




2.1 ConcurrentHashMap构造方法与数据结构分析


  • Creates a new, empty map with the specified initial

  • capacity, load factor and concurrency level.

  • @param initialCapacity the initial capacity. The implementation

  • performs internal sizing to accommodate this many elements.

  • @param loadFactor the load factor threshold, used to control resizing.

  • Resizing may be performed when the average number of elements per

  • bin exceeds this threshold.

  • @param concurrencyLevel the estimated number of concurrently

  • updating threads. The implementation performs internal sizing

  • to try to accommodate this many threads.

  • @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is

  • negative or the load factor or concurrencyLevel are

  • nonpositive.



public ConcurrentHashMap(int initialCapacity,

float loadFactor, int concurrencyLevel) { //@1

if (!(loadFactor > 0) || initialCapacity < 0 || concurrencyLevel <= 0)

throw new IllegalArgumentException();

if (concurrencyLevel > MAX_SEGMENTS)

concurrencyLevel = MAX_SEGMENTS;

// Find power-of-two sizes best matching arguments

int sshift = 0; //@2 start

int ssize = 1;

while (ssize < concurrencyLevel) {


ssize <<= 1;


this.segmentShift = 32 - sshift;

this.segmentMask = ssize - 1; //@2 end

if (initialCapacity > MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)

initialCapacity = MAXIMUM_CAPACITY;

int c = initialCapacity / ssize;

if (c * ssize < initialCapacity)


int cap = MIN_SEGMENT_TABLE_CAPACITY; // 每个 segment 内部容里

while (cap < c)

cap <<= 1;

// create segments and segments[0]

Segment<K,V> s0 =

new Segment<K,V>(loadFactor, (int)(cap * loadFactor),

(HashEntry<K,V>[])new HashEntry[cap]);

Segment<K,V>[] ss = (Segment<K,V>[])new Segment[ssize];

UNSAFE.putOrderedObject(ss, SBASE, s0); // ordered write of segments[0]

this.segments = ss;


代码@1 concurrencyLevel,含义,并发级别,并发度,在键不冲突的情况下,最多允许多少个线程同时访问数据不需要阻塞(理想情况下),我们应该知道,ConcurrentHashMap 的基本实现原理就是引入Segment 数据结构,将锁的粒度细化到Segment, 也就是说,如果多个线程,同时操作多个 key,如果这些 key,分布在不同的 Segment, 那这些线程的操作互不影响,当然不需要加锁,提高性能。所以 concurrencyLevel,就是要求告诉 ConcurrentHashMap, 我需要这么过个线程同时访问你而不产生锁冲突。

代码@2,ssize,该变量的值等于ConcurrentHashMap 中 segment 的长度,也就是 Segment[]  的长度。该值取决于concurrencyLevel, 其实就是小于concurrencyLevel 的最大的2的幂,比如concurrencyLevel= 16,那 ssize=16,如果 concurrencyLevel = 12, ssize=8,因为ssize的长度为2的幂。

变量shift的值,看出来了没,其实就是 ssize 2 ^ shift,其实就是表示ssize需要的二进制位。

segmentMask、segmentShift ,这两个属性在该表达式中使用:(h >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask),很明显,就是用来算Segment[]数组中的下标来的。意图segmentShift = 32 - sshift,也就是利用hash的高位与代表(ssize-1)来定位下标。// 如果默认,初始容量16,那么ssize=16, sshift=4 定位端 hash 无符号向右移多少28位,(总共32位),那就是使原本32-29位参与运算(高位)


分析到这里,ConcurrentHashMap就构建成功了,我们先重点关注一下 Segment 的数据结构。

Segment 段的内部数据结构如下:

  • 类的声明:static final class Segment<K,V> extends ReentrantLock implements Serializable

  • 数据结构:

transient volatile HashEntry<K,V>[] table;    // 内部键值对

transient int count;  // 元素数量

transient int modCount;     // 结构发生变化的次数

transient int threshold;    // 扩容时的阔值

final float loadFactor;     // 扩容因子,主要影响threshold,影响什么时候扩容

对上述结构,是否似曾相识,对了,就是它,HashMap;每个 Segment 其实就是一个 HashMap; 还有一个很关键点:Segment继承自 ReentrantLock, 也就是 Segment 本身就是一把锁。

2.2  public V put(K key, V value) 源码分析

public V put(K key, V value) {

Segment<K,V> s;

if (value == null)

throw new NullPointerException(); // @1

int hash = hash(key);

int j = (hash >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask; //@2

if ((s = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObject // nonvolatile; recheck in ensureSegment

(segments, (j << SSHIFT) + SBASE)) == null) // in ensureSegment @3

s = ensureSegment(j); //@4

return s.put(key, hash, value, false); //@5


代码@1,表明 ConcurrentHashMap不支持value为空的键值对。

代码@2,计算该key对应的Segment的位置(数组下标),并发包中获取数组元素的方式,采用的是UNSAFE直接操作内存的方式,而不是典型的  Segment[] a = new Segment[16],  第j个元素的值为  a[j]。如果需要详细了解UNSAFE操作数组元素的原理,请查看  另一篇博客(AtomicIntegerArray 源码分析)

比如一个Integer[]中,每个int是32位,占4个字节,那数组中第3个位置的开始字节是多少呢?=(3-1) << 2,也就是说SHIFT的值为元素中长度的幂。怎么获取每个元素在数组中长度(字节为单位)= UNSAFE.arrayIndexScale,

而 UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset,返回的是,第一个数据元素相对于对象起始地址的便宜量,该部分的详解,请参考我的技术博客【http://blog.csdn.net/prestigeding/article/details/52980801

代码@3,就是获取j下标的segment对象。相当于   if(   (s == segments[j])== null  )

代码@4,我们将目光移到 ensureSegment方法中:


  • Returns the segment for the given index, creating it and

  • recording in segment table (via CAS) if not already present.

  • @param k the index

  • @return the segment



private Segment<K,V> ensureSegment(int k) {

final Segment<K,V>[] ss = this.segments;

long u = (k << SSHIFT) + SBASE; // raw offset

Segment<K,V> seg;

if ((seg = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(ss, u)) == null) {

Segment<K,V> proto = ss[0]; // use segment 0 as prototype

int cap = proto.table.length;

float lf = proto.loadFactor;

int threshold = (int)(cap * lf);

HashEntry<K,V>[] tab = (HashEntry<K,V>[])new HashEntry[cap];

if ((seg = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(ss, u))

== null) { // recheck

Segment<K,V> s = new Segment<K,V>(lf, threshold, tab);

while ((seg = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(ss, u))

== null) {

if (UNSAFE.compareAndSwapObject(ss, u, null, seg = s))





return seg;




final V put(K key, int hash, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) {

HashEntry<K,V> node = tryLock() ? null :

scanAndLockForPut(key, hash, value); // @1

V oldValue;

try {

HashEntry<K,V>[] tab = table;

int index = (tab.length - 1) & hash;

HashEntry<K,V> first = entryAt(tab, index); // @2

for (HashEntry<K,V> e = first;😉 { // @3

if (e != null) { // @4

K k;

if ((k = e.key) == key ||

(e.hash == hash && key.equals(k))) { //@5

oldValue = e.value;

if (!onlyIfAbsent) {

e.value = value;





e = e.next;


else { //@6

if (node != null)



node = new HashEntry<K,V>(hash, key, value, first);

int c = count + 1;

if (c > threshold && tab.length < MAXIMUM_CAPACITY)



setEntryAt(tab, index, node);


count = c;

oldValue = null;




} finally {



return oldValue;


该方法,实现思路其实和HashMap一样,就是要在Segment的HashEntity[] table的指定位置加入新的Node,如果在位置k的位置不为空,此时,说明该位置发生了hash冲突,这是需要先遍历整个链,看是否有相等的key,如果key相等,则替换该值,如果没有,则将新加入的节点的next指针指向 table[k],然后将node加入到k位置。但是,由于ConcurrentHashMap是支持多个线程同时访问的,对于单个Segment的操作,需要加锁。






  • Scans for a node containing given key while trying to

  • acquire lock, creating and returning one if not found. Upon

  • return, guarantees that lock is held. UNlike in most

  • methods, calls to method equals are not screened: Since

  • traversal speed doesn’t matter, we might as well help warm

  • up the associated code and accesses as well.

  • @return a new node if key not found, else null


private HashEntry<K,V> scanAndLockForPut(K key, int hash, V value) {

HashEntry<K,V> first = entryForHash(this, hash);

HashEntry<K,V> e = first;

HashEntry<K,V> node = null;

int retries = -1; // negative while locating node

while (!tryLock()) {

HashEntry<K,V> f; // to recheck first below

if (retries < 0) {

if (e == null) {

if (node == null) // speculatively create node

node = new HashEntry<K,V>(hash, key, value, null);

retries = 0;


else if (key.equals(e.key))

retries = 0;


e = e.next;


else if (++retries > MAX_SCAN_RETRIES) {




else if ((retries & 1) == 0 &&

(f = entryForHash(this, hash)) != first) {

e = first = f; // re-traverse if entry changed

retries = -1;



return node;



@3,每隔一次,检查一下 Segment HashEntity[] table 处k的位置的元素是否发生变化,如果发生变化,则重试次数设置为-1,继续尝试获取锁。该方法如果在阻塞在lock()方法,时,一旦获取锁,则进入到final V put(K key, int hash, V value, boolean onlyIfAbsent) 方法中,进行常规的put方法(与HashMap操作类似。)



  • Doubles size of table and repacks entries, also adding the

  • given node to new table



private void rehash(HashEntry<K,V> node) {


  • Reclassify nodes in each list to new table. Because we

  • are using power-of-two expansion, the elements from

  • each bin must either stay at same index, or move with a

  • power of two offset. We eliminate unnecessary node

  • creation by catching cases where old nodes can be

  • reused because their next fields won’t change.

  • Statistically, at the default threshold, only about

  • one-sixth of them need cloning when a table

  • doubles. The nodes they replace will be garbage

  • collectable as soon as they are no longer referenced by

  • any reader thread that may be in the midst of

  • concurrently traversing table. Entry accesses use plain

  • array indexing because they are followed by volatile

  • table write.


HashEntry<K,V>[] oldTable = table;

int oldCapacity = oldTable.length;

int newCapacity = oldCapacity << 1;

threshold = (int)(newCapacity * loadFactor);

HashEntry<K,V>[] newTable =

(HashEntry<K,V>[]) new HashEntry[newCapacity];

int sizeMask = newCapacity - 1;

for (int i = 0; i < oldCapacity ; i++) {

HashEntry<K,V> e = oldTable[i];

if (e != null) {

HashEntry<K,V> next = e.next;

int idx = e.hash & sizeMask;

if (next == null) // Single node on list

newTable[idx] = e;

else { // Reuse consecutive sequence at same slot

HashEntry<K,V> lastRun = e;

int lastIdx = idx;

for (HashEntry<K,V> last = next;

last != null;

last = last.next) {

int k = last.hash & sizeMask;

if (k != lastIdx) {

lastIdx = k;

lastRun = last;



newTable[lastIdx] = lastRun;

// Clone remaining nodes

for (HashEntry<K,V> p = e; p != lastRun; p = p.next) {

V v = p.value;

int h = p.hash;

int k = h & sizeMask;

HashEntry<K,V> n = newTable[k];

newTable[k] = new HashEntry<K,V>(h, p.key, v, n);





int nodeIndex = node.hash & sizeMask; // add the new node


newTable[nodeIndex] = node;

table = newTable;



2.2.2 public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value)


public V putIfAbsent(K key, V value) {

Segment<K,V> s;

if (value == null)

throw new NullPointerException();

int hash = hash(key);

int j = (hash >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask;

if ((s = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObject

(segments, (j << SSHIFT) + SBASE)) == null)

s = ensureSegment(j);

return s.put(key, hash, value, true);



2.2.3 public void putAll(Map m)

public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {

for (Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : m.entrySet())

put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());




2.2.4 public V get(Object key)源码分析


  • Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped,

  • or {@code null} if this map contains no mapping for the key.

  • More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key

  • {@code k} to a value {@code v} such that {@code key.equals(k)},

  • then this method returns {@code v}; otherwise it returns

  • {@code null}. (There can be at most one such mapping.)

  • @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null


public V get(Object key) {

Segment<K,V> s; // manually integrate access methods to reduce overhead

HashEntry<K,V>[] tab;

int h = hash(key);

long u = (((h >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask) << SSHIFT) + SBASE;

if ((s = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(segments, u)) != null &&

(tab = s.table) != null) {

for (HashEntry<K,V> e = (HashEntry<K,V>) UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile

(tab, ((long)(((tab.length - 1) & h)) << TSHIFT) + TBASE);

e != null; e = e.next) {

K k;

if ((k = e.key) == key || (e.hash == h && key.equals(k)))

return e.value;



return null;


从上文中可以看到,get方法并没有加锁,只是根据key的hash,然后算出Segment槽的位置,不是直接根据下标去获取Segment,也不是直接根据下标去Segment 的 HashEntity[] tab中去获取元素,而是使用了 UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile方法,直接操作内存,并使用volatile方式获取,最大程度保证可见性。有人或许有疑问,为什么get方法不加读锁,阻止其他写入请求呢?其实这样做意义并不大,ConcurrentHashMap的是一个容器,数据存储,提供基本的 put,get操作,对单一一个get请求加锁,没什么意义,因为get方法并不会改变ConcurrentHashMap的内部结构,在当前线程获取到key中的值,然后其他线程删除了该key,这在业务场景上本身就是正常不过的操作。所以get方法并不需要加锁。

2.3 浏览源码,发现无论是replace方法,还是remove方法等操作内部等都和HashMap相似,因为Segment就是一个带锁的HashMap。所以,接下来,我们可以这样思考,put,replace,remove这些方法比HashMap效率高,因为提供了并发度,那这些获取全局的属性的方法呢,比如keys,size等这些方法,性能又是如何呢?我们将目光转向size,keys等遍历方法。

2.3.1 public int size方法


  • Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. If the

  • map contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, returns

  • Integer.MAX_VALUE.

  • @return the number of key-value mappings in this map


public int size() {

// Try a few times to get accurate count. On failure due to

// continuous async changes in table, resort to locking.

final Segment<K,V>[] segments = this.segments;

int size;

boolean overflow; // true if size overflows 32 bits

long sum; // sum of modCounts

long last = 0L; // previous sum

int retries = -1; // first iteration isn’t retry

try {

for (;😉 {

if (retries++ == RETRIES_BEFORE_LOCK) {

for (int j = 0; j < segments.length; ++j)

ensureSegment(j).lock(); // force creation


sum = 0L;

size = 0;

overflow = false;

for (int j = 0; j < segments.length; ++j) {

Segment<K,V> seg = segmentAt(segments, j);

if (seg != null) {

sum += seg.modCount;

int c = seg.count;

if (c < 0 || (size += c) < 0)

overflow = true;



if (sum == last)


last = sum;


} finally {

if (retries > RETRIES_BEFORE_LOCK) {

for (int j = 0; j < segments.length; ++j)

segmentAt(segments, j).unlock();



return overflow ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : size;



代码@1,如果重试次数达到 (RETRIES_BEFORE_LOCK +1 ,默认为2)次数后,说明需要加锁才能计算。



2.3.2 public boolean isEmpty() 方法源码解读


  • Returns true if this map contains no key-value mappings.

  • @return true if this map contains no key-value mappings


public boolean isEmpty() {


  • Sum per-segment modCounts to avoid mis-reporting when

  • elements are concurrently added and removed in one segment

  • while checking another, in which case the table was never

  • actually empty at any point. (The sum ensures accuracy up

  • through at least 1<<31 per-segment modifications before

  • recheck.) Methods size() and containsValue() use similar

  • constructions for stability checks.


long sum = 0L;

final Segment<K,V>[] segments = this.segments;

for (int j = 0; j < segments.length; ++j) {

Segment<K,V> seg = segmentAt(segments, j);

if (seg != null) {

if (seg.count != 0)

return false;

sum += seg.modCount;



if (sum != 0L) { // recheck unless no modifications

for (int j = 0; j < segments.length; ++j) {

Segment<K,V> seg = segmentAt(segments, j);

if (seg != null) {

if (seg.count != 0)

return false;

sum -= seg.modCount;



if (sum != 0L)

return false;


return true;


该方法的核心实现原理:就是遍历有所有的segment,一旦发现有存在size不等于0的segment,则返回false;如果发现所有的segment的size为0,则再次遍历,如果两次遍历时 modCount一样,则返回true,否则返回false。


2.3.3  public boolean containsKey(Object key)


  • Tests if the specified object is a key in this table.

  • @param key possible key

  • @return true if and only if the specified object

  •     is a key in this table, as determined by the
  •     <tt>equals</tt> method; <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
  • @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null



public boolean containsKey(Object key) {

Segment<K,V> s; // same as get() except no need for volatile value read

HashEntry<K,V>[] tab;

int h = hash(key);

long u = (((h >>> segmentShift) & segmentMask) << SSHIFT) + SBASE;

if ((s = (Segment<K,V>)UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile(segments, u)) != null &&

(tab = s.table) != null) {

for (HashEntry<K,V> e = (HashEntry<K,V>) UNSAFE.getObjectVolatile

(tab, ((long)(((tab.length - 1) & h)) << TSHIFT) + TBASE);

e != null; e = e.next) {

K k;

if ((k = e.key) == key || (e.hash == h && key.equals(k)))

return true;



return false;


2.3.4 public boolean containsValue(Object value)


  • Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the

  • specified value. Note: This method requires a full internal

  • traversal of the hash table, and so is much slower than

  • method containsKey.

  • @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested

  • @return true if this map maps one or more keys to the

  •     specified value
  • @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null


public boolean containsValue(Object value) {

// Same idea as size()

if (value == null)

throw new NullPointerException();




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2.3.4 public boolean containsValue(Object value)


  • Returns true if this map maps one or more keys to the

  • specified value. Note: This method requires a full internal

  • traversal of the hash table, and so is much slower than

  • method containsKey.

  • @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested

  • @return true if this map maps one or more keys to the

  •     specified value
  • @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null


public boolean containsValue(Object value) {

// Same idea as size()

if (value == null)

throw new NullPointerException();




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