
实验五 数据库设计实验


​ 掌握数据库设计基本方法及数据库设计工具。


​ 掌握数据库设计基本步骤,包括数据库概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计,物理结构设计,数据库模式SQL语句生成。能够使用数据库设计工具进行数据库设计。


​ 实验重点:概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计。

​ 实验难点:逻辑结构设计。逻辑结构设计虽然可以按照一定的规则从概念结构转换来,但是由于概念结构通常比较抽象,较少考虑更多细节,因此转换而成的逻辑结构还需进一步调整和优化。逻辑结构承接概念结构和物理结构,处于核心地位,因而是数据库设计的重点。


​ 设计一个教务信息系统的数据库。数据库包含院系信息,学生信息,教师信息,课程信息,学生选课信息,考试信息。其中,一个学生属于一个院系,可以选修多门课程。一个教师属于一个院系,可以任教多门课程,一门课程也可以有多个老师任教。一门课程有多个课程安排,可以有多场考试安排。


​ 识别出学生,教师,院系,课程,考试,课程安排六个实体。每个实体的属性、码如下:

  • 学生Student:学号sno,姓名sname,性别ssex,年龄sage,班级class,院系编号dno。主码:学号sno。
  • 教师teacher:编号tno,姓名tname,性别tsex,年龄tage,院系dno,职称title。主码:编号tno。
  • 院系department:院系名depart_name,院系编号dno,院长编号dean_tno。主码:院系编号dno。
  • 课程course:课程号cno,课程名course_name,学时数hours,学分credit,类型type,开设院系dno。主码:课程号。
  • 课程安排course_arrangement:课程号cno,周次week,节次course_time,教室classroom。主码:课程号cno,周次week,节次course_time
  • 考试安排exam_arrangement:课程号cno,考试时间exam_time,考试时长hours,考试地点classroom。主码:课程号,考试地点。

​ 根据语义,分析实体之间的联系,确定实体之间一对一,一对多和多对多联系。

​ E-R图如下:


​ 根据上述E-R图使用PowerDesigner设计数据库逻辑结构如下:


​ 共有8个关系,其中6个是实体,tc和sc分别是任教和选修这两个多对多的联系。关系的外键这里没有画出。


​ 自动转换得到数据库物理结构:

​ 选择索引存取方法,数据库会自动为每个关系的主码建立索引。对于该系统,不需要建立其他索引。


​ 由PowerDesigner生成的SQL语句如下:

​ student表:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sc_s') then
    alter table sc
       delete foreign key fk_sc_s
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sd') then
    alter table student
       delete foreign key fk_sd
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='student'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table student
end if;

/* Table: student                                               */
create table student 
   sno                  char(12)                       not null,
   sname                char(25)                       null,
   ssex                 char(2)                        null,
   sage                 smallint                       null,
   class                char(8)                        null,
   dno                  char(2)                        null,
   constraint PK_STUDENT primary key clustered (sno)

alter table student
   add constraint fk_sd foreign key (dno)
      references department (dno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ course表:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_cd') then
    alter table course
       delete foreign key fk_cd
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_ca_c') then
    alter table course_arrangement
       delete foreign key fk_ca_c
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_exam_c') then
    alter table exam_arrangement
       delete foreign key fk_exam_c
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sc_c') then
    alter table sc
       delete foreign key fk_sc_c
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_tc_c') then
    alter table tc
       delete foreign key fk_tc_c
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='course'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table course
end if;

/* Table: course                                                */
create table course 
   cno                  char(8)                        not null,
   cname                char(25)                       null,
   hours                smallint                       null,
   credit               smallint                       null,
   type                 char(8)                        null,
   dno                  char(2)                        null,
   constraint PK_COURSE primary key clustered (cno)

alter table course
   add constraint fk_cd foreign key ()
      references department (dno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ teacher表:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_tc_t') then
    alter table tc
       delete foreign key fk_tc_t
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_td') then
    alter table teacher
       delete foreign key fk_td
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='teacher'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table teacher
end if;

/* Table: teacher                                               */
create table teacher 
   tno                  char(12)                       not null,
   tname                char(25)                       null,
   tsex                 char(2)                        null,
   tage                 smallint                       null,
   dno                  char(2)                        null,
   title                char(10)                       null,
   constraint PK_TEACHER primary key clustered (tno)

alter table teacher
   add constraint fk_td foreign key (dno)
      references department (dno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ department表:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_cd') then
    alter table course
       delete foreign key fk_cd
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sd') then
    alter table student
       delete foreign key fk_sd
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_td') then
    alter table teacher
       delete foreign key fk_td
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='department'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table department
end if;

/* Table: department                                            */
create table department 
   dno                  char(2)                        not null,
   dame                 char(25)                       null,
   tno                  char(12)                       null,
   constraint PK_DEPARTMENT primary key clustered (dno)

​ course_arrangement:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_ca_c') then
    alter table course_arrangement
       delete foreign key fk_ca_c
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='course_arrangement'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table course_arrangement
end if;

/* Table: course_arrangement                                    */
create table course_arrangement 
   cno                  char(8)                        not null,
   week                 smallint                       not null,
   course_time          char(12)                       not null,
   classroom            char(10)                       null,
   constraint PK_COURSE_ARRANGEMENT primary key clustered (cno, week, course_time)

alter table course_arrangement
   add constraint fk_ca_c foreign key (cno)
      references course (cno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ exam_arrangement

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_exam_c') then
    alter table exam_arrangement
       delete foreign key fk_exam_c
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='exam_arrangement'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table exam_arrangement
end if;

/* Table: exam_arrangement                                      */
create table exam_arrangement 
   cno                  char(8)                        not null,
   exam_time            char(10)                       null,
   classroom            char(10)                       not null,
   hour                 smallint                       null,
   constraint PK_EXAM_ARRANGEMENT primary key clustered (cno, classroom)

alter table exam_arrangement
   add constraint fk_exam_c foreign key (cno)
      references course (cno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ sc:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sc_c') then
    alter table sc
       delete foreign key fk_sc_c
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_sc_s') then
    alter table sc
       delete foreign key fk_sc_s
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='sc'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table sc
end if;

/* Table: sc                                                    */
create table sc 
   sno                  char(12)                       not null,
   cno                  char(8)                        not null,
   grade                smallint                       null,
   constraint PK_SC primary key clustered (sno, cno)

alter table sc
   add constraint fk_sc_c foreign key (cno)
      references course (cno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table sc
   add constraint fk_sc_s foreign key (sno)
      references student (sno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

​ tc:

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_tc_c') then
    alter table tc
       delete foreign key fk_tc_c
end if;

if exists(select 1 from sys.sysforeignkey where role='fk_tc_t') then
    alter table tc
       delete foreign key fk_tc_t
end if;

if exists(
   select 1 from sys.systable 
   where table_name='tc'
     and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')
) then
    drop table tc
end if;

/* Table: tc                                                    */
create table tc 
   tno                  char(12)                       not null,
   cno                  char(8)                        not null,
   term                 char(8)                        not null,
   class                char(8)                        null,
   constraint PK_TC primary key clustered (tno, cno, term)

alter table tc
   add constraint fk_tc_c foreign key (cno)
      references course (cno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;

alter table tc
   add constraint fk_tc_t foreign key (tno)
      references teacher (tno)
      on update restrict
      on delete restrict;


​ 数据库的设计的基本步骤包括数据库概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计,物理结构设计。其中概念结构设计通常用E-R图表示。逻辑结构设计比较重要,需要从E-R图转换得到,并需要完成一些细节,进行调整优化。物理结构设计则需要完成存储路径的设计和存储结构的设计,需要根据实际情况进行设计。例如每个关系的存储结构,具体的数据类型和长度都要符合实际,同时尽量减小开销。使用类似PowerDesigner的工具可以辅助设计,方便的进行模型间的转化,并可以直接生成SQL语句,有必要掌握使用的基本方法。


​ 数据库的设计的基本步骤包括数据库概念结构设计、逻辑结构设计,物理结构设计。其中概念结构设计通常用E-R图表示。逻辑结构设计比较重要,需要从E-R图转换得到,并需要完成一些细节,进行调整优化。物理结构设计则需要完成存储路径的设计和存储结构的设计,需要根据实际情况进行设计。例如每个关系的存储结构,具体的数据类型和长度都要符合实际,同时尽量减小开销。使用类似PowerDesigner的工具可以辅助设计,方便的进行模型间的转化,并可以直接生成SQL语句,有必要掌握使用的基本方法。

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