日历 日期段选择



// moment.js
// version : 2.1.0
// author : Tim Wood
// license : MIT
// momentjs.com
function (t) {
    function e(t, e) {
        return function (n) {
            return u(t.call(this, n), e)
    function n(t, e) {
        return function (n) {
            return this.lang().ordinal(t.call(this, n), e)
    function s() { }
    function i(t) {
        a(this, t)
    function r(t) {
        var e = t.years || t.year || t.y || 0,
        n = t.months || t.month || t.M || 0,
        s = t.weeks || t.week || t.w || 0,
        i = t.days || t.day || t.d || 0,
        r = t.hours || t.hour || t.h || 0,
        a = t.minutes || t.minute || t.m || 0,
        o = t.seconds || t.second || t.s || 0,
        u = t.milliseconds || t.millisecond || t.ms || 0;
        this._input = t,
        this._milliseconds = u + 1e3 * o + 6e4 * a + 36e5 * r,
        this._days = i + 7 * s,
        this._months = n + 12 * e,
        this._data = {},
    function a(t, e) {
        for (var n in e) e.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] = e[n]);
        return t
    function o(t) {
        return 0 > t ? Math.ceil(t) : Math.floor(t)
    function u(t, e) {
        for (var n = t + ""; n.length < e; ) n = "0" + n;
        return n
    function h(t, e, n, s) {
        var i, r, a = e._milliseconds,
        o = e._days,
        u = e._months;
        a && t._d.setTime(+t._d + a * n),
        (o || u) && (i = t.minute(), r = t.hour()),
        o && t.date(t.date() + o * n),
        u && t.month(t.month() + u * n),
        a && !s && H.updateOffset(t),
        (o || u) && (t.minute(i), t.hour(r))
    function d(t) {
        return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t)
    function c(t, e) {
        var n, s = Math.min(t.length, e.length),
        i = Math.abs(t.length - e.length),
        r = 0;
        for (n = 0; s > n; n++) ~ ~t[n] !== ~ ~e[n] && r++;
        return r + i
    function f(t) {
        return t ? ie[t] || t.toLowerCase().replace(/(.)s$/, "$1") : t
    function l(t, e) {
        return e.abbr = t,
        x[t] || (x[t] = new s),
    function _(t) {
        if (!t) return H.fn._lang;
        if (!x[t] && A) try {
            require("./lang/" + t)
        } catch (e) {
            return H.fn._lang
        return x[t]
    function m(t) {
        return t.match(/\[.*\]/) ? t.replace(/^\[|\]$/g, "") : t.replace(/\\/g, "")
    function y(t) {
        var e, n, s = t.match(E);
        for (e = 0, n = s.length; n > e; e++) s[e] = ue[s[e]] ? ue[s[e]] : m(s[e]);
        return function (i) {
            var r = "";
            for (e = 0; n > e; e++) r += s[e] instanceof Function ? s[e].call(i, t) : s[e];
            return r
    function M(t, e) {
        function n(e) {
            return t.lang().longDateFormat(e) || e
        for (var s = 5; s-- && N.test(e); ) e = e.replace(N, n);
        return re[e] || (re[e] = y(e)),
    function g(t, e) {
        switch (t) {
            case "DDDD":
                return V;
            case "YYYY":
                return X;
            case "YYYYY":
                return $;
            case "S":
            case "SS":
            case "SSS":
            case "DDD":
                return I;
            case "MMM":
            case "MMMM":
            case "dd":
            case "ddd":
            case "dddd":
                return R;
            case "a":
            case "A":
                return _(e._l)._meridiemParse;
            case "X":
                return B;
            case "Z":
            case "ZZ":
                return j;
            case "T":
                return q;
            case "MM":
            case "DD":
            case "YY":
            case "HH":
            case "hh":
            case "mm":
            case "ss":
            case "M":
            case "D":
            case "d":
            case "H":
            case "h":
            case "m":
            case "s":
                return J;
                return new RegExp(t.replace("\\", ""))
    function p(t) {
        var e = (j.exec(t) || [])[0],
        n = (e + "").match(ee) || ["-", 0, 0],
        s = +(60 * n[1]) + ~ ~n[2];
        return "+" === n[0] ? -s : s
    function D(t, e, n) {
        var s, i = n._a;
        switch (t) {
            case "M":
            case "MM":
                i[1] = null == e ? 0 : ~ ~e - 1;
            case "MMM":
            case "MMMM":
                s = _(n._l).monthsParse(e),
            null != s ? i[1] = s : n._isValid = !1;
            case "D":
            case "DD":
            case "DDD":
            case "DDDD":
                null != e && (i[2] = ~ ~e);
            case "YY":
                i[0] = ~ ~e + (~ ~e > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3);
            case "YYYY":
            case "YYYYY":
                i[0] = ~ ~e;
            case "a":
            case "A":
                n._isPm = _(n._l).isPM(e);
            case "H":
            case "HH":
            case "h":
            case "hh":
                i[3] = ~ ~e;
            case "m":
            case "mm":
                i[4] = ~ ~e;
            case "s":
            case "ss":
                i[5] = ~ ~e;
            case "S":
            case "SS":
            case "SSS":
                i[6] = ~ ~(1e3 * ("0." + e));
            case "X":
                n._d = new Date(1e3 * parseFloat(e));
            case "Z":
            case "ZZ":
                n._useUTC = !0,
            n._tzm = p(e)
        null == e && (n._isValid = !1)
    function Y(t) {
        var e, n, s = [];
        if (!t._d) {
            for (e = 0; 7 > e; e++) t._a[e] = s[e] = null == t._a[e] ? 2 === e ? 1 : 0 : t._a[e];
            s[3] += ~ ~((t._tzm || 0) / 60),
            s[4] += ~ ~((t._tzm || 0) % 60),
            n = new Date(0),
            t._useUTC ? (n.setUTCFullYear(s[0], s[1], s[2]), n.setUTCHours(s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6])) : (n.setFullYear(s[0], s[1], s[2]), n.setHours(s[3], s[4], s[5], s[6])),
            t._d = n
    function w(t) {
        var e, n, s = t._f.match(E),
        i = t._i;
        for (t._a = [], e = 0; e < s.length; e++) n = (g(s[e], t).exec(i) || [])[0],
        n && (i = i.slice(i.indexOf(n) + n.length)),
        ue[s[e]] && D(s[e], n, t);
        i && (t._il = i),
        t._isPm && t._a[3] < 12 && (t._a[3] += 12),
        t._isPm === !1 && 12 === t._a[3] && (t._a[3] = 0),
    function k(t) {
        var e, n, s, r, o, u = 99;
        for (r = 0; r < t._f.length; r++) e = a({},
        e._f = t._f[r],
        n = new i(e),
        o = c(e._a, n.toArray()),
        n._il && (o += n._il.length),
        u > o && (u = o, s = n);
        a(t, s)
    function v(t) {
        var e, n = t._i,
        s = K.exec(n);
        if (s) {
            for (t._f = "YYYY-MM-DD" + (s[2] || " "), e = 0; 4 > e; e++) if (te[e][1].exec(n)) {
                t._f += te[e][0];
            j.exec(n) && (t._f += " Z"),
        } else t._d = new Date(n)
    function T(e) {
        var n = e._i,
        s = G.exec(n);
        n === t ? e._d = new Date : s ? e._d = new Date(+s[1]) : "string" == typeof n ? v(e) : d(n) ? (e._a = n.slice(0), Y(e)) : e._d = n instanceof Date ? new Date(+n) : new Date(n)
    function b(t, e, n, s, i) {
        return i.relativeTime(e || 1, !!n, t, s)
    function S(t, e, n) {
        var s = W(Math.abs(t) / 1e3),
        i = W(s / 60),
        r = W(i / 60),
        a = W(r / 24),
        o = W(a / 365),
        u = 45 > s && ["s", s] || 1 === i && ["m"] || 45 > i && ["mm", i] || 1 === r && ["h"] || 22 > r && ["hh", r] || 1 === a && ["d"] || 25 >= a && ["dd", a] || 45 >= a && ["M"] || 345 > a && ["MM", W(a / 30)] || 1 === o && ["y"] || ["yy", o];
        return u[2] = e,
        u[3] = t > 0,
        u[4] = n,
    function F(t, e, n) {
        var s, i = n - e,
        r = n - t.day();
        return r > i && (r -= 7),
        i - 7 > r && (r += 7),
        s = H(t).add("d", r),
            week: Math.ceil(s.dayOfYear() / 7),
            year: s.year()
    function O(t) {
        var e = t._i,
        n = t._f;
        return null === e || "" === e ? null : ("string" == typeof e && (t._i = e = _().preparse(e)), H.isMoment(e) ? (t = a({},
        e), t._d = new Date(+e._d)) : n ? d(n) ? k(t) : w(t) : T(t), new i(t))
    function z(t, e) {
        H.fn[t] = H.fn[t + "s"] = function (t) {
            var n = this._isUTC ? "UTC" : "";
            return null != t ? (this._d["set" + n + e](t), H.updateOffset(this), this) : this._d["get" + n + e]()
    function C(t) {
        H.duration.fn[t] = function () {
            return this._data[t]
    function L(t, e) {
        H.duration.fn["as" + t] = function () {
            return +this / e
    for (var H, P, U = "2.1.0", W = Math.round, x = {}, A = "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports, G = /^\/?Date\((\-?\d+)/i, Z = /(\-)?(\d*)?\.?(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\.?(\d{3})?/, E = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(Mo|MM?M?M?|Do|DDDo|DD?D?D?|ddd?d?|do?|w[o|w]?|W[o|W]?|YYYYY|YYYY|YY|gg(ggg?)?|GG(GGG?)?|e|E|a|A|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|SS?S?|X|zz?|ZZ?|.)/g, N = /(\[[^\[]*\])|(\\)?(LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, J = /\d\d?/, I = /\d{1,3}/, V = /\d{3}/, X = /\d{1,4}/, $ = /[+\-]?\d{1,6}/, R = /[0-9]*['a-z\u00A0-\u05FF\u0700-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+|[\u0600-\u06FF\/]+(\s*?[\u0600-\u06FF]+){1,2}/i, j = /Z|[\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d/i, q = /T/i, B = /[\+\-]?\d+(\.\d{1,3})?/, K = /^\s*\d{4}-\d\d-\d\d((T| )(\d\d(:\d\d(:\d\d(\.\d\d?\d?)?)?)?)?([\+\-]\d\d:?\d\d)?)?/, Q = "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ", te = [["HH:mm:ss.S", /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d\.\d{1,3}/], ["HH:mm:ss", /(T| )\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/], ["HH:mm", /(T| )\d\d:\d\d/], ["HH", /(T| )\d\d/]], ee = /([\+\-]|\d\d)/gi, ne = "Date|Hours|Minutes|Seconds|Milliseconds".split("|"), se = {
        Milliseconds: 1,
        Seconds: 1e3,
        Minutes: 6e4,
        Hours: 36e5,
        Days: 864e5,
        Months: 2592e6,
        Years: 31536e6
    ie = {
        ms: "millisecond",
        s: "second",
        m: "minute",
        h: "hour",
        d: "day",
        w: "week",
        M: "month",
        y: "year"
    re = {},
    ae = "DDD w W M D d".split(" "), oe = "M D H h m s w W".split(" "), ue = {
        M: function () {
            return this.month() + 1
        MMM: function (t) {
            return this.lang().monthsShort(this, t)
        MMMM: function (t) {
            return this.lang().months(this, t)
        D: function () {
            return this.date()
        DDD: function () {
            return this.dayOfYear()
        d: function () {
            return this.day()
        dd: function (t) {
            return this.lang().weekdaysMin(this, t)
        ddd: function (t) {
            return this.lang().weekdaysShort(this, t)
        dddd: function (t) {
            return this.lang().weekdays(this, t)
        w: function () {
            return this.week()
        W: function () {
            return this.isoWeek()
        YY: function () {
            return u(this.year() % 100, 2)
        YYYY: function () {
            return u(this.year(), 4)
        YYYYY: function () {
            return u(this.year(), 5)
        gg: function () {
            return u(this.weekYear() % 100, 2)
        gggg: function () {
            return this.weekYear()
        ggggg: function () {
            return u(this.weekYear(), 5)
        GG: function () {
            return u(this.isoWeekYear() % 100, 2)
        GGGG: function () {
            return this.isoWeekYear()
        GGGGG: function () {
            return u(this.isoWeekYear(), 5)
        e: function () {
            return this.weekday()
        E: function () {
            return this.isoWeekday()
        a: function () {
            return this.lang().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), !0)
        A: function () {
            return this.lang().meridiem(this.hours(), this.minutes(), !1)
        H: function () {
            return this.hours()
        h: function () {
            return this.hours() % 12 || 12
        m: function () {
            return this.minutes()
        s: function () {
            return this.seconds()
        S: function () {
            return ~ ~(this.milliseconds() / 100)
        SS: function () {
            return u(~ ~(this.milliseconds() / 10), 2)
        SSS: function () {
            return u(this.milliseconds(), 3)
        Z: function () {
            var t = -this.zone(),
            e = "+";
            return 0 > t && (t = -t, e = "-"),
            e + u(~ ~(t / 60), 2) + ":" + u(~ ~t % 60, 2)
        ZZ: function () {
            var t = -this.zone(),
            e = "+";
            return 0 > t && (t = -t, e = "-"),
            e + u(~ ~(10 * t / 6), 4)
        z: function () {
            return this.zoneAbbr()
        zz: function () {
            return this.zoneName()
        X: function () {
            return this.unix()
    }; ae.length; ) P = ae.pop(),
    ue[P + "o"] = n(ue[P], P);
    for (; oe.length; ) P = oe.pop(),
    ue[P + P] = e(ue[P], 2);
    for (ue.DDDD = e(ue.DDD, 3), s.prototype = {
        set: function (t) {
            var e, n;
            for (n in t) e = t[n],
            "function" == typeof e ? this[n] = e : this["_" + n] = e
        _months: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),
        months: function (t) {
            return this._months[t.month()]
        _monthsShort: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),
        monthsShort: function (t) {
            return this._monthsShort[t.month()]
        _monthsChShort: "一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月".split("_"),
        monthsChShort: function (t) {
            return this._monthsChShort[t.month()]
        monthsParse: function (t) {
            var e, n, s;
            for (this._monthsParse || (this._monthsParse = []), e = 0; 12 > e; e++) if (this._monthsParse[e] || (n = H([2e3, e]), s = "^" + this.months(n, "") + "|^" + this.monthsShort(n, ""), this._monthsParse[e] = new RegExp(s.replace(".", ""), "i")), this._monthsParse[e].test(t)) return e
        _weekdays: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),
        weekdays: function (t) {
            return this._weekdays[t.day()]
        _weekdaysShort: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),
        weekdaysShort: function (t) {
            return this._weekdaysShort[t.day()]
        _weekdaysMin: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),
        weekdaysMin: function (t) {
            return this._weekdaysMin[t.day()]
        _weekChdaysMin: "日_一_二_三_四_五_六".split("_"),
        weekChdaysMin: function (t) {
            return this._weekChdaysMin[t.day()]
        weekdaysParse: function (t) {
            var e, n, s;
            for (this._weekdaysParse || (this._weekdaysParse = []), e = 0; 7 > e; e++) if (this._weekdaysParse[e] || (n = H([2e3, 1]).day(e), s = "^" + this.weekdays(n, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysShort(n, "") + "|^" + this.weekdaysMin(n, ""), this._weekdaysParse[e] = new RegExp(s.replace(".", ""), "i")), this._weekdaysParse[e].test(t)) return e
        _longDateFormat: {
            LT: "h:mm A",
            L: "MM/DD/YYYY",
            LC: "YYYY-MM-DD",
            LL: "MMMM D YYYY",
            LLL: "MMMM D YYYY LT",
            LLLL: "dddd, MMMM D YYYY LT"
        longDateFormat: function (t) {

            var e = this._longDateFormat[t];
            return !e && this._longDateFormat[t.toUpperCase()] && (e = this._longDateFormat[t.toUpperCase()].replace(/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/g,
            function (t) {
                return t.slice(1)
            }), this._longDateFormat[t] = e),
        isPM: function (t) {
            return "p" === (t + "").toLowerCase()[0]
        _meridiemParse: /[ap]\.?m?\.?/i,
        meridiem: function (t, e, n) {
            return t > 11 ? n ? "pm" : "PM" : n ? "am" : "AM"
        _calendar: {
            sameDay: "[Today at] LT",
            nextDay: "[Tomorrow at] LT",
            nextWeek: "dddd [at] LT",
            lastDay: "[Yesterday at] LT",
            lastWeek: "[Last] dddd [at] LT",
            sameElse: "L"
        calendar: function (t, e) {
            var n = this._calendar[t];
            return "function" == typeof n ? n.apply(e) : n
        _relativeTime: {
            future: "in %s",
            past: "%s ago",
            s: "a few seconds",
            m: "a minute",
            mm: "%d minutes",
            h: "an hour",
            hh: "%d hours",
            d: "a day",
            dd: "%d days",
            M: "a month",
            MM: "%d months",
            y: "a year",
            yy: "%d years"
        relativeTime: function (t, e, n, s) {
            var i = this._relativeTime[n];
            return "function" == typeof i ? i(t, e, n, s) : i.replace(/%d/i, t)
        pastFuture: function (t, e) {
            var n = this._relativeTime[t > 0 ? "future" : "past"];
            return "function" == typeof n ? n(e) : n.replace(/%s/i, e)
        ordinal: function (t) {
            return this._ordinal.replace("%d", t)
        _ordinal: "%d",
        preparse: function (t) {
            return t
        postformat: function (t) {
            return t
        week: function (t) {
            return F(t, this._week.dow, this._week.doy).week
        _week: {
            dow: 0,
            doy: 6
    H = function (t, e, n) {
        return O({
            _i: t,
            _f: e,
            _l: n,
            _isUTC: !1
    H.utc = function (t, e, n) {
        return O({
            _useUTC: !0,
            _isUTC: !0,
            _l: n,
            _i: t,
            _f: e
    H.unix = function (t) {
        return H(1e3 * t)
    H.duration = function (t, e) {
        var n, s, i = H.isDuration(t),
        a = "number" == typeof t,
        o = i ? t._input : a ? {} : t,
        u = Z.exec(t);
        return a ? e ? o[e] = t : o.milliseconds = t : u && (n = "-" === u[1] ? -1 : 1, o = {
            y: 0,
            d: ~ ~u[2] * n,
            h: ~ ~u[3] * n,
            m: ~ ~u[4] * n,
            s: ~ ~u[5] * n,
            ms: ~ ~u[6] * n
        s = new r(o),
        i && t.hasOwnProperty("_lang") && (s._lang = t._lang),
    H.version = U, H.defaultFormat = Q, H.updateOffset = function () { },
    H.lang = function (t, e) {
        return t ? (e ? l(t, e) : x[t] || _(t), H.duration.fn._lang = H.fn._lang = _(t), void 0) : H.fn._lang._abbr
    H.langData = function (t) {
        return t && t._lang && t._lang._abbr && (t = t._lang._abbr),
    H.isMoment = function (t) {
        return t instanceof i
    H.isDuration = function (t) {
        return t instanceof r
    H.fn = i.prototype = {
        clone: function () {
            return H(this)
        valueOf: function () {
            return +this._d + 6e4 * (this._offset || 0)
        unix: function () {
            return Math.floor(+this / 1e3)
        toString: function () {
            return this.format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")
        toDate: function () {
            return this._offset ? new Date(+this) : this._d
        toISOString: function () {
            return M(H(this).utc(), "YYYY-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSS[Z]")
        toArray: function () {
            var t = this;
            return [t.year(), t.month(), t.date(), t.hours(), t.minutes(), t.seconds(), t.milliseconds()]
        isValid: function () {
            return null == this._isValid && (this._isValid = this._a ? !c(this._a, (this._isUTC ? H.utc(this._a) : H(this._a)).toArray()) : !isNaN(this._d.getTime())),
        utc: function () {
            return this.zone(0)
        local: function () {
            return this.zone(0),
            this._isUTC = !1,
        format: function (t) { 
            var e = M(this, t || H.defaultFormat);
            return this.lang().postformat(e)
        add: function (t, e) {
            var n;
            return n = "string" == typeof t ? H.duration(+e, t) : H.duration(t, e),
            h(this, n, 1),
        subtract: function (t, e) {
            var n;
            return n = "string" == typeof t ? H.duration(+e, t) : H.duration(t, e),
            h(this, n, -1),
        diff: function (t, e, n) {
            var s, i, r = this._isUTC ? H(t).zone(this._offset || 0) : H(t).local(),
            a = 6e4 * (this.zone() - r.zone());
            return e = f(e),
            "year" === e || "month" === e ? (s = 432e5 * (this.daysInMonth() + r.daysInMonth()), i = 12 * (this.year() - r.year()) + (this.month() - r.month()), i += (this - H(this).startOf("month") - (r - H(r).startOf("month"))) / s, i -= 6e4 * (this.zone() - H(this).startOf("month").zone() - (r.zone() - H(r).startOf("month").zone())) / s, "year" === e && (i /= 12)) : (s = this - r, i = "second" === e ? s / 1e3 : "minute" === e ? s / 6e4 : "hour" === e ? s / 36e5 : "day" === e ? (s - a) / 864e5 : "week" === e ? (s - a) / 6048e5 : s),
            n ? i : o(i)
        from: function (t, e) {
            return H.duration(this.diff(t)).lang(this.lang()._abbr).humanize(!e)
        fromNow: function (t) {
            return this.from(H(), t)
        calendar: function () {
            var t = this.diff(H().startOf("day"), "days", !0),
            e = -6 > t ? "sameElse" : -1 > t ? "lastWeek" : 0 > t ? "lastDay" : 1 > t ? "sameDay" : 2 > t ? "nextDay" : 7 > t ? "nextWeek" : "sameElse";
            return this.format(this.lang().calendar(e, this))
        isLeapYear: function () {
            var t = this.year();
            return 0 === t % 4 && 0 !== t % 100 || 0 === t % 400
        isDST: function () {
            return this.zone() < this.clone().month(0).zone() || this.zone() < this.clone().month(5).zone()
        day: function (t) {
            var e = this._isUTC ? this._d.getUTCDay() : this._d.getDay();
            return null != t ? "string" == typeof t && (t = this.lang().weekdaysParse(t), "number" != typeof t) ? this : this.add({
                d: t - e
            }) : e
        month: function (t) {
            var e, n = this._isUTC ? "UTC" : "";
            return null != t ? "string" == typeof t && (t = this.lang().monthsParse(t), "number" != typeof t) ? this : (e = this.date(), this.date(1), this._d["set" + n + "Month"](t), this.date(Math.min(e, this.daysInMonth())), H.updateOffset(this), this) : this._d["get" + n + "Month"]()
        startOf: function (t) {
            switch (t = f(t)) {
                case "year":
                case "month":
                case "week":
                case "day":
                case "hour":
                case "minute":
                case "second":
            return "week" === t && this.weekday(0),
        endOf: function (t) {
            return this.startOf(t).add(t, 1).subtract("ms", 1)
        isAfter: function (t, e) {
            return e = "undefined" != typeof e ? e : "millisecond",
            +this.clone().startOf(e) > +H(t).startOf(e)
        isBefore: function (t, e) {
            return e = "undefined" != typeof e ? e : "millisecond",
            +this.clone().startOf(e) < +H(t).startOf(e)
        isSame: function (t, e) {
            return e = "undefined" != typeof e ? e : "millisecond",
            +this.clone().startOf(e) === +H(t).startOf(e)
        min: function (t) {
            return t = H.apply(null, arguments),
            this > t ? this : t
        max: function (t) {
            return t = H.apply(null, arguments),
            t > this ? this : t
        zone: function (t) {
            var e = this._offset || 0;
            return null == t ? this._isUTC ? e : this._d.getTimezoneOffset() : ("string" == typeof t && (t = p(t)), Math.abs(t) < 16 && (t = 60 * t), this._offset = t, this._isUTC = !0, e !== t && h(this, H.duration(e - t, "m"), 1, !0), this)
        zoneAbbr: function () {
            return this._isUTC ? "UTC" : ""
        zoneName: function () {
            return this._isUTC ? "Coordinated Universal Time" : ""
        daysInMonth: function () {
            return H.utc([this.year(), this.month() + 1, 0]).date()
        dayOfYear: function (t) {
            var e = W((H(this).startOf("day") - H(this).startOf("year")) / 864e5) + 1;
            return null == t ? e : this.add("d", t - e)
        weekYear: function (t) {
            var e = F(this, this.lang()._week.dow, this.lang()._week.doy).year;
            return null == t ? e : this.add("y", t - e)
        isoWeekYear: function (t) {
            var e = F(this, 1, 4).year;
            return null == t ? e : this.add("y", t - e)
        week: function (t) {
            var e = this.lang().week(this);
            return null == t ? e : this.add("d", 7 * (t - e))
        isoWeek: function (t) {
            var e = F(this, 1, 4).week;
            return null == t ? e : this.add("d", 7 * (t - e))
        weekday: function (t) {
            var e = (this._d.getDay() + 7 - this.lang()._week.dow) % 7;
            return null == t ? e : this.add("d", t - e)
        isoWeekday: function (t) {
            return null == t ? this.day() || 7 : this.day(this.day() % 7 ? t : t - 7)
        lang: function (e) { 
            return e === t ? this._lang : (this._lang = _(e), this)
    P = 0; P < ne.length; P++) z(ne[P].toLowerCase().replace(/s$/, ""), ne[P]);
    z("year", "FullYear"),
    H.fn.days = H.fn.day,
    H.fn.months = H.fn.month,
    H.fn.weeks = H.fn.week,
    H.fn.isoWeeks = H.fn.isoWeek,
    H.fn.toJSON = H.fn.toISOString,
    H.duration.fn = r.prototype = {
        _bubble: function () {
            var t, e, n, s, i = this._milliseconds,
            r = this._days,
            a = this._months,
            u = this._data;
            u.milliseconds = i % 1e3,
            t = o(i / 1e3),
            u.seconds = t % 60,
            e = o(t / 60),
            u.minutes = e % 60,
            n = o(e / 60),
            u.hours = n % 24,
            r += o(n / 24),
            u.days = r % 30,
            a += o(r / 30),
            u.months = a % 12,
            s = o(a / 12),
            u.years = s
        weeks: function () {
            return o(this.days() / 7)
        valueOf: function () {
            return this._milliseconds + 864e5 * this._days + 2592e6 * (this._months % 12) + 31536e6 * ~ ~(this._months / 12)
        humanize: function (t) {
            var e = +this,
            n = S(e, !t, this.lang());
            return t && (n = this.lang().pastFuture(e, n)),
        add: function (t, e) {
            var n = H.duration(t, e);
            return this._milliseconds += n._milliseconds,
            this._days += n._days,
            this._months += n._months,
        subtract: function (t, e) {
            var n = H.duration(t, e);
            return this._milliseconds -= n._milliseconds,
            this._days -= n._days,
            this._months -= n._months,
        get: function (t) {
            return t = f(t),
            this[t.toLowerCase() + "s"]()
        as: function (t) {
            return t = f(t),
            this["as" + t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) + "s"]()
        lang: H.fn.lang
    for (P in se) se.hasOwnProperty(P) && (L(P, se[P]), C(P.toLowerCase()));
    L("Weeks", 6048e5),
    H.duration.fn.asMonths = function () {
        return (+this - 31536e6 * this.years()) / 2592e6 + 12 * this.years()
    H.lang("en", {
        ordinal: function (t) {
            var e = t % 10,
            n = 1 === ~ ~(t % 100 / 10) ? "th" : 1 === e ? "st" : 2 === e ? "nd" : 3 === e ? "rd" : "th";
            return t + n
    A && (module.exports = H),
    "undefined" == typeof ender && (this.moment = H),
    "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("moment", [],
    function () {
        return H
} .call(this);


/// <reference path="jquery-1.5.1.min.js" />
* @version: 1.2
* @author: Dan Grossman http://www.dangrossman.info/
* @date: 2013-07-25
* @copyright: Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Dan Grossman. All rights reserved.
* @license: Licensed under Apache License v2.0. See http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* @website: http://www.improvely.com/
function (e) {
    var t = function (t, n, r) {
        var i = typeof n == "object",
        this.startDate = moment().startOf("day");
        this.endDate = moment().startOf("day");

        this.minDate = !1;
        this.maxDate = !1;
        this.dateLimit = !1;
        this.showDropdowns = !1;
        this.showWeekNumbers = !1;
        this.timePicker = !1;
        this.timePickerIncrement = 30;
        this.timePicker12Hour = !0;
        this.ranges = {};
        this.opens = "right";
        this.buttonClasses = [];
        this.applyClass = "sel";
        this.cancelClass = "sel";
        // this.format = "MM/DD/YYYY";
        //this.format = "YYYY-MM-DD";
        this.separator = " - ";
        this.locale = {
            applyLabel: "确定",
            cancelLabel: "取消",
            fromLabel: "从",
            toLabel: "至",
            weekLabel: "W",
            customRangeLabel: "自定义时间范围",
            daysOfWeek: moment()._lang._weekChdaysMin.slice(),
            monthNames: moment()._lang._monthsChShort.slice(),
            firstDay: 0

        this.cb = function () { };
        this.element = e(t);
        this.element.hasClass("pull-right") && (this.opens = "left");
        this.element.is("input") ? this.element.on({
            click: e.proxy(this.show, this),
            focus: e.proxy(this.show, this)
        }) : this.element.on("click", e.proxy(this.show, this));
        s = this.locale;
        if (i) {
            typeof n.locale == "object" && e.each(s,
            function (e, t) {
                s[e] = n.locale[e] || t
            n.applyClass && (this.applyClass = n.applyClass);
            n.cancelClass && (this.cancelClass = n.cancelClass)

        var o = '<div class="daterangepicker dropdown-menu"><div class="calendar left"></div><div class="calendar right"></div><div class="ranges"><div class="range_inputs"><div class="daterangepicker_start_input"  ><label for="daterangepicker_start">' + this.locale.fromLabel + "</label>" + '<input class="input-mini" type="text" name="daterangepicker_start" value="" disabled="disabled" />' + "</div>" + '<div class="daterangepicker_end_input"  >' + '<label for="daterangepicker_end">' + this.locale.toLabel + "</label>" + '<input class="input-mini" type="text" name="daterangepicker_end" value="" disabled="disabled" />' + "</div>" + '<span><input type="button" class="sel Today" value="今天" ><input type="button" class="sel Yesterday" value="昨天" ></span><span><input type="button" class="sel Thisweek" value="本周"><input type="button" value="上周" class="sel Nextweek"></span><span><input type="button" value="最近7天" class="sel Last7Days" ><input type="button"  value="最近30天" class="sel Last30days" ></span><span><input type="button" class="sel Thismonth" value="本月"><input type="button" class="sel Nextmonth" value="上月"></span>' + '<span><button class="' + this.applyClass + ' applyBtn" disabled="disabled">' + this.locale.applyLabel + "</button> " + '<button class="' + this.cancelClass + ' cancelBtn">' + this.locale.cancelLabel + "</button><span></div></div></div>";
        this.container = e(o).appendTo("body");
        if (i) {
            typeof n.format == "string" && (this.format = n.format);
            typeof n.separator == "string" && (this.separator = n.separator);
            typeof n.startDate == "string" && (this.startDate = moment(n.startDate, this.format));
            typeof n.endDate == "string" && (this.endDate = moment(n.endDate, this.format));
            typeof n.minDate == "string" && (this.minDate = moment(n.minDate, this.format));
            typeof n.maxDate == "string" && (this.maxDate = moment(n.maxDate, this.format));
            typeof n.startDate == "object" && (this.startDate = moment(n.startDate));
            typeof n.endDate == "object" && (this.endDate = moment(n.endDate));
            typeof n.minDate == "object" && (this.minDate = moment(n.minDate));
            typeof n.maxDate == "object" && (this.maxDate = moment(n.maxDate));
            if (typeof n.ranges == "object") {
                for (var u in n.ranges) {
                    var a = moment(n.ranges[u][0]),
                    f = moment(n.ranges[u][1]);
                    this.minDate && a.isBefore(this.minDate) && (a = moment(this.minDate));
                    this.maxDate && f.isAfter(this.maxDate) && (f = moment(this.maxDate));
                    if (this.minDate && f.isBefore(this.minDate) || this.maxDate && a.isAfter(this.maxDate)) continue;
                    this.ranges[u] = [a, f]
                var l = "<ul>";
                for (var u in this.ranges) l += "<li>" + u + "</li>";
                l += "<li>" + this.locale.customRangeLabel + "</li>";
                l += "</ul>";
            typeof n.dateLimit == "object" && (this.dateLimit = n.dateLimit);
            if (typeof n.locale == "object" && typeof n.locale.firstDay == "number") {
                this.locale.firstDay = n.locale.firstDay;
                var c = n.locale.firstDay;
                while (c > 0) {
            typeof n.opens == "string" && (this.opens = n.opens);
            typeof n.showWeekNumbers == "boolean" && (this.showWeekNumbers = n.showWeekNumbers);
            typeof n.buttonClasses == "string" && (this.buttonClasses = [n.buttonClasses]);
            typeof n.buttonClasses == "object" && (this.buttonClasses = n.buttonClasses);
            typeof n.showDropdowns == "boolean" && (this.showDropdowns = n.showDropdowns);
            typeof n.timePicker == "boolean" && (this.timePicker = n.timePicker);
            typeof n.timePickerIncrement == "number" && (this.timePickerIncrement = n.timePickerIncrement);
            typeof n.timePicker12Hour == "boolean" && (this.timePicker12Hour = n.timePicker12Hour)
        if (!this.timePicker) {
            this.startDate = this.startDate.startOf("day");
            this.endDate = this.endDate.startOf("day")
        var h = this.container;
        function (e, t) {
        if (this.opens == "right") {
            var p = this.container.find(".calendar.left"),
            d = this.container.find(".calendar.right");
        if (typeof n == "undefined" || typeof n.ranges == "undefined") {

        typeof r == "function" && (this.cb = r);
        this.container.addClass("opens" + this.opens);
        if (!i || typeof n.startDate == "undefined" && typeof n.endDate == "undefined") if (e(this.element).is("input[type=text]")) {
            var v = e(this.element).val(),
            m = v.split(this.separator),
            f, ToDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd"); ;
            if (m.length == 2) {
                a = moment(m[0], this.format);
                f = moment(m[1], this.format)
            else {
                a = moment(ToDate, this.format);
                f = moment(ToDate, this.format)
            if (a != null && f != null) {
                this.startDate = a;
                this.endDate = f

        this.oldStartDate = this.startDate.clone();
        this.oldEndDate = this.endDate.clone();
        this.leftCalendar = {
            month: moment([this.startDate.year(), this.startDate.month(), 1, this.startDate.hour(), this.startDate.minute()]),
            calendar: []
        this.rightCalendar = {
            month: moment([this.endDate.year(), this.endDate.month(), 1, this.endDate.hour(), this.endDate.minute()]),
            calendar: []
        this.container.on("mousedown", e.proxy(this.mousedown, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("click", ".prev", e.proxy(this.clickPrev, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("click", ".next", e.proxy(this.clickNext, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "button.applyBtn", e.proxy(this.clickApply, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "button.cancelBtn", e.proxy(this.clickCancel, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", ".daterangepicker_start_input", e.proxy(this.showCalendars, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", ".daterangepicker_end_input", e.proxy(this.showCalendars, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("click", "td.available", e.proxy(this.clickDate, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("mouseenter", "td.available", e.proxy(this.enterDate, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("mouseleave", "td.available", e.proxy(this.updateView, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "li", e.proxy(this.clickRange, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("mouseenter", "li", e.proxy(this.enterRange, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("mouseleave", "li", e.proxy(this.updateView, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("change", "select.yearselect", e.proxy(this.updateMonthYear, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("change", "select.monthselect", e.proxy(this.updateMonthYear, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("change", "select.hourselect", e.proxy(this.updateTime, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("change", "select.minuteselect", e.proxy(this.updateTime, this));
        this.container.find(".calendar").on("change", "select.ampmselect", e.proxy(this.updateTime, this));
        this.element.on("keyup", e.proxy(this.updateFromControl, this));

        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Today", e.proxy(this.clickToday, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Yesterday", e.proxy(this.clickYesterday, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Thisweek", e.proxy(this.clickThisweek, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Nextweek", e.proxy(this.clickNextweek, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Last7Days", e.proxy(this.clickLast7Days, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Last30days", e.proxy(this.clickLast30days, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Thismonth", e.proxy(this.clickThismonth, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "input.Nextmonth", e.proxy(this.clickNextmonth, this));
        this.container.find(".ranges").on("click", "span.sel", e.proxy(this.clickAction, this));

    t.prototype = {
        constructor: t,
        mousedown: function (e) {
        updateView: function () {
            this.startDate.isSame(this.endDate) || this.startDate.isBefore(this.endDate) ? this.container.find("button.applyBtn").removeAttr("disabled") : this.container.find("button.applyBtn").attr("disabled", "disabled")
        updateFromControl: function () {
            if (!this.element.is("input")) return;
            if (!this.element.val().length) return;
            var e = this.element.val().split(this.separator),
            t = moment(e[0], this.format),
            n = moment(e[1], this.format);
            if (t == null || n == null) return;
            if (n.isBefore(t)) return;
            this.startDate = t;
            this.endDate = n;
        notify: function () {
            this.cb(this.startDate, this.endDate)
        move: function () {
            var t = e(this.container).find(".ranges").outerWidth();
            if (e(this.container).find(".calendar").is(":visible")) {
                var n = 24;
                t += e(this.container).find(".calendar").outerWidth() * 2 + n
            if (this.opens == "left") {
                    top: this.element.offset().top + this.element.outerHeight(),
                    right: e(window).width() - this.element.offset().left - this.element.outerWidth(),
                    left: "auto",
                    "min-width": t
                this.container.offset().left < 0 && this.container.css({
                    right: "auto",
                    left: 9
            } else {
                    top: this.element.offset().top + this.element.outerHeight(),
                    left: this.element.offset().left,
                    right: "auto",
                    "min-width": t
                this.container.offset().left + this.container.outerWidth() > e(window).width() && this.container.css({
                    left: "auto",
                    right: 0
        show: function (t) {
            if (t) {
            e(document).on("mousedown", e.proxy(this.hide, this));
            this.element.trigger("shown", {
                target: t.target,
                picker: this
        hide: function (t) {
            (!this.startDate.isSame(this.oldStartDate) || !this.endDate.isSame(this.oldEndDate)) && this.notify();
            this.oldStartDate = this.startDate.clone();
            this.oldEndDate = this.endDate.clone();
            e(document).off("mousedown", this.hide);
            this.element.trigger("hidden", {
                picker: this
        enterRange: function (e) {
            var t = e.target.innerHTML;
            if (t == this.locale.customRangeLabel) this.updateView();
            else {
                var n = this.ranges[t];
        showCalendars: function () {
        updateInputText: function () {
            this.element.is("input") && this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.format).split("T")[0] + this.separator + this.endDate.format(this.format).split("T")[0])
        clickRange: function (e) {
            var t = e.target.innerHTML;
            if (t == this.locale.customRangeLabel) this.showCalendars();
            else {
                var n = this.ranges[t];
                this.startDate = n[0];
                this.endDate = n[1];
                if (!this.timePicker) {
        clickPrev: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).parents(".calendar");
            n.hasClass("left") ? this.leftCalendar.month.subtract("month", 1) : this.rightCalendar.month.subtract("month", 1);
        clickNext: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).parents(".calendar");
            n.hasClass("left") ? this.leftCalendar.month.add("month", 1) : this.rightCalendar.month.add("month", 1);
        enterDate: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).attr("data-title"),
            r = n.substr(1, 1),
            i = n.substr(3, 1),
            s = e(t.target).parents(".calendar");
            s.hasClass("left") ? this.container.find("input[name=daterangepicker_start]").val(this.leftCalendar.calendar[r][i].format(this.format).split("T")[0]) : this.container.find("input[name=daterangepicker_end]").val(this.rightCalendar.calendar[r][i].format(this.format).split("T")[0])
        clickDate: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).attr("data-title"),
            r = n.substr(1, 1),
            i = n.substr(3, 1),
            s = e(t.target).parents(".calendar");

            if (s.hasClass("left")) {
                var o = this.leftCalendar.calendar[r][i],
                u = this.endDate;

                if (typeof this.dateLimit == "object") {
                    var a = moment(o).add(this.dateLimit).startOf("day");
                    u.isAfter(a) && (u = a)
            } else {
                var o = this.startDate,
                u = this.rightCalendar.calendar[r][i];
                if (typeof this.dateLimit == "object") {
                    var f = moment(u).subtract(this.dateLimit).startOf("day");
                    o.isBefore(f) && (o = f)
            if (o.isSame(u) || o.isBefore(u)) {
                this.startDate = o;
                this.endDate = u
            } else if (o.isAfter(u)) {
                this.startDate = o;
                this.endDate = moment(o).add("day", 1).startOf("day")
        clickApply: function (e) {
        clickCancel: function (e) {
            this.startDate = this.oldStartDate;
            this.endDate = this.oldEndDate;
        updateMonthYear: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).closest(".calendar").hasClass("left"),
            r = this.container.find(".calendar.left");
            n || (r = this.container.find(".calendar.right"));
            var i = r.find(".monthselect").val(),
            s = r.find(".yearselect").val();
            n ? this.leftCalendar.month.month(i).year(s) : this.rightCalendar.month.month(i).year(s);
        updateTime: function (t) {
            var n = e(t.target).closest(".calendar").hasClass("left"),
            r = this.container.find(".calendar.left");
            n || (r = this.container.find(".calendar.right"));
            var i = parseInt(r.find(".hourselect").val()),
            s = parseInt(r.find(".minuteselect").val());
            if (this.timePicker12Hour) {
                var o = r.find(".ampmselect").val();
                o == "PM" && i < 12 && (i += 12);
                o == "AM" && i == 12 && (i = 0)
            if (n) {
                var u = this.startDate;
                this.startDate = u;
            } else {
                var a = this.endDate;
                this.endDate = a;
        updateCalendars: function () {
            this.leftCalendar.calendar = this.buildCalendar(this.leftCalendar.month.month(), this.leftCalendar.month.year(), this.leftCalendar.month.hour(), this.leftCalendar.month.minute(), "left");
            this.rightCalendar.calendar = this.buildCalendar(this.rightCalendar.month.month(), this.rightCalendar.month.year(), this.rightCalendar.month.hour(), this.rightCalendar.month.minute(), "right");
            this.container.find(".calendar.left").html(this.renderCalendar(this.leftCalendar.calendar, this.startDate, this.minDate, this.maxDate));
            this.container.find(".calendar.right").html(this.renderCalendar(this.rightCalendar.calendar, this.endDate, this.startDate, this.maxDate));
            this.container.find(".ranges li").removeClass("active");
            var e = !0,
            t = 0;
            for (var n in this.ranges) {
                if (this.timePicker) {
                    if (this.startDate.isSame(this.ranges[n][0]) && this.endDate.isSame(this.ranges[n][1])) {
                        e = !1;
                        this.container.find(".ranges li:eq(" + t + ")").addClass("active")
                } else if (this.startDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD") == this.ranges[n][0].format("YYYY-MM-DD") && this.endDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD") == this.ranges[n][1].format("YYYY-MM-DD")) {
                    e = !1;
                    this.container.find(".ranges li:eq(" + t + ")").addClass("active")
            e && this.container.find(".ranges li:last").addClass("active")
        buildCalendar: function (e, t, n, r, i) {
            var s = moment([t, e, 1]),
            o = moment(s).subtract("month", 1).month(),
            u = moment(s).subtract("month", 1).year(),
            a = moment([u, o]).daysInMonth(),
            f = s.day(),
            l = [];
            for (var c = 0; c < 6; c++) l[c] = [];
            var h = a - f + this.locale.firstDay + 1;
            h > a && (h -= 7);
            f == this.locale.firstDay && (h = a - 6);
            var p = moment([u, o, h, n, r]);
            for (var c = 0, d = 0, v = 0; c < 42; c++, d++, p = moment(p).add("day", 1)) {
                if (c > 0 && d % 7 == 0) {
                    d = 0;
                l[v][d] = p
            return l
        renderDropdowns: function (e, t, n) {
            var r = e.month(),
            i = '<select class="monthselect">',
            s = !1,
            o = !1;
            for (var u = 0; u < 12; u++) (!s || u >= t.month()) && (!o || u <= n.month()) && (i += "<option value='" + u + "'" + (u === r ? " selected='selected'" : "") + ">" + this.locale.monthNames[u] + "</option>");
            i += "</select>";
            var a = e.year(),
            f = n && n.year() || a + 5,
            l = t && t.year() || a - 50,
            c = '<select class="yearselect">';
            for (var h = l; h <= f; h++) c += '<option value="' + h + '"' + (h === a ? ' selected="selected"' : "") + ">" + h + "</option>";
            c += "</select>";
            return i + c
        renderCalendar: function (t, n, r, i) {
            var s = '<div class="calendar-date">';
            s += '<table class="table-condensed">';
            s += "<thead>";
            s += "<tr>";
            this.showWeekNumbers && (s += "<th></th>"); !r || r.isBefore(t[1][1]) ? s += '<th class="prev available"><i class="icon-arrow-left glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-left"></i></th>' : s += "<th></th>";
            var o = this.locale.monthNames[t[1][1].month()] + t[1][1].format(" YYYY");
            this.showDropdowns && (o = this.renderDropdowns(t[1][1], r, i));
            s += '<th colspan="5" style="width: auto">' + o + "</th>"; !i || i.isAfter(t[1][1]) ? s += '<th class="next available"><i class="icon-arrow-right glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></i></th>' : s += "<th></th>";
            s += "</tr>";
            s += "<tr>";
            this.showWeekNumbers && (s += '<th class="week">' + this.locale.weekLabel + "</th>");
            function (e, t) {
                s += "<th>" + t + "</th>"
            s += "</tr>";
            s += "</thead>";
            s += "<tbody>";
            for (var u = 0; u < 6; u++) {
                s += "<tr>";
                this.showWeekNumbers && (s += '<td class="week">' + t[u][0].week() + "</td>");
                for (var a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
                    var f = "available ";
                    f += t[u][a].month() == t[1][1].month() ? "" : "off";
                    if (r && t[u][a].isBefore(r) || i && t[u][a].isAfter(i)) f = " off disabled ";
                    else if (t[u][a].format("YYYY-MM-DD") == n.format("YYYY-MM-DD")) {
                        f += " active ";
                        t[u][a].format("YYYY-MM-DD") == this.startDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD") && (f += " start-date ");
                        t[u][a].format("YYYY-MM-DD") == this.endDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD") && (f += " end-date ")
                    } else if (t[u][a] >= this.startDate && t[u][a] <= this.endDate) {
                        f += " in-range ";
                        t[u][a].isSame(this.startDate) && (f += " start-date ");
                        t[u][a].isSame(this.endDate) && (f += " end-date ")
                    var l = "r" + u + "c" + a;
                    s += '<td class="' + f.replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s?(.*?)\s?$/, "$1") + '" data-title="' + l + '">' + t[u][a].date() + "</td>"
                s += "</tr>"
            s += "</tbody>";
            s += "</table>";
            s += "</div>";
            if (this.timePicker) {
                s += '<div class="calendar-time">';
                s += '<select class="hourselect">';
                var c = 0,
                h = 23,
                p = n.hour();
                if (this.timePicker12Hour) {
                    c = 1;
                    h = 12;
                    p >= 12 && (p -= 12);
                    p == 0 && (p = 12)
                for (var d = c; d <= h; d++) d == p ? s += '<option value="' + d + '" selected="selected">' + d + "</option>" : s += '<option value="' + d + '">' + d + "</option>";
                s += "</select> : ";
                s += '<select class="minuteselect">';
                for (var d = 0; d < 60; d += this.timePickerIncrement) {
                    var v = d;
                    v < 10 && (v = "0" + v);
                    d == n.minute() ? s += '<option value="' + d + '" selected="selected">' + v + "</option>" : s += '<option value="' + d + '">' + v + "</option>"
                s += "</select> ";
                if (this.timePicker12Hour) {
                    s += '<select class="ampmselect">';
                    n.hour() >= 12 ? s += '<option value="AM">AM</option><option value="PM" selected="selected">PM</option>' : s += '<option value="AM" selected="selected">AM</option><option value="PM">PM</option>';
                    s += "</select>"
                s += "</div>"
            return s
        clickToday: function () {
            var StratDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, StratDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickYesterday: function () {
            var StratDate = Convert.toDateTime(this.GetDateStr(-1)).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, StratDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickThisweek: function () {
            var currentDate = new Date();
            var week = currentDate.getDay();
            var millisecond = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            var minusDay = week != 0 ? week - 1 : 6;
            //本周 周一    
            var StratDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - (minusDay * millisecond)).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var LastDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickNextweek: function () {
            var startStop = new Array();
            var currentDate = new Date();
            var week = currentDate.getDay();
            var month = currentDate.getDate();
            var millisecond = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            var minusDay = week != 0 ? week - 1 : 6;
            var currentWeekDayOne = new Date(currentDate.getTime() - (millisecond * minusDay));
            var LastDate = new Date(currentWeekDayOne.getTime() - millisecond).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var StratDate = new Date(new Date(currentWeekDayOne.getTime() - millisecond).getTime() - (millisecond * 6)).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickLast7Days: function () {
            var LastDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var StratDate = Convert.toDateTime(this.GetDateStr(-7)).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickLast30days: function () {
            var LastDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var StratDate = Convert.toDateTime(this.GetDateStr(-30)).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickThismonth: function () {
            var LastDate = new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var StratDate = new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + parseInt(new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-01").format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);
        clickNextmonth: function () {
            var millisecond = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            var nextMonthDayOne = new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + parseInt(new Date().getMonth() + 1) + "-01")
            var LastDate = new Date(nextMonthDayOne.getTime() - millisecond).format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            var StratDate = new Date(new Date().getFullYear() + "-" + new Date().getMonth() + "-01").format("yyyy-MM-dd");
            this.clickContainer(StratDate, LastDate, arguments[0].target);

        clickAction: function () {

        GetDateStr: function (AddDayCount) {
            var dd = new Date();
            dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount); //获取AddDayCount天后的日期
            var y = dd.getFullYear();
            var m = dd.getMonth() + 1; //获取当前月份的日期
            var d = dd.getDate();
            return y + "-" + m + "-" + d;
        clickContainer: function (StratDate, LastDate, obj) {
            $("span .sel").each(function () {
            var strat = moment(StratDate, this.format);
            var laset = moment(LastDate, this.format);
            if (strat != null && laset != null) {
                this.startDate = strat;
                this.endDate = laset

    e.fn.daterangepicker = function (n, r) {
        this.each(function () {
            var i = e(this);
            i.data("daterangepicker") || i.data("daterangepicker", new t(i, n, r))
        return this

    * @param   d the delimiter
    * @param   p the pattern of your date
    * @author  meizz
    * @author  kimsoft add w+ pattern
    Date.prototype.format = function (style) {
        var o = {
            "M+": this.getMonth() + 1, //month
            "d+": this.getDate(),      //day
            "h+": this.getHours(),     //hour
            "m+": this.getMinutes(),   //minute
            "s+": this.getSeconds(),   //second
            "w+": "\u65e5\u4e00\u4e8c\u4e09\u56db\u4e94\u516d".charAt(this.getDay()),   //week
            "q+": Math.floor((this.getMonth() + 3) / 3),  //quarter
            "S": this.getMilliseconds() //millisecond
        if (/(y+)/.test(style)) {
            style = style.replace(RegExp.$1, (this.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
        for (var k in o) {
            if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(style)) {
                style = style.replace(RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length == 1 ? o[k] : ("00" + o[k]).substr(("" + o[k]).length));
        return style;

    * @param d the delimiter
    * @param p the pattern of your date
    * @rebuilder kimsoft
    * @version build 2006.12.15
    String.prototype.toDate = function (delimiter, pattern) {
        delimiter = delimiter || "-";
        pattern = pattern || "ymd";
        var a = this.split(delimiter);
        var y = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf("y")], 10);
        //remember to change this next century ;)
        if (y.toString().length <= 2) y += 2000;
        if (isNaN(y)) y = new Date().getFullYear();
        var m = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf("m")], 10) - 1;
        var d = parseInt(a[pattern.indexOf("d")], 10);
        if (isNaN(d)) d = 1;
        return new Date(y, m, d);
    var Convert = {
        toDateTime: function (str) {//转换成日期时间格式
            if ($.isNullOrEmpty(str)) {
                return null;

            if (/\d*年\d*月\d*日/.test(str)) {//如:2012年06月04日
                return new Date(str.replace(/年/g, "/").replace(/月/g, "/").replace(/日/g, " "));
            else if (/\d*-\d*-\d*/.test(str)) {//如:2012-06-04
                if (str.indexOf("+") > 0) {
                    return new Date(Date.parse(str));
                else {
                    return new Date(str.replace(/-/g, "/").replace(/T/, " "));
            else if (/\d*\/\d*\/\d*/.test(str)) {//如:2012/06/04
                return new Date(str);
            else if (/\/Date\([-\d]*\)\//.test(str)) {//如:/Date(7894565245)/
                return new Date(parseInt(str.replace("/", "")
                        .replace("Date", "")
                        .replace("(", "")
                        .replace("/", "")
            else {
                if (isNaN(Date.parse(str))) {
                    return null;

                return new Date(Date.parse(str));
    $.isNullOrEmpty = function (str) {
        return str == null || str == undefined || $.trim(str.toString()) == "";
    $.isNull = function (str) {
        return str == null || str == undefined;

} (window.jQuery);


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display: none;
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.daterangepicker .calendar-date {
border: 1px solid #ddd;
padding: 4px; 
background: #fff;

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background: #ebf4f8;   
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color: #fff;

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margin: 4px;

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line-height: 20px;
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button.applyBtn:hover {
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button.cancelBtn {
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<input type="text"  id="daterange" value="2014-03-01 - 2014-03-20">





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


