Lecture 13 Formal Language Theory & Finite State Automata




  • 语言模型
  • 隐马尔可夫模型
  • 循环神经网络


Formal Language Theory 形式语言理论

形式语言理论 (Formal Language Theory) 为我们提供了一种定义语言的框架,它是一种数学框架。

  • Studies classes of languages and their computational properties 研究语言的类及其计算性质


  • Language: set of strings 一种语言 = 字符串 (strings) 的集合

  • String: sequence of elements from a finite alphabet 一个字符串 = 来自一个 有限字母集 (alphabet) 的元素 (element) 所组成的序列

    • 字母集可以视为 词典 (vocabulary)
    • 元素可以视为 单词 (words)


形式语言理论研究的是语言的 类别 (classes) 和它们的计算特性。这门课中,我们将主要介绍以下两种形式语言:

* 正则语言 (Regular Language)
* 上下文无关语言 (Context Free Language)

这两种语言构成了形式语言理论中的前两个类别,之后还有更复杂的 上下文敏感语言 (Context Sensitive Language) 等,但是这门课中我们不会对其进行过多展开。

主要目的是为了解决 从属问题 (membership problem):一个字符串是否属于某种语言。

那么,我们应该怎样做呢?我们可以定义该语言的 语法 (grammar),然后检查该字符串是否符合该语法规则。


  • E.g. of language:
    • Binary strings that start with 0 and end with 1: 二进制串(Binary strings)以 0 开头,以 1 结尾
      • {01, 001, 011, 0001, ....} belongs to this language
      • {1, 0, 00, 11, 100, ....} does not belong to this language
    • Even-length sequences from alphabet {a, b}: 来自字母集 {a, b} 的偶数长度的序列
      • {aa, ab, ba, bb, aaaa, ....} belongs to this language
      • {aaa, aba, bbb, ....} does not belong to this language
    • 以 wh- 类型的单词作为开头,问号 ?结尾的英文句子
      • {what?, where my pants?, …} belongs to this language


  • 从属问题(Membership)
    • 某个字符串是否属于某种语言?是/否
  • Beyond membership problem:
    • Scoring: 记分(Scoring)
      • Graded membership: How acceptable is a string
      • 具有记分等级的从属关系
      • 某个字符串在多大程度上可以被接受?(语言模型)
    • Transduction: 转导(Transduction)
      • Translate one string into another
      • 将一个字符串转变为另一个字符串(词干提取 stemming)

Regular Language

Regular Languages 正则语言

  • The simplest class of languages 正则语言(Regular language):语言中最简单的类别。

  • Any regular expression is a regular language 任何 **正则表达式(regular expression)**都是一种正则语言。

    • Describes what strings are part of the language. E.g. 0(0|1)*1 描述了什么样的字符串是该语言的一部分
  • Formally, a regular expression includes the following operations/definitions: 正式地,一个正则表达式包含以下运算:

    • Symbol drawn from alphabet Σ 从字母集中抽样得到的符号(任意字母): Σ
    • Empty string ε 空字符串: ε
    • Concatenation of two regular expression 两个正则表达式的连接
    • Alternation of two regular expressions 两个正则表达式的交替R | S
    • Kleene star for 0 or more repeats 星号表示出现 0 次或者重复多次 R*
    • Parenthesis () to define scope of operations 圆括号定义运算的有效范围
  • E.g.

    • Binary strings that start with 0 and ends with 1: 0(0|1)*1
    • Even-length sequences from alphabet {a, b}: ((aa)|(ab)|(ba)|(bb))*
    • English sentences that start with wh-word and end in ?: ((what)|(where)|(why)|(which)|(whose)|(whom))Σ*?
  • Properties of Regular Languages: 正则语言的性质

    • Closure: If we take regular languages L1 and L2 and merge them, is the resulting language regular? 封闭性:如果我们取正则语言L1和L2并将它们合并,那么结果语言是正则的吗?
    • Regular languages are closed under these conditions/operations: 在以下情况/操作下,正则语言是封闭的:
      • Concatenation and union 连接和并集
      • Intersection: strings that are valid in both L1 and L2 交集:在L1和L2中都有效的字符串
      • Negation: strings that are not in L 求反:不在L中的字符串
    • Extremely versatile. Can have regular languages for different properties of language, and use the together. 极其灵活。可以有具有语言不同属性的正则语言,并一起使用。

Finite State Acceptor

Finite State Acceptor 有限状态接受器

  • FSA consists: FSA包含:

    • Alphabet of input symbols Σ 输入符号的字母表 Σ
    • Set of states Q 状态集 Q
    • Start state q0Q 起始状态 q0 ∈ Q
    • Final states FQ 终止状态 F ⊆ Q
    • Transition function: symbol and state -> next state 转换函数:符号和状态 -> 下一个状态
  • Accepts strings if there is a path from q0 to a final state with transitions matching each symbol 如果存在一条从q0到最终状态的路径,并且转换符合每个符号,就接受字符串

    • Djisktra’s shortest-path algorithm, complexity O(V logV + E) Djisktra的最短路径算法,复杂度为 O(V logV + E)
  • E.g.:

    • Input alphabet : {a, b} 输入字母表 : {a, b}
    • States: {q0, q1} 状态: {q0, q1}
    • Start, final states: q0, {q1} 起始,终止状态: q0, {q1}
    • Transition function: {(q0, a) -> q0, (q0, b)-> q1, (q1, b) -> q1} 转换函数: {(q0, a) -> q0, (q0, b)-> q1, (q1, b) -> q1}
    • Regular expression defined by this FSA: a*bb* 此FSA定义的正则表达式: abb

Derivational Morphology 派生形态学

  • Use of affixes to change word to another grammatical category 使用词缀改变单词到另一个语法类别

  • E.g.:

    • grace -> graceful -> gracefully
    • grace -> disgrace -> disgracefully
    • allure -> alluring -> alluringly
    • allure -> *allureful
    • allure -> *disallure
  • FSA for Morphology: 形态学的FSA:

    • Want to accept valid forms (grace -> graceful) 希望接受有效的形式(grace -> graceful)
    • Reject invalid ones (allure -> *allureful) 拒绝无效的(allure -> *allureful)
    • generalize to other words 推广到其他单词


Weighted FSA 加权FSA

  • Some words are more plausible than others: 有些单词比其他单词更可能:

    • fishful vs. disgracelyful
    • musicky vs. writey
  • Weighted FSA: graded measure of acceptability: 加权FSA:可接受性的分级度量:

    • Start state weight function: λ: Q -> R 起始状态权重函数:λ: Q -> R
    • Final state weight function: ρ: Q -> R 终止状态权重函数:ρ: Q -> R
    • Transition function: δ:(Q, Σ, Q) -> R 转换函数:δ:(Q, Σ, Q) -> R
  • Shortest-Path: 最短路径:

    • Total score of a path 路径的总得分:
    • Use shortest-path algorithm to find π with minimum cost. Complexity: O(V logV + E) 使用最短路径算法找到具有最小成本的π。复杂度:O(V logV + E)

Finite State Transducer

Finite State Transducer (FST) 有限状态转换器 (FST)

  • Often do not want to just accept or score strings. But want to translate them into another string. 我们常常不只是想要接受或评分字符串。而是想将它们转换成另一个字符串。

  • FST add string output capability to FSA FST向FSA添加了字符串输出功能

    • Includes an output alphabet 包括输出字母表
    • Transitions now take input symbol and emit output symbol (Q, Σ, &Sigma, Q) 转换现在接受输入符号并发出输出符号 (Q, Σ, Σ, Q)
  • Can be weighted (WFST) : Graded scores for transition 可以被加权 (WFST):转换的分级分数

  • E.g. Edit distance as WFST: distance to transform one string to another 例如,编辑距离作为WFST:将一个字符串转换为另一个字符串的距离


FST for Inflectional Morphology 变格形态学的FST

  • Verb inflection in Spanish must match the subject in person and number 西班牙语的动词变格必须与主语在人称和数上匹配
  • Goal of morphological analysis: 形态分析的目标:
    • canto -> cantar + VERB + present + 1P + singular


Non-Regular Languages 非正则语言

  • Arithmetic expressions with balanced parentheses 带有平衡括号的算术表达式
    • (a + (b * (c / d)))
    • Can have arbitrarily many opening parentheses 可以有任意多的开括号
    • Need to remember how many open parentheses to produce the same number of closed parentheses 需要记住多少个开括号以生成同样数量的闭括号
    • Can not be done with finite number of states 不能用有限数量的状态完成

Center Embedding 中心嵌入

  • Center embedding of relative clauses 中心嵌入的关系从句

    • The cat loves Mozart
    • The cat the dog chased loves Mozart
    • The cat the dog the rat bit chased loves Mozart
    • The cat the dog the rat the elephant admired bit chased loves Mozart
  • Need to remember the n subject nouns, to ensure n verbs follow 需要记住n个主题名词,以确保跟随n个动词

  • Requires context-free grammar 需要上下文无关语法





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