linux kernel Setup.S代码完全注释(累死了。。。)


#include <asm/segment.h>
#include <linux/utsrelease.h>
#include <linux/compile.h>
#include <asm/boot.h>
#include <asm/e820.h>
#include <asm/page.h>
/* Signature words to ensure LILO loaded us right */
#define SIG1 0xAA55
#define SIG2 0x5A5A

INITSEG  = DEF_INITSEG  # 0x9000, we move boot here, out of the way
SYSSEG   = DEF_SYSSEG  # 0x1000, system loaded at 0x10000 (65536).
SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG  # 0x9020, this is the current segment
    # ... and the former contents of CS


.globl begtext, begdata, begbss, endtext, enddata, endbss


 jmp trampoline

# This is the setup header, and it must start at %cs:2 (old 0x9020:2)

  .ascii "HdrS"  # header signature
  .word 0x0204  # header version number (>= 0x0105)
     # or else old loadlin-1.5 will fail)
realmode_swtch: .word 0, 0  # default_switch, SETUPSEG
start_sys_seg: .word SYSSEG
  .word kernel_version # pointing to kernel version string
     # above section of header is compatible
     # with loadlin-1.5 (header v1.5). Don't
     # change it.

type_of_loader: .byte 0  # = 0, old one (LILO, Loadlin,
     #      Bootlin, SYSLX, bootsect...)
     # See Documentation/i386/boot.txt for
     # assigned ids
# flags, unused bits must be zero (RFU) bit within loadflags
LOADED_HIGH = 1   # If set, the kernel is loaded high
CAN_USE_HEAP = 0x80   # If set, the loader also has set
     # heap_end_ptr to tell how much
     # space behind setup.S can be used for
     # heap purposes.
     # Only the loader knows what is free
#ifndef __BIG_KERNEL__
  .byte 0

setup_move_size: .word  0x8000  # size to move, when setup is not
     # loaded at 0x90000. We will move setup
     # to 0x90000 then just before jumping
     # into the kernel. However, only the
     # loader knows how much data behind
     # us also needs to be loaded.

code32_start:    # here loaders can put a different
     # start address for 32-bit code.
#ifndef __BIG_KERNEL__
  .long 0x1000  #   0x1000 = default for zImage
  .long 0x100000 # 0x100000 = default for big kernel

ramdisk_image: .long 0  # address of loaded ramdisk image
     # Here the loader puts the 32-bit
     # address where it loaded the image.
     # This only will be read by the kernel.

ramdisk_size: .long 0  # its size in bytes

  .long 0  # obsolete

heap_end_ptr: .word modelist+1024 # (Header version 0x0201 or later)
     # space from here (exclusive) down to
     # end of setup code can be used by setup
     # for local heap purposes.

pad1:  .word 0
cmd_line_ptr: .long 0   # (Header version 0x0202 or later)
     # If nonzero, a 32-bit pointer
     # to the kernel command line.
     # The command line should be
     # located between the start of
     # setup and the end of low
     # memory (0xa0000), or it may
     # get overwritten before it
     # gets read.  If this field is
     # used, there is no longer
     # anything magical about the
     # 0x90000 segment; the setup
     # can be located anywhere in
     # low memory 0x10000 or higher.

ramdisk_max: .long (-__PAGE_OFFSET-(512 << 20)-1) & 0x7fffffff
     # (Header version 0x0203 or later)
     # The highest safe address for
     # the contents of an initrd

trampoline: call start_of_setup
  .align 16
     # The offset at this point is 0x240
  .space (0xeff-0x240+1) # E820 & EDD space (ending at 0xeff)
# End of setup header #####################################################

# Bootlin depends on this being done early  读取磁盘类型(ah=15h,dl=80h-ffh,这里是81h说明是hd1)
 movw $0x01500, %ax
 movb $0x81, %dl
 int $0x13    //bios系统调用

# Reset the disk controller.
 movw $0x0000, %ax   //使磁盘复位(ah=00h,dl=80h-ffh,这里80h说明hd0复位)
 movb $0x80, %dl
 int $0x13

# Set %ds = %cs, we know that SETUPSEG = %cs at this point   设置数据段和代码段相等
 movw %cs, %ax  # aka SETUPSEG
 movw %ax, %ds
# Check signature at end of setup

 cmpw $SIG1, setup_sig1 
 jne bad_sig //去读入剩余的setup代码

 cmpw $SIG2, setup_sig2
 jne bad_sig  //去读入剩余的setup代码

 jmp good_sig1 //setup代码已经被全部读入了

# Routine to print asciiz string at ds:si
 andb %al, %al
 jz fin

 call prtchr
 jmp prtstr

fin: ret

# Space printing
prtsp2: call prtspc  # Print double space
prtspc: movb $0x20, %al # Print single space (note: fall-thru)

# Part of above routine, this one just prints ascii al
prtchr: pushw %ax
 pushw %cx
 movw $7,%bx
 movw $0x01, %cx
 movb $0x0e, %ah
 int $0x10
 popw %cx
 popw %ax

beep: movb $0x07, %al
 jmp prtchr
no_sig_mess: .string "No setup signature found ..."

 jmp good_sig

# We now have to find the rest of the setup code/data
 movw %cs, %ax   # SETUPSEG
 movw %ax, %ds  //以上三行代码总是设置代码段为0x09020和数据段为0x09000
 xorb %bh, %bh
 movb (497), %bl   # get setup sect from bootsect 获取setup代码的大小
 subw $4, %bx    # LILO loads 4 sectors of setup  减去已经被载入的4个扇区
 shlw $8, %bx    # convert to words (1sect=2^8 words) 转化成字数
 movw %bx, %cx            # 存入cx中,为了后面的拷贝,cx中为拷贝操作的循环次数
 shrw $3, %bx    # convert to segment  转化为段地址
 addw $SYSSEG, %bx        //加上从0x10000。因为剩余的setup代码和内核映像已经被lilo加载到地址
 movw %bx, %cs:start_sys_seg  //根据上面的计算该值是0x01020
# Move rest of setup code/data to here
 movw $2048, %di   # four sectors loaded by LILO
 subw %si, %si
 pushw %cs
 popw %es  //设置es=0x09020
 movw $SYSSEG, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds //设置ds=0x01000
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 movw %ax, %ds
 cmpw $SIG1, setup_sig1
 jne no_sig  //跳到出错处理程序

 cmpw $SIG2, setup_sig2
 jne no_sig  //跳到出错处理程序

 jmp good_sig

 lea no_sig_mess, %si
 call prtstr

 jmp no_sig_loop

 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax   # aka INITSEG
 movw %ax, %ds //设置数据段和代码段
# Check if an old loader tries to load a big-kernel
 testb $LOADED_HIGH, %cs:loadflags # Do we have a big kernel?
 jz loader_ok   # No, no danger for old loaders.

 cmpb $0, %cs:type_of_loader   # Do we have a loader that
      # can deal with us?
 jnz loader_ok   # Yes, continue.

 pushw %cs    # No, we have an old loader,
 popw %ds    # die.
 lea loader_panic_mess, %si
 call prtstr

 jmp no_sig_loop

loader_panic_mess: .string "Wrong loader, giving up..."

# Get memory size (extended mem, kB)

 xorl %eax, %eax
 movl %eax, (0x1e0) //在该偏移处存入0,因为该偏移处将存入可以使用内存总大小
 movb %al, (E820NR) //该偏移处存入0,因为该偏移处将存入内存信息条数量
# Try three different memory detection schemes.  First, try
# e820h, which lets us assemble a memory map, then try e801h,
# which returns a 32-bit memory size, and finally 88h, which
# returns 0-64m

# method E820H:
# the memory map from hell.  e820h returns memory classified into
# a whole bunch of different types, and allows memory holes and
# everything.  We scan through this memory map and build a list
# of the first 32 memory areas, which we return at [E820MAP].
# This is documented at, in the ACPI 2.0 specification.

#define SMAP  0x534d4150

 xorl %ebx, %ebx   # continuation counter
 movw $E820MAP, %di   # point into the whitelist
      # so we can have the bios
      # directly write into it.
//ACPI规定,要做出一个int 15,ax=0xe820 bios调用,要准备以下数据作为输入
// eax=0x0e820
// ebx是否继续的标志位。第一调用的时候是0,如果在下次的调用的时候变为0,则应该终止内存的拷贝
// es:di 是存放内存信息的地址
// ecx缓冲区大小,即每次存入的内存信息条大小
// edx放入"SMAP"这4个字母的ASCII值

 movl $0x0000e820, %eax  # e820, upper word zeroed 
 movl $SMAP, %edx   # ascii 'SMAP'
 movl $20, %ecx   # size of the e820rec
 pushw %ds    # data record.
 popw %es  //设置es            
 int $0x15    # make the call
 jc bail820    # fall to e801 if it fails

 cmpl $SMAP, %eax   # check the return is `SMAP'
 jne bail820    # fall to e801 if it fails

# cmpl $1, 16(%di)   # is this usable memory?
# jne again820

 # If this is usable memory, we save it by simply advancing %di by
 # sizeof(e820rec).
 movb (E820NR), %al   # up to 128 entries
 cmpb $E820MAX, %al  //内存信息条的最大数量
 jae bail820

 incb (E820NR) //记录当前的内存信息条数量
 movw %di, %ax
 addw $20, %ax
 movw %ax, %di //增加di的偏移,为下次调用做准备
 cmpl $0, %ebx   # check to see if
 jne jmpe820    # %ebx is set to EOF

# method E801H:
# memory size is in 1k chunksizes, to avoid confusing loadlin.
# we store the 0xe801 memory size in a completely different place,
# because it will most likely be longer than 16 bits.
# (use 1e0 because that's what Larry Augustine uses in his
# alternative new memory detection scheme, and it's sensible
# to write everything into the same place.)

 stc     # fix to work around buggy
 xorw %cx,%cx    # BIOSes which don't clear/set
 xorw %dx,%dx    # carry on pass/error of
//清除cx和dx     # e801h memory size call
      # or merely pass cx,dx though
      # without changing them.
 movw $0xe801, %ax
 int $0x15  
 jc mem88

 cmpw $0x0, %cx   # Kludge to handle BIOSes
    jne e801usecxdx   # which report their extended
 cmpw $0x0, %dx   # memory in AX/BX rather than
 jne e801usecxdx   # CX/DX.  The spec I have read
 movw %ax, %cx   # seems to indicate AX/BX
 movw %bx, %dx   # are more reasonable anyway...
 andl $0xffff, %edx   # clear sign extend
 shll $6, %edx   # and go from 64k to 1k chunks
 movl %edx, (0x1e0)   # store extended memory size
 andl $0xffff, %ecx   # clear sign extend
  addl %ecx, (0x1e0)   # and add lower memory into
      # total size.
// 通过以上操作,可见偏移处0x140(默认使用数据段ds=0x9000)出入可以使用的扩展内存总大小

# Ye Olde Traditional Methode.  Returns the memory size (up to 16mb or
# 64mb, depending on the bios) in ax.
// 80h 非法指令
// 86h 不支持该功能
 movb $0x88, %ah
 int $0x15
 movw %ax, (2) //把检测到的扩展内存存入0x9000:0x0002内存处,ax最大为2^16,可见最多检测64m的扩展内存。

# Set the keyboard repeat rate to the max
 movw $0x0305, %ax
 xorw %bx, %bx
 int $0x16

# Check for video adapter and its parameters and allow the
# user to browse video modes.
 call video    # NOTE: we need %ds pointing
      # to bootsector
# Get hd0 data...
 xorw %ax, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds //先把ds设置为0,则(4*0x41)表示为0x0000:0x0104  
 ldsw (4 * 0x41), %si
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax  # aka INITSEG
 pushw %ax
 movw %ax, %es
 movw $0x0080, %di
 movw $0x10, %cx
 pushw %cx
# Get hd1 data...
 xorw %ax, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds
 ldsw (4 * 0x46), %si
 popw %cx
 popw %es
 movw $0x0090, %di
 movsb //同上
# Check that there IS a hd1 :-)
 movw $0x01500, %ax
 movb $0x81, %dl
 int $0x13  //和开始代码一样,检查磁盘类型
 jc no_disk1 //没有第二块磁盘
 cmpb $3, %ah
 je is_disk1 //是磁盘

 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax   # aka INITSEG
 movw %ax, %es
 movw $0x0090, %di
 movw $0x10, %cx
 xorw %ax, %ax
 stosb //该指令把ax中的数据装入es:di

# check for Micro Channel (MCA) bus
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax  # aka INITSEG
 movw %ax, %ds
 xorw %ax, %ax
 movw %ax, (0xa0)   # set table length to 0
 movb $0xc0, %ah
 int $0x15    # moves feature table to es:bx
 jc no_mca

 pushw %ds //保存ds的值
 movw %es, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds  //用es设置ds
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax  # aka INITSEG
 movw %ax, %es  //设置es=0x9000
 movw %bx, %si //用bx设置si
 movw $0xa0, %di //设置di=0xa0
 movw (%si), %cx //取ds:si开始处的前两个字节,就是表的大小
 addw $2, %cx    # table length is a short
 cmpw $0x10, %cx
 jc sysdesc_ok  //说明小于16个字节

 movw $0x10, %cx   # we keep only first 16 bytes
 popw %ds
 movb $0xff, 0x40 # flag on config found
 movb $0xc0, %al
 mov $0xff, %ah
 int $0x15  # put voyager config info at es:di
 jc no_voyager
 movw $0x40, %si # place voyager info in apm table
 movw $7, %cx
 movb %es:(%di), %al
 movb %al,(%si)
 incw %di
 incw %si
 decw %cx
 jnz voyager_rep
# Check for PS/2 pointing device
// int 11为读取设备列表信息功能,检查是否安装了PS/2鼠标
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax  # aka INITSEG
 movw %ax, %ds
 movw $0, (0x1ff)   # default is no pointing device
 int $0x11    # int 0x11: equipment list
 testb $0x04, %al   # check if mouse installed
 jz no_psmouse

 movw $0xAA, (0x1ff)   # device present

 movl $0x0000E980, %eax  # IST Support
 movl $0x47534943, %edx  # Request value
 int $0x15

 movl %eax, (96)
 movl %ebx, (100)
 movl %ecx, (104)
 movl %edx, (108)

#if defined(CONFIG_APM) || defined(CONFIG_APM_MODULE)
# Then check for an APM BIOS...
      # %ds points to the bootsector
 movw $0, 0x40   # version = 0 means no APM BIOS
 movw $0x05300, %ax   # APM BIOS installation check
 xorw %bx, %bx
 int $0x15
 jc done_apm_bios   # Nope, no APM BIOS
 cmpw $0x0504d, %bx   # Check for "PM" signature
 jne done_apm_bios   # No signature, no APM BIOS

 andw $0x02, %cx   # Is 32 bit supported?
 je done_apm_bios   # No 32-bit, no (good) APM BIOS

 movw $0x05304, %ax   # Disconnect first just in case
 xorw %bx, %bx
 int $0x15    # ignore return code
 movw $0x05303, %ax   # 32 bit connect
 xorl %ebx, %ebx
 xorw %cx, %cx   # paranoia :-)
 xorw %dx, %dx   #   ...
 xorl %esi, %esi   #   ...
 xorw %di, %di   #   ...
 int $0x15
 jc no_32_apm_bios   # Ack, error.

 movw %ax,  (66)   # BIOS code segment
 movl %ebx, (68)   # BIOS entry point offset
 movw %cx,  (72)   # BIOS 16 bit code segment
 movw %dx,  (74)   # BIOS data segment
 movl %esi, (78)   # BIOS code segment lengths
 movw %di,  (82)   # BIOS data segment length
# Redo the installation check as the 32 bit connect
# modifies the flags returned on some BIOSs
 movw $0x05300, %ax   # APM BIOS installation check
 xorw %bx, %bx
 xorw %cx, %cx   # paranoia
 int $0x15
 jc apm_disconnect   # error -> shouldn't happen

 cmpw $0x0504d, %bx   # check for "PM" signature
 jne apm_disconnect   # no sig -> shouldn't happen

 movw %ax, (64)   # record the APM BIOS version
 movw %cx, (76)   # and flags
 jmp done_apm_bios

apm_disconnect:     # Tidy up
 movw $0x05304, %ax   # Disconnect
 xorw %bx, %bx
 int $0x15    # ignore return code

 jmp done_apm_bios

 andw $0xfffd, (76)   # remove 32 bit support bit

#include "edd.S"

# Now we want to move to protected mode ...
 cmpw $0, %cs:realmode_swtch
 jz rmodeswtch_normal

 lcall *%cs:realmode_swtch

 jmp rmodeswtch_end

        pushw %cs  //保存cs段
 call default_switch //屏蔽NMI中断

# Now we move the system to its rightful place ... but we check if we have a
# big-kernel. In that case we *must* not move it ...
 testb $LOADED_HIGH, %cs:loadflags //是否是大内核
 jz do_move0   # .. then we have a normal low
      # loaded zImage
      # .. or else we have a high
      # loaded bzImage
 jmp end_move   # ... and we skip moving
 movw $0x100, %ax   # start of destination segment
 movw %cs, %bp   # aka SETUPSEG
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %bp  # aka INITSEG
 movw %cs:start_sys_seg, %bx  # start of source segment
 movw %ax, %es   # destination segment
 incb %ah    # instead of add ax,#0x100
//使es+=0x100 拷贝地址加了4K
 movw %bx, %ds   # source segment
 addw $0x100, %bx
//使ds+=0x100 拷贝地址加了4K
 subw %di, %di
 subw %si, %si
 movw  $0x800, %cx //0x800=2048
 movsw //移动2048个字,即4KB大小
 cmpw %bp, %bx   # assume start_sys_seg > 0x200,
      # so we will perhaps read one
      # page more than needed, but
      # never overwrite INITSEG
      # because destination is a
      # minimum one page below source
 jb do_move

# then we load the segment descriptors
 movw %cs, %ax   # aka SETUPSEG
 movw %ax, %ds       //此时ds=ax=0x9020
# Check whether we need to be downward compatible with version <=201
 cmpl $0, cmd_line_ptr
 jne end_move_self  # loader uses version >=202 features
 cmpb $0x20, type_of_loader
 je end_move_self  # bootsect loader, we know of it

# Boot loader doesnt support boot protocol version 2.02.
# If we have our code not at 0x90000, we need to move it there now.
# We also then need to move the params behind it (commandline)
# Because we would overwrite the code on the current IP, we move
# it in two steps, jumping high after the first one.
 movw %cs, %ax
 cmpw $SETUPSEG, %ax
 je end_move_self

 cli     # make sure we really have
      # interrupts disabled !
      # because after this the stack
      # should not be used
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %ax  # aka INITSEG
 movw %ss, %dx
 cmpw %ax, %dx
 jb move_self_1

 addw $INITSEG, %dx
 subw %ax, %dx   # this will go into %ss after
      # the move
 movw %ax, %ds
 movw $INITSEG, %ax   # real INITSEG
 movw %ax, %es
 movw %cs:setup_move_size, %cx
 std     # we have to move up, so we use
      # direction down because the
      # areas may overlap
 movw %cx, %di
 decw %di
 movw %di, %si
 subw $move_self_here+0x200, %cx
 ljmp $SETUPSEG, $move_self_here

 movw $move_self_here+0x200, %cx
 movw $SETUPSEG, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds
 movw %dx, %ss
end_move_self:     # now we are at the right place

# Enable A20.  This is at the very best an annoying procedure.
# A20 code ported from SYSLINUX 1.52-1.63 by H. Peter Anvin.
# AMD Elan bug fix by Robert Schwebel.

#if defined(CONFIG_X86_ELAN)
 movb $0x02, %al   # alternate A20 gate
 outb %al, $0x92   # this works on SC410/SC520
 call a20_test
 jz a20_elan_wait
 jmp a20_done

A20_TEST_LOOPS  =  32  # Iterations per wait
A20_ENABLE_LOOPS = 255  # Total loops to try  


 # First, see if we are on a system with no A20 gate.
 call a20_test
 jnz a20_done

 # Next, try the BIOS (INT 0x15, AX=0x2401)
 movw $0x2401, %ax
 pushfl     # Be paranoid about flags
 int $0x15

 call a20_test
 jnz a20_done

 # Try enabling A20 through the keyboard controller
#endif /* CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER */
 call empty_8042

 call a20_test   # Just in case the BIOS worked
 jnz a20_done   # but had a delayed reaction.

 movb $0xD1, %al   # command write
 outb %al, $0x64
 call empty_8042

 movb $0xDF, %al   # A20 on
 outb %al, $0x60
 call empty_8042

 # Wait until a20 really *is* enabled; it can take a fair amount of
 # time on certain systems; Toshiba Tecras are known to have this
 # problem.
 xorw %cx, %cx
 call a20_test
 jnz a20_done
 loop a20_kbc_wait_loop

 # Final attempt: use "configuration port A"
 inb $0x92, %al   # Configuration Port A
 orb $0x02, %al   # "fast A20" version
 andb $0xFE, %al   # don't accidentally reset
 outb %al, $0x92

 # Wait for configuration port A to take effect
 xorw %cx, %cx
 call a20_test
 jnz a20_done
 loop a20_fast_wait_loop

 # A20 is still not responding.  Try frobbing it again.
 decb (a20_tries)
 jnz a20_try_loop
 movw $a20_err_msg, %si
 call prtstr

 jmp a20_die


 .ascii "linux: fatal error: A20 gate not responding!"
 .byte 13, 10, 0

 # If we get here, all is good

#endif /* CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER */
# set up gdt and idt and 32bit start address
 lidt idt_48    # load idt with 0,0
 xorl %eax, %eax   # Compute gdt_base
 movw %ds, %ax   # (Convert %ds:gdt to a linear ptr)
 shll $4, %eax         //此时eax=0x00090200,因为一开始ds被设置与cs相等
 addl %eax, code32     //设置code32处的值是=eax的值+code32标号的偏移量
 addl $gdt, %eax
 movl %eax, (gdt_48+2) //设置gdt表的线性地址
 lgdt gdt_48    # load gdt with whatever is
      # appropriate

# make sure any possible coprocessor is properly reset..
 xorw %ax, %ax
 outb %al, $0xf0
 call delay

 outb %al, $0xf1
 call delay
# well, that went ok, I hope. Now we mask all interrupts - the rest
# is done in init_IRQ().
    movb $0xFF, %al   # mask all interrupts for now
 outb %al, $0xA1
 call delay
 movb $0xFB, %al   # mask all irq's but irq2 which
 outb %al, $0x21   # is cascaded

# Well, that certainly wasn't fun :-(. Hopefully it works, and we don't
# need no steenking BIOS anyway (except for the initial loading :-).
# The BIOS-routine wants lots of unnecessary data, and it's less
# "interesting" anyway. This is how REAL programmers do it.
# Well, now's the time to actually move into protected mode. To make
# things as simple as possible, we do no register set-up or anything,
# we let the gnu-compiled 32-bit programs do that. We just jump to
# absolute address 0x1000 (or the loader supplied one),
# in 32-bit protected mode.
# Note that the short jump isn't strictly needed, although there are
# reasons why it might be a good idea. It won't hurt in any case.
 movw $1, %ax    # protected mode (PE) bit
 lmsw %ax    # This is it!
 jmp flush_instr
 xorw %bx, %bx   # Flag to indicate a boot
 xorl %esi, %esi   # Pointer to real-mode code
 movw %cs, %si
 subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %si
 shll $4, %esi   # Convert to 32-bit pointer
# jump to startup_32 in arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.S

# NOTE: For high loaded big kernels we need a
# jmpi    0x100000,__BOOT_CS
# but we yet haven't reloaded the CS register, so the default size
# of the target offset still is 16 bit.
# However, using an operand prefix (0x66), the CPU will properly
# take our 48 bit far pointer. (INTeL 80386 Programmer's Reference
# Manual, Mixing 16-bit and 32-bit code, page 16-6)

 .byte 0x66, 0xea   # prefix + jmpi-opcode 即prefix=0x66,为了使用32位的操作数,jmpi操作码是0xea
code32: .long startup_32   # will be set to %cs+startup_32
 .word __BOOT_CS  //__BOOT_CS在segment.h被定义为 GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS*8,其中GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS=2
 movl $(__BOOT_DS), %eax
 movl %eax, %ds
 movl %eax, %es
 movl %eax, %fs
 movl %eax, %gs
 movl %eax, %ss

 xorl %eax, %eax
1: incl %eax    # check that A20 really IS enabled
 movl %eax, 0x00000000   # loop forever if it isn't
 cmpl %eax, 0x00100000
 je 1b

 # Jump to the 32bit entry point
 jmpl *(code32_start - start + (DELTA_INITSEG << 4))(%esi)


# Here's a bunch of information about your current kernel..
kernel_version: .ascii UTS_RELEASE
  .ascii " ("
  .ascii "@"
  .ascii ") "
  .ascii UTS_VERSION
  .byte 0

# This is the default real mode switch routine.
# to be called just before protected mode transition
 cli     # no interrupts allowed !
 movb $0x80, %al   # disable NMI for bootup
      # sequence
 outb %al, $0x70

# This routine tests whether or not A20 is enabled.  If so, it
# exits with zf = 0.
# The memory address used, 0x200, is the int $0x80 vector, which
# should be safe.

A20_TEST_ADDR = 4*0x80

 pushw %cx
 pushw %ax
 xorw %cx, %cx
 movw %cx, %fs   # Low memory
 decw %cx
 movw %cx, %gs   # High memory area
 movw $A20_TEST_LOOPS, %cx
 movw %fs:(A20_TEST_ADDR), %ax
 pushw %ax
 incw %ax
 movw %ax, %fs:(A20_TEST_ADDR)
 call delay    # Serialize and make delay constant
 cmpw %gs:(A20_TEST_ADDR+0x10), %ax
 loope a20_test_wait

 popw %fs:(A20_TEST_ADDR)
 popw %ax
 popw %cx

#endif /* CONFIG_X86_VOYAGER */

# This routine checks that the keyboard command queue is empty
# (after emptying the output buffers)
# Some machines have delusions that the keyboard buffer is always full
# with no keyboard attached...
# If there is no keyboard controller, we will usually get 0xff
# to all the reads.  With each IO taking a microsecond and
# a timeout of 100,000 iterations, this can take about half a
# second ("delay" == outb to port 0x80). That should be ok,
# and should also be plenty of time for a real keyboard controller
# to empty.

 pushl %ecx
 movl $100000, %ecx

 decl %ecx
 jz empty_8042_end_loop

 call delay

 inb $0x64, %al   # 8042 status port
 testb $1, %al    # output buffer?
 jz no_output

 call delay
 inb $0x60, %al   # read it
 jmp empty_8042_loop

 testb $2, %al    # is input buffer full?
 jnz empty_8042_loop   # yes - loop
 popl %ecx

# Read the cmos clock. Return the seconds in al
 pushw %cx
 movb $0x02, %ah
 int $0x1a
 movb %dh, %al   # %dh contains the seconds
 andb $0x0f, %al
 movb %dh, %ah
 movb $0x04, %cl
 shrb %cl, %ah
 popw %cx

# Delay is needed after doing I/O
 outb %al,$0x80

# Descriptor tables
# NOTE: The intel manual says gdt should be sixteen bytes aligned for
# efficiency reasons.  However, there are machines which are known not
# to boot with misaligned GDTs, so alter this at your peril!  If you alter
# GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS (in asm/segment.h) remember to leave at least two
# empty GDT entries (one for NULL and one reserved).
# NOTE: On some CPUs, the GDT must be 8 byte aligned.  This is
# true for the Voyager Quad CPU card which will not boot without
# This directive.  16 byte aligment is recommended by intel.
 .align 16
 .fill GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS,8,0  //GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS等于2,因为INTEL规定GDT表第一项是NULL,第二项保留

 .word 0xFFFF    # 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
 .word 0    # base address = 0
 .word 0x9A00    # code read/exec
 .word 0x00CF    # granularity = 4096, 386
      #  (+5th nibble of limit)

 .word 0xFFFF    # 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
 .word 0    # base address = 0
 .word 0x9200    # data read/write
 .word 0x00CF    # granularity = 4096, 386
      #  (+5th nibble of limit)
 .align 4
 .word 0    # alignment byte
 .word 0    # idt limit = 0
 .word 0, 0    # idt base = 0L

 .word 0    # alignment byte
 .word gdt_end - gdt - 1  # gdt limit
 .word 0, 0    # gdt base (filled in later)

# Include video setup & detection code

#include "video.S"

# Setup signature -- must be last
setup_sig1: .word SIG1
setup_sig2: .word SIG2

# After this point, there is some free space which is used by the video mode
# handling code to store the temporary mode table (not used by the kernel).



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