ASP.NET 1.1 FREE Download(免费下载)

New: ASP.NET 1.1 – Released April 9th, 2003!

ASP.NET 1.1 is available as a free download and runs on the following platforms:
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional and Server (SP 2 recommended)
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Step 1: Read Frequently Asked Questions about ASP.NET 1.1

Below are several whitepapers that answer common questions about ASP.NET 1.1. Please review them before installing version 1.1: 

<1>Request Validation - Preventing Script Attacks
A new ASP.NET version 1.1 feature, request validation, prevents the server from accepting content containing un-encoded HTML. This feature is designed to help prevent some script-injection attacks whereby client script code or HTML can be unknowingly submitted to a server, stored, and then presented to other users. We still strongly recommend that you validate all input data and HTML encode it when appropriate.

For example, you create a Web page that requests a user’s e-mail address and then stores that e-mail address in a database. If the user enters <SCRIPT>alert(“hello from script”)</SCRIPT> instead of a valid e-mail address, when that data is presented, this script can be executed if the content was not properly encoded. The new request validation feature of ASP.NET 1.1 prevents this from happening.

Why this feature is useful
Many sites are not aware that they are open to simple script injection attacks. Whether the purpose of these attacks is to deface the site by displaying HTML, or to potentially execute client script to redirect the user to a hacker’s site, script injection attacks are a problem that Web developers must contend with.

Script injection attacks are a concern of all web developers, whether they are using ASP.NET, ASP, or other web development technologies.

The new ASP.NET 1.1 request validation feature proactively prevents these attacks by not allowing unencoded HTML content to be processed by the server unless the developer decides to allow that content.

What to expect: Error Page
The screen shot below shows some sample ASP.NET code:

Running this code results in a simple page that allows you to enter some text in the textbox, click the button, and display the text in the label control:

However, were JavaScript, such as <script>alert("hello!")</script> to be entered and submitted we would get an exception:

The error message states that a “potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected…” and provides more details in the description as to exactly what occurred and how to change the behavior. For example:

Request validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. This value may indicate an attempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-site scripting attack. You can disable request validation by setting validateRequest=false in the Page directive or in the configuration section. However, it is strongly recommended that your application explicitly check all inputs in this case.

Disabling request validation on a page
To disable request validation on a page you must set the validateRequest attribute of the Page directive to false:

<%@ Page validateRequest="false"  %>

Caution: When request validation is disabled, content can be submitted to a page; it is the responsibility of the page developer to ensure that content is properly encoded or processed.

Disabling request validation for your application
To disable request validation for your application, you must modify or create a Web.config file for your application and set the validateRequest attribute of the <PAGES /> section to false:

    <pages validateRequest="false" />

If you wish to disable request validation for all applications on your server, you can make this modification to your Machine.config file.

Caution: When request validation is disabled, content can be submitted to your application; it is the responsibility of the application developer to ensure that content is properly encoded or processed.

The code below is modified to turn off request validation:

Now if the following JavaScript was entered into the textbox <script>alert("hello!")</script> the result would be:

To prevent this from happening, with request validation turned off, we need to HTML encode the content.

How to HTML encode content
If you have disabled request validation, it is good practice to HTML-encode content that will be stored for future use. HTML encoding will automatically replace any ‘<’ or ‘>’ (together with several other symbols) with their corresponding HTML encoded representation. For example, ‘<’ is replaced by ‘<’ and ‘>’ is replaced by ‘>’. Browsers use these special codes to display the ‘<’ or ‘>’ in the browser.

Content can be easily HTML-encoded on the server using the Server.HtmlEncode(string) API. Content can also be easily HTML-decoded, that is, reverted back to standard HTML using the Server.HtmlDecode(string) method.

Resulting in:

<2>Running ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS 6.0

ASP.NET 1.1 ships with Windows Server 2003, which also includes the latest version of Internet Information Server (IIS) version 6.0. IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET 1.1 are designed to integrate seamlessly and ASP.NET now defaults to the new IIS 6.0 worker process model.

ASP.NET 1.1 is not installed by default
Unlike previous versions of Microsoft’s server operating systems, Internet Information Server (IIS) is not enabled by default; nor is ASP.NET 1.1. There are two options for enabling IIS:

Enabling IIS, option #1 – Configure Your Server Wizard
Windows Server 2003 ships a new ‘Configure Your Server Wizard’ to help you properly configure your server in the desired mode.

To start the wizard – note, to run the wizard you must be logged in as an administrator – go to: Start | Programs | Administrative Tools and select ‘Configure Your Server’.

Once selected you should see the ‘Configure Your Server Wizard’ opening screen:

Click ‘Next >’:

Click ‘Next >’

On this screen you will need to select ‘Application server (IIS, ASP.NET) as the options to configure.

Click ‘Next >’.

After selecting to configure the server as an Application Server, this screen will be displayed prompting what additional capabilities should be installed. Neither option is selected by default. To enable ASP.NET automatically, you need to select ‘Enable ASP.NET’.

Click ‘Next >’.

This screen displays what options are to be installed.

Click ‘Next >’.

You will see this screen while the options you selected are being installed. It is normal to see other dialog boxes appear as services are being installed. You may additionally be prompted for the location of the Windows 2003 Server installation CD.

Click ‘Next >’ when complete.

Click ‘Finish’ – the Windows Server 2003 is now configured to support IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET 1.1.

Enabling IIS, option #2 – Manually configuring IIS and ASP.NET
If you do not wish to use the ‘Configure Your Server Wizard’ you can optionally install IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET 1.1 using ‘Add or Remove Programs’ from the Control Panel.

First open the Control Panel:

Next, click on ‘Add/Remove Windows Components’ which will open the ‘Windows Components Wizard’:

Highlight and check ‘Application Server’ and then click the ‘Details…’ button:

To install ASP.NET, check ‘ASP.NET’.

Click ‘OK’ to return to the Windows Component Wizard. Click ‘Next >’ from the Windows Component Wizard to begin installing:

It is normal to see other dialog boxes appear as services are being installed. You may additionally be prompted for the location of the Windows 2003 Server installation CD.

When installation is complete you will see the last screen of the Windows Component Wizard:

IIS 6.0 and ASP.NET 1.1 are now configured and available.

Recommended Settings
When running ASP.NET 1.1 with IIS 6.0 there are several configuration settings that are recommended to get the optimal performance from ASP.NET:

  • Configuring worker process memory limits
  • Configuring worker process recycling
Configuring worker process memory limits
By default IIS 6.0 does not set a limit on the amount of memory that IIS is allowed to use. ASP.NET’s Cache feature relies on a limitation of memory so the Cache can proactively remove unused items from memory.

It is recommended that you configure the memory recycling feature of IIS 6.0. To configure this open Internet Information Services Manager (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services). Once open, expand the ‘Application Pools’ folder:

For each application pool:

1. Right-click on the application pool, e.g. ‘DefaultAppPool’, and select ‘Properties’:

2. Next, enable Memory recycling by clicking on either ‘Maximum used memory (in megabytes):’. The value should not be more than the amount of physical (not virtual) memory on the server, a good approximation is 60% of the physical memory, i.e. for a server with 512MB of physical memory select 310. It is also recommended that the maximum not exceed 800MB when using a 2GB address space. If the memory address space of the server is 3GB, the maximum memory limit for the worker process can be as high as 1,800MB:

Click ‘Apply’ and the ‘OK’ to exit the properties dialog. Repeat this for all available application pools.

Configuring worker recycling
By default IIS 6.0 is configured to recycle its worker process every 29 hours. This is a bit aggressive for an application running ASP.NET and it is recommended that automatic worker process recycling is disabled.

To disable automatic worker process recycling, first open Internet Information Services Manager (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Internet Information Services). Once open, expand the ‘Application Pools’ folder:

For each application pool:

1. Right-click on the application pool, e.g. ‘DefaultAppPool’, and select ‘Properties’:

2. Uncheck ‘Recycle worker process (in minutes):’:

Click ‘Apply’ and the ‘OK’ to exit the properties dialog. Repeat this for all available application pools.

Granting write access to the file system
If your application requires write access to the file system and you are using NTFS you will need to modify an Access Control List (ACL) on the folder or file to grant ASP.NET access to.

For example, to grant ASP.NET write access to the c:/inetpub/wwwroot first open explorer and navigate to the directory:

Next, right-click on the directory, e.g. ‘wwwroot’ and select properties. After the properties dialog opens, select the ‘Security’ tab:

The c:/inetpub/wwwroot/ directory is a special directory in that the special IIS 6.0 group ‘IIS_WPG’ is already granted Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, and Read permissions. However, to grant Write permission, you need to click the Allow checkbox for Write:

IIS 6.0 now has write permission on this folder. To grant write permissions on other folders, follow these steps – note, you may need to add the IIS_WPG group if it does not already exist.

Caution: Granting write permission to IIS_WPG will allow any ASP.NET application to write to this directory.

Supporting integrated authentication with SQL Server
Integrated authentication allows for SQL Server to leverage Windows NT authentication to validate SQL Server logon accounts. This allows the user to bypass the standard SQL Server logon process. With this approach, a network user can access a SQL Server database without supplying a separate logon identification or password because SQL Server obtains the user and password information from the Windows NT network security process.

Choosing integrated authentication for ASP.NET applications is a good choice because no credentials are ever stored within your connection string for your application. Rather the connection string used to connect to SQL will look as follows:

"server=localhost; database=Northwind;Trusted_Connection=true"

This connection string tells SQL Server to use the Windows credentials of the application attempting to access SQL Server. In the case of ASP.NET/IIS 6 this would be an account in the IIS_WPG group.

To enable integrated authentication between SQL Server and ASP.NET, you will need to first ensure that SQL Server is configured for either Integrated authentication or Mixed-Mode authentication – check with your DBA to determine this. If SQL Server is in one of these two modes, you can use integrated authentication.

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager (Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager), select the appropriate server, and expand the Security folder:

If ‘BUILTINT/IIS_WPG’ group is not listed, right-click on Logins and select ‘New Login’:

In the ‘Name:’ textbox either enter ‘[Server/Domain Name]/IIS_WPG’ or click on the ellipses button to open the Windows NT user/group picker:

Select the current machine’s IIS_WPG group and click ‘Add’ and OK to close the picker.

You then need to also set the default database and the permissions to access the database. To set the default database choose from the drop down list, e.g. below Northwind is selected:

Next, click on the Database Access tab:

Click on the Permit checkbox for every database that you wish to allow access to. You will also need to select database roles, checking db_owner will ensure your login has all necessary permissions to manage and use the selected database.

Click OK to exit the property dialog. Your ASP.NET application is now configured to support integrated SQL Server authentication.

Don’t run ASP.NET 1.0 in IIS 6.0 native mode
ASP.NET 1.0 on IIS 6.0 is only supported in IIS 5 compatibility mode.

To configure ASP.NET 1.0 to run in IIS 5.0 compatibility mode, open Internet Services Manager and right click Web Sites and select properties:

Switch to the Service Tab and check “Run WWW Service in IIS 5.0 Isolation Mode”:

       <3>Running ASP.NET 1.0 and ASP.NET 1.1 on the same machine 
ASP.NET Side-by-Side Execution of .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1

In ASP.NET, applications are said to be running side by side when they are installed on the same computer, but use different versions of the .NET Framework. The following topic describes how to configure ASP.NET applications for side-by-side execution and provides detailed steps to:

Traditionally, when a component or application is updated on a computer, the older version is removed and replaced with the newer version. If the new version is not compatible with the previous version, this usually breaks other applications that use the component or application. The .NET Framework provides support for side-by-side execution, which allows multiple versions of an assembly or application to be installed on the same computer at the same time. Because multiple versions can be installed simultaneously, managed applications can select which version to use without affecting applications that use a different version.

By default, during the installation of the .NET Framework version 1.1, all existing ASP.NET applications are automatically reconfigured to use the latest version of the .NET Framework. If you do not want your ASP.NET applications to default to .NET Framework 1.1, click here to learn how to prevent this during installation.

If you update your Web server to .NET Framework 1.1 and want one or more Web applications to run .NET Framework 1.0, you need to update the Internet Information Services (IIS) Script Map. The script mapping is the mechanism to map the .aspx file extension for a specific Web application to a version of the .NET Framework. Click here to learn how to map a Web application to a specific version of the .NET Framework.

You can use the Internet Information Manger or the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) to find which .NET Framework version is running a particular Web application. Click here to learn how to find the version of the .NET Framework that a Web site is using.

One import consideration when migrating to .NET Framework 1.1 is that each version of the .NET Framework uses its own Machine.config file. As a result, if a Web administrator has made changes to the Machine.config file, those changes must be migrated to the .NET Framework 1.1 Machine.config file.

Maintaining your Web application’s mapping to .NET Framework 1.0 during installation
By default, all existing ASP.NET applications are automatically reconfigured during installation to use the newer version of the .NET Framework. Using the newer version of the .NET Framework, applications can take full advantage of improvements and new features included in the new release. At the same time, the Web administrator, who might want granular control over which applications are updated, can prevent the automatic remapping of all existing ASP.NET applications during installation of the .NET Framework.

To prevent the automatic remapping of the entire ASP.NET application to the newer version of the .NET Framework, the Web administrator can use the /noaspupgrade command-line option with the Dotnetfx.exe setup program.

To prevent total remapping of ASP.NET application to newer version
  1. Go to Start.
  2. Click on run.
  3. Type cmd.
  4. Click OK.

  5. From the command prompt, type the following line to start the installation of the .NET Framework: Dotnetfx.exe /c:"install /noaspupgrade".

  6. Click Yes in the Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Setup. This will start the setup process of the .NET Framework 1.1.

Map a Web application to a specific version of the .NET Framework
Each version of the .NET Framework includes a version of the ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe). This tool enables administrators to specify that a Web application be run under a particular version of the .NET Framework. This is referred to as mapping a Web application to a version of the .NET Framework. Administrators must select the Aspnet_regiis.exe that corresponds to the version of the .NET Framework that will be associated with the Web application. For example, an administrator who wants to specify that a Web site use .NET Framework 1.1 must use the Aspnet_regiis.exe that comes with .NET Framework 1.1.

The Aspnet_regiis.exe for version 1.0 is located at:

  • C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.0.3705/aspnet_regiis

The Aspnet_regiis.exe for version 1,1 is located at:

  • C:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v1.1.4322/aspnet_regiis

The Aspnet_regiis.exe provides two options for script mapping a Web application:

  • –s sets the script map in the path and in its child directories.
  • –sn sets the script map in the path only.

The path defines the Web application IIS metadata path, which is defined in the form of W3SVC/ROOT/{WebSiteNumber}/{Application_Name}. For example, for a Web application called Portal located under the default Web site, the metabase path is W3SVC/1/ROOT/Portal.

Note You can also use a tool called the Metabase Editor to get the metabase path. You can download this tool from the Microsoft Support site at

  • Run Aspnet_regiis.exe –s W3SVC/1/ROOT/Portal to update the portal IIS script map and its subapplication.

  • Run Aspnet_regiis.exe –sn W3SVC/1/ROOT/Portal to update the portal IIS script map, without affecting applications in the portal’s subdirectories.

Find the .NET Framework version that a Web application is using
An administrator can use the Internet Service Manager to find which version of the .NET Framework runs a Web site. Different operating system versions launch the Internet Service Manager differently. To start the service manager, follow the steps listed below.

To start Internet Service Manager
  1. Go to Start.
  2. Click on run.
  3. Type inetmgr.

  4. From the Internet Service Manager, select the Web application whose version of the .NET Framework you want to know.

  5. Right-click on the Web application, and click on Properties.

  6. From the Property window, select Configuration.

  7. From the application mapping table, select .aspx, and click Edit.

  8. 8. From the Executable text box, look at the version directory by scrolling. If the version directory is v.1.1.4322, the application is mapped to .NET Framework 1.1. Conversely, if the version directory is v1.0.3705, the application is mapped to .NET Framework 1.0.

       <4>Mobile Controls integrated into ASP.NET 1.1
The ASP.NET mobile controls, formally known as the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit, have been integrated into the core .NET Framework version 1.1 redistribution. The ASP.NET mobile controls provide an easy way to build mobile Web applications that will generate the appropriate markup language (WML, xHTML, HTML and cHTML) and rendering for Web-enabled cell phones, PDAs, and pagers .

If you have .NET Framework version 1.1 installed in your Web Server, you do not need to run a separate intall to get the ASP.NET mobile controls.

Microsoft provides device updates to address and respond to the rapid development of new devices and browsers in the wireless industry.

Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit

Writing dynamic, high-performance mobile Web applications has never been easier

Over the past few years, the world has seen an explosion of new wireless devices, such as cell phones, pagers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs), which enable users to browse Web sites at any time from any location. Developing applications for these devices is challenging for the following reasons:

  • Different markup languages are necessary, including HTML for PDAs, wireless markup language (WML) for wireless application protocol (WAP) cell phones, and compact HTML (cHTML) for Japanese i-mode phones.
  • Devices have different form factors. For example, devices have varying numbers of display lines, horizontal or vertical screen orientation, and color or black and white displays.
  • Devices have different network connectivity, ranging from 9.6 KB cellular connections to 11 MB Wireless LANs.
  • Devices have different capabilities. Some devices can display images, some can make phone calls, and some can receive notification messages.

The Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit addresses these challenges by isolating them from the details of wireless development. Thus, developers can quickly and easily build a single, mobile Web application that delivers appropriate markup for a wide variety of mobile devices.

Cell Phone Cell Phone

Figure 1. The Hello, World program renders to both a cell phone and a Pocket PC

The Mobile Internet Toolkit contains:

  • Mobile Web Forms Controls that generate markup language for different devices.
  • Mobile Internet Designer that works with the Visual Studio .NET integrated design environment (IDE) to provide a drag-and-drop mobile development environment.
  • Browser Capabilities that are rich enough to extend ASP.NET device capabilities to mobile devices.
  • QuickStart Tutorial with sample code.
  • Developer Documentation.
  • Device adapter code samples.

Mobile Web Forms Controls

The mobile Web Forms controls are ASP.NET server-side controls that provide user interface elements such as list, command, call, calendar, and so on. At execution time, the mobile controls generate the correct markup for the device that makes the request. As a result, you can write a mobile application once and access it from multiple devices.

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Over the past few years, the world has seen an explosion of new wireless devices, such as cell phones, pagers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs), which enable users to browse Web sites at any time from any location. Developing applications for these devices is challenging for the following reasons:

  • Different markup languages are necessary, including HTML for PDAs, wireless markup language (WML) for wireless application protocol (WAP) cell phones, and compact HTML (cHTML) for Japanese i-mode phones.
  • Devices have different form factors. For example, devices have varying numbers of display lines, horizontal or vertical screen orientation, and color or black and white displays.
  • Devices have different network connectivity, ranging from 9.6 KB cellular connections to 11 MB Wireless LANs.
  • Devices have different capabilities. Some devices can display images, some can make phone calls, and some can receive notification messages.

The Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit addresses these challenges by isolating them from the details of wireless development. Thus, developers can quickly and easily build a single, mobile Web application that delivers appropriate markup for a wide variety of mobile devices.

Cell Phone Cell Phone

Figure 1. The Hello, World program renders to both a cell phone and a Pocket PC

The Mobile Internet Toolkit contains:

  • Mobile Web Forms Controls that generate markup language for different devices.
  • Mobile Internet Designer that works with the Visual Studio .NET integrated design environment (IDE) to provide a drag-and-drop mobile development environment.
  • Browser Capabilities that are rich enough to extend ASP.NET device capabilities to mobile devices.
  • QuickStart Tutorial with sample code.
  • Developer Documentation.
  • Device adapter code samples.

Mobile Web Forms Controls

The mobile Web Forms controls are ASP.NET server-side controls that provide user interface elements such as list, command, call, calendar, and so on. At execution time, the mobile controls generate the correct markup for the device that makes the request. As a result, you can write a mobile application once and access it from multiple devices.

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Over the past few years, the world has seen an explosion of new wireless devices, such as cell phones, pagers, and personal digital assistants (PDAs), which enable users to browse Web sites at any time from any location. Developing applications for these devices is challenging for the following reasons:

  • Different markup languages are necessary, including HTML for PDAs, wireless markup language (WML) for wireless application protocol (WAP) cell phones, and compact HTML (cHTML) for Japanese i-mode phones.
  • Devices have different form factors. For example, devices have varying numbers of display lines, horizontal or vertical screen orientation, and color or black and white displays.
  • Devices have different network connectivity, ranging from 9.6 KB cellular connections to 11 MB Wireless LANs.
  • Devices have different capabilities. Some devices can display images, some can make phone calls, and some can receive notification messages.

The Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit addresses these challenges by isolating them from the details of wireless development. Thus, developers can quickly and easily build a single, mobile Web application that delivers appropriate markup for a wide variety of mobile devices.

Cell Phone Cell Phone

Figure 1. The Hello, World program renders to both a cell phone and a Pocket PC

The Mobile Internet Toolkit contains:

  • Mobile Web Forms Controls that generate markup language for different devices.
  • Mobile Internet Designer that works with the Visual Studio .NET integrated design environment (IDE) to provide a drag-and-drop mobile development environment.
  • Browser Capabilities that are rich enough to extend ASP.NET device capabilities to mobile devices.
  • QuickStart Tutorial with sample code.
  • Developer Documentation.
  • Device adapter code samples.

Mobile Web Forms Controls

The mobile Web Forms controls are ASP.NET server-side controls that provide user interface elements such as list, command, call, calendar, and so on. At execution time, the mobile controls generate the correct markup for the device that makes the request. As a result, you can write a mobile application once and access it from multiple devices.

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Because these mobile controls are based on the ASP.NET controls, you can leverage your current desktop development skill set when creating mobile applications. You can also reuse the same business logic and data access code that you use in your desktop application. Mobile and desktop Web Forms can reside in the same Visual Studio .NET project. This makes an application faster to develop and lowers your maintenance cost.

The following example provides just a taste of programming with mobile controls. In this example, the Hello, World program creates a mobile Web Forms page with a single form on it. That form contains a Label control with the string: "Hello, Mobile World".

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

<%@ Page language="c#" Inherits="System.Web.UI.MobileControls.MobilePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Mobile" Namespace="System.Web.UI.MobileControls" Assembly="System.Web.Mobile" %>
<mobile:Form id=Form1 runat="server">
<mobile:Label id=Test Runat="Server">Hello, Mobile World</mobile:Label>

In Figure 1 above, you can see how this code renders on different devices. The first device is a cell phone running a WAP browser that supports WML. The second device is Pocket PC running an HTML browser.

The Mobile Internet Toolkit also enables you to customize the markup that is generated by mobile controls for a specific device. You can designate templates and styles for a specific device within the mobile page.

Mobile Internet Designer

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

The Mobile Internet Designer extends the Visual Studio .NET IDE to create mobile applications. After you install the Mobile Internet Designer, you can create and develop your mobile application in the same way that you would develop a Windows Forms or Web Forms application. The Mobile Internet Designer leverages the traditional Visual Studio design environment so that you can:

  • Create a mobile Web project.
  • Add a mobile Web Forms page to the project.
  • Drag a mobile Web Forms control onto the form.
  • Double-click the control to write the logic.
  • Rebuild the application.
  • Run the application.

The Mobile Internet Designer makes it fast and easy to build and maintain mobile Web applications. In addition, it enables today's desktop developers to quickly learn how to create mobile applications by using Visual Studio .NET.

The following illustration shows a mobile application developed in Visual Studio .NET with the Mobile Internet Designer.

a mobile application developed

Device Capability Mechanism

Accurate information about the display capabilities of the target device is essential for the successful rendering of mobile controls. At a minimum, mobile controls need the following information about a device:

  • Markup language (HTML, WML, cHTML)
  • Browser
  • Number of display lines
  • Cookie support
  • Screen size

The Mobile Internet Toolkit adds these mobile device capabilities to the server's machine.config file (desktop ASP.NET applications use this file to maintain device and browser information).

Advanced Features: Extensibility

In addition to adding device characteristics, the Mobile Internet Toolkit includes device adapters for a variety of mobile devices. The device capabilities information in the machine.config file allows device adapters to optimize markup for specific devices. You can create new aggregate controls from existing mobile controls. The Mobile Internet Toolkit supports device adapters for additional devices through the device capabilities mechanism.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.

  • Markup language (HTML, WML, cHTML)
  • Browser
  • Number of display lines
  • Cookie support
  • Screen size

The Mobile Internet Toolkit adds these mobile device capabilities to the server's machine.config file (desktop ASP.NET applications use this file to maintain device and browser information).

Advanced Features: Extensibility

In addition to adding device characteristics, the Mobile Internet Toolkit includes device adapters for a variety of mobile devices. The device capabilities information in the machine.config file allows device adapters to optimize markup for specific devices. You can create new aggregate controls from existing mobile controls. The Mobile Internet Toolkit supports device adapters for additional devices through the device capabilities mechanism.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.

  • Markup language (HTML, WML, cHTML)
  • Browser
  • Number of display lines
  • Cookie support
  • Screen size

The Mobile Internet Toolkit adds these mobile device capabilities to the server's machine.config file (desktop ASP.NET applications use this file to maintain device and browser information).

Advanced Features: Extensibility

In addition to adding device characteristics, the Mobile Internet Toolkit includes device adapters for a variety of mobile devices. The device capabilities information in the machine.config file allows device adapters to optimize markup for specific devices. You can create new aggregate controls from existing mobile controls. The Mobile Internet Toolkit supports device adapters for additional devices through the device capabilities mechanism.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.


The Mobile Internet Toolkit provides the technology and tools to build, deploy, and maintain sophisticated mobile applications quickly. Tight integration with Visual Studio .NET ensures that developers can leverage their existing desktop skill set and produce mobile applications. Additional device support can be added using the Mobile Internet Toolkit's extensibility features.

       <5>Feature overview of .NET Framework 1.1

Features Overview

The .NET Framework 1.1 is an integral Microsoft Windows® component for building and running the next generation of software applications and Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services—components that facilitate integration by sharing data and functionality over the network through standard, platform-independent protocols such as XML, SOAP, and HTTP.

The .NET Framework provides:

  • A highly productive, standards-based environment for integrating existing investments with next-generation applications and services.
  • The agility to solve the challenges of deployment and operation of enterprise-scale applications.

The .NET Framework consists of two main parts: the common language runtime (CLR) and a unified set of class libraries, including ASP.NET for Web applications and Web services, Windows Forms for smart client applications, and ADO.NET for loosely coupled data access.

Agile Architecture Rapid Development Improved Operations
Realize New Business Opportunities
Web services provide an agile application architecture both internally and externally, making integration of applications across the intranet or Internet simple. They enable you to integrate with your applications, suppliers, and customers. The .NET Framework is designed from the ground up to use Web services as its native communication mechanism.

Reduce Time-to-Market
The .NET Framework enables you to leverage existing applications, developer skills, and information technology (IT) skills to build out your IT infrastructure faster than ever before. Deep run-time capabilities enable you to easily turn existing applications into Web services without rewriting or even recompiling.

Deliver Excellent TCO
The Windows operating system already delivers some of the best total cost of ownership (TCO). The .NET Framework builds on that—improving application reliability, security, deployment, and performance, and enabling you to run applications on high-volume, low-cost hardware.

Protect Current Investments
The .NET Framework is built on XML and incorporates the latest Web service standards to facilitate cross-platform integration. Its core, C# and the common language infrastructure (CLI), has been standardized by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA), protecting your investment by enabling other companies to implement the .NET Framework.
Use Any Programming Language to Build All Types of Applications
The .NET Framework provides a unified programming model for building all types of Windows-based applications, including XML Web services, as well as Web-based and smart client applications for devices, PCs, and servers. Developers may access the .NET Framework from any programming language.

In addition, the .NET Framework enables applications written in different programming languages to integrate deeply with each other, allowing current development skills to carry forward without retraining.

Take Advantage of Leading Tools
Many .NET Framework features were designed specifically to improve the quality of the tools that use them, such as integrated debugging and profiling. Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET, the leading development environment, is built to take advantage of the .NET Framework.

Write Less Code
The .NET Framework uses a highly componentized, plumbing-free design that enables developers to focus on writing business logic. Developers can use dozens of controls that encapsulate common tasks like connecting to databases and displaying a print preview. Developers don't need to write Interface Definition Language (IDL) or registry code.

Employ Windows Application Services
Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 Server have the most advanced application services available: the fastest transaction monitor and message queuing engine, the most advanced data access subsystem, and the best Web server. The .NET Framework takes advantage of these. For example, .NET Framework-based transactions are COM+ transactions, and all the new COM+ capabilities in Windows Server 2003 can be used from the .NET Framework.
Improve Performance
The .NET Framework improves the performance of typical Web applications. ASP.NET includes advanced compilation and caching features that can improve performance dramatically over existing Active Server Pages (ASP) applications.

Simplify Application Deployment
With .NET Framework metadata technology, installing applications is as easy as copying them into a directory. Side-by-side execution helps to eliminate "DLL hell" and other potential versioning conflicts. Smart client applications may even be deployed to client desktops in the same manner as Web applications, through remote Web servers, with No-Touch Deployment. The .NET Framework is capable of self-healing when applications are damaged, and applications can be upgraded while they are running.

Run More Reliable Applications
The .NET Framework includes technologies to make applications more reliable. For example, memory, threads, and processes are managed by the .NET Framework to ensure that memory leaks don't occur. And ASP.NET monitors running Web applications and can automatically restart them at administrator-defined intervals.

Be Confident with Code Access and Role-based Security
The .NET Framework security system provides fine-grained, method-level control over what applications can and can't do based on who wrote the code, the purpose of the code, where it was installed from, and who is trying to run it.

       <6>Security Considerations

Step 2: Download .NET Framework Redist version 1.1 And SDK

This download includes ASP.NET and the .NET Framework, and provides everything necessary to build and deploy ASP.NET applications. This is the recommended installation package for production Web servers. 


(.NET Framework 1.1 版可再发行组件包简体)

(Visual J# .NET 1.1 版可再发行组件包简体)

SDK (1.1)

(.NET Framework SDK 1.1 版简体)

(.NET Framework SDK 1.1 版繁体)

(.NET Framework SDK Version 1.1)


(.NET Framework 1.1 版简体中文语言包)

(.NET Framework 1.1 版繁體中文語言包)

(.NET Framework Version 1.1 日本語 Language Pack)

(.NET Framework Version 1.1 韩語 Language Pack)

(J# .NET 1.1 版可再发行组件包简体中文语言包)

(J# .NET 1.1 版可轉散發語言包)

(J# .NET Version 1.1 再頒布日本語 Language Pack)

(J# .NET Version 1.1 再頒布韩語 Language Pack)

Step 3: Discuss ASP.NET 1.1 in the ASP.NET Forums

For questions, answers, and problems with ASP.NET 1.1 please visit the new ASP.NET 1.1 forum.

       ASP.NET 1.1 Discussions

论坛演示地址: 论坛功能设计  论坛前台: 1. 用户注册、登陆、注销; 2. 版块导航:显示所有的版块分组和版块; 3. 帖子列表:显示当前版块下所有的帖子,可以区分置顶帖子、精华帖子、推荐帖子; 4. 帖子内容:显示帖子内容; 5. 帖子回复:显示帖子的回复列表; 6. 添加帖子:用户添加新帖; 7. 添加回复:用户添加回复; 8. 精华帖子列表:显示所有的精华帖子; 9. 推荐帖子列表:显示所有的推荐帖子; 10. 帖子管理:具有帖子管理权限的人对帖子进行管理; 11. 回复管理:具有帖子回复管理权限的人对帖子回复进行管理;  论坛后台: 1. 版块组管理:添加、删除、修改; 2. 版块管理:添加、删除、修改,添加或修改时通过下拉框选择版块组; 3. 版主管理:可以管理论坛中每个版块的版主,如添加、删除版主; 4. 用户管理:查看用户资料、删除用户、封锁用户、解锁用户、重置密码; 5. 角色管理:添加、删除、修改; 默认定义如下角色: 系统管理员、用户管理员、角色管理员、版块管理员、版主管理员、版主、所有者、注册用户、所有人;其中所有者指发帖人,回复人;另外系统管理员、注册用户、所有者、所有人是内置角色,不能修改或删除;下面分别对每种角色的含义进行说明: 1) 系统管理员:拥有论坛所有权限; 2) 用户管理员:拥有用户管理权限; 3) 角色管理员:拥有角色管理权限; 4) 版块管理员:拥有版块管理权限; 5) 版主管理员:拥有版主管理权限; 6) 版主:拥有所有论坛事务管理权限; 7) 所有者:拥有对自己发表的帖子或回复的内容进行修改的权限;(此角色可以考虑禁用,出于数据真实性考虑,因为任何人都要对他或她所说的言行负责,不允许随便修改); 8) 注册用户:拥有一部分论坛事务,如看帖,发帖,回帖,管理和自己相关的一些帖子; 9) 所有人:这个角色只是一个映射角色,任何登陆网站的人都自动拥有此角色;此角色可以表示匿名用户;仅拥有此角色的人一般只能看帖,不能做其他任何事情。当然如果愿意,我们也可以给它分配更多的权限,如发帖,回帖。如果这样,那就意味着运行匿名用户发帖或回帖了。 6. 用户角色管理:对任意一个用户的所属角色进行管理(包括添加和删除用户所属角色); 7. 角色权限管理:分为两类进行管理; 系统管理权限:用户管理、角色管理、版块管理、版主管理; 论坛事务管理权限:浏览帖子、发表帖子、编辑帖子、置顶帖子、设为推荐帖子、设为精华帖子、删除帖子、修改回复、删除回复; 因为权限分为两种,所以角色权限管理也可以采用两个界面实现。这两个界面的行就是所有角色,列就是当前权限类型下的所有权限点。 8. 头像设置:设置用户的头像; 9. 密码修改; 10. 我的帖子管理:有我发布的帖子,我回复的帖子; 另外,一个论坛可能还常常有星级评定,积分设置,界面管理,等等其他辅助功能。这些东西可以在日后慢慢补充。




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