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原创 Panelty View Design: Sorting Arrays in PHP

The following SQL query can get the latest seasons' id for all tournament:SELECT MAX(s_id) AS seasonid FROM jos_bl_seasons GROUP BY t_idThe 'latest' here can be regarded as the

2011-10-30 22:12:35 1082

原创 【視圖】罰牌記錄:使用臨時表,UNION與JOIN將Match_Event表中的紅牌黃牌記錄分別統計出來

將要生成的最終結果:該表會根據用戶選擇某個組別,以及某個賽事的當下賽季來顯示不同內容,即是說,該查詢應該有如下輸入參數:組別的id(group id);賽季的id(season id);數據表的E-R圖:該查詢的主要對象為‘match_events’,但是對其記錄將會根據參數進行過濾:首先是球隊需是屬於所查詢的組別

2011-10-30 18:21:23 1628

原创 SQL Progeamming in SQLite of CRC-eDirectory

Narrowcasting Loader:SELECTsys_config.value,sys_config.name,narr_casting.messageFROMsys_config ,narr_castingWHERE sys_config.name LIKE 'narrcast_speed' AND narr_casting.nc_id = 1Pan

2011-10-29 18:32:48 813

原创 Navicat For SQLite

Just find an excellent GUI Admin tool for SQLite, Navucat for SQLite, which is a good alternative to SQLiteApyQuery Builder (only support SELECT)Select

2011-10-29 17:51:45 964

原创 Empty, Unavailable, Invalid Variables Handling in Actionscript 3.0 & PHP 5+


2011-10-28 15:41:16 614 1

原创 Penalty Records - GROUP BY; HAVING; UNION;

Query for yellow card:with a given Group, so its id is given.with a given Event name, so its e_id is givenwith the current season for each tournament, so the 5 seasons' ids are given, then t

2011-10-27 22:58:27 495 1

原创 Change Log of Joomsport: Create view 'arrangement' with parameter 'month'

TargetDatabase ChangeCreate view 'jos_bl_arrangement'Type in the following SQL in phpMyAdmin panel for creating view:SELECT m_id AS mday_id,month(m_date) AS mon,da

2011-10-27 16:40:17 670 4

原创 Match Schedule

<?php/* * Created on 26th-Oct-2011??? * * The trial for outputting a table of * match schedule * for round 1 and round 2 * the number of teams should be greater than 7, and less than 13 (8~12)

2011-10-26 23:19:25 457

原创 ORDER, SUM and Stored Procedure in MySQL


2011-10-25 21:01:55 453

原创 Joomla! (DAY 10) - Joomsport (DAY 8): Create my own JElement

This is a trial on how to create a new JElement for menu type parameter: 'mon'.Before the view can receive the parameter, we need a interface for user to set the parameter; before that,

2011-10-25 16:55:51 806

原创 View in MySQL

In joomla!, the view should follow the same naming convention as table.CREATE VIEW jos_bl_arrangementAS SELECT MONTH( m.m_date ) AS mon,DATE_FORMAT( m.m_date , '%d/%m/%Y') AS date, DAYOFWEE

2011-10-24 23:16:06 453

原创 Change Log of Joomsport: Add One Field 'm_remark' to match

TargetThe record need remark.Database Change:PHP Change/administrator/components/com_joomsport/admin.joomsport.class.phpAdd line to 'JTableMatch' class definition

2011-10-24 22:58:05 825

原创 Actionscript3.0 Logging with FlashPlayer

The most basic Method:There is one fairly simple method, just adding two lines:import flash.external.ExternalInterface;ExternalInterface.call( "console.log" , "Hey! I'm tracing from Flash!")

2011-10-24 14:33:02 805

原创 Change Log of Joomsport: Add Tournament-Season Name to Group List

TargetAdd T-S name to group list to make it more readable and user friendly, remove order temporarily.PHP Change/administrator/components/com_joomsport/admin.joomsport.phpChang

2011-10-24 10:32:40 644

原创 Parse Date-time From String With PHP & MySQL

STR_TO_DATE:You need to tell MySQL how to parse the string, and you do that byfiguring out the pattern and pass it to STR_TO_DATE() as the second parameter.DATE_FORMAT:This functio

2011-10-24 00:17:14 991 3

原创 Change Log of Joomsport: Adding Order to Teams within one Group

Target: To let user can order the teams of one certain group(like 超組) of a season.Database ChangeTables: jos_bl_grteamsPHP Change/administrator/components/com

2011-10-23 21:28:34 621

原创 Passing Array From Javascript To PHP in Joomla!1.5

Debug in JavascriptHow to use 'Alert' :var variablename = 7;function show_alert(){alert(variablename);}DIY javascript stack traceJavaScript Trace WindowJav

2011-10-23 16:14:51 806

原创 Change Log of Joomsport: Adding 't_type' field for Tournament

TargetThe system should be able to discriminate three different type of competition systems:Round-robin;Knock-out;ChampionDatabase ChangeTable: jos_bl_tournament

2011-10-23 09:04:36 595

原创 Change Log for Pruning Undesired Code of Joomsport

File:Prune Team Section:FunctionFile:

2011-10-22 11:31:05 286

原创 Change Log for Bug-Fixing of Joomsport

Functionality: Event Management at Back EndFile: /administrator/components/com_joomsport/admin.joomsport.html.phpFunction: bl_EventList()Reason: The path for event image is incompleteFrom:

2011-10-22 11:25:17 337

原创 Dump data into MySQL from Excel with PHP

There are some factors may affect the result:CSV file encoding format;PHP file encoding format;character set for collation data table in MySQL and one line for specifying encoding format w

2011-10-22 10:55:33 498

原创 UML Class Diagram Tools

NClass:SourceForge鏈接:http://nclass.sourceforge.net/這是個基於.net framework4.0 的使用C#寫的應用程序,支持所有C#與Java的語言特性。因為是開源,所以也可以下載源代碼來研究。REFS:http://www.cnblogs.com/oomusou/archi

2011-10-21 16:27:37 631

原创 SQLite Shipped with AIR

REFS:http://souptonuts.sourceforge.net/readme_sqlite_tutorial.htmlhttp://www.sqlite.org/docs.htmlSQL statement performance(这是好东西)http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/mobile/WS948100

2011-10-21 16:25:51 406

原创 Team Manipulation Functions


2011-10-18 23:03:24 316

原创 Joomla! (DAY 9) - Joomsport (DAY 7): Create a Real View 'Home VS Away'

Step 1: Output the basic table structureWe will design a view-layout shows this kind of table:The file structure:metadata.xml: view.html.php

2011-10-16 21:02:15 761

原创 Joomla! (DAY 8) - Joomsport (DAY 6):

Now exam the controller for backend and the procedures of handling a request.In admin.joomsport.php:function BL_TourList($option){ //$lim = JRequest::getVar('limit', null, '', 'int');

2011-10-12 21:48:32 609

原创 Joomla! (DAY 7) - Joomsport (DAY 5): Localization - Adding Traditional Chinese

Back End:DropDown Main MenuThe first one need to change is the main menu, in the drop down vertical menu, all components has its

2011-10-11 22:35:53 6564 1

原创 Joomla! (DAY 6) - Joomsport (DAY 4): Tackling with View's Parameters - JElement

JElement: The interface for Parameter of a ViewThere is one more piece of the puzzle! That is about "ltable" view. Its template's meta

2011-10-11 13:01:45 995

原创 Insight Joomla! (DAY 5) - Examing Joomsport (DAY 3): My First View

Creating My Own View&Layout for JoomsportNow let's continue with the investigation on the topic -- How does Joomla! determine the view

2011-10-10 22:52:31 609

原创 Actionscript 2.0 Flash "HD VIDEO" - Investigation

OverviewThe flash is developed with Actionscript2.0; but the .fla file is generated by a decompiling software, this can be rev

2011-10-10 17:09:40 1141

原创 Accessing Local Database SQLite with AIR API

Probably I went in wrong order, it seems that I picked the most complex one to start this topic. "User Experience Considerations with SQLite Operations", the title implies that the author will emphasi

2011-10-06 01:07:10 670

原创 Drawing Line Animation


2011-10-05 23:06:17 463

原创 Looking up through Array in Actionscript 3.0

TASK DESCRIPTION:I have a Company class, holding some data of a company, such as English name, Chinese name and on which floor it is l

2011-10-05 18:05:31 375

原创 Bitmap & BitmapData classes in Actionscript 3.0

A Bitmap instance has oneBitmapData instance as property.When you use Loader to load an image, its property 'content' references to theB

2011-10-04 18:08:24 794

原创 Read CSV From PHP

This time really let myself down. I downloaded two versions of phpExcelReader, one from sourceForge, one from google code. But all the funct

2011-10-03 17:59:17 558

原创 从时间轴到外部的独立.as文件-按照软件工程的规范构建Flash程序


2011-10-02 01:08:07 757








通过TweenMax渐变图像亮度,并在此之前,先用Actionscript3.0自身的color transform类修改元件的颜色。



《ajax & PHP》第五章。



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