计算机英语(第三版)Unit 8,B、C两部分的翻译

以下是计算机英语(第三版)Unit 8,B、C两部分的翻译,是自己第一篇手动翻译的完整的一份文章,来钉一下,有几处翻译得觉得不自然的地方,已经被阴影了


Section B

A Guide to Network Topology


     A network topology id how computers,printer, and other devices are connected over a network .it describes thelayout of wires, devices, and routing paths. Essentially there six differentcommon topologies you should familiarize yourself with: bus, ring, star,extended star, hierarchical, and mesh.


Ⅰ. Bus Topology

The bus topology was fairly popular inthe early years of networking . It’s easy to set up-not to mention inexpensive.All devices on the bus topology are connected using a single cable. If you needhelp remembering how the bus topology operates, think of it as the route a bustakes throughout a city.

It is extremely important to note thatboth ends of the main cable need to be terminated. If there is no terminator,the signal will bounce back when it reaches the end. The result: a bunch ofcollisions and noise that will disrupt the entire network.

The bus topology is less common thesedays. In fact, this topology is commonly used in network computers via coaxialcable—when’s the last time you can say you have done that?


Ⅱ. Ring Topology

The ring topology is a veryinteresting topology indeed. It is a lot more complex than it may seem—it lookslike just a bunch of computers connected in a circle! But behind the scenes,the ring topology is providing a collision-free and redundant networkingenvironment.

  Note that since there is no end on a ring topology, no terminators arenecessary. A frame travels along the circle, stopping at each node. Ifthat node wants to transmit data, it adds destination address and datainformation to the frame. The frame then travels around the ring, searching forthe destination node. When it’s found, the data is taken out of the frame andthe circle continues.

But wait—it gets better! We have twotypes of ring topologies in networking: the one we just reviewed, and dual-ringtopology. In a dual-topology, we use two rings instead of one. This creates asense of redundancy so that if any point in the network fails, the second ringwill (hopefully) be able to pick up the slack. If both rings were to fail atseparate locations, we can even use the opposite ring at each point to “patch”the downed node.

In the diagram on the right in Figure8B-1, you can see that although the outer ring and inner ring failed atseparate parts of the network, thanks to redundancy, the network is still fullyoperational. This is generally more expensive to implement than othertopologies—so it isn’t as common as the star or extended star topology.


Ⅲ. Star/Extended Star Topology

       Oneof the most popular topologies for Ethernet LANs is the star and extended startopology. It is easy to set up, it’s relatively cheap, and it creates moreredundancy than the bus topology.

The star topology works by connectingeach node to a central device. This central connection allows us to have afully functioning network even when other devices fail. The only real threat tothis topology is that if the central device goes down, so does the entirenetwork.

The extended star topology is a bitmore advanced. Instead of connecting all devices to a central unit, we havesub-central devices added to the mix. This allows more functionality fororganization and subnetting—yet also created more points of failure. In manycases, it is impractical to use a star topology since networks can span anentire building. In this case, the extended star topology is all but necessaryto prevent degraded signals.

Whereas the star topology is bettersuited for small networks, the extended star topology is generally better forthe larger ones.


Ⅳ.Hierarchical Topology

The hierarchical topology is much likethe star topology, except that it doesn’t use a central node. Although Ciscoprefers to call this hierarchical, you may see it as instead referred to as thetree topology.

This type of topology suffers from thesame centralization flaw as the star topology. If the device that is on top ofthe chain fails, consider the entire network down. Obviously this isimpractical and not used a great deal in real applications.


Ⅴ.Mesh Topology

       If youhaven’t noticed, we’ve had a little problem with a full redundant network.The dual-ring topology helped, but it wasn’t perfect. If you are looking for atruly redundant network, look no further than the mesh topology. You will seetwo main types of mesh topology: full-mesh and partial-mesh.

       Thefull-mesh topology connects every single node together. This will create themost redundant and reliable network around—especially for large networks. If anylink fails, we (should) always have another link to send datathrough. So why don’t we use it more often? Simple: how many wires would ittake to link a computer to every device on a network of over 100 devices? Nowmultiply that for every device on the network—not a pleasant number is it?Obviously you should only use this in smaller networks. Alternatively, youcould try a partial-mesh topology.

The partial-mesh topology is much likethe full-mesh, only we don’t connect each device to every other device on thenetwork. Instead, we only implement a few alternate routes. After all, what arethe odds a network will fail in multiple times near the same device?

You’ll see the partial-mesh topologyin backbone environments, since these are often vital networks that depends onredundancy to keep services running (such as an Internet Service Provider). Thefull-mesh topology is commonly seen in WANs between routers, yet also onsmaller networks that depend on a redundant connection.


Ⅵ.Closing Comments

       Keepin mind that network topology isn’t limited to the above examples. There arehybrids and variations of the topologies mentioned above. Oddly enough, Ciscofails to categorize point-to-point topology in their course material—but don’tworry, it’s just a simple connection between two endpoints. Perhaps it wasconsidered too simple to include in the course material—either way, make sureyou commit the above topologies to memory. You’ll be expected to know them whenexam day comes—not to mention it could save you from a disorganized mess of a network!

       Anotherpoint to emphasize is that each network has a logical topology as well as aphysical topology. The physical topology and logical topology of the networkcan be same, but often they aren’t. Think of the physical topology as thenetwork layout you’d see if you looked at the physical network from outside. Tounderstand the physical topology, you completely ignore how the data travels,and focus instead on the appearance of cables, hubs, and nodes that make up thenetwork. The logical topology describes how data actually travels on thenetwork. To understand the logical topology, you need to become one with thedata traveling on the network. Pretend you are the data, and follow the path ittakes. The path you follow defines the network’s logical topology.




Section C

Network Connecting Devices


We can divide computer networks intothree broad categories: local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks(MANs), and wide area networks (WANs). The three network types can be connectedusing connecting devices. The interconnection of networks makes globalcommunication from one side of the world to the other possible. Connectingdevices can be divided into four types based on their functionality asrelated to the layers in the OSI model: repeaters, bridges, routers,and gateways. Repeaters and bridges typically connect devices in a network.Routers and gateways typically connect networks into internetworks (Figure8C-1).

A repeater is an electronic devicethat regenerates data. It extends the physical length of a network. As a signalis transmitted, it may lose strength, and a weak signal may be interpretederroneously by a receiver. A repeater can regenerate the signal and send it tothe rest of the network. Figure 8C-2 shows a network with and without arepeater.

Repeaters operate only in the physicallayer of the OSI model. They do not recognize physical or logical addresses.They simply regenerate every signal they receive. Repeaters , popular when thedominant topology was the bus topology, often connected two buses to increasethe length of the network.

When a network uses a bus topology,the medium is shared between all stations. In other words, when a station sendsa frame, the common bus is occupied by this one station, and no otherstation is allowed to send a frame (if it does, the two framescollide). This implies a degradation of performance. Stationsneed to wait until the bus is free. This is similar to an airport that has onlyone runway. When the runway is used by one aircraft, the other aircraft readyfor takeoff must wait.

A bridge is a traffic controller. Itcan divide a long bus into smaller segments so that each segment is independenttrafficwise. A bridge installed between two segments can pass or block framesbased on the destination address in the frame. If a frame originates in onesegment and the destination is in the same segment, there is no reason for theframe to pass the bridge and go to the other segments. The bridge uses a tableto decide if the frame needs to be forwarded to another segment. With a bridge,two or more pairs of stations can communicate at the same time (Figure 8C-3).

In addition to its traffic controllingduties, a bridge also functions as a repeater by regenerating the frame. Asdiscussed previously, this means that a bridge operates at the physical layer.But because a bridge needs to interpret the address embedded in the frame tomake filtering decisions, it also operates at the data-link layer of the OSImodel.

In recent years, the need for betterperformance has led to the design of a new device referred to as a second-layerswitch, which is simply a sophisticated bridge with multiple interfaces. Forexample, a network with 20 stations can be divided into four segments using afour-interface bridge. Or the same network can be divided into 20 segments (withone station per segment) using a 20-interface switch. A switch in this caseincreases performance; a station that needs to send a frame sends it directlyto the switch. The media are not shared; each station is directly connected tothe switch (Figure8C-4).

Routers are devices that connect LANs,MANs, and WANs. A router operates at the third layer of the OSI model. Whereasa bridge filters a frame based on the physical (data-link layer) address of theframe, a router routes a packet based on the logical (network layer) address ofthe packet.

Whereas a bridge may connect twosegments of a LAN or two LANs belonging to the same organization, a router canconnect two independent networks: a LAN to a WAN, a LAN to a MAN, a WAN toanother WAN, and so on. The result is an internetwork (or a internet). TheInternet (the unique global internet) that connects the whole world together isan example of an internetwork where many networks are connected togetherthrough routers. Figure 8C-5 shows an example of an internetwork.

Traditionally, a gateway is aconnecting device that act as a protocol converter. It allows two networks,each with a different set of protocols for all seven OSI layers, to beconnected to each other and communicate. A gateway is usually a computerinstalled with the necessary software. The gateway understands the protocolsused by each connected network and is therefore able to translate from one toanother. For example, a gateway can connect a network using the AppleTalkprotocol to a network using the Novell Netware protocol.

Today, however, the termgateway is used interchangeably with the term router. Some peoplerefer to a gateway as a router, and others refer to a router as a gateway. Thedistinction between the two terms is disappearing.

Figure8C-6 presents the relationshipbetween the connecting devices and the OSI model.




























第二部分   网络拓扑指导




























Ⅵ. 总结






第三部分    网络连接设备










传统上,网关是一个作为协议转换器的连接设备。它允许两个带有各自不同的服务于OSI中七层的协议的网络互相连通并且能够通信。网关通常是一个安装了必要的软件的计算机。网管能够解析互相连接的网络的协议,因此它能够把一个协议翻译成另一个。例如网关能使使用AppleTalk协议的网络和使用Novell Netware协议的网络连接在一起。







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