Adding Primary Keys and Foreign Keys to a Table

<script language="C#" runat="server">

 void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)

  // get connection string from ../global/connect-strings.ascx user control
  string strConnect = ctlConnectStrings.OLEDBConnectionString;
  outConnect.InnerText = strConnect; // and display it

  // specify the SELECT statement to extract the BookList data
  string strSelectBooks = "SELECT * FROM BookList WHERE ISBN LIKE '18610033%'";
  outSelectBooks.InnerText = strSelectBooks;   // and display it

  // specify the SELECT statement to extract the BookAuthor data
  string strSelectAuthors = "SELECT * FROM BookAuthors WHERE ISBN LIKE '18610033%'";
  outSelectAuthors.InnerText = strSelectAuthors;   // and display it

  // declare a variable to hold a DataSet object
  DataSet objDataSet = new DataSet();

   // create a new Connection object using the connection string
   OleDbConnection objConnect = new OleDbConnection(strConnect);

   // create a new Command object
   OleDbCommand objCommand = new OleDbCommand();

   // set the properties
   objCommand.Connection = objConnect;
   objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
   objCommand.CommandText = strSelectBooks;

   // create a new DataAdapter object
   OleDbDataAdapter objDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter();
   // and assign the Command object to it
   objDataAdapter.SelectCommand = objCommand;

   // get the data from the "BookList" table in the database and
   // put it into a table named "Books" in the DataSet object
   objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Books");

   // change the SELECT statement in the Command object
   objCommand.CommandText = strSelectAuthors;
   // then get data from "BookAuthors" table into the DataSet
   objDataAdapter.Fill(objDataSet, "Authors");
  catch (Exception objError)
   // display error details
   outError.InnerHtml = "<b>* Error while accesing data</b>.<br />"
     + objError.Message + "<br />" + objError.Source;
   return;  //  and stop execution


  // now that the DataSet is filled, we can modify the tables it contains
  // declare variables to refer to the DataTable and a DataColumn objects
  DataTable objParentTable = objDataSet.Tables["Books"];//父表
  DataTable objChildTable = objDataSet.Tables["Authors"];//子表
  DataColumn objParentColumn = objParentTable.Columns["ISBN"];//父表的ISBN列
  DataColumn objChildColumn = objChildTable.Columns["ISBN"];//子表ISBN列

  // create a new UniqueConstraint object and add to Constraints collection
  UniqueConstraint objUnique = new UniqueConstraint("Unique_ISBN", objParentColumn);//Unique_ISBN是约束名,objParentColumn是主键约束列
  // prevent the column from accepting Null values
  objParentColumn.AllowDBNull = false;

  // create an array of columns containing this column only
  DataColumn[] objColumnArray = new DataColumn[1];
  objColumnArray[0] = objParentColumn;

  // and set this array as the columns for the Primary Key of the table
  objParentTable.PrimaryKey = objColumnArray;

  // now we can process the child table named "Authors"
  // create an array of columns containing the ISBN and Lastname columns
  objColumnArray = new DataColumn[2];
  objColumnArray[0] = objChildColumn;    // the ISBN column
  objColumnArray[1] = objChildTable.Columns["Lastname"];

  // prevent either of these columns containing Null
  objColumnArray[0].AllowDBNull = false;
  objColumnArray[1].AllowDBNull = false;
  // set this column array as the primary key
  objChildTable.PrimaryKey = objColumnArray;

  // create a new ForeignKeyConstraint object
  ForeignKeyConstraint objFKey = new ForeignKeyConstraint("FK_BookAuthors",  objParentColumn, objChildColumn);
  // set the "update" properties
  objFKey.DeleteRule = Rule.Cascade;//级联
  objFKey.UpdateRule = Rule.Cascade;

  // and add it to the Constraints collection

  // --------------------------------------------------------------
  // now we're ready to display the contents of the DataSet object
  // bind the collection of Tables to the first DataGrid on the page
  dgrTables.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables;

  // bind the collection of Constraints to the second DataGrid on the page
  dgrBookCons.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables["Books"].Constraints;

  // bind the collection of Constraints to the third DataGrid on the page
  dgrAuthorCons.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables["Authors"].Constraints;

  // create a DataView object to use with the tables in the DataSet
  DataView objDataView = new DataView();

  // get the default view of the Books table into the DataView object
  objDataView = objDataSet.Tables["Books"].DefaultView;
  // and bind it to the next DataGrid on the page
  dgrBooksData.DataSource = objDataView;

  // then do the same for the Authors table
  objDataView = objDataSet.Tables["Authors"].DefaultView;
  dgrAuthorsData.DataSource = objDataView;



To add custom functions to the NX menu, you can use the NXOpen.MenuBar class in NXOpen.NET API. Here is an example code that demonstrates how to add a custom function to the NX menu: ```vb Imports System Imports NXOpen Module Module1 Sub Main() ' Get the NX session Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession() ' Get the UI work part Dim theUI As UI = theSession.UI Dim lw As ListingWindow = theSession.ListingWindow ' Get the menu bar Dim menuBar As MenuBar = theUI.MenuBar ' Get the File menu Dim fileMenu As Menu = menuBar.GetMenu("File") ' Add a separator to the File menu fileMenu.AddSeparator() ' Add a custom function to the File menu Dim menuItem As MenuItem = fileMenu.AddMenuItem("Custom Function", AddressOf CustomFunction) ' Show a message box when the custom function is clicked Sub CustomFunction(ByVal item As MenuItem) lw.Open() lw.WriteLine("Custom function is clicked!") lw.Close() End Sub ' Start the NX message loop to display the menu theUI.NXMessageBox.Show("Menu Example", NXMessageBox.DialogType.Information, "Click OK to display the menu") theUI.NXMessageBox.GetMessage() ' Remove the custom function from the menu fileMenu.RemoveMenuItem(menuItem) End Sub End Module ``` In the above code, we first obtain the NX session and UI work part. Then, we get the MenuBar object using `theUI.MenuBar`. Next, we retrieve the desired menu (e.g., "File") using `GetMenu()` method. We can add a separator using `AddSeparator()` method and add a custom function using `AddMenuItem()` method, specifying the function to be called when the menu item is clicked. In the example above, the `CustomFunction` is a sub that will be executed when the custom function menu item is clicked. You can customize the behavior of this function to perform your desired actions. After adding the custom function, we start the NX message loop using `theUI.NXMessageBox.Show()` and `theUI.NXMessageBox.GetMessage()` to display the menu. Finally, we remove the custom function from the menu using `RemoveMenuItem()` method. Please note that above code is just an example, and you may need to adjust it based on your specific requirements and menu structure in NX.




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