
Windows工具 & linux for windows 工具

wireshark 抓包工具
Fiddler http 抓包工具
Postman api调试工具
Winscp ssh scp ftp 文件传输工具
Everything 文件搜索管理工具
MobaXterm ssh ftp telnt console终端工具
OBS 录屏直播推流
spacedesk 分屏工具
APK下载器 goole ply apk download
WO Mic WO 远程麦克风
Ditto 剪切板历史 记录工具github
Ditto 剪切板历史 记录工具app
Cursor 自动生成代码工具 OpenAI
AI 0x0
vim 文本编辑器
neovim 文本编辑器
rsync Windows下使用的同步工具
aria2 for windows windwos 下载工具
GetGnuWin32 – 维护Gnuwin32包存档
linux for windows 命令行GetGNUwin32
UnxUpdates.zip 通用GNU实用程序到本机 Win32 的端口 - 可执行文件仅依赖于 Microsoft C 运行时 (msvcrt.dll),而不是像Cygwin 工具提供的模拟层.

adb android 調試工具

windwos 中文ls 乱码
ls --show -control -chars --color=auto

bc 一個命令行計算器

ag 在源代码或数据文件里检索(grep -r 同样可以做到,但相比之下 ag 更加先进).

rga -- ripgrep-all

bat 代替 cat 格式化文本


xmlstarlet 当你要处理棘手的 XML 时候,xmlstarlet 算是上古时代流传下来的神器.

jq 处理 JSON.

shyaml 处理 YAML.

Glow 基于终端的 Markdown 渲染器

ascii-image-converter 基于终端的 图像转换 ascii 图像转换为 ascii 艺术并在控制台上打印

nano-for-windows 基于终端的 文本编辑器

pandoc Markdown,HTML,以及所有文档格式之间的转换


Graphviz 画图

gnuplot 科学作图

handle 查询占用进程 句柄查询

process-explorer 基于 GUI 的版本

1. handle [文件名] (通常不加文件的扩展名) 查找哪些程序占用该文件 比如 handle e:\ , 查找所有占用e盘文件的进程  
2. handle -a 打印出所有进程详细信息  
3. handle -p [进程名] 打印指定进程占用文件信息  

sqlitebiter转换为 SQLite 数据库文件

    用于将 CSV / Excel / HTML / JSON / Jupyter Notebook / LDJSON / LTSV / Markdown / SQLite / SSV / TSV / Google-Sheets 转换为 SQLite 数据库文件.  


    PDFToText  – 从 PDF 文档中提取所有文本.我建议您使用 -Layout 选项以正确的顺序获取内容.  
    PDFToHTML  – 我使用 -xml 选项来获取一个 XML 文件,列出所有文本段的文本、位置和大小,在 C# 中处理非常方便  
    PDFToCairo – 用于导出图像类型,包括 SVG!  

xlsxgrep 用于搜索 excel 数据

         `pip install xlsxgrep`  
         `xlsxgrep "PATTERN" -H -N --sep=";" -r /path/to/file_or_folder`  
         `xlsxgrep %1 -H -N --sep=; -r %2`  

NirLauncher 软件包中包含实用程序列表 NirLauncher 软件包下載頁面


MSYS2 Windows的软件分发和构建平台

MSYS2是一组工具和库,为您提供易于使用的环境,用于构建、安装和运行本机 Windows 软件.
它由一个名为 mintty的命令行终端、bash、git 和 subversion 等版本控制系统、tar 和 awk 等工具,甚至 autotools 等构建系统组成,所有这些都基于Cygwin的修改版本.尽管其中一些核心部分基于 Cygwin,但 MSYS2 的主要重点是为本地 Windows 软件提供构建环境,并且使用 Cygwin 的部分保持在最低限度.MSYS2 为 GCC、mingw-w64、CPython、CMake、Meson、OpenSSL、FFmpeg、Rust、Ruby 等提供最新的原生构建.
为了提供简单的软件包安装和保持更新的方法,它提供了一个名为 Pacman的软件包管理系统,Arch Linux 用户应该熟悉该系统.它带来了许多强大的功能,例如依赖关系解析和简单的完整系统升级,以及直接和可重复的包构建.我们的包存储库包含2500 多个可以安装的预构建包.
有关详细信息,请参阅“什么是 MSYS2?” 它还将 MSYS2 与其他软件发行版和开发环境进行了比较,例如 Cygwin、 WSL、 Chocolatey、Scoop ......以及“谁在使用 MSYS2?” 查看哪些项目正在使用 MSYS2 以及用途.
第一次运行`pacman -Syu`
使用`pacman -Su`更新其余的基本包
安装一些工具和 mingw-w64 GCC 来开始编译:` pacman -S --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain`
要使用 mingw-w64 GCC 开始构建,请关闭此窗口并从“开始”菜单运行“MSYS MinGW 64-bit”.现在您可以调用make或gcc构建适用于 Windows 的软件.

Ripgrep, 简称rg

grep更好的替代工具, 最出名的应该是 Ack,Ag , 而现在一个新的替代者 Ripgrep, 简称rg, 比它们更快, 更省电.

  1. 介绍
    RipGrep 与 The Silver Searcher(ag)、Ack 和 GNU Grep 的功能类似.
    RipGrep 是一个以行为单位的搜索工具, 它根据提供的 pattern 递归地在指定的目录里搜索.它是由 Rust 语言写成,相较与同类工具,它的特点就是无与伦比地快.
    自动递归搜索 (grep 需要-R)
    自动忽略.gitignore 中的文件以及二进制文件
    可以搜索指定文件类型(rg -t py foo限定 python 文件, rg -T js foo排除 js 文件)
    支持大部分 grep 的 feature(常用的都有)
    支持各种文件编码(UTF-8, UTF-16, latin-1, GBK, EUC-JP, Shift_JIS 等等)
    支持搜索常见压缩文件(gzip, xz, lzma, bzip2, lz4)

1.1 扩展阅读

强中更有强中手, 现在还有rga: ripgrep, 并且还能搜索 PDFs, E-Books, Office documents, zip, tar.gz, 等等.
参考: https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-all
2. 使用
2.1 安装

brew install ripgrep
alias grep="rg"  # 强制转向 rg

2.2 基础搜索

  1. -w有word之意,表示搜索的字符串作为一个独立的单词时才会被匹配到.

  2. 使用-i选项,即可在搜索时不区分大小写

  3. -l只打印有匹配的文件名

  4. -C 输出匹配上下几行的内容

2.3 高级搜索

  1. 使用 -e REGEX 来指定正则表达式
rg -e "*sql" -C2
  1. 默认 rg 会忽略 .gitignore 和隐藏文件,可以使用 -uu 来查询所有内容
rg -uu "word" .
  1. 可以使用 -t type 来指定文件类型:
rg -t markdown "mysql" .  # 在 md 文件中查找 “mysql” 关键字

支持的文件类型可以通过 rg --type-list 查看

2.4 搜索文件

列出当前文件夹会进行查询的所有文件, 该选项其实可相当于:find . -type f,查找当前目录所有文件

rg --files . 
alias rgf='rg --files | rg' # 可来个别名

搜索以 md 为后缀的文件

rg --files . | rg -e ".md$" # 正则匹配
  1. vim里使用

3.1 配合 fzf

Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'do': { -> fzf#install() } } "极限搜索文件
Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
nnoremap <leader>fo :Files<CR>"映射
nnoremap <leader>fif :Rg<CR> "映射


  1. 参考资料
  • https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep
  • https://einverne.github.io/post/2019/09/ripgrep-recursively-searches-directories-using-regex-pattern.html
  • https://juejin.cn/post/6844903680446038029
  • https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-all


-A, --after-context 显示匹配内容后的行会覆盖–context
-B, --before-context 显示匹配内容前的行会覆盖–context
-b, --byte-offset显示匹配内容在文件中的字节偏移和-o 一起使用,只打印偏移
-s, --case-sensitive大小写敏感会覆盖-i(ignore case), -S(smart case)
–color 什么时候使用颜色,默认 auto如果–vimgre 被使用,那么默认值是 never
可选项有: never, auto, always, ansi
–colors <COLOR_SPEC>…设定输出颜色:color: red, blue, green, cyan
{type}:{attribute}:{value}magenta, yellow, white, black
{type}: path, line, column, matchstyle: nobold, bold, nointense
{attribute}: fg, bg, styleintense, nounderline, underline
{value}: a color or a text styleExample:
{type}:none会清空{type}的颜色设定rg --colors ‘match:fg:magenta’ --colors ‘line:bg:yellow’ foo
扩展颜色集可以被{value}使用,如果终端支持 ANSI color
描述方法是’x’(256-color) 或 ‘x,x,x’(24-bit true color)
x 是 0-255 之间的数值,默认是 10 进制, 0x 前缀是 16 进制
比如: rg --colors ‘match:bg:0,128,255’
或者等价的:rg --colors ‘match:bg:0x0,0x80,0xFF’
在使用 extended color code 时 intense 和 nointense 是无效的
–column第一次匹配所在列数(从 1 开始)能够被–no-column 取消掉
-C, --context 显示匹配内容的前面和后面的行它会覆盖-B 和-A 选项
–context-separator 在输出中用来分隔非连续的行x7F 或t 可被使用,默认是–
-c, --count只显示匹配的行数如果只有一个文件给 ripgrep,那只打印匹配行数
可以用–with-filename 来强制打印文件名
它会覆盖–count-matches 选项
–count-matches只显示匹配的次数可以用–with-file 来强制在只有一个文件时也输出文件名
–dfa-size-limit <NUM+SUFFIX?>regex DFA 的上限, 默认 10M
-E, --encoding 描述文本编码, 默认是 autohttps://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-encoding-get
-f, --file …从文件中读入 pattern, 一行一 pattern可以被多次使用或和-e 一起组合使用,所以有组合会被匹配
–files打印所有将被搜索的文件rg <options> --files [PATH...]方式使用,不能加 pattern
-l, --files-with-matches只打印有匹配的文件名覆盖–files-without-match
–files-without-match只打印无匹配的文件名覆盖 --file-with-matches
-F, --fixed-strings把 pattern 当成常规文字而非 regex可以用–no-fixed-strings 来禁止这个选项
-L, --follow会递归搜索链接,默认关闭可以用–no-follow 来关闭
-g, --glob …通配符文件或文件夹,可以用!来取反可以多次使用, 会匹配.gitignore 的通配符规则
-h, --help打印帮助信息
–heading打印文件名到匹配内容的上方而不是同一行这是默认行为,可以用–no-heading 来关闭
–hidden搜索隐藏文件和文件夹默认忽略, 可用–no-hidden 关闭
–iglob …同–glob, 但这个大小写不敏感
-i, --ignore-casepattern 大小写不敏感可通过-s/–case-sensitive 或-S/–smart-case 覆盖这个选项
–ignore-file 忽略路径,格式同.gitignore, 可多个多个–ignore-file 标记时,后面优先级高
在命令上时,使用-g 来达到同样效果
-v, --invert-match反向匹配
-n, --line-number显示文件行数,默认打开
-x, --line-regexp只显示整行都匹配 pattern 的行会覆盖–word-regexp
-M, --max-columns 不打印长于列的匹配行
-m, --max-count 限制一个文件最多行匹配
–max-depth 限制文件夹递归搜索深度rg --max-depth 0 dir/不执行任何搜索
–max-filesize <NUM+SUFFIX?>忽略大于byte 的文件suffix 可以是 K, M,G, 默认是 byte
–mmap尽量使用 memory maps, 默认行为目前它不支持所有选项, 用–no-mmap 来关闭
–no-config不读取 conf 文件, 忽略 RIPGREP_CONFIG_PATH
–no-ignore取消 ignore 文件,如.gitignore, .ignore可以用–ignore 关闭
–no-ignore-global取消对全局的 ignore 文件读取如$HOME/.config/git/ignore
–no-ignore-messages取消解析.ignroe, .gitignore 文件相关错误可通过–ignore-messages 关闭
–no-ignore-parent不读取父文件夹里的.gitignore, .ignore 文件可通过 --ignore-parent 关闭
–no-ignore-vcs只全能.ignore 文件可通过–ignore-vcs 关闭
-N, --no-line-number不打印匹配行数
-0, --null在打印的文件路径后加一个 NUL 字符对于 xargs 非常有用
-o, --only-matching只打印匹配的内容,而不是整行
–path-separator 路径分隔符,在 linux 上默认是/
–pre 用处理文件,并将结果给 rg可能有巨大的性能惩罚
case “$1” in
exec pdftotext “$1” -
case $(file “$1”) in
exec pzstd -cdq
exec cat
-p, --pretty--color always --heading --line-number
-q, --quiet不打印到 stdout, 如果匹配发现,停止 rg当 rg 用于 exit 代码时非常有用
–regex-size-limit <NUM+SUFFIX?>编译 regex 的上限
-e, --regexp …使用正则来匹配可多次使用这个选项,打印匹配任何 pattern 的行
可以用于搜索-开头的 pattern,如rg -e -foo
-r, --replace <REPLACEMENT_TEXT>用相应文件代替匹配内容打印出来组序号($5)可以被使用
-z, --search-zip在 gz,bz2,xz,lzma,lz4 文件类型中搜索可通过–no-search-zip 关闭
-S, --smart-case如果全小写,则大小写不敏感,否则敏感可通过-s/–case-sensitive 和-i/–ignore-case 关闭
-a, --text搜索二进制文件可通过–no-text 关闭
-j, --threads 大约使用的线程数
-t, --type …只搜索某种文件类型可通过–type-lsit 来列出支持的文件类型
–type-add <TYPE_SPEC>…添加文件类型rg --type-add 'foo:*.foo' -tfoo PATTERN
也可以用来创建某种包含多种文件类型的规则–type-add ‘src:include:cpp,py,md’
–type-clear …清除默认的文件类型
-T, --type-not …不要搜索某种文件类型
-u, --unrestricted-u 搜索.gitignore 里的文件, -uu 搜索隐藏文件-uuu 搜索二进制文件
-V, --version打印版本信息
-H, --with-filename打印匹配的文件路径,默认可通过–no-filename 关闭
-w, --word-regexp把 pattern 作为单独单词匹配,与< >等价


export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS="--height 80% --layout=reverse --border --preview '~/Tools/Other/fzf-scope.sh {} '"
export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND="fd --exclude={.wine,.git,.idea,.vscode,.sass-cache,node_modules,build,.local,.steam,.m2,.rangerdir,.ssh,.ghidra,.mozilla} --type f --hidden --follow"


case "$1" in
	*.pdf) pdftotext "$1" ;;
	*.md) glow -s dark "$1" ;;
	*.zip) zipinfo "$1" ;;
	*.7z) 7z l "$1" ;;
	*) bat --color=always --italic-text=always --style=numbers,changes,header --line-range :500 "$1" ;;

fzf --preview ‘rg {}’
fzf --preview ‘bat --style=numbers --color=always --line-range :500 {}’

chcp 65001
chcp 437
chcp 950
chcp 936

Environment variables

Default command to use when input is tty


Default options
(e.g. ‘–layout=reverse --inline-info’)




zstd 快速的无损压缩算法 压缩工具

zstd --help
使用方式 :
      zstd [args] [FILE(s)] [-o file]
参数选项 :
 -#     : 压缩级别(1-19,默认值为3)
 -d     : 解压
 -D file: 使用文件作为字典
 -o file: 结果存储在文件中
 -f     : 在没有提示的情况下覆盖输出并(解压)压缩链接
--rm    : 成功解压缩后删除源文件
 -k     : 保存源文件(默认)
 -h/-H  : 显示帮助/长帮助并退出

高级选项 :
 -V     : 显示版本号并退出
 -v     : 详细模式
 -q     : 静默输出
 -c     : 强制写入标准输出
 -l     : 输出zstd压缩包中的信息
--ultra : 启用超过19级,最多22级(需要更多内存)
 -T#    : 使用几个线程进行压缩(默认值:1个)
 -r     : 递归地操作目录
--format=gzip : 将文件压缩为.gz格式
 -M#    : 为解压设置内存使用限制
 字典生成器 :

--train ## : 从一组训练文件中创建一个字典
--train-cover[=k=#,d=#,steps=#] : 使用带有可选参数的cover算法
--train-legacy[=s=#] : 有选择性地使用遗留算法(默认值:9)
 -o file : “file”是字典名(默认:字典)
--maxdict=# : 将字典限制为指定大小(默认值:112640)
--dictID=# : 强制字典ID为指定值(默认:随机)
性能测试参数 :

-b#    : 基准测试文件,使用#压缩级别(默认为1)
 -e#    : 测试从-bX到#的所有压缩级别(默认值:1)
 -i#    : 最小计算时间(秒)(默认为3s)
 -B#    : 将文件切成大小为#个独立块(默认:无块)
--priority=rt : 将进程优先级设置为实时
zstd file
zstd --rm file
zstd -d file.zst
zstd -dc file.zst
zstd -l file.zst
zstdcat file.zst
zstd -v file
zstd -v -d file.zst
zstd -level file
zstd -9 file
zstd --ultra -level file
zstd -T0 file
zstd -T4 file
zstd -T4 -d file.zst

Linux 命令行下的二维码,主要核心是这个网址:http://qrenco.de/
echo “https://www.sqlsec.com” |curl -F-=<- qrenco.de

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OutlookAttachView v2.73 Copyright (c) 2009 - 2014 Nir Sofer Web site: http://www.nirsoft.net Related Utilities ================= * NK2Edit - Edit, merge and fix the AutoComplete files (.NK2) of Microsoft Outlook. Description =========== OutlookAttachView scans all messages stored in your Outlook, and displays the list of all attached files that it finds. You can easily select one or more attachments and save all of them into the desired folder, as well as you can delete unwanted large attachments that take too much disk space in your mailbox. You can also save the list of attachments into xml/html/text/csv file. System Requirements =================== * Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/2003/2008. * Microsoft Outlook 2003, Microsoft Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010, or Microsoft Outlook 2013. For the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010/2013, you should use the x64 version of OutlookAttachView. Be aware that OutlookAttachView doesn't work with Outlook Express. Versions History ================ * Version 2.73 o OutlookAttachView now also scans the root folder of the .pst file. * Version 2.72 o Added %from_email% and %to_email% variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.71 o Added %localmsgtime% and %localmsgdate% variables to the attachment filename format. o Fixed a crash problem occurred on some systems after version 2.70 update. * Version 2.70 o Fixed to display date/time values according to daylight saving time settings. * Version 2.69 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView crashed on some systems. * Version 2.68 o Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key. * Version 2.67 o Fixed bug: when turning on the 'Image Preview' option, OutlookAttachView displayed empty image or incorrect image. * Version 2.66 o Added more accelerator keys (in the menus). * Version 2.65 o Added 'Image Preview' option (Under the View menu). If you turn on this option, a preview of selected gif/png/jpg file will be displayed in the lower pane. Be aware that this feature is quite slow... * Version 2.63 o The number of attachments is now displayed in the status bar while scanning the mailbox of Outlook. * Version 2.62 o Added 'Recent Config Files' menu, which allows you to easily open the last 10 configuration files that you used. * Version 2.61 o Added GB and Automatic to the 'File Size Unit' option. * Version 2.60 o Added option to save and load the entire configuration of OutlookAttachView ('Save Configuration' and 'Load Configuration' under the File menu). * Version 2.56 o OutlookAttachView now remembers the last size and position of the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window. * Version 2.55 o You can now specify wildcards (For example: nir*.doc, abc???.txt) in the include/exclude filename option. * Version 2.51 o Added option to choose the file size display unit: Bytes, KB, or MB. * Version 2.50 o OutlookAttachView now remembers that last 20 strings you typed in the Extensions List, Excluded Extensions List, Subject contains string..., From string, and To string, and you can easily select a string again from a Combo-Box. * Version 2.47 o Added option to choose another font (font name and size) to display the attachments list. (Options -> Select Another Font) * Version 2.46 o Fixed the flickering occurred while scrolling the attachments list. * Version 2.45 o You can now resize the scan options dialog-box. Also, the last size and position of this dialog-box is saved to the config file. * Version 2.43 o Added %attach_id% variable to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.42 o Added option to change the maximum number of characters in every variable of formatted filename. (The default is 64 characters) * Version 2.41 o Added option to filter by the message direction (incoming or outgoing) in the Scan Options window. * Version 2.40 o Added %message_direction% and %message_entryid% variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.38 o The 'Show Inline Attachments' option is now turned on by default (In previous versions it was turned off). The reason for this changed: I found out that many users think that there is a bug in OutlookAttachView because they can't find some of the attachments, without understanding that they have to turn on the 'Show Inline Attachments' option. * Version 2.37 o Fixed issue: The properties and the options windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system. * Version 2.36 o Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers. * Version 2.35 o Added 'Message EntryID' column, which displays the ID string of the Outlook message. * Version 2.32 o Added %domain% variable to the attachment filename format. * Version 2.31 o Added /SaveDirect command line option, for using with the other save command-line options (/scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on...) When you use the SaveDirect mode, the attachments list is saved directly to the disk, without loading them into the memory first. This means that you can save a list with large amount of attachment lines into your disk without any memory problem, as long as you have enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the attachments according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option. * Version 2.30 o Added 'Domain' column, which displays the domain of the from/to email address. * Version 2.25 o Added 'Message Direction' column (Incoming or Outgoing). * Version 2.20 o Added 'From Email' and 'To Email' columns, which displays the From/To email addresses. (The existing To/From columns shows the 'Display Name') * Version 2.15 o Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option. * Version 2.11 o When trying to connect to Outlook 2010 with the wrong build of OutlookAttachView (OutlookAttachView 32-bit with Outlook x64 or OutlookAttachView x64 with Outlook 32-bit), OutlookAttachView now displays informative error message about the problem. * Version 2.10 o Changed the user interface of the Main Scan Options window, to make it useable for lower screen resolutions and to give more space to the folders/subjects/from/to include/exclude lists. * Version 2.05 o Added 'Skip Exchange public folders' option. * Version 2.00 o Added command-line options to change any configuration value. * Version 1.95 o Added /extractall command-line option, which allows you to extract all Outlook attachments from command-line, according to your saved settings. * Version 1.90 o Added option to scan only emails in the last xx days (alternative to the date/time range). * Version 1.85 o Added option to scan only emails with the specified 'From' and 'To' strings. * Version 1.82 o When adding a folder to scan (with the Add button), the folder path in now delimited with quotes, to ensure that it'll be scanned properly if the folder name contains a comma character. * Version 1.81 o Fixed a crash problem when trying to save outlook attachment. * Version 1.80 o Added 'Add' buttons, which allows you to easily add folders to scan or skip by choosing them from the list of Outlook folders. * Version 1.75 o Added the ability to choose the desired Outlook profile inside the 'Mailbox Scan Options' window. * Version 1.72 o You can now specify a folder with all its subfolders (to include or to skip) by adding * character to the folder string, for example: Personal Folders\Inbox* * Version 1.71 o Fixed OutlookAttachView to be able to scan the public folders of Exchange server. * Version 1.70 o Added option to specify a custom date/time format for the filename in the 'Copy Selected Files To...' option, for example: %msgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %msgtime:HHmmss% * Version 1.67 o OutlookAttachView now displays (in the status bar) the current copied filename while copying the attachments. It also allows you to stop the copying process by clicking the stop menu. * Version 1.66 o In the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window, you can now specify a subfolder in the attach filename format. For example, if the filename format is %folder_name%\%subject%_%attach_name%.%extension% - All attachments from the inbox will be saved under the Inbox subfolder, All attachments from Sent Items will be saved under the Sent Items subfolder, and so on... o You can also choose the 'Create subfolders automatically' option if you want that OutlookAttachView will automatically create the subfolders for you. * Version 1.65 o Added time fields for the scanning date range. o The date range is now saved in the .cfg file. * Version 1.63 o Added 2 actions to 'Double-Click Action': 'Open Selected Attachment With' and 'Copy Selected Attachment To' * Version 1.62 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView crashed when trying to extract a special type of attachment. * Version 1.61 o Added 'Mark Inline Attachments' option. When it's turned on, inline attachments are marked with blue background color. * Version 1.60 o Added /start command-line option, which instructs OutlookAttachView to start the mailbox scan immediately with the loaded configuraion, without displaying the Scan Options dialog-box. o Decreased the memory consumption when the list of found attachments is very large. * Version 1.57 o Added new option to specify the list of folders that you wish to skip (comma-delimited list). * Version 1.56 o Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line. * Version 1.55 o Added new option to specify the list of folders that you wish to scan (comma-delimited list), instead of scanning the entire mailbox. * Version 1.51 o Added 'Open Selected Attachment With...' option, which allows you to quickly view the content of the attachment with another application, instead of the default one. * Version 1.50 o Added 'Open Selected Attachment' option (F7), which allows you to quickly view the content of the attachment, without the need to extract the file and then open it from Explorer. Be aware that when you use this option, OutlookAttachView extracts the attachment into a temporary folder, and then opens it with the default application, according to the file extension. When you close OutlookAttachView, all temporary attachment files are automatically deleted. o Added to option to choose what to do when you double-click on a single attachment: Open Properties Window, Open Outlook Message, or Open Attachment File. * Version 1.47 o The status bar now displays the total size of selected attachments in KB/MB. * Version 1.46 o You can now send the attachments list to stdout by specifying an empty filename ("") in the command-line. (For example: OutlookAttachView.exe /stab "" > c:\temp\att.txt) * Version 1.45 o Add new filter: Scan only emails that their subject contains the specified string. * Version 1.41 o Added option to exclude one or more file extensions from the attachments list (in comma-delimited list). * Version 1.40 o Added Extension column, so now you can easily sort the list by the file extension of the attachments. o Added option to filter the attachments list by file extension - you can now specify the list of file extensions (in comma-delimited list) that you want to find. All attachments with file extensions that are not in the list won't be displayed. * Version 1.37 o Added /cfg command-line option for loading the configuration from another .cfg file. * Version 1.36 o Added %message_size% and %folder_path% (full folder path) variables to the attachment filename format. * Version 1.35 o Added an option to control the filename format for extracting the attachments. (In the 'Copy Selected Files To...' window) You can include the following fields in the created filename: Subject, From, To, Attachment Name, Folder Name, Message Date, and Message Time. o Added 'Set the modified time of the file to the time of the message' option. When it's turned on, the extracted attachment file will get the same modified time of the message that contains the attachment. * Version 1.30 o Added 'Email Software' column, which displays the email software that was used to send the message. The value is taken from x-mailer header line. This column is only relevant for received messages (Inbox). o Added 'Computer Address' column, which displays the computer name or IP addresses that sent the message. This column is only relevant for received messages (Inbox). * Version 1.25 o Added a new option to 'Mailbox Scan Options', which allows you to scan another profile of Outlook, instead of the default one. o Added 'Add Header Line To CSV/Tab-Delimited File' option. When this option is turned on, the column names are added as the first line when you export to csv or tab-delimited file. * Version 1.21 o Added support for embedded message attachments (attachments of another message). These attachments are saved as .msg files. * Version 1.20 o Added option to filter by attachment size. o Fixed issue: removed the wrong encoding from the xml string, which caused problems to some xml viewers. * Version 1.15 o Added 'MailBox Scan Options' window, which allows you to choose the dates range to scan. o Fixed bug: The 'Created On' column displayed wrong dates in some Outlook configurations. * Version 1.13 o Added 'Copy Selected Attachments To...' into the right-click context menu. Also, changed the 'Save Selected Items' to 'Export Attachments Information', to avoid the confusion between saving the attachment files and exporting the attachments details. o Added separated x64 version - for using only with x64 version of Outlook 2010. * Version 1.12 o Fixed a crash problem when using this utility with IMAP accounts. * Version 1.11 o Added sorting command-line options. * Version 1.10 o Added 'Open Message In Outlook' option. * Version 1.06 o Added 'Clean Selected Attachments' option - clean the content of attachment, but without removing the attachment entry. * Version 1.05 o Fixed bug: OutlookAttachView failed to scan sub-folders under main Outlook folders. o Added 'Folder Path' column. * Version 1.00 - First release. Using OutlookAttachView ======================= OutlookAttachView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - OutlookAttachView.exe If you have only one profile in your Outlook, and this profile doesn't require any password, you can run OutlookAttachView even without starting Outlook, and it'll automatically scan the mailbox of your current Outlook profile. Otherwise, it's recommended to open Outlook in the right profile before starting OutlookAttachView. After running OutlookAttachView, the 'MailBox Scan Options' window will be displayed. This window allows to choose to scan your mailbox only in specific dates range. After choosing 'Ok' in the options window, OutlookAttachView starts to scan your Outlook messages and display the found attachments in the main window of OutlookAttachView. If you want to stop the scan process, simply choose the 'Stop' menu. After the scanning process is finished, you can select one or more of your attached files, and copy them into the desired folder, by using the 'Copy Selected Files To' option. If have large attachments that you want to delete, you can use the 'Delete Selected Attachments' option. Be aware that when you use the delete option, only the attachment file is deleted. The message itself remains on your mailbox. You can also use the 'Clean Selected Attachments' option to clean most of the attachment content, but without removing the attachment entry. If you use this option, you'll still see the attachment listed in your email message with small file size, but saving this attachment to a file will create a corrupted file. Inline Attachments ================== Attachments embedded as a part of the message body are detected as 'Inline Attachments'. By default, OutlookAttachView doesn't displays these inline attachments. If you can't find the attachments you're looking for, you should try to turn on the 'Show Inline Attachments' option, located under the Options menu. Control The Filename Format of Extracted Attachment =================================================== When you extract one or more attachments from your Outlook mailbox, you can control the way that the attach filename is generated. By default, OutlookAttachView use the following format: %attach_name%.%extension%, which means that the generated filename will only contain the original attachment name and the file extension. However, you can also use the following special variables to format the filename according to your needs: * %attach_name% - The original name of the attachment. * %extension% - The original file extension of the attachment. * %subject% - The subject of the email contains this attachment. * %folder_name% - The folder name of this email (Inbox, Sent Items, and so on) * %from% - The sender of the email. * %to% - The 'To' field of the email. * %message_date% - Message creation date in yyyymmdd format. * %message_time% - Message creation time in HHmmss format. * %message_size% - Attachment size, in bytes. * %folder_path% - Full folder path of this email. (For example: Personal Folder-Inbox) * %msgdate:[format]% - Message creation date (GMT), in any format you need, for example: %msgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %msgdate:ddMMyy% * %msgtime:[format]% - Message creation time (GMT), in any format you need, for example: %msgtime:HHmmss% * %localmsgdate:[format]% - Message creation date (local time), in any format you need, for example: %localmsgdate:yyyyMMdd% , %localmsgdate:ddMMyy% * %localmsgtime:[format]% - Message creation time (local time), in any format you need, for example: %localmsgtime:HHmmss% For example: If you want to generate the attachment filename with the subject, folder name, and attach name: %folder_name%_%subject%_%attach_name%.%extension% Be aware that some of the values are automatically truncated after 64 characters, in order to avoid from over-sized filenames. Scanning Outlook Attachments of External PST Files ================================================== If you want to search an attachment in one or more PST files that are not loaded in your Outlook profile, you can use the following trick: 1. Go to Control Panel -> Mail and choose 'Show Profiles' 2. Click 'Add' to create a new profile. 3. Fill the email account information with faked details (You can delete it afterwards) 4. After the profile is created, double click on the profile, and in the profile properties, click 'Data Files' and add the desired PST files that you wish to scan. 5. Also, you can click the 'E-mail Accounts' button, and remove the faked account that you previously created. 6. In the Mailbox Scan Options of OutlookAttachView, choose 'Allow me to choose the profile' in the Outlook Profile option. 7. When you are asked to choose the profile, you should choose the profile that you created, and OutlookAttachView will scan the PST files that you added into it. Command-Line Options ==================== /stext Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a regular text file. /stab Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a tab-delimited text file. /scomma Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a comma-delimited text file. /stabular Save the list of all Outlook attachments into a tabular text file. /shtml Save the list of all Outlook attachments into HTML file (Horizontal). /sverhtml Save the list of all Outlook attachments into HTML file (Vertical). /sxml Save the list of all Outlook attachments to XML file. /SaveDirect Save the Outlook attachments in SaveDirect mode. For using with the other save command-line options ( /scomma, /stab, /sxml, and so on...) When you use the SaveDirect mode, the attachments list is saved directly to the disk, without loading them into the memory first. This means that you can save a list with large amount of attachment lines into your disk without any memory problem, as long as you have enough disk space to store the saved file. The drawback of this mode: You cannot sort the attachments according to the column you choose with /sort command-line option. /sort This command-line option can be used with other save options for sorting by the desired column. If you don't specify this option, the list is sorted according to the last sort that you made from the user interface. The parameter can specify the column index (0 for the first column, 1 for the second column, and so on) or the name of the column, like "Filename" and "Subject". You can specify the '~' prefix character (e.g: "~Subject") if you want to sort in descending order. You can put multiple /sort in the command-line if you want to sort by multiple columns. Examples: OutlookAttachView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\attach.html" /sort 2 /sort ~1 OutlookAttachView.exe /shtml "f:\temp\attach.html" /sort "From" /sort "To" /sort "Subject" /nosort When you specify this command-line option, the list will be saved without any sorting. /cfg Starts OutlookAttachView with the specified configuration file instead of the default OutlookAttachView.cfg /start Starts the mailbox scan immediately with the loaded configuraion, without displaying the Scan Options dialog-box. /extractall Extracts all Outlook attachments from command-line, according to your last settings saved in the default .cfg file, or according to other configuration file that you load with /cfg command-line option. You can also use the following command-line options to change any configuarion value you wish: /CopyFilesFolder /NewNameIfExist /UpdateModifiedTimeMessage /FilenameFormat /ScanOptions.TimeZone /ScanOptions.OutlookProfile /ScanOptions.UseExtensionsList /ScanOptions.ExtensionsList /ScanOptions.UseExcludeExtensionsList /ScanOptions.ExcludeExtensionsList /ScanOptions.UseSubjectContains /ScanOptions.SubjectContains /ScanOptions.ScanOnlyFolders /ScanOptions.ScanFoldersList /ScanOptions.SkipFolders /ScanOptions.SkipFoldersList /ScanOptions.DateFrom /ScanOptions.DateTo /ScanOptions.UseDateRange /ScanOptions.OutlookProfileString /ScanOptions.UseFromList /ScanOptions.FromList /ScanOptions.UseToList /ScanOptions.ToList /ScanOptions.UseOnlyLastDays /ScanOptions.OnlyLastDays For example, if you want to extract all attachments into c:\myattach instead of using the folder specified in the config file: OutlookAttachView.exe /CopyFilesFolder "c:\myattach" /extractall Translating OutlookAttachView to other languages ================================================ In order to translate OutlookAttachView to other language, follow the instructions below: 1. Run OutlookAttachView with /savelangfile parameter: OutlookAttachView.exe /savelangfile A file named OutlookAttachView_lng.ini will be created in the folder of OutlookAttachView utility. 2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor. 3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window. 4. After you finish the translation, Run OutlookAttachView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file. If you want to run OutlookAttachView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder. License ======= This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freely distribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in any other way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If you distribute this utility, you must include all files in the distribution package, without any modification ! Disclaimer ========== The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will not be liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages due to loss of data or any other reason. Feedback ======== If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in my utility, you can send a message to nirsofer@yahoo.com
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