[译]OOSE第6章:Architecture 体系结构 6.6 设计模型


6.6 The design model

6.6 设计模型

6.6.1   The design model's object

6.6.1 设计模型对象

In the construction process, we construct the system using both the analysis model and the requirements model. First, we create a design model that is a refinement and formalization of the analysis model. The initial work when developing the design model is to adapt to the actual implementation environment. The analysis model was developed assuming ideal conditions. We must now adapt it to reality. As mentioned previously, we have two main reasons for not introducing the implementation environment earlier. The first is that we do not want it to affect the basic structuring of the system, since the current circumstances probably will be changed in one way or another during the system life cycle. The second reason is that we do not want the problem to be blurred by the complexity typically introduced when looking at the implementation environment. In this way we can focus on the essentials when developing the most important aspect of the system, namely, the basic structure of it.

   在系统构建的过程中,我们使用分析模型和需求模型来构建系统。我们首先将分析模型进行优化和规范化进而创造一个设计模型。 当我们开始开发设计模型时候,最初始的工作是考虑如何适配真实的项目实施环境。分析模型是在理想环境的假设下进行设计开发的。我们现在比较将分析模型适配到现实环境中。正如前面所提到的,我们是基于2点理由没有提前考虑引入实施环境。首先我们不希望项目的实施环境来影响系统的基本体系结构,因为当前的实施环境可能在系统未来的生命周期内以这样,或者那样的方式发生改变。第二个原因是我们不希望确切的问题变得混淆不清,通常提前考虑实施环境以后会带来的问题的复杂度增加。在这种方式下,我们可以在设计系统最重要的方面时专注于本质问题,也被叫做系统的基础结构。


We can thus regard this design model as a formalization of the analysis space, where we adapt the analysis model so that it fits into our implementation environment. The design space has, relative to the analysis space, been expanded to include a dimension for the implementation environment (see Figure 6.24). This dimension means that further concepts are introduced, which the analysis model must be adapted to suit.

我们可以这样把设计模型作为分析空间的规范化(a formalization),这样一来分析模型就能够方便的适配到我们的实施环境当中。设计空间和分析空间匹配,并被扩展了一个关于实施环境的维度(请参考图6.24.这个维度意味着新的概念将被引入,其中分析模型必须进行适配设计以后来进行匹配。

This means that we want to keep and massage the analysis model to fit the actual implementation environment at the same time as we refine it. Our goal is to refine it until it is easy to write the source code from it. Since the analysis model has all the properties we want for the system, we want this structure to form the basis of the design model. However, there will be changes to this model when introducing, for instance, a relational DBMS, a distributed environment, performance requirements, a specific programming language, concurrent processes and so on. This is the reason that we develop a new model.


How much should we work with the analysis model and when should we start the design model? This is the classical question. 'When is analysis ready? '. There is no uniformly applicable answer to this question. On tin- one hand we want to do as much work in the analysis model as possible, where we can focus on the essentials, but on the other hand we do not want to do so much that we need to change it when adapting to the implementation environment. What we really want is a continuum of refinement in the models where the switch of models will occur where we start to see the consequences of the implementation environment (see Figure 6.25).

  我们需要将分析模型设计到什么程度,以及我们什么时候应该开始设计模型?这是一个非常经典的问题。‘什么时候已经分析完备’。对于这个问题没有一致的,可以应用的答案。一方面我们希望尽可能详细的进行分析模型的设计,因为我们能够关注系统的本质;另外一方面我们又不希望进行过多的设计,因为在未来我们要根据实施环境适配的需求对分析模型进行改变。What we really want is a continuum of refinement in the models where the switch of models will occur where we start to see the consequences of the implementation environment (see Figure 6.25). 我们真正需要的是对分析模型的持续优化,直到我们决定将分析模型切换到设计模型以前,这种切换取决于我们开始看到实施环境的对设计的重要影响因素。


Hence, when the transition from analysis to design should be made must be decided for each specific application. If there will be no adaptation problems with the DBMS, distributed environment, real-time requirements, concurrent processes, hardware adaptations and so on, it is fine to be quite formal in the analysis model. However, if these circumstances will strongly affect the system structure, the transition should be made quite early. The goal is not to redo any work in a later phase that has been done in an earlier phase. In one project using Objectory, the development team saw that the implementation environment would have very little con¬sequence in one part of the application since it would be entirely within one process at one site and would be affected only slightly by the database technology used. Here the analysis model was refined significantly to include operations on the objects and the parameters of these operations. In another part of the application the consequences were much greater. Here they foresaw consequences from distributed hardware involving different operating systems, a changeable protocol between the different nodes (not yet standardized), hard real-time requirements and so on. This part of the analysis model was developed in a much more shallow way, postponing important decisions until the design model stage.

所以,什么时候开始进行分析模型到设计模型的转换工作需要根据每个项目的应用要求来决定。假如没有关于数据库,分布方式计算环境,实时计算环境需求,并行处理,硬件设计等等方面的考虑要素,那么在分析模型中将设计内容进行正式化和延续到设计模型是非常合适。然而,假如这些环境因素将强烈的影响到系统的体系结构,这种从分析模型到设计模型的转换工作应当尽早开始。在一个使用Objectory方法开发的项目中,研发团队发现实施环境对应用系统中的一部分几乎没有影响,因为这一部分的处理是在一个进程程中,并位于一个站点之内,这一部分仅仅和应用的数据库技术有一点关系。在这种情况下,分析模型被特别的进行优化,包括了对象的操作设计和这些操作携带的参数。而在这个应用系统的另外一部分,实施环境对设计的影响后果非常严重。 在这里,他们预见到了来自环境因素的影响,包括源于不同操作系统的硬件结构,不同节点之间可变的接口协议,硬件实现的实时操作需求等因素。这一部分分析模型的设计则是采取的一种非常肤浅的方式,很多重要的决定都是被延迟,直到设计模型阶段。


One possibility is to continue working on the analysis model, and to continue on that model even when incorporating the implementation environment into it. However, this is not recommended from a product-oriented view. When further developing

the product, the analysis model is needed to reason about when to incorporate the changes, since it has far less complexity than the design model. Therefore, it is desirable to keep the ideal analysis model of the system during the entire system life cycle. Likewise, many changes of a system come from changes in the implementation environment. Such changes are then easily incorporated, since it is the same analysis model that will form the basis of the new and modified design model. In this way we may view the design model as a specialization of the analysis model for a specific implementation environment. However, the cost of keeping the analysis model must be judged for each product.



This also prompts the question of when changes in the analysis model should be made when working with the design model. If a change of the design model comes from a logical change in the system, such as that two objects should be logically related, then such changes should also be made in the analysis model. However, if the change is a consequence of the implementation environment, for instance that two objects should not communicate directly owing to the process structure chosen, then such changes should not be incorporated in the analysis model.


The structures which we mainly work with are thus basically the same as for the analysis model. However, now the view has changed since this is a step towards implementation. We therefore use the concept of a block to describe the intention of how the code should be produced. The blocks are the design objects and they are drawn as rectangles, as shown in Figure 6.26. One block normally aims to implement one analysis object. Here it could be possible to use different types of block, if preferable, for instance interface blocks, entity blocks and control blocks, to highlight the traceability.

 我们工作聚焦的结构就通过合适的变更管理和分析模型保持基本一致。然而,现在系统观察的视图已经发生了改变,因为我们向系统的代码实施又迈进了一步。我们因此使用功能模块a block的概念来描述程序代码如何产生的方法倾向。功能模块blocks其实是设计对象design objects,通常是用矩形框来表示,显示方法见图6.26所显示。一个功能模块的通常是目标在于实现一个分析对象。在这里,是有可能使用不同类型的功能模块;加入更好的做法,是功能模块,实体功能模块,控制功能模块,这样可以分析显示的实现不同模型之间的可跟踪性。

It is important to understand, though, that the blocks are not the same objects as the analysis objects. We have briefly touched on this before as we mentioned that it is desirable to keep the ideal analysis model. Changes will be introduced in the design model, for example to split one block into two owing to the need to handle, for instance, loosely coupled process communication. Such a split should not affect the analysis model since we do not want changes due to design decisions to be illustrated in the analysis model. To highlight the difference we use the term 'block' instead of 'object'.


Another difference between the analysis and design models is that the analysis model should be viewed as a conceptual and logical model of the system, whereas the design model should take us closer to the actual source code. We can view it as a drawing or map of the code to be developed. This means that we change the view of the design model into an abstraction of the source code to be written later on.


Hence the design model should be a drawing of how the source code should be structured, managed and written. Since we want a strong and easy-to-maintain traceability from the analysis model through the design model to the implementation model (source code), we will try to map the design objects (blocks) to the module concept used in the programming language we are implementing in. We will discuss this topic in greater depth later.


We view the blocks as an abstraction of the actual implementation of the system. The blocks will group the source code. To know how to implement the blocks, we need to refine the design model further. We do this by describing how the blocks will communicate during execution. To describe the communication between the blocks we use stimuli. The concept of stimuli was introduced in Chapter 3. A stimulus is sent from one block to another to trigger an execution in that block. This execution may send new stimuli to other blocks.


To describe a sequence of stimuli, we use interaction diagrams. In these, we can describe how several blocks communicate by sending stimuli to each other. As a base for these interaction diagrams we use the use case model again. Thus we describe in detail, for each use case, how and which stimuli will be sent and in what order. We thus describe the use case as a sequence of stimuli sent between the blocks. An interaction diagram is shown schematically in Figure 6.27.


When we have described all sequences, that is, all use cases, including any alternative flows and error flows, we have described all external communications between the blocks. From this we have also gained a complete interface description of each block. The notation to describe stimuli should therefore be the one used in the chosen programming language. The design model thus consists of a complete description of the blocks with their interfaces.


We mentioned that the blocks should be viewed as abstractions of the code to be written and that it is desirable that traceability between blocks and the code is easy. In, for instance, C++, a typical block will be mapped to one file (actually two: .h and .c files)  including one or several classes. In Ada it is natural to map a block to a package. We denote this module concept by the generic term object module; that is, in C++ an object module is the class, in Ada it is a package. The interfaces of the blocks will be mapped onto the object module of the particular language, so serving as the interfaces of these modules (the .h file in C++ and the specification part of the Ada package).

We mentioned that the blocks should be viewed as abstractions of the code to be written and that it is desirable that traceability between blocks and the code is easy.  我们已经提到过功能模块应当被看作是后续编写源代码的一种抽象,因此能够保持源代码和功能模块之间的易追踪性是最理想的。In, for instance, C++, a typical block will be mapped to one file (actually two: .h and .c files)  including one or several classes. 举个例子来说,在c++中,一个典型的功能模块将映射为一个文件(确切的说是两个文件,.h and .c 文件) ,这个文件包括一个或者几个类。In Ada it is natural to map a block to a package. We denote指示 this module concept by the generic term object module; that is, in C++ an object module is the class, in Ada it is a package. 而在Ada 中,很自然的做法是把一个功能模块映射为一个包。我们利用一般长期对象模块的概念来表示模块的概念;也就是说在C++中一个对象模块是一个类,而在ADA中则是一个包。The interfaces of the blocks will be mapped onto the object module of the particular language, so serving as the interfaces of these modules (the .h file in C++ and the specification part of the Ada package). 而模块的接口将映射到特定编程语言的对象模块,作为这些模块的接口来提供服务(c++中的.h文件,和Ada 包中的接口定义部分)。

One problem in the construction process is that complexity increases enormously. To master the system development, it is essential to be able to manage this complexity. Therefore it is important to have concepts in the information space which allow us to manage the complex systems that we build.


To manage the system more abstractly, we use the concept of the subsystem. A subsystem groups several objects. Subsystems may be used in both the analysis model and the design model. Subsystems may also include other subsystems; the concept is recursive. In this way we may have a hierarchical structuring of the system to manage its complexity. The highest level we use is the system level. The system is the actual application we are working with. The system also defines the borders of the application. We will discuss the subsystem concept in more depth later and we shall also see that subsystems may be used as an aid to managing product development.



6.6.2   Working with the design model

6.6.2  围绕设计模型开展工作

During the construction work, we proceed from the analysis model. For each object in the analysis model, we assign a block in the design model. This transformation occurs totally mechanically and can be performed by a tool. The transformation is seamless. Depending on, most importantly, the implementation environment, we may need to make a deviation so that this one-to-one relationship may be modified. In the design model we thus formalize the analysis model and adapt it so that it fits into the required implementation environment.


When we have created the block structure, we draw interaction diagrams to show how these blocks communicate. Normally, we draw an interaction diagram for every use case. In reality, the use case model will also henceforth form the basis of the construction process, and we thereby guarantee that the system we construct is exactly what the users want.


In the first part of the construction process we work mainly with the blocks. This is often an appropriately detailed level to work with. However, when maintaining and developing new versions of the product, it is often appropriate to extract the interfaces to a subsystem level; in this way, we only specify the interfaces between subsystems early on whereas, inside each subsystem, the development team can work with the blocks. So, it is unnecessary for all the teams to know the internal structure of each subsystem. In Chapter 8 we discuss different techniques to manage this.







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