creating a Self Deleting Executable

// Supposed to work on all Windows versions!
// Was checked on: 98/2000/XP/2003.
// The following code does NOT use any function that Win9x won't support (not even CreateRemoteThread)!

// Proof of concept for self deleting executable:
// Spawning a new process in suspended mode, using CreateProcess.
// Allocating a memory block in that process, using VirtualAllocEx.
// Getting remote thread context.
// Write a thread procedure to that memory block.
// Write some data structure for late usage by the thread procedure.
// Update remote thread stack, for using our data structure.
// Setting remote thread new context.
// Resuming remote thread.
// Voila...
// Note that this idea, specifically, could be implemented in other ways, I chose the simples one IMHO.

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct _RemoteData {
CHAR moduleName[MAX_PATH];
DWORD processID;
HANDLE (__stdcall *OpenProcessPtr)(DWORD, BOOL, DWORD);
DWORD (__stdcall *WaitForSingleObjectPtr)(HANDLE, DWORD);
BOOL (__stdcall *CloseHandlePtr)(HANDLE);
BOOL (__stdcall *DeleteFilePtr)(LPCTSTR);
void (__stdcall *SleepPtr)(DWORD);
void (__stdcall *ExitProcessPtr)(UINT);

// Allocation size for the InjectedThreadProc in the host process.
// Well, you can use some hacks to calc the function size in runtime, I leave it for you.
#define MAX_CODE_SIZE 1024

DWORD WINAPI InjectedThreadProc(_RemoteData* rd)
HANDLE hProcess = NULL;
// Open the process we want to delete its file, the one who injected this code...
if (hProcess = rd->OpenProcessPtr(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, rd->processID)) {
// Wait 'till it finishes executing.
rd->WaitForSingleObjectPtr(hProcess, INFINITE);
// Close handle to it.
// Delete process's executable file, sleep a bit and retry if required...?
while (!rd->DeleteFilePtr(rd->moduleName)) rd->SleepPtr(1000);
// Kill host also.
return 0;

int InjectCode()
int rc = -1;
SIZE_T dummy = 0;
LPVOID codeAddr = NULL;
HANDLE hProcess = NULL, hThread = NULL;

_RemoteData rd = {0};
CONTEXT cntxt = {0};

STARTUPINFO sui = {0};
sui.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
// Create a host process that will run our code.
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, "notepad.exe", NULL, NULL, TRUE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, &sui, &pi)) {
rc = 1;
goto cleanup;
// Luckily, PROCESS_INFORMATION returns to us precious handles...
hProcess = pi.hProcess;
hThread = pi.hThread;

// Allocate some memory for our thread function to be copied to the host process.
if (!codeAddr) {
rc = 2;
goto cleanup;

// Get pointers to required functions.
rd.OpenProcessPtr = OpenProcess;
rd.WaitForSingleObjectPtr = WaitForSingleObject;
rd.CloseHandlePtr = CloseHandle;
rd.DeleteFilePtr = DeleteFile;
rd.SleepPtr = Sleep;
rd.ExitProcessPtr = ExitProcess;

// Pass our own process ID so the remote thread can wait for us to terminate.
rd.processID = GetCurrentProcessId();
// Get our own executable path name so the remote thread can later delete us.
GetModuleFileName(NULL, rd.moduleName, MAX_PATH);

// Write the CODE into the process!
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, codeAddr, (LPVOID)&InjectedThreadProc, MAX_CODE_SIZE, &dummy)) {
rc = 3;
goto cleanup;
if (dummy != MAX_CODE_SIZE) {
rc = 4;
goto cleanup;

// Get remote thread's context, so we can use it for our needs.
cntxt.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL; // We actually need ESP and EIP.
if (!GetThreadContext(hThread, &cntxt)) {
rc = 5;
goto cleanup;
// Change the EIP to point to the thread procedure we copied earlier.
// So when we assume running, our code will immediately start running.
cntxt.Eip = (DWORD)codeAddr;

// Every thread function gets one argument, this will be a pointer to _RemoteData structure.
// Put the structure on the stack so the remote thread will be able to use it, make sure it's 4 bytes aligned!
cntxt.Esp -= sizeof(_RemoteData); // Make some room.
// Write it into the host process' stack space.
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)cntxt.Esp, (LPVOID)&rd, sizeof(_RemoteData), &dummy)) {
rc = 6;
goto cleanup;
if (dummy != sizeof(_RemoteData)) {
rc = 7;
goto cleanup;

// Now PUSH the ESP to point to the structure we copied above.
// Just as pushing a pointer to rd so the remote thread will POP(or whatever usage of ESP) this pointer as its argument and use it...
// cntxt.Esp points by now to our copied structure.
// Making more room for the pointer itself on the stack and writing it.
if (!WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)(cntxt.Esp - sizeof(DWORD)), (LPVOID)&cntxt.Esp, sizeof(DWORD), &dummy)) {
rc = 8;
goto cleanup;
if (dummy != sizeof(DWORD)) {
rc = 9;
goto cleanup;

// Remember that ESP is always advanced by one DWORD after a push, something like atomic: mov [esp], dwVal; sub esp, 4.
// Advance it twice, because of the last WriteProcessMemory.
cntxt.Esp -= sizeof(DWORD)*2;

// After we've set everything correctly in place, set the remote thread's context to the changed one.
if (!SetThreadContext(hThread, &cntxt)) {
rc = 10;
goto cleanup;
// Now the thread will RESUME running from our copied code using the pointer to rd we copied to stack.
if (!ResumeThread(hThread)) {
rc = 11;
goto cleanup;

rc = 0;
// Oh no? (@_@) I'm looking at the error code!
if (pi.hProcess) CloseHandle(pi.hProcess);
if (pi.hThread) CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
return rc;

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCommandLine, int nCmdshow)
if (InjectCode() != 0) {
MessageBox(NULL, "Cannot inject code to host process!", "Self Deleting Executable!", MB_OK);
return -1;
MessageBox(NULL, "Do whatever you want here,/r/nthread is blocked on us.", "Self Deleting Executable!", MB_OK);
return 0;




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