
Guys invented the spark ,so they could not call and treat you kind of badly and keep you guessing. Then convince you that that anxiety and fear that just develops naturally …was actually just a spark。And you guys all buy it. you eat it up and you love it. you love it because you feed off that drama. you all love drama. you love it because you feed off that drama,you all love that drama .
I don’t 。
So you never wait until the last minute on a deadline or a phone bill,because secretly you love the drama 。of not knowing whether or not you’re gonna make it ?
——当不久前的那个夜里,当你想着Conor 的时候,你是不是一直都纠结他为什么不打电话?不停来回踱步,老是盯着自己的手机,即使这次约会其实再平常不过了?
Wnen you were stalking Conor the other night were you obsessing about him calling …constantly pacing back and forth ,staring at your phone for days …even though the date was just kind of mediocre?
Because you all thrive on the  drama. look ,you gotta be more like me。If a girl likes me,great。But if not ,there are plenty more out there like her ,you know ?with smaller pores and bigger implants.
If a guy wants to date you ,he will make it happen ,okey?he will ask you out. did I ask you out?
Why do women do this?build up this stuff in their minds take each little things a guy does ,and then twist it nito something else?it’s insane。
I’d rather be like that than be like you.
What is that supposed to mean?
I may dissect each little thing and put myself there too much but at least that means I still care 。oh,you think you’ve won because women are expendable to you?you may not get hurt or make an ass of yourself that way ,but you don’t fall in love that way either 。you’re alone。I may do a lot of stupid shit ,but I know I’m a lot closer to finding someone than you are .
You came all the way here at 11:00at night to brings me back a promotinal pen?
I thought I should just come up with some really great excuse to get over here. that’s how it’s done ,isn’t it ?
Look,I can’t stop thinking about you 。it’s a problem。I drive by your place ,I call and hang up 。
A wise person once told me that if a guy wants to be with a girl he will make it happen ,no matter what。
It’s true。
But when I was hurling my body onto yours ,you did not seem to want to make it happen.
That I have to stop thinking that every guy will change.
I love you so much.so much . and I wanna make you happy ,I need to make you happy for me to even have a shot at being happy. Will you marry me?
Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up :if a guy punches you,he likes you 。never try to trim your own bangs。And someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending.
Every movie we see ,every story we’re told implores us to wait for it. The third act twist:the unexpected declaration of love. the exception to rule。But sometimes we’re so focused on finding our happy ending ,we don’t learn how to read the signs. How to tell the ones who want us from the ones who don’t. the ones who will stay from the ones who will leave.
And maybe this happy ending doesn’t include a wonderful guy. Maybe it’s you on your own ,picking up the pieces and starting over. Freeing yourself up for something better in the future。Maybe the happy ending is just moving on.
Or maybe the happy ending is this:knowing that all the unreturned phone calls and broken hearts through all the blunders and misread signals ,through all of the pain and embarrassment,you never ,ever gave up hope.
I mean, everyone makes mistakes。I’ve started trying to figure out what I wanna do,who I wanna be,you know?priobably seems the wrong time to do that ,but why not ?you know ,why not ?better later than never.
You know ,what I’ve been focusing my energy on is like a self-discovery,as opposed to dating。I don’t know,maybe dating’s a little overrated.
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