利用Linux下自动生成makefile的工具: automake, autoconf 生成makefile的一般过程

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40 篇文章 0 订阅

利用Linux下自动生成makefile的工具: automake, autoconf 生成makefile的一般过程

1.  创建工程目录和各个目录下的makefile.am。工程的名字一般和最终生成应用程序的名字相同。

wzb@embedded ~]$ mkdir workspace
[wzb@embedded ~]$ cd workspace/
[wzb@embedded workspace]$ ls
[wzb@embedded workspace]$ mkdir testAutoMake
[wzb@embedded workspace]$ ls
[wzb@embedded workspace]$ cd testAutoMake/
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ mkdir src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cd src
[wzb@embedded src]$ ls
[wzb@embedded src]$ vi main.c
[wzb@embedded src]$ ls
[wzb@embedded src]$ vi main.c
[wzb@embedded src]$ clear
[wzb@embedded src]$ ls
[wzb@embedded src]$ vi makefile.am
[wzb@embedded src]$ clear
[wzb@embedded src]$ ls
main.c  makefile.am
[wzb@embedded src]$ cd ..
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls -R
makefile.am  src

main.c  makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cat makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cd src
[wzb@embedded src]$ ls
main.c  makefile.am
[wzb@embedded src]$ cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int accumulate(int nr, ...);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        int n = 5;

        int result = accumulate(5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1);
        printf("%d,\n", result);

        printf("test.......makefile ........ok\n");

        return 0;

int accumulate(int nr, ...) {
        int i = 0;
        int result = 0;

        va_list arg ;

        va_start(arg, nr);
        for(i=0; i<nr; i++) {
                result += va_arg(arg, int);

        return result;

[wzb@embedded src]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded src]$ cat makefile.am
[wzb@embedded src]$

2.通过命令autoscan,创建autoconf的模板,生成configure.in 文件。

首先在工程目录中,通过执行autoscan命令,生成autoconf的模板文件configure.scan 文件,将其改名为configure.in。



        FULL-PACKAGE-NAME: 替换为你指派的开发工程包的名字:如本工程的:test_AutoMake;

        VERSION: 开发的版本号,一般格式:主版本号.从版本号。 如 0.1;

         BUG-REPORT-ADDRESS:  提交bug的邮件地址: 如wzb12008@sina.com。

 (2). 还要添加一句:       AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(testAutoMake, 0.1) 即AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(package_name, version);


[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ autoscan
autom4te: configure.ac: no such file or directory
autoscan: /usr/bin/autom4te failed with exit status: 1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
autoscan.log  configure.scan  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi configure.scan
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi configure.scan
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ mv configure.scan configure.in
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
autoscan.log  configure.in  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cat configure.in
#                                               -*- Autoconf -*-
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.


# Checks for programs.

# Checks for libraries.

# Checks for header files.

# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.

# Checks for library functions.

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi configure.in
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ clear
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
autoscan.log  configure.in  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cat configure.in
#                                               -*- Autoconf -*-
# Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.

AC_INIT(testAutoMake, 0.1, wzb12008@sina.com)

AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(testAutoMake, 0.1)

# Checks for programs.

# Checks for libraries.

# Checks for header files.

# Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.

# Checks for library functions.

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

3. 使用aclocal, 将configure.in中宏展开,生成alocal.m4 和临时加速文件autom4te.cache。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
autoscan.log  configure.in  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ aclocal
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  autoscan.log  configure.in  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

4. 使用autoheader 生成config.h.in 文件。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  autoscan.log  configure.in  makefile.am  src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ autoheader
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure.in  src
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

5. 创建文件 :README 、NEWS、AUTHORS、ChangeLog。touch  README NEWS AUTHORS ChangeLog


[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure.in  src
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   makefile.am
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ touch NEWS README AUTHORS ChangeLog
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  ChangeLog    configure.in  NEWS    src
AUTHORS     autoscan.log    config.h.in  makefile.am   README
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi ChangeLog
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ cat ChangeLog
2012-04-07 Earl wzb12008@sina.com
        * Created
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

6. 执行automake -a 命令生成makefile.in 文件以及其他相关文件 install-sh, missing, depcomp, INSTALL , COPYING等。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  ChangeLog    configure.in  NEWS    src
AUTHORS     autoscan.log    config.h.in  makefile.am   README
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ automake -a
configure.in: installing `./install-sh'
configure.in: installing `./missing'
src/makefile.am: installing `./depcomp'
makefile.am: installing `./INSTALL'
makefile.am: installing `./COPYING'
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure.in  INSTALL      makefile.in  README
AUTHORS         ChangeLog     COPYING       install-sh   missing      src
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   depcomp       makefile.am  NEWS
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

7. 执行 autoconf命令,生成configure脚本。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure.in  INSTALL      makefile.in  README
AUTHORS         ChangeLog     COPYING       install-sh   missing      src
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   depcomp       makefile.am  NEWS
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ autoconf
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure     depcomp     makefile.am  NEWS
AUTHORS         ChangeLog     configure.in  INSTALL     makefile.in  README
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   COPYING       install-sh  missing      src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

8.执行./configure 生成 makefile 文件。

configure脚本的两个参数,-prefix 指定bin目录的父目录;另一个-host 指定处理器架构,交叉编译环境搭建时有用。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  configure     depcomp     makefile.am  NEWS
AUTHORS         ChangeLog     configure.in  INSTALL     makefile.in  README
autom4te.cache  config.h.in   COPYING       install-sh  missing      src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ./configure
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating makefile
config.status: creating src/makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: executing depfiles commands
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      ChangeLog    config.status  depcomp     makefile.am  README
AUTHORS         config.h     configure      INSTALL     makefile.in  src
autom4te.cache  config.h.in  configure.in   install-sh  missing      stamp-h1
autoscan.log    config.log   COPYING        makefile    NEWS
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

9.  一下步骤基本与我们从源码编译安装应用的步骤相似。

       首先,./configure -prefix bin目录所在的父目录(绝对路径)

        接着  make  ; 编译

        最后  make install;   在bin目录中找到生成可执行程序测试。

[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  ChangeLog  config.h.in  config.status  configure.in  depcomp  install-sh  makefile.am  missing  README  stamp-h1
AUTHORS     autoscan.log    config.h   config.log   configure      COPYING       INSTALL  makefile    makefile.in  NEWS     src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ./configure -prefix /home/wzb/w
workspace/ wzb/
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ./configure -prefix /home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/
checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking for gawk... gawk
checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
checking whether the C compiler works... yes
checking whether we are cross compiling... no
checking for suffix of executables...
checking for suffix of object files... o
checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... yes
checking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed
checking for style of include used by make... GNU
checking dependency style of gcc... gcc3
checking how to run the C preprocessor... gcc -E
checking for egrep... grep -E
checking for ANSI C header files... yes
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating makefile
config.status: creating src/makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
if gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I..     -g -O2 -MT main.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/main.Tpo" -c -o main.o main.c; \
        then mv -f ".deps/main.Tpo" ".deps/main.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/main.Tpo"; exit 1; fi
gcc  -g -O2   -o testAutoMake  main.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4  autom4te.cache  ChangeLog  config.h.in  config.status  configure.in  depcomp  install-sh  makefile.am  missing  README  stamp-h1
AUTHORS     autoscan.log    config.h   config.log   configure      COPYING       INSTALL  makefile    makefile.in  NEWS     src
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ make install
Making install in src
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
test -z "/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake//bin" || mkdir -p -- "/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake//bin"
  /usr/bin/install -c 'testAutoMake' '/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake//bin/testAutoMake'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-exec-am'.
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `install-data-am'.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake'
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ./bin/testAutoMake
test.......makefile ........ok
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$

10. 当程序稳定了,可以通过命令 make dist , 生成工程的发布文件。(还有 make distcheck命令)
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ pwd
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ make dist
{ test ! -d testAutoMake-0.1 || { find testAutoMake-0.1 -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -fr testAutoMake-0.1; }; }
mkdir testAutoMake-0.1
list='src'; for subdir in $list; do \
          if test "$subdir" = .; then :; else \
            test -d "testAutoMake-0.1/$subdir" \
            || mkdir -p -- "testAutoMake-0.1/$subdir" \
            || exit 1; \
            distdir=`CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd testAutoMake-0.1 && pwd`; \
            top_distdir=`CDPATH="${ZSH_VERSION+.}:" && cd testAutoMake-0.1 && pwd`; \
            (cd $subdir && \
              make  \
                top_distdir="$top_distdir" \
                distdir="$distdir/$subdir" \
                distdir) \
              || exit 1; \
          fi; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/src'
find testAutoMake-0.1 -type d ! -perm -755 -exec chmod a+rwx,go+rx {} \; -o \
          ! -type d ! -perm -444 -links 1 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
          ! -type d ! -perm -400 -exec chmod a+r {} \; -o \
          ! -type d ! -perm -444 -exec /bin/sh /home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/install-sh -c -m a+r {} {} \; \
        || chmod -R a+r testAutoMake-0.1
tardir=testAutoMake-0.1 && /bin/sh /home/wzb/workspace/testAutoMake/missing --run tar chof - "$tardir" | GZIP=--best gzip -c >testAutoMake-0.1.tar.gz
{ test ! -d testAutoMake-0.1 || { find testAutoMake-0.1 -type d ! -perm -200 -exec chmod u+w {} ';' && rm -fr testAutoMake-0.1; }; }
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README    testAutoMake-0.1.tar.gz
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ clear
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README    testAutoMake-0.1.tar.gz
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ clear
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README    testAutoMake-0.1.tar.gz
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi ChangeLog
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ clear
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ ls
aclocal.m4      autoscan.log  config.h     config.status  COPYING  install-sh   makefile.in  README    testAutoMake-0.1.tar.gz
AUTHORS         bin           config.h.in  configure      depcomp  makefile     missing      src
autom4te.cache  ChangeLog     config.log   configure.in   INSTALL  makefile.am  NEWS         stamp-h1
[wzb@embedded testAutoMake]$ vi configure.in


 想到了为什么,安装源码文件时,要先 ./configure -prefix ... , 接着make, 接着make install 。很清楚了。。。





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