
工业互联网(Industrial Internet of Things, IIoT)是指将传统工业环境与物联网技术、云计算、大数据分析以及人工智能等先进技术相结合,实现设备间互联互通,提升生产效率和决策能力的新型基础设施。工业互联网的组建主要包括以下几个关键步骤:

  1. 网络基础设施:部署高速、低延迟的网络,如工业以太网、无线网络(如LoRa、5G等),以便设备间实时数据交换。

  2. 智能设备连接:安装各种传感器和执行器,实现设备的远程监控和控制,如PLC、SCADA系统和工业级路由器。

  3. 边缘计算:在工厂内部或接近现场的地方设置边缘计算节点,处理实时数据并减轻云端压力。

  4. 平台集成:构建工业互联网平台,如MES(制造执行系统)、ERP(企业资源计划)和SCADA( Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition),整合来自不同设备的数据。

  5. 安全措施:实施严格的网络安全策略,保护工业数据不被未经授权的访问或攻击。


  • 数据质量保证:定期检查设备状态,确保数据准确无误。
  • 系统监控:通过日志分析、异常检测工具,及时发现并解决问题。
  • 更新升级:对软件和固件进行定期更新,修复漏洞和增强功能。
  • 网络安全维护:定期进行安全审计,防范黑客入侵和内部威胁。
  • 培训与支持:为操作人员提供必要的培训,帮助他们理解和操作新系统。

    STP(Spanning Tree Protocol)是一种网络协议,用于解决以太网中的环路问题,确保网络中的数据包能够正确传输。在交换式以太网中,如果没有STP,可能会形成多个回路,导致数据包无限循环和广播风暴。STP通过创建一个无环路的树形拓扑结构来避免这些问题。

  • 配置STP主要包括以下几个步骤:

  • 启用STP:在交换机上启用STP功能,通常使用命令行界面设置,如Cisco的spanning-tree enable或华为的stp enable

  • 配置优先级和根桥:确定网络中的根桥(Bridge ID最低),以便决定哪些端口将成为根端口和指定端口。默认情况下,优先级通常为32768,可以通过命令行修改。

  • 配置端口角色:端口可能成为根端口、指定端口、备份端口或非转发端口。根据网络拓扑和需求选择合适的端口角色。

  • 设置阻塞/监听模式:端口可以被配置为阻塞模式(默认),在此期间端口不会转发数据,学习完成后切换到转发模式;也可以配置为监听模式,只学习但不转发。

  • 配置BPDU(Bridge Protocol Data Unit):STP通过发送BPDU消息来维护拓扑信息。配置BPDU的间隔时间、最大跳数等参数。

  • 配置拓扑变化通知:可以配置交换机在拓扑变化时发送通知,以便管理员监控和处理。

  • 任务 配置 STP

    步骤一 配置 STP 并验证
    G0/0/13端口,S4上的G0/0/1、G0/0/6、G0/0/14端口。确保设备以空配置启动。如果STP被禁用,则执行stp enable命令启用STP。
    <Quidway>system view
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [Quidway]sysname S1
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]shutdown
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]quit
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/2
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/2]shutdown 
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/2]quit
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/3[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/3]shutdown[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/3]quit[S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/13[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/13]shutdown[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/13]quit[S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/14[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/14]shutdown[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/14]quit
    <Quidway>system view
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [Quidway]sysname S2
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]shutdown
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/2
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/2]shutdown 
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/2]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/3[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/3]shutdown[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/3]quit[S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/6[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/6]shutdown[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/6]quit[S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/7[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/7]shutdown[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/7]quit
    <Quidway>system view
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [Quidway]sysname S3
    [S3]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
    [S3 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]shutdown
    [S3 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]quit
    [S3]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/13[S3 GigabitEthernet0/0/13]shutdown[S3 GigabitEthernet0/0/13]quit[S3]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/7[S3 GigabitEthernet0/0/7]shutdown
    <Quidway>system view
    Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z.
    [Quidway]sysname S4
    [S4]inter GigabitEthernet 0/0/1
    [S4 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]shutdown
    [S4 GigabitEthernet0/0/1]quit
    [S4]inter GigabitEthernet 0/0/14
    [S4 GigabitEthernet0/0/14]shutdown
    [S4 GigabitEthernet0/0/14]quit
    [S4]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/6[S4 GigabitEthernet0/0/6]shutdown
    [S1]stp mode stp
    Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
    [S1]stp root primary
    [S2]stp mode stp
    Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done.
    [S2]stp root secondary
    执行display stp brief命令查看STP信息。
    <S1>display stp briefMSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
     0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9  DESI FORWARDING NONE 0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 DESI FORWARDING NONE
    <S2>display stp briefMSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
     0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ROOT FORWARDING NONE 0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ALTE DISCARDING NONE
    执行display stp interface命令查看端口的STP状态。
    <S1>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledCIST Root Type :Primary rootTC or TCN received :11
    TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 1h:43m:55sNumber of TC  :29
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    [Port10(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][FORWARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role :Designated PortPort Priority :128
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :0.d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 128.10Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s Protection Type :None
    Port STP Mode :STP
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 20TC or TCN send :52
    TC or TCN received :0
    BPDU Sent :3189 
     TCN: 0, Config: 3189, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :5 
     TCN: 0, Config: 5, RST: 0, MST: 0Last forwarding time: 2016/11/21 14:55:11 UTC
    <S2>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.9 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    CIST Root Type :Secondary rootTC or TCN received :122
    TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 1h:50m:0sNumber of TC :17
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    [Port10(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][DISCARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role :Alternate PortPort Priority :128
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :0.d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 128.10Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s Protection Type :None
    Port STP Mode :STP
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0TC or TCN send :0
    TC or TCN received :18
    BPDU Sent :2   TCN: 0, Config: 2, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :3317  TCN: 0, Config: 3317, RST: 0, MST: 0
    步骤二 控制根桥选举
    执行display stp命令查看根桥信息。根桥设备的CIST Bridge与CIST Root/ERPC字段取值相同。
    <S1>display stp 
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledCIST Root Type :Primary root
    TC or TCN received :11TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 2h:32m:25s……output omit……
    <S2>display stp 
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :0 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.9 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    CIST Root Type :Secondary rootTC or TCN received :122
    TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 2h:35m:57s……output omit……
    S1和S2的优先级分别设置为8192和4096。[S1]undo stp root[S1]stp priority 8192
    [S2]undo stp root
    [S2]stp priority 4096
    执行display stp命令查看新的根桥信息。
    <S1>display stp
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.9 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    TC or TCN received :47TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:6m:55s……output omit……
    <S2>display stp 
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :135TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:8m:4s……output omit……
    关闭S2的G0/0/9和G0/0/10端口,从而隔离S1与S2,模拟S2发生故障。[S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]shutdown[S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]shutdown 
    <S1>display stp 
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId  :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :174TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:12m:51s……output omit……
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9 
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]undo shutdown
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]undo shutdown
    <S1>display stp
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge  :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.34 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :195TC count per hello :1
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:2m:59s……output omit……
    <S2>display stp  
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :146TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:2m:20s……output omit……
    步骤三 控制根端口选举
    在S1上执行display stp brief命令查看端口角色。
    <S1>display stp brief 
    MSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ROOT FORWARDINGNONE0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ALTE DISCARDING NONE
    G0/0/9的端口优先级值为32,G0/0/10的端口优先级值为16。因此,S1上的G0/0/10端口优先级值大于S2的G0/0/10端口优先级,成为根端口。[S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]stp port priority 32
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]stp port priority 16
    提示:此处是修改S2的端口优先级,而不是修改S1的端口优先级。<S2>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRoot/IRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :147TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:7m:35sNumber of TC :41
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/10
    [Port34(GigabitEthernet0/0/9)][FORWARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role :Designated PortPort Priority :32
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :4096.d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 32.34Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s
    Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP 
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 20TC or TCN send :35
    TC or TCN received :2
    BPDU Sent :1013  TCN: 0, Config: 1013, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :2  TCN: 2, Config: 0, RST: 0, MST: 0
    Last forwarding time: 2016/11/22 10:00:00 UTC
    <S2>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]CIST Bridge :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0 (This bridge is the root)CIST RegRootIRPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :0.0
    BPDU Protection :DisabledTC or TCN received :147TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:8m:19sNumber of TC :41
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/10
    [Port35(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][FORWARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role :Designated PortPort Priority :16
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :4096.d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 16.35Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s
    Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP 
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 20TC or TCN send :35
    TC or TCN received :1
    BPDU Sent :1032  TCN: 0, Config: 1032, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :2  TCN: 1, Config: 1, RST: 0, MST: 0Last forwarding time: 2016/11/22 10:00:11 UTC
    在S1上执行display stp brief命令查看端口角色。
    <S1>display stp brief
    MSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ALTE DISCARDING NONE0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ROOT FORWARDING NONE
    关闭S1的GigabitEthernet 0/0/10端口,再查看端口角色。
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10[S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]shutdown<S1>display stp brief
    MSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ROOT FORWARDING NONE
    在上述回显信息中的灰色部分可以看出,S1的G0/0/9变成了根端口。在S2上恢复G0/0/9和G0/0/10端口的缺省优先级,并重新开启S1上关闭的端口。[S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]undo stp port priority
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]quit
    [S2]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [S2 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]undo stp port priority
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/10]undo shutdown
    在S1上执行display stp brief命令和display stp interface命令查看端口角色。
    <S1>display stp brief 
    MSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ROOT FORWARDING NONE
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ALTE DISCARDING NONE
    <S1>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20
    Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.34 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    TC or TCN received :314TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:0m:37sNumber of TC :61
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    [Port34(GigabitEthernet0/0/9)][FORWARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role  :Root PortPort Priority :128
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :4096.d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 128.34Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s
    Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP 
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0TC or TCN send :37
    TC or TCN received :70
    BPDU Sent :122  TCN: 3, Config: 119, RST: 0, MST: 0
    BPDU Received :1259  TCN: 0, Config: 1259, RST: 0, MST: 0Last forwarding time: 2016/11/22 10:07:20 UTC
    <S1>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/10
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times  :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0
    CIST RootPortId :128.34 (GigabitEthernet0/0/9)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    TC or TCN received :314TC count per hello :0
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:6m:25sNumber of TC :61
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    [Port35(GigabitEthernet0/0/10)][DISCARDING]Port Protocol  :Enabled
    Port Role :Alternate PortPort Priority :128
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=auto / Active=20000Designated Bridge/Port :4096.d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 128.35Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s
    Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP 
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0TC or TCN send :0
    TC or TCN received :17
    BPDU Sent :2  TCN: 0, Config: 2, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :209  TCN: 0, Config: 209, RST: 0, MST: 0
    [S1]interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9
    [S1 GigabitEthernet0/0/9]stp cost 200000
    在S1上执行display stp brief命令和display stp interface命令查看端口角色。
    <S1>display stp interface GigabitEthernet 0/0/9 
    [CIST Global Info][Mode STP]
    CIST Bridge :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0
    Config Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20Active Times :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s MaxHop 20
    CIST Root/ERPC :4096 .d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 20000CIST RegRoot/IRPC :8192 .d0d0 4ba6 aab0 / 0CIST RootPortId :128.35 (GigabitEthernet0/0/10)BPDU Protection :Disabled
    TC or TCN received :332TC count per hello :1
    STP Converge Mode :Normal Share region configuration :EnabledTime since last TC :0 days 0h:9m:42sNumber of TC :61
    Last TC occurred :GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    [Port34(GigabitEthernet0/0/9)][DISCARDING]Port Protocol :Enabled
    Port Role :Alternate PortPort Priority :128
    Port Cost(Dot1T ) :Config=200000 / Active=200000Designated Bridge/Port :4096.d0d0 4ba6 ac20 / 128.34Port Edged :Config=default / Active=disabledPoint to point :Config=auto / Active=trueTransit Limit :6 packets/s
    Protection Type :None Port STP Mode :STP 
    Port Protocol Type :Config=auto / Active=dot1sBPDU Encapsulation :Config=stp / Active=stp
    PortTimes :Hello 2s MaxAge 20s FwDly 15s RemHop 0TC or TCN send :37
    TC or TCN received :80
    BPDU Sent :122  TCN: 3, Config: 119, RST: 0, MST: 0BPDU Received :1531  TCN: 0, Config: 1531, RST: 0, MST: 0Last forwarding time: 2016/11/22 10:07:20 UTC
    <S1>display stp brief 
    MSTID Port
    Role STP State Protection
    0 GigabitEthernet0/0/9 ALTE DISCARDING NONE0 GigabitEthernet0/0/10 ROOT FORWARDING NONE
    <S1>display current configuration 
    !Software Version V200R008C00SPC500sysname S1
    stp mode stp
    stp instance 0 priority 8192
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2shutdown 
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/9stp instance 0 cost 200000
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/13 shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/14shutdown
    # user interface con 0user interface vty 0 4
    <S2>display current configuration 
    !Software Version V200R008C00SPC500sysname S2
    stp mode stp
    stp instance 0 priority 4096
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/7shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/9
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/10
    user interface con 0 user interface vty 0 4
    <S3>display current configuration 
    !Software Version V200R008C00SPC500sysname S3
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/7shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/13shutdown
    user interface con 0
    user interface vty 0 4
    <S4>display current configuration 
    !Software Version V200R008C00SPC500sysname S4
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/14shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1shutdown
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0/6shutdown
    user interface con 0
    user interface vty 0 4





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