学习Linux的必备硬件知识 2.1 关键硬件器件——CPU 2.2 关键硬件器件——存储 2.3 关键硬件器件——内存 2.4 其他一些查看硬件信息的命令
Linux开机过程(以Ubuntu16.04为例) 3.1 阶段1:BIOS 3.2 阶段2:boot Loader 3.3 阶段3:kernel 3.4 阶段4:systemd 3.5 阶段5:应用软件
Linux常用命令 4.1 基本命令 4.2 文件管理 4.3 文本操作 4.4 磁盘管理 4.5 系统管理 4.6 网络通信 4.7 压缩解压 4.8 查询硬件信息的命令 4.9 多命令协作
- Reference
Debian和Redhat是两大主要的Linux发行版系列。Debian系列的代表有Debian、Ubuntu和Linux Mint,其软件包管理方式使用dpkg和apt。而Redhat系列的代表有Redhat、CentOS和Fedora,其软件包管理方式使用rpm和yum。
cat /proc/cpuinfo
- 打开命令提示符或PowerShell窗口
- 输入命令:wmic diskdrive get caption,size,interface,model
- 打开终端
- 输入命令:lsblk
- 打开终端
- 输入命令:diskutil list
二、File Descriptor A file descriptor (FD) is a number between 0 and 1023 that represents a file. Each opened file corresponds to a file descriptor. File descriptor is a non-negative integer. Linux assigns a file descriptor to each opened file in a program. File descriptors are allocated starting from 0 and increasing sequentially. File I/O operations are performed using file descriptors. 0, 1, 2 represent standard input, standard output, and error. 三、File Opening and Closing
- File Opening #include <fcntl.h> int open(const char *pathname, int flags); int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
The open function is used to create or open a file:
- Returns the file descriptor on success. Returns EOF (-1) on error.
- When creating a file, the third argument specifies the permissions for the new file (only valid when creating a new file). The actual permissions when creating a file are affected by the umask value, with the actual permissions being mode-umask (umask is used to set the initial permissions for a file or directory).
- It is possible to open device files, but not create them.
When opening a file, two arguments are used: