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原创 temporary


2014-09-05 18:05:49 751

原创 宏扩展和参数扫描


2013-07-17 13:47:12 1427

原创 C语言中各种数据类型的长度 sizeof char, short, int, long, long long

sizeof char, short, int, long, long long

2013-07-13 19:02:44 12828

原创 ibm developerworks


2013-07-12 09:48:46 996

原创 git command

commandsgit diffgit diff [--options] [--] […]git diff [--options] --cached [] [--] […]git diff [--options] [--] […]This is to view the changes between two arbitrary .

2015-05-11 11:37:54 679

转载 Install Beyond Comapre on ubuntu 14

dpkg will not install dependencies, that is why it won't run.The easy way to install it is to double click in the file manager to launch Ubuntu Software Center, then click Install.To install f

2015-04-27 12:19:39 1224

原创 bashrc

# annabel.leeexport GREP_OPTIONS='--color=auto'export GREP_COLOR='1;4;32'# export PS1="\[\e[1;33m\]$(ppwd \l)\u:\[\e[1;31m\]\w> \[\e[0m\]"# export PS1="\[\e[1;33m\]\u:\[\e[1;31m\]\w\n> \[\e[0m\]"

2015-04-13 10:54:26 609

原创 makefile解析字符串第一个第二个字符


2015-03-18 14:42:21 2041

原创 comm命令

第一步sort  file1sort  file2第二步comm file1 file2file1_special file1_special file1_special file2_special file2_special file2_special file1_file2_commonfile1_file2_common

2015-03-11 12:03:35 677

原创 makefile 的调试

makefile 的调试-d打印出依赖-n打印出执行的命令, 但是尽可能不执行。本质上是打印第二阶段的执行命令。-p 执行的过程中,同时打印出数据库。打印第二阶段的命令的执行效果,和第一阶段的数据库。normal command execution occurs here# Make data base, printed on

2015-01-27 15:44:45 746

原创 vim plugin


2014-11-20 10:04:40 578

原创 awk处理多个文件


2014-11-07 15:57:49 925

转载 CentOS 安装多种解码器打造Linux的全能播放器

FROM:http://www.qianshoublog.com/post/3835.html安装完成cetos系统之后发现什么软件都没有,想看DVD也不行,想装播放器软件也不行。原因是centos默认的源没有此软件,为此我们必须换一个新的源,在装一些播放插件即可。第一步:加入 RPMforge 软件库(是大多数的多媒体文件所需的)

2014-11-07 10:28:25 932

原创 一个有趣的makefile

all: cc@echo "1111"@make mmmm:: mma mmbmma::@echo "mmmaaa"mmb::@echo "mmmbbb"bb:@echo "bbbb"cc:@echo "ccccccc"

2014-11-04 14:42:20 784

原创 excel函数使用


2014-11-02 09:02:48 739

原创 bat script

bat script1: bat 的函数本质不是一个函数,本质是一个标签call :funcaa:funcaaecho 5555exit /b 33执行结果是555555552: goto and exit无论是 goto :eof还是  exit /b x

2014-10-31 17:23:34 799

原创 eval 用法

dell:~/tmp> cat file.txt v1 aav2 bbv3 ccv4 ddv5 eev6 ffdell:~/tmp> cat eval.sh #!/bin/bashwhile read name valuedo eval "${name}=${value}"done echo "v1 = ${v1}"echo

2014-10-30 15:47:03 819

原创 phony 详解

phony 详解1: 一个目标,可以产生target文件,也可以不产生target文件echo目标就不产生echo文件不产生文件,则每次make echo。都将执行recipe。因为make总是妄图产生一个比temp更新的target--echo文件。echo: temp@echo "$(shell ls -l temp)"2:一个目标,可以

2014-10-29 10:35:49 9004 1

转载 vim中文乱码的解决方法

编辑~/.vimrc文件,加上如下几行:   set fileencodings=utf-8,ucs-bom,gb18030,gbk,gb2312,cp936   set termencoding=utf-8   set encoding=utf-8   即可搞定。

2014-10-29 10:01:02 708

原创 gcc remove comments

#define TRACE(FMT, ...) \/*kprintf ("c%u %s[%d]: " FMT, cpuId, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##__VA_ARGS__)*//* externs */extern irqHandle_t sysIrqConnect (size_t irq, irqHandler_t func,size_t a

2014-10-24 11:01:46 1044

原创 makefile子目录,call function, 多rules之间的独立shell

下面所称的 make 都假定是 GNU Make,也是所有 Linux 发行版所采用的 make 版本。本文内容主要来自从 GNU Make manual(在 Debian/Ubuntu 中,安装软件包 make-doc,然后执行命令 info make 就可以看到;对于自己编译的 make 版本,自身就带有 doc)。这里所称递归使用指从 Makefile 里再调用 make 去执行

2014-10-20 16:27:35 747

原创 git usage and configuration

> cat .ssh/config Host devHostName 22User gitIdentityFile ~/.ssh/dell_gitHost hypHostName 22User gitIdentityFile ~/.ssh/ouyang_git

2014-10-16 16:04:46 679

原创 galaxy-grand-duos


2014-10-12 23:00:27 759

转载 8.12 Functions That Control Make / makefile debug

8.12 Functions That Control MakeThese functions control the way make runs. Generally, they are used to provide information to the user of the makefile or to cause make to stop if some sort of envi

2014-09-30 11:01:50 648

转载 How to use whiptail to write interactive shell scripts

Marco Fioretti shows you how to use whiptail, a program that lets you create a variety of dialog boxes from a shell script.Many novice Linux users would have many less problems in using the co

2014-09-26 12:22:35 1882

原创 xapic , x2apic

Advanced Programmable Interrupt ControllerxApic

2014-09-21 00:58:55 5132

原创 x86-64模式

传统模式(Legacy Mode)这种模式是为了令64位Xeon能没有障碍地执行现有的32位和16位程序而设计的,实际上就是32位x86时代的IA-32模式,此时现有x86程序无需作任何的改变,和我们目前使用着的32位环境一模一样。因为Nacona Xeon的核心仍然是沿着32位设计的,所以这个模式只是把所有为64位计算而新增的运算机制都屏蔽起来。兼容模式(Compatibilit

2014-09-20 22:42:37 1309

原创 APIC Timer

apicTimerInit#define APIC_REG_TIMER 0x320/* LVT (Timer)      */#define APIC_REG_TIMER_ICR 0x380/* Timer Initial Count Reg    */#define APIC_REG_TIMER_CCR 0x390/* Timer Current Count Re

2014-09-19 17:00:43 1338

原创 三级页表

4.3  32-BIT PAGING0:  CR3(12-31) --> PD page addressCR3(12-31) x 4K --> PD physical address  1:  (PD physical address + level1 offset)(12-31) --> PT page address(PD physical address + le

2014-09-19 12:02:19 3531

原创 MP Initialization Protocol Algorithm for Intel Xeon Processors

8.4.3  MP Initialization Protocol Algorithm for Intel Xeon Processors

2014-09-18 15:48:34 1027

原创 elf 格式简析

elf 格式简析program headerElf file type is EXEC (Executable file)Entry point 0x308000There are 4 program headers, starting at offset 52Program Headers:  Type           Offset   Vir

2014-09-17 10:58:23 797

原创 sed delete c comments

# oksed -e ":begin; { /\*\//! { $! { N; b begin }; }; s/\/\*.*\*\// /; };" 2.txt# xx line delete sed '/\/\*/{

2014-09-09 17:48:16 747

原创 astyle format

find  . -iname "*.[c|h]" | xargs -n1 -I "ZZZZZ" astyle --style=ansi --indent=spaces=8 --indent-switches --pad-oper --pad-header --add-brackets --break-blocks --suffix=none  "ZZZZZ"

2014-09-09 10:36:14 636

转载 win7下开机启动自动运行脚本

win7下开机自动运行程序,脚本C:\Users\yanlin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup找到该路径,把*.exe *.bat文件放进去就ok了!!

2014-09-06 15:26:24 2886

原创 EPT 原理解释

EPTWhen EPT is in use, certain addresses that would normally be treated as physical addresses (and used to access memory) are instead treated as guest-physical addresses. Guest-physical

2014-08-28 12:22:18 2656

原创 cfs 原理解释

yuzhi两个可以调度的进程A, BA

2014-08-28 01:47:18 1605

原创 函数调用栈以及函数调用过程 for x86

Call 指令的实现Near Call. When executing a near call, the processor pushes the value of the EIP register (which contains the offset of the instruction following the CALL instruction) on the stack (for

2014-08-26 10:24:12 689

原创 面向对象起源和使用


2014-05-30 08:03:50 1432

原创 google chrome standalone


2014-05-22 22:24:33 2262

原创 operand order in x86 assembly language

order in x86 assembly languageADD—AddOpcode Instruction Op/En   64-bit Mode  Compat/Leg Mode Description04 ib ADD AL, imm8 I Valid Valid Add imm8 to AL.05 iw ADD AX, im

2014-05-05 10:27:51 778


This document tries to explain some things about the Linux Kernel, such as the most important components, how they work, and so on. This HOWTO should help prevent the reader from needing to browse all the kernel source files searching for the"right function," declaration, and definition, and then linking each to the other.


GNU C Language Extension

GNU C 语言的扩展特性。专业C程序员必须掌握。






gcc 内联汇编官方手册最新版 ThisHOWTOexplainstheuseandusageoftheinlineassemblyfeatureprovidedbyGCC.



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