每日微软面试题——day 6(打印所有对称子串)








        方法一、使迭代器p1指向头,p2指向尾。使p1,p2相对而行(—> | <),每次比较p1,p2是否相等,直到它们相遇。

        方法二、使p1、p2指向中间的一个元素(如果字符串长度为偶数的话就指向中间两个相邻的元素),使它们相向而行(<— |—>),每次比较p1,p2是否相等。直到它们一个指向头一个指向尾便结束。  


        在看第二个问题打印所有的对称子串,判断对称子串的问题我们似乎已经解决,且有以上两种方法,针对现在的情况是否两种都合适呢,确切的说不是。如果是方法一,请想象一下,如果要p1,p2一个指向子串的头一个指向子串的尾,那么至少要两层循环一层控制p1一层控制p2,还有一层循环用于判断子串是否对称,也就是说总共需要三层嵌套循环,时间复杂度指数为3。而如果选择方法二呢? 两层循环就能实现,不过要适应现在这种情况需要做些修改,就是针对偶数长度的子串进行一次遍历,再针对奇数长度的子串进行一次遍历,也就是两层嵌套循环中内层有两次循环,时间复杂度指数为2。详情且看代码。



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class App
	typedef string::iterator Iter_t;

	string m_str;
	void print(Iter_t p1, Iter_t p2) //打印从p1开始到p2结束的字符
		cout<<" | ";
	bool isHuiwen1(Iter_t start,Iter_t end) //法1判断是否为对称子串
		Iter_t p1 = start;
		Iter_t p2 = end;
		int times = (distance(p1,p2)+1) / 2; //比较次数
			if(*p1 != *p2)
				return false;

		return true;

	bool isHuiwen2(Iter_t mid_it) //法2判断是否为对称子串
		Iter_t p1,p2;
		p1 = p2 = mid_it;

		while(p1>=m_str.begin() && p2 < m_str.end()) 
			if(*p1 != *p2) 

		p1 = p2 = mid_it;
		p2++; //使p2向前移动一个位置,此时p1,p2分别指向中间两个相邻位置
		while(p1>=m_str.begin() && p2 < m_str.end())  
			if(*p1 != *p2)
				return false;
		return true;

	void show_all_substr_of_huiwen1() //法一打印所有对称子串
		Iter_t p2=m_str.end()-1;
		Iter_t p1 = m_str.begin();

	void show_all_substr_of_huiwen2()  //法二打印所有对称子串
		Iter_t it = m_str.begin();



	void run()



		m_str="this is a string for testing. aabaa alskjdfkljasdjflasdflkajsldkjfsjlakjsdlfjwoekjlakjlsdkjflsajlkdjfowieuoriuq aaddbb sldjfalkjsdlfkjasldjflajsldfjalskdjflakjsdlfkjaslkdjflajsdlfkjaslkdjflkajsdlkjflkasjdlfjaklsjdkfljaklsdjfklsajdflkjslkdjflaskjdlfkjalsdjlfkajsldfkjlaksjdfljasldjflaskjdfkasjdflaksjdkfljaskldfjlaksjdfljasldjflaksjdkljfkalsjdlkfjasldjflasjdlfjasldjfklsajdfljaskldfjlsakjdflkasjdfkl this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a string for testing.this is a 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		time_t start,record1;

		cout<<"show all substr of huiwen 1:";
		start = time(NULL);    
		record1 = time(NULL);


		cout<<"show all substr of huiwen 2:";
		start = time(NULL);
		record1 = time(NULL);



int main()
	App myapp;

	return 0;







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