

#include <stdio.h>
typedef int (init_fnc_t)(void);//1
int printf1(void);
int printf2(void);
int printf3(void);

init_fnc_t *init_sequence[]={//2
int main()
	init_fnc_t **init_fnc_ptr;//3
		for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr) {//4
	       if ((*init_fnc_ptr)() != 0) {//5
		printf("%x###%x\n", init_fnc_ptr, *init_fnc_ptr);
	return 0;

int printf1(void)
	return 0;
int printf2(void)
	return 0;
int printf3(void)
	return 0;

cc function_pointer.c




 objdump -j .text -SI a.out > function_pointer.dis

a.out:     file format elf32-i386

Disassembly of section .text:

08048360 <_start>:
 8048360:	31 ed                	xor    %ebp,%ebp
 8048362:	5e                   	pop    %esi
 8048363:	89 e1                	mov    %esp,%ecx
 8048365:	83 e4 f0             	and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
 8048368:	50                   	push   %eax
 8048369:	54                   	push   %esp
 804836a:	52                   	push   %edx
 804836b:	68 c0 84 04 08       	push   $0x80484c0
 8048370:	68 d0 84 04 08       	push   $0x80484d0
 8048375:	51                   	push   %ecx
 8048376:	56                   	push   %esi
 8048377:	68 14 84 04 08       	push   $0x8048414
 804837c:	e8 af ff ff ff       	call   8048330 <__libc_start_main@plt>
 8048381:	f4                   	hlt    
 8048382:	90                   	nop
 8048383:	90                   	nop
 8048384:	90                   	nop
 8048385:	90                   	nop
 8048386:	90                   	nop
 8048387:	90                   	nop
 8048388:	90                   	nop
 8048389:	90                   	nop
 804838a:	90                   	nop
 804838b:	90                   	nop
 804838c:	90                   	nop
 804838d:	90                   	nop
 804838e:	90                   	nop
 804838f:	90                   	nop

08048390 <__do_global_dtors_aux>:
 8048390:	55                   	push   %ebp
 8048391:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048393:	53                   	push   %ebx
 8048394:	83 ec 04             	sub    $0x4,%esp
 8048397:	80 3d 28 a0 04 08 00 	cmpb   $0x0,0x804a028
 804839e:	75 3f                	jne    80483df <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x4f>
 80483a0:	a1 2c a0 04 08       	mov    0x804a02c,%eax
 80483a5:	bb 18 9f 04 08       	mov    $0x8049f18,%ebx
 80483aa:	81 eb 14 9f 04 08    	sub    $0x8049f14,%ebx
 80483b0:	c1 fb 02             	sar    $0x2,%ebx
 80483b3:	83 eb 01             	sub    $0x1,%ebx
 80483b6:	39 d8                	cmp    %ebx,%eax
 80483b8:	73 1e                	jae    80483d8 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x48>
 80483ba:	8d b6 00 00 00 00    	lea    0x0(%esi),%esi
 80483c0:	83 c0 01             	add    $0x1,%eax
 80483c3:	a3 2c a0 04 08       	mov    %eax,0x804a02c
 80483c8:	ff 14 85 14 9f 04 08 	call   *0x8049f14(,%eax,4)
 80483cf:	a1 2c a0 04 08       	mov    0x804a02c,%eax
 80483d4:	39 d8                	cmp    %ebx,%eax
 80483d6:	72 e8                	jb     80483c0 <__do_global_dtors_aux+0x30>
 80483d8:	c6 05 28 a0 04 08 01 	movb   $0x1,0x804a028
 80483df:	83 c4 04             	add    $0x4,%esp
 80483e2:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
 80483e3:	5d                   	pop    %ebp
 80483e4:	c3                   	ret    
 80483e5:	8d 74 26 00          	lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
 80483e9:	8d bc 27 00 00 00 00 	lea    0x0(%edi,%eiz,1),%edi

080483f0 <frame_dummy>:
 80483f0:	55                   	push   %ebp
 80483f1:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 80483f3:	83 ec 18             	sub    $0x18,%esp
 80483f6:	a1 1c 9f 04 08       	mov    0x8049f1c,%eax
 80483fb:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
 80483fd:	74 12                	je     8048411 <frame_dummy+0x21>
 80483ff:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
 8048404:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
 8048406:	74 09                	je     8048411 <frame_dummy+0x21>
 8048408:	c7 04 24 1c 9f 04 08 	movl   $0x8049f1c,(%esp)
 804840f:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
 8048411:	c9                   	leave  
 8048412:	c3                   	ret    
 8048413:	90                   	nop

08048414 <main>:
 8048414:	55                   	push   %ebp
 8048415:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048417:	83 e4 f0             	and    $0xfffffff0,%esp
 804841a:	83 ec 20             	sub    $0x20,%esp
 804841d:	c7 44 24 1c 18 a0 04 	movl   $0x804a018,0x1c(%esp)
 8048424:	08 
 8048425:	eb 3c                	jmp    8048463 <main+0x4f>
 8048427:	8b 44 24 1c          	mov    0x1c(%esp),%eax
 804842b:	8b 00                	mov    (%eax),%eax
 804842d:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
 804842f:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
 8048431:	74 0c                	je     804843f <main+0x2b>
 8048433:	c7 04 24 80 85 04 08 	movl   $0x8048580,(%esp)
 804843a:	e8 11 ff ff ff       	call   8048350 <puts@plt>
 804843f:	8b 44 24 1c          	mov    0x1c(%esp),%eax
 8048443:	8b 10                	mov    (%eax),%edx
 8048445:	b8 86 85 04 08       	mov    $0x8048586,%eax
 804844a:	89 54 24 08          	mov    %edx,0x8(%esp)
 804844e:	8b 54 24 1c          	mov    0x1c(%esp),%edx
 8048452:	89 54 24 04          	mov    %edx,0x4(%esp)
 8048456:	89 04 24             	mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048459:	e8 e2 fe ff ff       	call   8048340 <printf@plt>
 804845e:	83 44 24 1c 04       	addl   $0x4,0x1c(%esp)
 8048463:	8b 44 24 1c          	mov    0x1c(%esp),%eax
 8048467:	8b 00                	mov    (%eax),%eax
 8048469:	85 c0                	test   %eax,%eax
 804846b:	75 ba                	jne    8048427 <main+0x13>
 804846d:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
 8048472:	c9                   	leave  
 8048473:	c3                   	ret    

08048474 <printf1>:  //a
 8048474:	55                   	push   %ebp
 8048475:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048477:	83 ec 18             	sub    $0x18,%esp
 804847a:	c7 04 24 8f 85 04 08 	movl   $0x804858f,(%esp)
 8048481:	e8 ca fe ff ff       	call   8048350 <puts@plt>
 8048486:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
 804848b:	c9                   	leave  
 804848c:	c3                   	ret    

0804848d <printf2>:   //b
 804848d:	55                   	push   %ebp
 804848e:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048490:	83 ec 18             	sub    $0x18,%esp
 8048493:	c7 04 24 a0 85 04 08 	movl   $0x80485a0,(%esp)
 804849a:	e8 b1 fe ff ff       	call   8048350 <puts@plt>
 804849f:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
 80484a4:	c9                   	leave  
 80484a5:	c3                   	ret    

080484a6 <printf3>: //c
 80484a6:	55                   	push   %ebp
 80484a7:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 80484a9:	83 ec 18             	sub    $0x18,%esp
 80484ac:	c7 04 24 b2 85 04 08 	movl   $0x80485b2,(%esp)
 80484b3:	e8 98 fe ff ff       	call   8048350 <puts@plt>
 80484b8:	b8 00 00 00 00       	mov    $0x0,%eax
 80484bd:	c9                   	leave  
 80484be:	c3                   	ret    
 80484bf:	90                   	nop

080484c0 <__libc_csu_fini>:
 80484c0:	55                   	push   %ebp
 80484c1:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 80484c3:	5d                   	pop    %ebp
 80484c4:	c3                   	ret    
 80484c5:	8d 74 26 00          	lea    0x0(%esi,%eiz,1),%esi
 80484c9:	8d bc 27 00 00 00 00 	lea    0x0(%edi,%eiz,1),%edi

080484d0 <__libc_csu_init>:
 80484d0:	55                   	push   %ebp
 80484d1:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 80484d3:	57                   	push   %edi
 80484d4:	56                   	push   %esi
 80484d5:	53                   	push   %ebx
 80484d6:	e8 4f 00 00 00       	call   804852a <__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx>
 80484db:	81 c3 19 1b 00 00    	add    $0x1b19,%ebx
 80484e1:	83 ec 1c             	sub    $0x1c,%esp
 80484e4:	e8 f7 fd ff ff       	call   80482e0 <_init>
 80484e9:	8d bb 18 ff ff ff    	lea    -0xe8(%ebx),%edi
 80484ef:	8d 83 18 ff ff ff    	lea    -0xe8(%ebx),%eax
 80484f5:	29 c7                	sub    %eax,%edi
 80484f7:	c1 ff 02             	sar    $0x2,%edi
 80484fa:	85 ff                	test   %edi,%edi
 80484fc:	74 24                	je     8048522 <__libc_csu_init+0x52>
 80484fe:	31 f6                	xor    %esi,%esi
 8048500:	8b 45 10             	mov    0x10(%ebp),%eax
 8048503:	89 44 24 08          	mov    %eax,0x8(%esp)
 8048507:	8b 45 0c             	mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax
 804850a:	89 44 24 04          	mov    %eax,0x4(%esp)
 804850e:	8b 45 08             	mov    0x8(%ebp),%eax
 8048511:	89 04 24             	mov    %eax,(%esp)
 8048514:	ff 94 b3 18 ff ff ff 	call   *-0xe8(%ebx,%esi,4)
 804851b:	83 c6 01             	add    $0x1,%esi
 804851e:	39 fe                	cmp    %edi,%esi
 8048520:	72 de                	jb     8048500 <__libc_csu_init+0x30>
 8048522:	83 c4 1c             	add    $0x1c,%esp
 8048525:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
 8048526:	5e                   	pop    %esi
 8048527:	5f                   	pop    %edi
 8048528:	5d                   	pop    %ebp
 8048529:	c3                   	ret    

0804852a <__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx>:
 804852a:	8b 1c 24             	mov    (%esp),%ebx
 804852d:	c3                   	ret    
 804852e:	90                   	nop
 804852f:	90                   	nop

08048530 <__do_global_ctors_aux>:
 8048530:	55                   	push   %ebp
 8048531:	89 e5                	mov    %esp,%ebp
 8048533:	53                   	push   %ebx
 8048534:	83 ec 04             	sub    $0x4,%esp
 8048537:	a1 0c 9f 04 08       	mov    0x8049f0c,%eax
 804853c:	83 f8 ff             	cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax
 804853f:	74 13                	je     8048554 <__do_global_ctors_aux+0x24>
 8048541:	bb 0c 9f 04 08       	mov    $0x8049f0c,%ebx
 8048546:	66 90                	xchg   %ax,%ax
 8048548:	83 eb 04             	sub    $0x4,%ebx
 804854b:	ff d0                	call   *%eax
 804854d:	8b 03                	mov    (%ebx),%eax
 804854f:	83 f8 ff             	cmp    $0xffffffff,%eax
 8048552:	75 f4                	jne    8048548 <__do_global_ctors_aux+0x18>
 8048554:	83 c4 04             	add    $0x4,%esp
 8048557:	5b                   	pop    %ebx
 8048558:	5d                   	pop    %ebp
 8048559:	c3                   	ret    
 804855a:	90                   	nop
 804855b:	90                   	nop

注意注释的1,2,3,4,5和反汇编a,b,c和程序输出,特别注意for (init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence; *init_fnc_ptr; ++init_fnc_ptr)中init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence而不是init_fnc_ptr = init_sequence[0]





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


