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翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-5 - 严谨模式


2017-07-31 13:19:37 452

翻译 理解ES6: Promises


2017-07-03 10:03:08 567

翻译 理解ES6: 组件


2017-07-02 09:15:30 1384

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-5 - 文法环境概论

引言文法环境这个机制被很多语言采纳来实现静态作用域法则,比如像闭包这样的功能。ECMA-262-5 标准借用了这个概念,但是它更多则只是对于ES3里的静态作用域机制的进一步抽象和理论层面的完善。因此,ES3里的概念,像触发体(activation object)被替换为触发记录(activation record),执行上下文栈被替换为调用栈(call-stack)。普适理

2017-07-02 08:50:51 334

翻译 理解ES6: 块作用域

这是Nicholas Zakas的新作,原文链接:https://github.com/nzakas/understandinges6/blob/master/manuscript/01-Block-Bindings.mdvar声明与变量提升现象这是前ES6时期var的问题,变量会被JS引擎处理成好像它们的声明被放在函数作用域(或者全局作用域)的顶端。fun

2017-06-29 19:32:43 431

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-5 - 属性与属性描述器

属性的种类个属性的特性(attribute)命名数据属性这类属性有四个特性,它们的默认值是:var defaultDataPropertyAttributes = { [[Value]]: undefined, [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]

2017-06-10 17:15:08 454

原创 <C# 6.0 & .NET 4.6 Framework> - Note 03

Chapter 10: Delegates, Events and Lambda Expressions這個東西叫委託。當定義一個委託的時候,編譯器在後面會聲明一個密封類,並繼承System.MulticastDelegate。它的結構也是固定的,有固定的一些方法。public sealed class MyOtherDelegate : System.MulticastDelegat

2017-06-08 18:28:07 566

原创 <Effective JavaScript> - Note 03

Item 47:不要给Object.prototype添加可枚举的属性归根结底,还是在说for..in的特性带来的问题。像下面的代码在Object.prototype上定义了一个方法,结果导致一些问题:Object.prototype.allKeys = function () { var result = []; for (var key in this) { r

2017-05-13 12:11:51 464

原创 <Effective JavaScript> - Note 02

Item 13:使用IIFE创建本地作用域看来这个for循环的作用域的问题真的是很经典,在DS的博客,KS的YDtKJS系列里都有讨论过。代码如下:function wrapElements(a) { var result = [], i, n; for (i = 0, n = a.length; i < n; i++) { result

2017-04-23 07:01:36 559

翻译 Note On <High Performance JavaScript> - 03

Chapter 8: 实践技巧避免双重执行这个部分讨论的是动态执行的JS代码,通过eval(),Function(),setTimeout()和setInterval()所创建的代码都会经过两次执行的过程,而这导致它们慢很多。作者的建议是,对于eval()和Function()最好是索性直接避免,而后两者setTimeout()和setInterval(),可以

2017-04-22 09:01:48 383

原创 关于本人将会搬家博客的声明


2017-04-13 17:05:25 537

翻译 Note On <High Performance JavaScript> - 02

Chapter 1: 加载与运行在很多浏览器里,渲染界面的线程和执行JavaScript的是同一个线程,所以当执行JS的时候,浏览器就停下任何其他任务。不论是遇见内联的JS代码,还是外部加载的JS文件,浏览器都只能暂时放下跟界面有关的工作去执行JS代码。这样设计的原因是JS代码会修改DOM,比如通过document.write()。=============

2017-04-10 11:04:10 631

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: 闭包

原文链接:ECMA-262-3 in detail. Chapter 6. Closures.=============================================================ECMA的闭包实现var x = 10; function foo() { console.log(x);} (f

2017-04-10 06:58:56 513

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: 函数

原文鏈接:ECMA-262-3 in detail. Chapter 5. Functions.函数有三种:函数声明函数表达式通过函数构造器创建的函数====================================================================函数声明(Function Declarati

2017-04-05 18:03:26 343

翻译 Note On <High Performance JavaScript> - 01

Chapter 4: 文档对象模型(DOM)操作一般来说,一个浏览器里面的DOM实现和JavaScript的实现是两个分开的模块,JavaScript是独立的脚本语言,它自身的规范里不包含DOM,所以JavaScript的引擎是个独立的部分,实现DOM的部分通常叫渲染引擎(rendering engine)。由于两者相互独立,所以所有与DOM有关的操作都会引起两个模块之间的沟通,这个通

2017-04-02 17:05:26 824

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: 求值策略

求值策略:傳值(Call by value),傳引用(Call by reference),共享(Call by sharing)。對於原始數據類型,JavaScript傳遞函數參數使用的是傳值;對於對象數據類型,JavaScript傳遞函數參數使用的是共享。

2017-03-30 10:36:03 298

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: 作用域链


2017-03-26 17:42:59 506

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: ECMAScript对于面向对象语言功能的实现

原文鏈接:ECMA-262-3 in detail. Chapter 7.2. OOP: ECMAScript implementation.=============================================================数据类型(Data types)ECMAScript标准定义了六种可以在代码中直

2017-03-24 16:45:09 802

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: this

函数执行上下文里this的值:this的值取决于调用当前函数的方式。内部Reference类型:变量名;函数名;函数的形式参数名;还有全局对象上面没有被定义的属性名;属性访问器。决定this的值的规则:1.调用函数的操作符是一对括号:( )在这个操作符左边出现的记号如果是一个引用类型的值,那么这个引用类型上的base的值就会被赋值给this;2.在所有其他的情况下,也就是说( )左边的符号不是一个引用类型,那么this的值就会成为null;3.在任何情形下,如果this的值是null,就被隐性转换成指向

2017-03-22 08:58:15 667

原创 <Effective JavaScript> - Note 01

Item 1:搞清楚你使用的JavaScript的版本,Item 12:理解變量提升,Item 8:避免使用全局对象,Item 49:遍历数组时,用for循环而不是for...in循环

2017-03-15 20:02:10 732

翻译 DS.Lab筆記 - ECMA-262-3: 變量體(variable object)

原文鏈接:ECMA-262-3 in detail. Chapter 2. Variable object.首先第一點,variable object一定是相對於execution context而存在的,它自己不會獨立存在,一個VO一定是從屬於某一個EC的,它的目的就是幫助這個EC存儲下列內容:變量(VariableDeclaration)函數聲明(FunctionDec

2017-03-14 17:57:32 535

原创 <Professional ASP.NET MVC 5> - Note 02

CHAPTER 9 RoutingUnless both parameters have a default value, a potential ambiguity exists, so Routing will ignore the default value on the {action} parameter.When you specify a default valu

2016-12-12 11:18:26 599

原创 Set Up Scheduler Job on Azure

Create Scheduler Job ServicesCreate a Job CollectionConfigure Action SettingsNow you have it ready.

2016-11-10 18:18:41 346

原创 Deploying ASP.NET MVC App On Azure

Prerequisite & Precondition:Windows 7 ProVisual Studio 2015 Enterprise (Update 3)SQL Server 2014 ExpressThe web app is based on ASP. NET MVC 5, Entity Framework, and it has data stored i

2016-10-24 16:08:28 337

原创 Set Up Ninject and Moq In A MVC 5 Prjoect

Install NinjectInstall MoqPrepare Code:Add /Abstract/IAuctionRepository.csusing System.Collections.Generic;using TeAwaOnlineArtwork

2016-10-05 10:28:25 295

原创 Design Pattern - Structural Patterns - Bridge Pattern

2007Section 2, Chapter 4Bridge PatternConceptIn the Bridge pattern we allow the instance variable to be not a concrete type but an abstract type, thus giving us

2016-10-01 17:24:07 329

原创 <Pro ASP.NET MVC 5> - Note02

CHAPTER 3: The MVC PatternBuilding Loosely Coupled ComponentsImplement an interface that defines all of the public functions required.By introducing interface, I ensure that there

2016-09-17 20:23:18 881 2

原创 <Pro ASP.NET MVC 5> - Note01

CHAPTER 16 Advanced Routing FeaturesWorking with Areasto customize the routing system by replacing the standard MVC routing implementation classes and use the MVC Framework areas featu

2016-09-04 18:27:48 453

原创 <Professional ASP.NET MVC 5> - Note 01

CHAPTER 3 VIEWSpublic ActionResult Index(){ return View("~/Views/Example/Index.cshtml");}When using the tilde syntax, you must supply the file extension of the view because this bypasse

2016-09-01 13:41:14 473

原创 Design Pattern - Creational Patterns - Abstract Factory Pattern

2007Section 2, Chapter 2Abstract Factory PatternConceptSince the Factory pattern is a class that creates other classes in a uniform way, the Abstract Factory pa

2016-08-10 06:49:24 416

原创 Design Pattern - Structural Patterns - Flyweight Pattern

20072007Section 6, Chapter 4Section 2, Chapter 3Flyweight PatternConceptPut all the content from both books together, the highlights of Flyweight Patt

2016-07-30 13:58:17 473

原创 搭建Android Studio2.1配HTC One M8做测试环境

Installing & configuring Android StudioI followed this book's instructions to set up my AS environment.For the rest, I took this video as a reference. It can give you a rough idea abou

2016-07-24 07:26:18 632

原创 JavaScript心經-this关键字篇


2016-07-23 06:59:57 456

原创 Design Pattern - Behavioral Patterns - Template Pattern

2007Section 10, Chapter 3Template PatternConceptThis pattern defines the skeleton or template for a group of classes as a parent class, and allows inherited mem

2016-07-19 15:56:35 287

原创 <Mastering Android Application Development> - Note 01

Chapter 1: Getting StartedIntroducing Material DesignThe material is a metaphor of an element that can be seen on the surface; it consists of layers that can have different heights and width

2016-07-19 11:33:03 404

原创 Design Pattern - Structural Patterns - Facade Pattern

2007Section 5, Chapter 4Facade PatternConceptA Facade pattern allows grouping of subsystems behind a unified interface to allow a central access point to these

2016-07-14 07:28:14 302

原创 Design Pattern - Structural Patterns - Composite Pattern

2007Section 3, Chapter 4Composite PatternConceptThe Composite pattern allows you to compound different subsets of functionality into a collection and then call

2016-07-11 17:39:39 281

原创 <Professional Android 4 Application Development> - Note 02

Chapter 4: Building User InterfacesFUNDAMENTAL ANDROID UI DESIGNViews — Views are the base class for all visual interface elements (commonly known as controls or widgets). All UI controls,

2016-07-10 16:43:02 624

原创 [Specical] Design Pattern - Behavioral Patterns - Iterator Pattern

2007Section 4, Chapter 3Iterator PatternConceptIterators allow sequential access of elements in a collection of objects without exposing its underlying code.

2016-07-05 08:03:27 372

原创 <Professional Android 4 Application Development> - Note 01

Android Software Stack

2016-07-04 09:41:53 579








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