/隐藏 隐藏文件

Some people like to know everything that is on their computer. Admittedly, I was one of these people many moons ago, when I was a Windows user. I would always make sure that Windows Explorer would s

2015-06-04 12:27:24 832

原创 Xamarin.Android set no title and no icon


2015-01-20 13:42:53 861

原创 xamarn.android binding parse sdk for a week to work

Xamarin.Android PackageName 需要设置为项目命名空间且全小写。http://blog.csdn.net/jameszhou/article/details/41806377

2014-12-08 18:36:59 489

转载 Xamarin.ios 绑定Objective-C libraries中容易出现的问题

This blog post is about producing better bindings of Objective-C libraries forXamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Mac . Read the series introduction to get a better idea why this is important and how it can sav

2014-11-06 10:47:35 940

转载 Xamarin.iOS使用Objective-C静态类库.a(Linking Native Libraries)

Xamarin静态类库的binding实际上是一个C#与Objective-C方法间映射过程,由于第三方SDK对iOS开发至关重要,因此官方文档中也对这块也做了完整的介绍(Binding Objective-C Libraries),但对于一个完全入门级的程序员来说,这块还是有诸多麻烦,并且部分Api类型文档上也未曾提到。下面将以百度地图作为案例,全面解析静态类库binding工程的知识与问题

2014-11-03 16:44:21 2822 1

原创 xamarin.ios 绑定 oc libray


2014-11-03 16:19:45 736

转载 UIScrollView 小结

(2011-08-01 17:04:04)转载▼标签: it分类: iPhone开发1. @property(nonatomic) BOOL bounces //当滚动到内容边缘是否发生反弹,default is YES.2. @property(nonatomic) BOOL alwaysBounceHorizo

2014-10-24 15:01:29 475

原创 xamarin.ios 拖动tablecell来重新排序


2014-10-11 18:27:54 553

Xamarin.IOS tableview下拉刷新

Xamarin.IOS tableview下拉刷新






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