
程序编辑环境:在visual c++6.0中建立console application工程,win32平台,无MFC,空Project
http: //blog.csdn.net/xiajun07061225/article/details/5813726
http: //blog.csdn.net/wangyadong/article/details/3549284
http: //blog.csdn.net/xiajun07061225/article/details/6633938
头文件 Ex1 . h 内容如下:
typedef unsigned char BYTE ;
typedef unsigned short WORD ;
typedef unsigned int DWORD ;
typedef long LONG ;
typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER {
// WORD bfType;//文件类型,必须是0x424D,即字符“BM”
DWORD bfSize ; //文件大小
WORD bfReserved1 ; //保留字
WORD bfReserved2 ; //保留字
DWORD bfOffBits ; //从文件头到实际位图数据的偏移字节数
typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER {
DWORD biSize ; //信息头大小
LONG biWidth ; //图像宽度
LONG biHeight ; //图像高度
WORD biPlanes ; //位平面数,必须为1
WORD biBitCount ; //每像素位数
DWORD biCompression ; //压缩类型
DWORD biSizeImage ; //压缩图像大小字节数
LONG biXPelsPerMeter ; //水平分辨率
LONG biYPelsPerMeter ; //垂直分辨率
DWORD biClrUsed ; //位图实际用到的色彩数
DWORD biClrImportant ; //本位图中重要的色彩数
typedef struct tagRGBQUAD {
BYTE rgbBlue ; //该颜色的蓝色分量
BYTE rgbGreen ; //该颜色的绿色分量
BYTE rgbRed ; //该颜色的红色分量
BYTE rgbReserved ; //保留值
} RGBQUAD ; //调色板定义
typedef struct tagIMAGEDATA
BYTE blue ; ///8位灰度图用其中1个
//BYTE green;
//BYTE red;
源文件 Ex1 . cpp 内容如下:
// Ex1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Ex1.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <iostream>
#define PI 3.14159 //圆周率宏定义
#define LENGTH_NAME_BMP 30 //bmp图片文件名的最大长度
using namespace std ;
BITMAPFILEHEADER strHead ; //位图文件头
RGBQUAD strPla [ 256 ]; //256色调色板
void showBmpHead ( BITMAPFILEHEADER pBmpHead )
cout << "读取的位图文件信息:" << endl ;
cout << "文件大小:" << pBmpHead . bfSize << endl ;
// cout<<"保留字_1:"<<pBmpHead.bfReserved1<<endl;
// cout<<"保留字_2:"<<pBmpHead.bfReserved2<<endl;
cout << "实际位图数据的偏移字节数:" << pBmpHead . bfOffBits << endl ;
void showBmpInforHead ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER pBmpInforHead )
// cout<<"读取的位图信息头:"<<endl;
cout << "结构体的长度:" << pBmpInforHead . biSize << endl ;
cout << "位图宽:" << pBmpInforHead . biWidth << endl ;
cout << "位图高:" << pBmpInforHead . biHeight << endl ;
cout << "biPlanes平面数:" << pBmpInforHead . biPlanes << endl ;
cout << "biBitCount采用颜色位数:" << pBmpInforHead . biBitCount << endl ;
cout << "压缩方式:" << pBmpInforHead . biCompression << endl ;
cout << "biSizeImage实际位图数据占用的字节数:" << pBmpInforHead . biSizeImage << endl ;
cout << "X方向分辨率:" << pBmpInforHead . biXPelsPerMeter << endl ;
cout << "Y方向分辨率:" << pBmpInforHead . biYPelsPerMeter << endl ;
cout << "使用的颜色数:" << pBmpInforHead . biClrUsed << endl ;
cout << "重要颜色数:" << pBmpInforHead . biClrImportant << endl << endl ;
int max ( int i , int j )
if ( i >= j )
return i ;
return j ;
int main ()
char strFile [ LENGTH_NAME_BMP ]; //bmp文件名
WORD bfType_w = 0x4d42 ;
IMAGEDATA * imagedata = NULL ; //动态分配存储原图片的像素信息的二维数组
IMAGEDATA * imagedataCut = NULL ; //动态分配存储裁剪后的图片的像素信息的二维数组
IMAGEDATA * imagedataScal = NULL ; //动态分配存储缩放后的图片的像素信息的二维数组
IMAGEDATA * imagedataRot = NULL ; //动态分配存储旋转后的图片的像素信息的二维数组
int width , height ; //图片的宽度和高度
float ExpScalValue = 0 ; 期望的缩放倍数(允许小数)
int FloatToIntwidth , FloatToIntheight ; /小数变成整数(float To Int)
int RotateAngle = 90 ; //要缩放的角度,默认90
cout << "请输入所要读取的文件名(w.bmp或者06.bmp或者07.bmp):" << endl ;
cin >> strFile ;
FILE * fpi , * fpw ;
fpi = fopen ( strFile , "rb" );
if ( fpi != NULL )
WORD bfType ;
fread ( & bfType , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fpi );
if ( 0x4d42 != bfType ) ///if !=BMP
cout << "the file is not a bmp file!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
printf ( " \n 读取到的文件是%s。 \n\n " , strFile );
fread ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fpi );
showBmpHead ( strHead ); //显示文件头
fread ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fpi );
showBmpInforHead ( strInfo ); //显示文件信息头
for ( unsigned int nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
cout << "file open error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
width = strInfo . biWidth ;
height = strInfo . biHeight ;
imagedata = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( width * height * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA )); ///为原始图像分配存储空间
for ( int i = 0 ; i < height ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < width ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedata + i * width + j )). blue = 0 ;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).green = 0;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).red = 0;
//读出图片的像素数据 读取时一次一行 读高度数的行
fread ( imagedata , sizeof ( struct tagIMAGEDATA ) * width , height , fpi ); /size_t fread( void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count, FILE *stream );
fclose ( fpi );
int leftdownx , leftdowny , rightupx , rightupy ; /用户输入数值
int Rleftdownx , Rleftdowny , Rrightupx , Rrightupy ; /转换成实际可以使用数值
cout << "请输入要裁剪的矩形区域的左下角和右上角的坐标(连续四个整数值,如50 50 300 300):" << endl ;
cin >> leftdownx ;
cin >> leftdowny ;
cin >> rightupx ;
cin >> rightupy ;
if ( leftdownx <= 0 || leftdowny <= 0 ) 将用户输入的矩形框限定在原图像中
Rleftdownx = 0 ;
Rleftdowny = 0 ;
Rleftdownx = leftdownx ;
Rleftdowny = leftdowny ;
if ( rightupx >= width )
Rrightupx = width ;
Rrightupx = rightupx ;
if ( rightupy >= height )
Rrightupy = height ;
Rrightupy = rightupy ;
int CutWidth = Rrightupx - Rleftdownx ;
CutWidth = ( CutWidth * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA ) + 3 ) / 4 * 4 ; 矩形框实际宽度
int CutHeight = Rrightupy - Rleftdowny ; 矩形框实际高度
imagedataCut = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( CutWidth * CutHeight * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA )); ///为裁剪后图像分配存储空间
//初始化裁剪后图片的像素数组 一个字节一个字的写入
for ( i = 1 ; i < CutHeight ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < CutWidth ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedataCut + i * CutWidth + j )). blue = 0 ;
imagedata += ( Rleftdowny ) * width + Rleftdownx ; 原始图像数据数组指针移动到矩形框的左下角。
for ( int k = 0 ; k < CutHeight ; ++ k ) 裁剪区域数据提取
for ( int l = 0 ; l < CutWidth ; ++ l )
* ( imagedataCut + k * CutWidth + l ) = * ( imagedata + k * width + l + Rleftdownx ); 此式子一定要注意写法。主要是注意二维数组指针的用法。
if (( fpw = fopen ( "Cutresult.bmp" , "wb" )) == NULL )
cout << "create the bmp file error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
fwrite ( & bfType_w , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fpw );
strInfo . biWidth = CutWidth ;
strInfo . biHeight = CutHeight ;
fwrite ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fpw );
for ( unsigned int nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
for ( i = 0 ; i < CutHeight ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < CutWidth ; ++ j )
fwrite ( & (( * ( imagedataCut + i * CutWidth + j )). blue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).green),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).red),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
printf ( "裁剪变换完成,请查看Cutresult.bmp文件。 \n\n " );
fclose ( fpw );
//delete[] imagedata;///不能释放imagedata,里面还有数据。
delete [] imagedataCut ;
cout << "请输入所要读取的文件名(Cutresult.bmp):" << endl ;
cin >> strFile ;
fpi = fopen ( strFile , "rb" );
if ( fpi != NULL )
WORD bfType ;
fread ( & bfType , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fpi );
if ( 0x4d42 != bfType ) ///if !=BMP
cout << "the file is not a bmp file!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
printf ( " \n 读取到的文件是%s。 \n\n " , strFile );
fread ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fpi );
showBmpHead ( strHead ); //显示文件头
fread ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fpi );
showBmpInforHead ( strInfo ); //显示文件信息头
for ( unsigned int nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpi );
width = strInfo . biWidth ;
height = strInfo . biHeight ;
imagedata = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( width * height * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA )); ///为原始图像分配存储空间
for ( int i = 0 ; i < height ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < width ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedata + i * width + j )). blue = 0 ;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).green = 0;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).red = 0;
//读出图片的像素数据 读取时一次一行 读高度数的行
fread ( imagedata , sizeof ( struct tagIMAGEDATA ) * width , height , fpi ); /
fclose ( fpi );
cout << "file open error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
cout << "请输入要缩放的倍数:" << endl ;
cin >> ExpScalValue ;
FloatToIntwidth = ( int )( ExpScalValue * width );
FloatToIntheight = ( int )( ExpScalValue * height );
FloatToIntwidth = ( FloatToIntwidth * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA ) + 3 ) / 4 * 4 ;
imagedataScal = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( FloatToIntwidth * FloatToIntheight * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA )); ///为缩放后图像分配存储空间
//初始化缩放后图片的像素数组 一个字节一个字的写入
for ( i = 1 ; i < FloatToIntheight ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < FloatToIntwidth ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedataScal + i * FloatToIntwidth + j )). blue = 0 ;
//(*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).green = 0;
//(*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).red = 0;
int pre_i , pre_j , after_i , after_j ; //缩放前后对应的像素点坐标
for ( i = 0 ; i < FloatToIntheight ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < FloatToIntwidth ; ++ j )
after_i = i ;
after_j = j ;
pre_i = ( int )( after_i / ExpScalValue ); /取整,插值方法为:最邻近插值(近邻取样法)
pre_j = ( int )( after_j / ExpScalValue );
if ( pre_i >= 0 && pre_i < height && pre_j >= 0 && pre_j < width ) //在原图范围内
* ( imagedataScal + i * FloatToIntwidth + j ) = * ( imagedata + pre_i * width + pre_j );
if (( fpw = fopen ( "Scalresult.bmp" , "wb" )) == NULL )
cout << "create the bmp file error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
fwrite ( & bfType_w , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fpw );
strInfo . biWidth = FloatToIntwidth ;
strInfo . biHeight = FloatToIntheight ;
fwrite ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fpw );
for ( nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
for ( i = 0 ; i < FloatToIntheight ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < FloatToIntwidth ; ++ j )
fwrite ( & (( * ( imagedataScal + i * FloatToIntwidth + j )). blue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fpw );
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).green),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * FloatToIntwidth + j)).red),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
printf ( "缩放变换完成,请查看Scalresult.bmp文件。 \n\n " );
fclose ( fpw );
delete [] imagedata ;
delete [] imagedataScal ;
cout << "请输入所要读取的文件名(Scalresult.bmp):" << endl ;
cin >> strFile ;
FILE * fRor , * fRow ;
int AnyX = 0 ; 为适应任意形状做的长宽调整参数
fRor = fopen ( strFile , "rb" );
if ( fRor != NULL ){
WORD bfType ;
fread ( & bfType , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fRor );
if ( 0x4d42 != bfType )
cout << "the file is not a bmp file!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
printf ( " \n 读取到的文件是%s。 \n\n " , strFile );
fread ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fRor );
showBmpHead ( strHead ); //显示文件头
fread ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fRor );
showBmpInforHead ( strInfo ); //显示文件信息头
for ( unsigned int nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRor );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRor );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRor );
fread (( char * ) & ( strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRor );
width = strInfo . biWidth ;
height = strInfo . biHeight ;
AnyX = max ( width , height ); ///适合任意形状图形
width = ( width * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA ) + 3 ) / 4 * 4 ;
//imagedata = (IMAGEDATA*)malloc(width * height * sizeof(IMAGEDATA));
imagedata = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( width * height );
// imagedataRot = (IMAGEDATA*)malloc(2 * width * 2 * height * sizeof(IMAGEDATA));
imagedataRot = ( IMAGEDATA * ) malloc ( 2 * AnyX * 2 * AnyX * sizeof ( IMAGEDATA ));
for ( int i = 0 ; i < height ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < width ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedata + i * width + j )). blue = 0 ;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).green = 0;
//(*(imagedata + i * width + j)).red = 0;
//for( i = 0;i < 2 * height;++i)
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 * AnyX ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 * AnyX ; ++ j )
( * ( imagedataRot + i * 2 * AnyX + j )). blue = 0 ;
//(*(imagedataRot + i * 2 * width + j)).green = 0;
//(*(imagedataRot + i * 2 * width + j)).red = 0;
fread ( imagedata , sizeof ( struct tagIMAGEDATA ) * width , height , fRor );
fclose ( fRor );
cout << "file open error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
double angle ; //要旋转的弧度数
int midX_pre , midY_pre , midX_aft , midY_aft ; //旋转所围绕的中心点的坐标
midX_pre = width / 2 ;
midY_pre = height / 2 ;
midX_aft = AnyX ;
midY_aft = AnyX ;
cout << "请输入要旋转的角度(0度到360度,逆时针旋转):" << endl ;
cin >> RotateAngle ;
angle = 1.0 * RotateAngle * PI / 180 ;
/* 图像旋转的几何公式
// for( i = 0;i < 2 * height;++i)
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 * AnyX ; ++ i )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 * AnyX ; ++ j )
after_i = i - midX_aft ; //坐标变换,如果不变换坐标,以(0,0)为参考点旋转后图片将转出坐标外。
after_j = j - midY_aft ;
pre_i = ( int )( cos (( double ) angle ) * after_i - sin (( double ) angle ) * after_j ) + midX_pre ; /取整,插值方法为:最邻近插值(近邻取样法)
pre_j = ( int )( sin (( double ) angle ) * after_i + cos (( double ) angle ) * after_j ) + midY_pre ;
/*after_i = i;
after_j = j; 坐标不变换
pre_i = (int)(cos((double)angle) * after_i - sin((double)angle) * after_j) ;
pre_j = (int)(sin((double)angle) * after_i + cos((double)angle) * after_j) ;*/ 坐标不变换效果
if ( pre_i >= 0 && pre_i < height && pre_j >= 0 && pre_j < width ) //在原图范围内
* ( imagedataRot + i * 2 * AnyX + j ) = * ( imagedata + pre_i * AnyX + pre_j );
if (( fRow = fopen ( "Rotresult.bmp" , "wb" )) == NULL )
cout << "create the bmp file error!" << endl ;
return NULL ;
bfType_w = 0x4d42 ;
fwrite ( & bfType_w , 1 , sizeof ( WORD ), fRow ); //fRow自动+=2;
fwrite ( & strHead , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPFILEHEADER ), fRow );
strInfo . biWidth = 2 * AnyX ; //width;
strInfo . biHeight = 2 * AnyX ; //height;
fwrite ( & strInfo , 1 , sizeof ( tagBITMAPINFOHEADER ), fRow );
for ( nCounti = 0 ; nCounti < strInfo . biClrUsed ; nCounti ++ )
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbBlue , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRow );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbGreen , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRow );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbRed , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRow );
fwrite ( & strPla [ nCounti ]. rgbReserved , 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRow );
for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 * AnyX ; ++ i )
//for(int j = 0;j < 2 * width;++j)
for ( int j = 0 ; j < 2 * AnyX ; ++ j )
fwrite ( & (( * ( imagedataRot + i * 2 * AnyX + j )). blue ), 1 , sizeof ( BYTE ), fRow );
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * 2 * width + j)).green),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
//fwrite( &((*(imagedataRot + i * 2 * width + j)).red),1,sizeof(BYTE),fpw);
printf ( "旋转变换完成,请查看Rotresult.bmp文件。 \n\n " );
fclose ( fRow );
delete [] imagedata ;
delete [] imagedataRot ;
return 1 ;
程序用到的图片从谷歌图片里可以搜到,只要是8位BMP位图即可。 将名字改成06.bmp、07.bmp或w.bmp




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


