J2EE读书笔记,概念摘要 2 JSP Basic

: a complement of servlets, easier to write and cause less mistakes than servlets. (You may think JSP is a simple method of servlet at first, but you will see the advantage of JSP later);  JSP is translated into servlet(java code) by continer

-Life cycle
: jspInit() -> _jspService() -> jspDestroy()

-Elements and Template Data
: template is taken and sent directly to a client as it appears on the JSP; elements are not sent directly but interpreted by a JSP container and defines special actions that sould be taken when generating a response, elements are what make JSP dynamic.

-Two dirrerent formats of JSP syntax (will talk later in JSP in XML sntax)
: normal(original,classic) and xml-compatible

-Scripting elements
: directly embedding bits of Java code between blocks of template text; three diferent types availiable : scriptlets, expressions and declarations

: diretly inserting bits of Java code between chunks of templet text, use the syntax: <% code %> ; scriptlets are great for providing low-level fuctionality such as iteration,loops and condition statements, for many reasons complex scriptlets should be avoided.

: provide an easy method of sending out dynamic strings to a client, use the syntax: <%= expression %>

: is used like a scriptlet to embed code in a JSP, but outside of _jspService() method (image it has been translated into java code); can be used to declare new methods and global class variables. not thread safe ();use the syntax: <%! declarations %>

: used to define page attributes, do not send output to a client; use the syntax : <%@ directive {attribute = "value"}* %>; three different directives: page, taglib and include

--Page directive <%@ page %>
: provides page-specific information to a JSP container; attributes like language="Java", extends="", import="", session="ture/false" ...

--include directive <%@ include %> (translation-time includes) (see include action will be talked later)
: include text or code at translation time of a JSP (translation-time includes); syntax: <%@ include file = "relativeURL" %>; a good example to use is including a common header and footer with multiple pages of content(header.jsp, footer.jsp)

--taglib directive <%@ taglib %>
: used for custom actions(custom tag libraries); syntax : <%@ taglib uri = "uri" prefix = "prefixOfTag" %> ; note that "uri" attribute value resolves to a location the container understands and the prefix attribute informs a continer what bits of markup are custom actions

-JSP Configuration
: directives can only configure one JSP page, to configure more pages, use <jsp-config> element in web.xml. There are two sub elements : <taglib> and <jsp-property-group> (similar to directives, for example very useful children elements <include-prelude> & <include-coda> help you include header&footer automatically)

-JSP Actions
: method of linking dynamic code to simple markup that appears in a JSP
: two types of actions : standard and custom,
: all actions follow the syntax : <prefix:element {attribute="value"}*/> .
: a complete action is an xml-compatible tag;   
: Standard JSP actions are specified by JSP specification and aviliable for use by and JSP continer, Custom actions are created by developers themselves, must be installed with a web application

-Standard JSP Action

--include action
: <jsp:include page = "page" />
: difference between include directive<%@ include %> (translation-time includes) and include action<jsp:include/> (run-time include) : include action is always current with the source code, while include directive is only current with the resource as it was at the time of tanslation.

--plugin action
: <jsp:plugin/>
:the plugin action represents one applet that should be embedded in a HTML page

-- forward action
: equivalent to the equestDispather.forward()
: syntax <jsp:forward url = "relativeURL"/>

-- param action
: <jsp:forward/> and<jsp:include/>parameters
: <jsp:forward page = "examplePage.jsp">
 <jsp:param name = "foo1" value = "bar"/>
 <jsp:param name = "foo2" value = "<%= foo %>"/>

-- other actions
: <jsp:useBean /> , <jsp:getProperty /> and <jsp:setProperty />actions all relate to JavaBeans
: <jsp:attribute /> , < jsp:body /> , <jsp:doBody /> and <jsp: invoke /> are JSP standard actions exist for use with custom tags

-whitespace Preservation
: whitespace is preserved as it appear in a JSP. Formatting is retained by the JSP.

: two methods for specifying attributes in JSP elements : run time value and translation time or static values

: <%-- comments --%>

-escape characers
: ' is escaped as /'; " is escaped as /"; %> is escaped as %/> <% is escaped as </%

-implicit objects
: config, request, response, session, application, pageContext, page, out...
: assuming they already exist within a scripting element

: web.xml
: the only change from servlet is : replacing the previous line <servlet-classes> with <jsp-file>
: all of the child elements of the servlet element are still valid

-JSP in XML syntax
: the reason to use XML syntax was to keep JSP current with the widespread adoption of XML. XML compliant JSP can be created and manipulated using any existing XML
: the JSP XML syntax is not easy to use
: HTML used to be the dominant technology on the web but no longer

-XML Documents
: JSP actions and custom actions are already in XML-compatible syntax.
: scripting elements and directives need to be converted to an XML form.
: scripting elements <% %> , <%= %>and <%! %> should be converted into <jsp:scriptlet> , <jsp:expression> and <jsp:declaration> resceptively;
: Embedding an expression tag for an attribute value such as : A link to a <a herf = "<jsp:expression>link</jsp:expression>">webside</a> , is not allowed. has to include a specific ncapsulation of the templet text with XML CDATA sections or represent the problematic content with entities.

*reference:Falkner & Jones, Servlet and Java Server Pages,





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