


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:bank.h
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:Bank类和Client类的声明
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#ifndef BANK_H
#define BANK_H

#include <string>
#include "client.h"
#include "clerk.h"

class Bank;
class Client;

// Class Bank  ->  The core of whole bank. Store the clients list;
class Bank
    int numberOfClients;
    string maxIdNumber;
    Client *clients;  //clients' list;
    void addClient(Client&);
    void closeClient(string);
    string getCurrentMaxID();
    int getAccountNumber();
    int getPositionByIdNumber(string);
    void save();

class Client


    //the basic info of an account;
    string accountID;
    string name;
    string idNumber;
    double money;
    string address;
    string telNum;
    string passwd;
    int status;  //the value of this argument is 0 default and means the account is  unverified, 1 point verified, -1 point locked;

    //record *records;

    Client(string n, string idNum, double m, string addr, string tel, string pass);  //create new account;
    Client(string id, string n, string idNum, double m, string addr, string tel, string pass, int statu);  //read data from file;

    //copy object;
    Client(Client& newClient);

    //some mothed to change the data;
    int resetPassWord(string, string );
    int resetName(string n);
    int resetIdNumber(string );
    int resetAddress(string);
    int resetTelNumber(string );

    //status operations;
    bool setStatus(int);
    int  getStatus();

    //money operation;
    double getReminingMoney();
    double saveMoney(double saveAmountOfMoney);
    double drawMoney(double drawAmountOfMoney);

    //get the infomation of this object;
    string getID();
    string getName();
    string getIdNumber();
    string getAddress();
    string getTelNumber();

    //verify the password;
    bool verifyPassword(string);

    friend class Bank;


#endif // BANK_H


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:functions.h
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:The declaration of functions.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/


void openAccount();
void closeAccount();
void saveMoney();
void drawMoney();
void inquireInfo();
void transferMoney();
void reportLoss();
void removeLoss();
void changePassword();

string int2str(int num);
int str2int(string);
bool verifyAccount(string id, string passwd);

#endif // FUNCTIONS


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:bank.cpp
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:The realize of Bank class.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#include "bank.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "functions.h"

using namespace std;

 * Description    : The constructor function of Bank class.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : None.
 * **********************************************************/
    ifstream inConfigfile("config", ios::in);
    ifstream inClientfile("accounts", ios::in);
        cerr << "Open file failed.\n";

    inConfigfile >> numberOfClients >> maxIdNumber;

    clients = new Client[numberOfClients];

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfClients; i++)
        inClientfile >> clients[i].accountID
                     >> clients[i].name
                     >> clients[i].idNumber
                     >> clients[i].money
                     >> clients[i].address
                     >> clients[i].telNum
                     >> clients[i].passwd
                     >> clients[i].status;

//        string tempPath = "reocrd/" + string(clients[i].accountID);
//        ifstream inCurrentClientRecord(tempPath, ios::in);

 * Description    : Save data into file
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void Bank::save()
    ofstream outConfigfile("config", ios::out);
    ofstream outClientfile("accounts", ios::out);

    outConfigfile << numberOfClients << " " <<maxIdNumber;

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfClients; i++)
        outClientfile << clients[i].accountID << " "
                      << clients[i].name << " "
                      << clients[i].idNumber << " "
                      << clients[i].money << " "
                      << clients[i].address << " "
                      << clients[i].telNum << " "
                      << clients[i].passwd << " "
                      << clients[i].status << endl;

 * Description    : Add new client to bank.
 * Arguement      : client& newClient.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void Bank::addClient(Client& newClient)
    //cout << numberOfClients << endl;
    numberOfClients += 1;
    maxIdNumber = int2str(str2int(maxIdNumber) + 1);
    newClient.accountID = maxIdNumber;
    newClient.status = 0;

    //cout << "Create temp object array successfully and length is " << numberOfClients << endl;
    Client *tempObj = new Client[numberOfClients];
    //cout << "Create Client array successfully!\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfClients - 1; i++)
        tempObj[i] = clients[i];
        //cout << tempObj[i].accountID << " " << tempObj[i].name << endl;
    tempObj[numberOfClients - 1] = newClient;
    //cout << tempObj[numberOfClients - 1].accountID << " " << tempObj[numberOfClients - 1].name << endl;
    //cout << "Copy successfully!\n";
    //delete clients;
    clients = tempObj;
    //cout << "the space of clients has been released\n";

 * Description    : Close an account by account ID.
 * Arguement      : string id.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void Bank::closeClient(string id)
    //int position = this->getPositionByIdNumber(id);
    //vector<Client>::iterator po = clients.begin() + position;
    int po = this->getPositionByIdNumber(id);
    for (int i = po; i < numberOfClients - 1; i++)
        clients[i] = clients[i + 1];

 * Description    : Return the current max user ID;
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : String.
 * **********************************************************/
string Bank::getCurrentMaxID()
    return maxIdNumber;

 * Description    : Return the account's position in array.
 * Arguement      : string id.
 * Returned Value : int.
 * **********************************************************/
int Bank::getPositionByIdNumber(string id)
    int i;
    bool accountIsexisted = false;
    int returnValue;
    for (i = 0; i < numberOfClients; i++)
        if (clients[i].getID() == id)
            accountIsexisted = true;
            returnValue = i;
    if(accountIsexisted == true)
        return returnValue;
    }else {
        return -1;


//int Bank::getAccountNumber()
//    return numberOfClients;


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:client.cpp
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:The realize of Client class.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#include <string>
#include <string.h>
#include "bank.h"
#include "functions.h"

using namespace std;

extern Bank bank;

Client::Client(string n, string idNum, double m, string addr, string tel, string pass)
    accountID = int2str(str2int(bank.getCurrentMaxID()) + 1);
    name = n;
    idNumber = idNum;
    money = m;
    address = addr;
    telNum = tel;
    passwd = pass;
    status = 0;

Client::Client(string id, string n, string idNum, double m, string addr, string tel, string pass, int statu)
    accountID = id;
    name = n;
    idNumber = idNum;
    money = m;name = n;
    idNumber = idNum;
    money = m;
    address = addr;
    telNum = tel;
    passwd = pass;
    address = addr;
    telNum = tel;
    passwd = pass;
    status = statu;

int Client::resetPassWord(string oldPasswd, string newPasswd)
    if (status == -1)
        return -1;
    else if(passwd == oldPasswd)
        passwd = newPasswd;
        return 1;
    else {
        return 0;

int Client::resetName(string n)
    if(status == 1)
        name = n;
        return 1;
    }else if(status == 0) {
        return 0;
    }else {
        return -1;

int Client::resetIdNumber(string  newIdNum)
    if(status == 1)
        idNumber = newIdNum;
        return 1;
    }else if(status == 0) {
        return 0;
    }else {
        return -1;

int Client::resetAddress(string newAddr)
    if(status == 1)
        address = newAddr;
        return 1;  //successful
    }else if(status == 0) {
        return 0;
    }else {
        return -1;

int Client::resetTelNumber(string newTel)
    if(status == 1)
        telNum = newTel;
        return 1;
    }else if(status == 0) {
        return 0;
    }else {
        return -1;

bool Client::setStatus(int newStatus)
    status = newStatus;
    if(status == newStatus)
        return true;
    }else {
        return false;

double Client::getReminingMoney()
    if(status == 1)
        return money;
    }else if(status == -1) {
        return -1;
    }else {
        return -2;  //unverified infomation: avoid the problem that moneyis 0 too;

double Client::saveMoney(double saveAmountOfMoney)
    if(status == 1 || status == 0)
        money += saveAmountOfMoney;
        return money;
    } else if (status == -1)
        return -1;

double Client::drawMoney(double drawAmountOfMoney)
    if(status == 1)
        if (drawAmountOfMoney > money)
            return -3;   //code -3 means there is not enough money.
            money -= drawAmountOfMoney;
            return money;
    }else if (status == -1)
        return -1;
    }else {
        return -2;

string Client::getID()
    return accountID;

string Client::getName()
    return name;

string Client::getIdNumber()
    return idNumber;

string Client::getAddress()
    return address;
string Client::getTelNumber()
    return telNum;

int Client::getStatus()
    return status;

    //write the information in file;


Client::Client(Client &newClient)
    this->accountID = newClient.accountID;
    this->name = newClient.name;
    this->idNumber = newClient.idNumber;
    this->money = newClient.money;
    this->address = newClient.address;
    this->telNum = newClient.telNum;
    this->passwd = newClient.passwd;
    this->status = newClient.status;

bool Client::verifyPassword(string  Passwd)

    if(passwd == Passwd)
        return true;
    }else {
        return false;


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:bank_func.cpp
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:functions of basic operation for system.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#include <string>
#include "bank.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

extern Bank bank;
extern int current;

 * Description    : function 1 - Open an account.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void openAccount()  //open an account;
    string name;
    string  IdNumber;
    double money;
    string address;
    string  telNum;
    string  passwd;
    string  passwd2;

    cout << "Number : " << int2str(str2int(bank.getCurrentMaxID()) + 1) << endl;
    cout << "Enter name : ";
    cin >> name;
    cout << "Enter ID number : ";
    cin >> IdNumber;
    cout << "Enter address : ";
    cin >> address;
    cout << "Enter Telephone number : ";
    cin >> telNum;
    cout << "Enter password : ";
    cin >> passwd;
    cout << "Enter passwd again : ";
    cin >> passwd2;

    if(passwd == passwd2)
        cout << "Enter money : ";
        cin >> money;
        Client newClient(name, IdNumber, money, address, telNum, passwd);
        cout << "Open account successfully!\n";
    } else {
        cout << "Open account failed!\n";


 * Description    : function 2 - Delete an account.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void closeAccount()
    string  idWillBeClosed;
    cout << "Enter ID : ";
    cin >> idWillBeClosed;

 * Description    : function 3 - Save money.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void saveMoney()
    double moneyWillSave, back;
    cout << "Enter the money you will save : ";
    cin >> moneyWillSave;
    back = bank.clients[current].saveMoney(moneyWillSave);
    if(back == -1)
        cout << "Account has been locked. Please Unlock it first!\n";
    } else if (back >= 0)
        cout << "Save money successfully!\n";
        cout << "There is $" << back << " in your account now!\n";

 * Description    : function 4 - Draw money.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void drawMoney()
    double moneyWillDraw, back;
    cout << "Enter the money you will draw : ";
    cin >> moneyWillDraw;
    back = bank.clients[current].drawMoney(moneyWillDraw);
    if(back >= 0)
        cout << "Draw moeny successfully!\n";
        cout << "There is $" << back << " in your account now!\n";
    }else if (back == -1){
        cout << "Account has been locked.Please Unlock it first!\n";
    }else if (back == -3)
        cout << "Sorry, this account doesn't have enough money!\n";

 * Description    : function 5 - inquire client's infomation.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void inquireInfo()
    cout << "Account ID : " << bank.clients[current].getID()
         << "\nName : " << bank.clients[current].getName()
         << "\nMoney : " << bank.clients[current].getReminingMoney()
         << "\nAddress : " << bank.clients[current].getAddress()
         << "\nTelephone : " << bank.clients[current].getTelNumber() << endl;

 * Description    : function 6 - transfer money.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void transferMoney()
    string  targetAccountID;
    double moneyWillBeTransfered, backValue;
    bool markAsHasDrawMoeny = false;
    cout << "Enter the target account : ";
    cin >> targetAccountID;
    cout << "Enter the money you will transfer : ";
    cin >> moneyWillBeTransfered;
    backValue = bank.clients[current].drawMoney(moneyWillBeTransfered);
    if (backValue == -3)
        cout << "Sorry, this account doesn't have enough money!\n";
    } else if (backValue == -1)
        cout << "Account has been locked.Please Unlock it first!\n";
    }else if (backValue >= 0)
        markAsHasDrawMoeny = true;
    int po = bank.getPositionByIdNumber(targetAccountID);
    if (po == -1)
        cout << "Target account is not existed!\n";
    }else {
        backValue = bank.clients[po].saveMoney(moneyWillBeTransfered);
        if(backValue == -1)
            cout << "Target account has been locked.\n";
        }else if (backValue >= 0 && markAsHasDrawMoeny == true)
            cout << "Transfer money successfully!\n";
            cout << "There is $" << backValue << " in your account now!\n";
        }else {
            cout << "There is something wrong with the program.T T\n" << "Back code is " << backValue << endl;

 * Description    : function 7 - report the loss.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void reportLoss()
    string targetAccountID;
    cout << "Enter the Account ID : ";
    cin >> targetAccountID;

    cout << "Lock account successfully!\n";

 * Description    : function 8 - remove loss report.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void removeLoss()
    string targetAccountID;
    cout << "Enter the Account ID : ";
    cin >> targetAccountID;
    cout << "Unlock Account successfully!\n";

 * Description    : function 9 - change password.
 * Arguement      : None.
 * Returned Value : void.
 * **********************************************************/
void changePassword()
    string  oldPassword;
    string  newPassword;
    int backValue;
    cout << "Enter the current password : ";
    cin >> oldPassword;
    cout << "Enter the new password : ";
    cin >> newPassword;
    backValue = bank.clients[current].resetPassWord(oldPassword, newPassword);
    if (backValue == 1)
        cout << "Change password successfully!\n";
    } else if (backValue == 0)
        cout << "Sorry, wrong password!\n";
    } else if (backValue == -1)
        cout << "Your account has been locked, please unlock and try again.\n";



 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:other_func.cpp
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:Other functions.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#include "bank.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

extern Bank bank;

 * Description    : convert int type to string.
 * Arguement      : int num.
 * Returned Value : string.
 * **********************************************************/
string int2str(int num)  //convert int type to string;
    stringstream ss;
    string  temp;

    ss << num;
    ss >> temp;

    return temp;

 * Description    : convert string to int.
 * Arguement      : string str.
 * Returned Value : int.
 * **********************************************************/
int str2int(string str)  //convert string to int;
    stringstream ss;
    int temp;

    ss << str;
    ss >> temp;

    return temp;

 * Description    : verfiy client account by id and password.
 * Arguement      : string  id, string passwd.
 * Returned Value : bool.
 * **********************************************************/
bool verifyAccount(string  id, string passwd)  //verfiy client account by id and password;
    int po = bank.getPositionByIdNumber(id);
    if(po == -1)
        cout << "Account is not existed!\n";
        return false;
    }else {
    return bank.clients[po].verifyPassword(passwd);


 * 版权所有 (c)2015, Zang Yunji.
 * 文件名称:main.cpp
 * 文件标识:无
 * 内容摘要:Main process control.
 * 其他说明:无
 * 当前版本:V1.0
 * 作   者:臧云吉
 * 完成日期:2015年7月17日
 * 修改记录:无
 * ********************************************************************/

#include <iostream>
#include "bank.h"
#include "functions.h"
#include <string>

using namespace std;

Bank bank;
int current;

int main()
        int mode;
        cout << "Log on as 1.Clerk  /  2.Client\n";
        cin >> mode;
        if (mode == 1){
                string inputClerk;
                string ClerkPasswd;
                bool backToMainMenu = false;
                cout << "Enter Clerk name : ";
                cin >> inputClerk;
                cout << "Enter Password : ";
                cin >> ClerkPasswd;
                if(inputClerk == "admin" && ClerkPasswd == "123456")

                        int option;
                        cout << "+-------------------------------------+" << endl
                             << "| 1. Open Account  2. Close Account   |" << endl
                             << "| 3. Report Loss   4. Unlock Account  |" << endl
                             << "| 0. Exit                             |" << endl
                             << "+-------------------------------------+" << endl;
                        cin >> option;

                        if(option == 1)
                        } else if (option == 2)
                        } else if (option == 3)
                        } else if (option == 4)
                        } else if (option == 0)
                            backToMainMenu = true;
                        } else {
                }else {
                    cout << "Wrong Name or Password!\n";


                if(backToMainMenu == true)

        }else if (mode == 2){
                string  idWillEnter;
                string  passwordWillEnter;
                cout << "Enter your account ID : ";
                cin >> idWillEnter;
                cout << "Enter password : ";
                cin >> passwordWillEnter;
                bool backToMainMenu = false;
                if(verifyAccount(idWillEnter, passwordWillEnter))
                //if(idWillEnter == "111" && passwordWillEnter == "111")

                    current = bank.getPositionByIdNumber(idWillEnter);
                    cout << "Welcome to our Bank. The status of your account is ";
                    if(bank.clients[current].getStatus() == -1)
                        cout << "Locked! Most functions is disabled!";
                    }else {
                        cout << "Healthy! Have a good use!\n";

                        int option;
                         cout << "+-----------------------------------------------------------+" << endl
                              << "|  1. Save Money    2. Draw Money         3. Inquire Info   |" << endl
                              << "|  4. Transfer      5. Change Password    0. Exit Account   |" << endl
                              << "+-----------------------------------------------------------+" << endl;
                         cin >> option;
                         if (option == 1)
                         } else if (option == 2)
                         } else if (option == 3)
                         } else if (option == 4)
                         } else if (option == 5)
                         }else if (option == 0){
                             backToMainMenu = true;
                         }else {


                    if (backToMainMenu == true)
                }else {

        }else {



一、系统设计的成果 系统设计阶段的成果归纳起来一般有 (点击这里观看“各开发环节之间的关系”动画演示): 1.系统总体结构图(包括总体结构图,子系统结构图,计算机流程图等)。 2.系统设备配置图(系统设备配置图: 主要是计算机系统图,设备在各生产岗位的分布图,主机、网络、终端联系图等)。 3.系统分布编码方案(分类方案、编码系统)。 4.数据库结构图(DB的结构,主要指表与表之间的结构,表内部结构(字段、域、数据字典等)。 5.HIPO图(层次化模块控制图、IPO图等等)。 6.系统详细设计方案说明书。 二、系统设计说明书的组成 1.引言 (1) 摘要 系统的目标名称和功能等的说明 (2) 背景 l 项目开发者 l 用户 l 本项目和其它系统或机构的关系和联系 (3) 系统环境与限制 l硬件、软件和运行环境方面的限制 l保密和安全的限制 l有关系统软件文本 l有关网络协议标准文本 (4) 参考资料和专门术语说明 2.系统设计方案 (1) 模块设计 l系统的模块结构图 l各个模块的IPO图(包括各模块的名称、功能、调用关系、局部数据项和详细的算法说明等) (2) 代码设计 l各类代码的类型、名称、功能、使用范围和使用要求等的设计说明书 (3) 输入设计 l输入项目 输入人员(指出所要求的输入操作人员的水平与技术专长,说明与输入数据有关的接口软件及其来源) l主要功能要求(从满足正确、迅速、简单、经济、方便使用者等方面达到要求的说明) l输入校验(关于各类输入数据的校验方法的说明) (4) 输出设计 l输出项目 l输出接受者 l输出要求(所用设备介质、输出格式、数值范围和精度要求等) (5) 文件(数据库)设计说明 l概述(目标、主要功能) l需求规定(精度、有效性、时间要求及其它专门要求) l运行环境要求(设备支撑软件,安全保密等要求) l逻辑结构设计(有关文件及其记录、数据项的标识、定义、长度和它们之间的关系) l物理结构设计(有关文件的存贮要求、访问方法、存贮单位、设计考虑和保密处理等) (6) 模型库和方法库设计(本系统所选用的数学模型和方法以及简要说明) (7) 安全保密设计 (8) 物理系统配置方案报告 l硬件配置设计 l通信与网络配置设计 l软件配置设计 l机房配置设计 (9) 系统实施方案及说明 l实施方案 l实施计划(包括工作任务的分解、进度安排和经费预算) l实施方案的审批(说明经过审批的实施方案概况和审批人员的姓名)




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