


年度 奖项 名称 作者 出版商 中文版
1990 震撼奖 Annotated C++ Reference Manual Margaret Ellis和Bjarne Stroustrup    
1990 生产力奖 The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design Brenda Laurel(编辑)    
1990 生产力奖 Programming Windows(第二版) Charles Petzold    
1990 生产力奖 Turbo C++ DiskTutor Greg Voss和Paul Chui    
1991 震撼奖 Object-Oriented Design with Applications Grady Booch    
1991 生产力奖 Advanced C++: Programming Styles and Idioms James Coplien    
1991 生产力奖 Object-Oriented Modeling and Design James rumbaugh、Michael Blaha、William Premerlani、Frederick Eddy以及William Lorensen    
1991 生产力奖 Object Lifecycles: Modeling the World in States Sally Shlaer和Steve Mellor    
1992 震撼奖 Undocumented Windows Andrew Schulman、David Maxey以及Matt Pietrek    
1992 震撼奖 Decline and Fall of the American Programmer Ed Yourdon    
1992 生产力奖 Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use-Case Driven Approach Ivar Jacobson、Magnus Christerson、Patrik Jonsson以及Gunnar Overgaard    
1992 生产力奖 Literate Programming Donald Knuth    
1992 生产力奖 Effective C++ Scott Meyers    
1993 震撼奖 Code Complete Steve McConnell    
1993 震撼奖 Object-Oriented Design and Analysis with Applications(第二版) Grady Booch    
1993 生产力奖 Applied Cryptography Bruce Schneier    
1993 生产力奖 Programming on Purpose(第1、2卷) P.J. Plauger    
1993 生产力奖 Writing Solid Code Steve Maguire    
1994 震撼奖 Essential Client/Server Survival Guide Robert Orfali、Dan Harkey以及Jeri Edwards    
1994 生产力奖 Debugging the Development Process Steve Maguire    
1994 生产力奖 Design Patterns Erich Gamma、Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson以及John Vlissides    
1994 生产力奖 The Design and Evolution of C++ Bjarne Stroustrup    
1995 震撼奖 Thinking in C++ Bruce Eckel    
1995 生产力奖 About Face: The Essentials of User Interface Design Alan Cooper    
1995 生产力奖 A Discipline for Software Engineering Watts Humphrey    
1995 生产力奖 What every Programmer Should Know About Object-Oriented Design Meilir Page-Jones    
1996 震撼奖 Rapid Development Steve McConnell    
1996 生产力奖 Creating a Software Engineering Culture Karl Weigers    
1996 生产力奖 Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Frank Buschmann、Regine Meunier、Hans Rohnert、Peter Sommerlad以及Michael Stal    
1996 生产力奖 The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide Robert Orfali、Dan Harkey以及Jeri Edwards    
1997 震撼奖 Object-oriented Software Construction Bertrand Meyer    
1997 生产力奖 The Deadline: A Novel about Project Management Tom DeMarco    
1997 生产力奖 UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language Martin Fowler和Scott Kendall    
1997 生产力奖 Building Object Applications That Work Scott Ambler    
1998 震撼奖 Component Software—Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clemens Szyperski    
1998 生产力奖 Anti-Patterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis William J. Brown、Raphael C. Malveau、Hays W. McCormick以及Thomas Mowbray    
1998 生产力奖 Software Architecture in Practice Paul Clements、Rick Kazman、Ken Bass以及Len Bass    
1998 生产力奖 Thinking in Java Bruce Eckel    
1999 震撼奖 Software for Use: A Practical Guide to the Models and Methods of Usage Centered Design Larry Constantine和Lucy Lockwood    
1999 生产力奖 Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change Kent Beck    
1999 生产力奖 Software Requirements Karl E. Wiegers    
1999 生产力奖 After the Gold Rush: Creating a True Profession of Software Engineering Steve M. McConnell    
2000 震撼奖 Adaptive Software Development James A. Highsmith III Dorset House  
2000 生产力奖 Don't Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability Steve Krug New Riders  
2000 生产力奖 Writing Effective Use Cases Alistair Cockburn Addison-Wesley  
2000 生产力奖 Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World Bruce Schneier John Wiley & Sons  
2001 震撼奖 Effective Java Joshua Bloch    
2001 生产力奖 Agile Software Development Alistair Cockburn    
2001 生产力奖 Software Craftsmanship Pete McBreen    
2001 生产力奖 Under Pressure and On Time Ed Sullivan    
2010 震撼奖 Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages Federico Biancuzzi和Shane Warden O'Reilly Media  
2010 生产力奖 SDLC 3.0: Beyond a Tacit Understanding of Agile Mark Kennaley Fourth Medium Press  
2010 生产力奖 Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners Warren D. Sande和Carter Sande Manning Publications

补充!2011年 卓越大奖、震撼大奖、生产效率奖

1、《Continuous Delivery》曾被称为“2010年最重要的技术图书之一”。提出新理念:超越构建和测试,被牛津大学定为软件工程实践课程的教材。
2、《Seven Languages in Seven Weeks》讲述了Ruby、Io、Prolog、Scala、Erlang、Clojure、Haskell七种语言,能使你一次大快朵颐。语言会成为思想的禁锢。
3、《Mining the Social Web》讲述了通过Python和一些外部模块来分析和挖掘邮件、Twitter、LinkedIn、Google Buzz、Facebook中的数据,回答诸如谁是网络中最有影响的人、最热的话题是什么、谁是最话痨的人、谁与你相同朋友最多等等问题。



年度 奖项 名称 作者 出版商 中文版
2002 震撼奖 Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practices Robert C. Martin    
2002 生产力奖 Documenting Software Architectures Paul Clements和Felix Bachmann    
2002 生产力奖 Test Driven Development: By Example Kent Beck    
2002 生产力奖 Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Martin Fowler    
2003 震撼奖 Waltzing with Bears Tom DeMarco和Timothy Lister    
2003 生产力奖 The Art of Unix Programming Eric S. Raymond    
2003 生产力奖 Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit Mary Poppendieck和Tom Poppendieck    
2003 生产力奖 The Pragmatic Starter Kit Dave Thomas和Andy Hunt    
2004 震撼奖 Head First Design Patterns Elisabeth Freeman、Eric Freeman、Bert Bates以及Kathy    
2004 生产力奖 Joel on Software Joel Spolsky    
2004 生产力奖 Refactoring to Patterns Joshua Kerievsky    
2004 生产力奖 Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools Jack Greenfield、Keith Short、Steve Cook、Stuart Kent以及John Crupi    
2005 震撼奖 Prefactoring Ken Pugh    
2005 生产力奖 The Art of Project Management Scott Berkun    
2005 生产力奖 Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy Ron Goldman和Richard P. Gabriel    
2005 生产力奖 Producing Open Source Software: How to Run a Successful Free Software Project Karl Fogel    
2006/7 震撼奖 Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game Alistair Cockburn    
2006/7 生产力奖 Catastrophe Disentanglement E. M. Bennatan    
2006/7 生产力奖 Practices of an Agile Developer Venkat Subramaniam和Andy Hunt    
2006/7 生产力奖 Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art Steve McConnell    
2008 震撼奖 Beautiful Code Andy Oram和Greg Wilson O'Reilly Media  
2008 生产力奖 Manage It!: Your Guide to Modern Pragmatic Project Management Johanna Rothman Pragmatic Bookshelf  
2008 生产力奖 Myths of Innovation Scott Berkun    
2008 生产力奖 Release It: Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software Michael T. Nygard    
2009 震撼奖 Adrenaline Junkies and Template Zombies: Understanding Patterns of Project Behavior Tom Demarc、Peter Hruschka、Tim Lister、Suzanne Robertson、James Robertson以及Steve McMenamin    
2009 生产力奖 Emergent Design: The Evolutionary Nature of Professional Software Development Scott L. Bain    
2009 生产力奖 Intellectual Property and Open Source: A Practical Guide to Protecting Code Van Lindberg    


年度 奖项 名称 作者 出版商 中文版
2002 震撼奖 Thinking in Java(第三版) Bruce Eckel Prentice Hall  
2002 生产力奖 Understanding Web Services: XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI Eric Newcomer    
2002 生产力奖 Core Java 2, Volume 1: Fundamentals Cay Horstmann和Gary Cornell    
2002 生产力奖 PHP and MySQL Web Development(第二版) Luke Welling    
2003 震撼奖 Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide David Astels Prentice Hall PTR  
2003 生产力奖 About Face 2.0: The Essentials of Interaction Design Alan Cooper和Robert Reimann Wiley  
2003 生产力奖 Agile Database Techniques: Effective Strategies for the Agile Software Developer Scott W. Ambler Wiley  
2003 生产力奖 Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective Diomidis Spinellis Addison-Wesley  
2004 震撼奖 Better, Faster, Lighter Java Bruce A. Tate和Justin Gehtland    
2004 生产力奖 C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices Herb Sutter和Andrei Alexandrescu    
2004 生产力奖 Hibernate: A Developer's Notebook James Elliott    
2004 生产力奖 Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse(第二版) Jim D'Anjou、Scott Fairbrother、Dan Kehn、John Kellerman以及Pat McCarthy    
2005 震撼奖 Agile Web Development with Rails Dave Thomas、David Hansson、Leon Breedt以及Mike Clark    
2005 生产力奖 Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries Krzysztof Cwalina和Brad Abrams    
2005 生产力奖 Practical Common Lisp Peter Seibel    
2005 生产力奖 Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging Andreas Zeller    
2006/7 震撼奖 Head First Object-Oriented Analysis & Design B. McLaughlin、G. Pollice以及D. West    
2006/7 生产力奖 Code Quality Diomidis Spinellis Addison-Wesley Professional  
2006/7 生产力奖 Refactoring Databases Scott W. Ambler和P.J. Sadalage    
2006/7 生产力奖 CSS: The Missing Manual David Sawyer McFarland Sawyer McFarland Media,  
2008 震撼奖 Continuous Integration: Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk Paul Duvall、Steve Matyas以及Andrew Glover    
2008 生产力奖 Head First SQL Your Brain on SQL--A Learner's Guide Lynn Beighley    
2008 生产力奖 The Rails Way Obie Fernandez    
2008 生产力奖 xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code Gerard Meszaros Addison-Wesley Professional  
2009 震撼奖 Real World Haskell Bryan O'Sullivan、John Goerzen以及Don Stewart    
2009 生产力奖 High Performance MySQL: Optimization, Backups, Replication, and More Baron Schwartz、Peter Zaitsev、Vadim Tkachenko、Jeremy Zawodny、Arjen Lentz以及Derek J. Balling    
2009 生产力奖 Programming in Scala Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon以及Bill Venners  
其它奖项详细请参见“维基百科” http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolt%E5%A5%96%E5%88%97%E8%A1%A8

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