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原创 New concept English 2 -- Note of lesson 7-2

<br />1. 一般过去时与现在完成时<br />  共同点:动作在过去都做过了。<br />  区别:过去式只强调过去的事,和现在没有任何关系。<br />    i ate a piece of bread.<br />    现在完成时,过去的事情对现在产生的影响。<br />    i have eaten a piece of bread this moring.( i 'm not hungry.)<br /><br />    it snowed yesterday.

2010-11-30 21:49:00 428

原创 New concept English 2 -- Note of lesson 7

1 say / tell He says+句子; He says +that +句子;say to sb. tell sb. + 句子; tell sb.+that+句子.2.they all=all of them all of us 我们所有人/ all of them 他们所有人(all 和人联用要加of)3.对频率提问:how often 提问多久:how long 提问次数: how many times. 多久以后:how soon( how

2010-11-22 22:27:00 368

原创 New concept English 2 -- Note of lesson 6

<br />1.shortly=soon  不久以后<br /><br />2.That's why +从句:那就是.....原因,后者why后面是结果。<br /><br />i was caught in the traffic jam. that's why i was late.我今天遇上了堵车,那就是我来晚的原因。<br /><br />3. be动词后面是表语,后面的从句是表语从句。<br />That's 后面的表语从句常常用特殊疑问词引导,再加一个句子。<br />Tha

2010-11-18 22:20:00 403

原创 New Concept English 2 -- lesson 5,6

<br />Lesson 5 No wrong number 无号码错误之虞<br />课文内容:<br />Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so

2010-11-17 09:47:00 730

原创 New Concept English 2 -- Lesson 3 and Lesson 4

<br />Lesson 3 Please send me a card<br />课文内容:<br />Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few

2010-11-10 13:46:00 997

原创 New Concept English 2 -- Note4

<br />find 发现<br />find the book dirty.<br /><br />at --表示位置  be at ... 典型表示位置的介词短语<br />go to <br /><br />go in 后面可以加宾语也可以不加(he went in,他进去了)<br /><br />go into后面必须加宾语。(go into the room) into强调进入<br /><br />lesson 5<br /><br />1.pigeon 鸽子<br

2010-11-10 11:54:00 341

原创 New Concept English 2 -- Note 3

<br />what do you think of(你认为。。。怎么样?)<br />what do you think of the weather today?<br /><br />in ....way 以。。。方式.(in a friendly way 做什么事都很友好。)<br /><br />all of us (all of +代词)<br />all of the friends (all of + the +名词)<br />latest 最新的<br />thi

2010-11-08 13:21:00 277

原创 New Concept English 2 -- Lesson 1 and Lesson 2

<br />Lesson 1 A private conversation<br />课文内容:<br />Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got ve

2010-11-05 10:24:00 740

转载 VS 2008如何连接TFS 2010


2010-11-05 10:10:00 729

原创 虚方法的学习及简单应用

<br />关于虚方法,我感触很深,虽然用C#开发过几个应用,但从来没有使用过虚方法,接口,抽象类这些,也没有概念,失败。<br />打击自己的话就先不说了,亡羊补牢,为时不晚,现在就来记录一下关于虚方法的学习和简单应用。<br /> <br />定义了一个基类Employee,创建一个虚方法startWork(),之后分别创建了3个子类,Manager,Seller,Finance来继承Employee并重写虚方法,<br /> public class Employees {

2010-11-04 16:27:00 282

原创 索引器2

<br />以下是索引器在具体例子中的应用,并且通过此例子,可以知道,索引器可以重载,<br /> <br /> class student { private string _name; private string _courseId; private int _result; public student(string name,string courseId,int result) {

2010-11-04 13:51:00 256

原创 学习简单工厂应用的理解。

<br />今天在崔鹏飞的blog里面学习,简单工厂的最简单应用,自己实现了一下。记录下来。<br /> <br />首先定义了一个抽象类baseAbs,并且定义了一个抽象方法,用于返回值。<br /> <br />之后定义了两个继承抽象类的两个子类Add和Minus分别实现抽象方法(如果有什么新的需求,可以再创建子类来实现,这里只是实现了加减)。<br />之后也就是关键,定义一个类factory,其中方法factoryEvent就是用来具体实现,什么情况下调用什么类的功能。<br /> <br />主函

2010-11-03 15:50:00 270

原创 New Concept English 2 -- Note 2

he did not pay any attentionpay attention (思想上注意)notice (眼睛上的看)i notice the girl.behindin front ofbefore(时间上的)ahead of (时间上,位置上,动态的,)in front of (相对静止的概念)How 对形容词,副词,介词短语提问。none of us knowsnot any=nonot 否定词,放在非实意动词后面。he didn't pay any

2010-11-03 11:29:00 306

原创 索引器1

一直在开发中也没应用过索引器,也不知道索引器的作用,现在通过学习,来认识一下。下面的例子,分别创建了三个类:indexerTest没有使用索引器,主程序中使用数组实例化了三个。indexerClass通过使用索引器的方式,实现了indexerTest的功能。indexer通过hash table方式,可以实现遍例出所有的key.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Web;us

2010-11-02 17:28:00 220

原创 New Concept English 2--note 1

1.private it's a privacy it's my private letter. private soldier    大兵 private citizen     普通公民 private life        私生活2.conversation they are having a conversation(并不是很正式的谈话) 他们正在谈话。 talk    (可正式可不正式交谈)    have a    + dialogue    正式会

2010-11-02 16:06:00 359





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