


关键词:中小学,教育,教育机构 ,Springboot

Design and analysis of management system of primary and secondary education institutions based on springboot
Abstract:“Education is life” and “knowledge is wealth”. At present, the society pays more attention to knowledge education, and primary and secondary education naturally becomes the focus of attention. Nowadays, parents pay more and more attention to the education of children. In addition to school education, began to seek more ways of education. Primary and secondary education institutions, such as long drought and sweet dew, have sprung up in large numbers, ushering in new opportunities for development. But compared with the regular school education, the market and concealment have become the characteristics of out of school counseling, which makes the management of out of school counseling more difficult. Moreover, the existing primary and secondary school education information management system still has the old page structure, which leads to the poor user experience effect and the untimely data update. For example, it is difficult for teachers to find resources and cannot analyze and count them comprehensively. In the face of teachers with different qualities, parents of students should choose teachers suitable for students.
This paper first analyzes the educational background and significance of primary and secondary schools at this stage. The system is to meet the diversified educational needs of families and individuals and to meet the management of primary and secondary education institutions more convenient as the premise, to carry out the corresponding market demand research, so as to create a management system of primary and secondary education institutions. The main object of this system is students and teachers. For example, the basic information database of students mainly collects the basic information of students, the course information selected by students and the basic information of teachers corresponding to the course.
In the implementation, the system uses the architecture mode of separating the front-end and the back-end. Java language is used as the development language in the back-end of the system, spring boot framework is used for business logic processing, MySQL is used for data storage, mybatisplus is used as the persistence layer framework, Shiro is used as the security framework. As the front-end framework, Vue + element UI is the development framework (Library) of the front-end, which is characterized by two-way binding. Element UI is a front-end interface framework, which has integrated 0. Various components can facilitate us to develop more quickly and efficiently.
There are four modules in the system: educational organization management, teacher information management, student information management and course selection management. The problems of identity orientation, access threshold, market supervision and quality of education and training institutions have been solved and standardized.
Key words: Primary and secondary schools, Education, Educational institutions, Springboot

目 录

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 系统开发的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外中小学教育机构管理发展状况 1
1.2.1国外中小学教育机构管理发展状况 1
1.2.2国内中小学教育机构管理发展状况 2
1.3 目前中小学教育机构管理状况 3
1.4 论文的主要研究内容 4
第2章 系统需求分析 5
2.1 系统的需求分析 5
2.2 系统的功能需求 5
2.3 数据流图 9
2.4 数据字典 10
2.5 实体关系图(E-R图) 10
2.6 本章小结 11
第3章 系统设计 12
3.1 系统设计 12
3.1.1 系统总体架构设计 12
3.1.2 数据库设计 12
3.1.3 系统模块的设计 16
3.2 本章小结 21
第4章 系统实现 22
4.1 用户登陆模块的实现 22
4.2 用户注册模块的实现 23
4.3 课程表模块的实现 23
4.4 查询学生列表模块的实现 24
4.5 选课管理模块的实现 26
4.6 本章小结 27
第5章 系统测试 28
5.1 系统测试 28
5.1.1 测试的意义 28
5.1.2 测试的目的 28
5.1.3 软件测试方法 28
5.2 测试用例及测试结果 29
5.3 本章小结 30
第6章 结束语 31
6.1 全文总结 31
6.2 课题展望 31
参考文献 33
致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 系统开发的背景及意义
1.2 国内外中小学教育机构管理发展状况





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