
Unit 7

7-8、More practice in listening

Conversation 1

They need more supervision over the high charges and bribes.
More food assistance programs are needed for ill-nourished people.
Help people change their understanding and feelings about old age.
Governments should cooperate more to solve the problem.
She often gives up what she tries to do.

Conversation 2

Go to a store to get more emergency items.
Flashlights and cash.
Because the credit card machines may not work properly.

Passages 1

The stealing of retail items from their stores by thieves.
Sell goods at higher prices than they normally do.
Larger retailers.
Putting security devices on products.

Passages 2

3、develop an appetite for
4、associated with
5、contribute to
6、follow suit

News 1

They used the mixture of the skin cells from a fetus with collagen to repair damage from burns.
Skin from other parts of a patient’s body is used.
It uses less time to recover.

News 2

It is possibly linked to microcephaly.
Eighty percent of those who get it do not show any symptom.
In Uganda.

7-10 Unit Test


The man taking something from her.
The man thinks the woman’s new job is good.
Deaths because of war.
A classroom.
They have good jobs.


M: What’s the matter? Don’t you know you can trust me? I’m honest.
W: How can I be sure of that? From what everyone says, you’d steal from your own grandmother. If that’s true, you’d steal from me.
Q: What’s the woman concerned about?
W: I got this new job working with homeless children in the city center. I’m really excited about it.
M: I bet. It doesn’t sound like the kind of thing you can get rich doing, but it’s sure to be satisfying, you know, by helping people and all.
Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
W: I think you should concern yourself less with war and terrible things in the world, and concern yourself more with things you can control, like your studies.
M: What? How can I possibly study when so many people are dying in the world?
Q: What is the man concerned about?
W: Before I begin today’s lesson on crime and the prison system, could anyone tell me why crime is more common in cities than in small towns?
M: Didn’t you answer this question yesterday – that crime is common where people don’t know one another?
Q: Where is this conversation taking place?
W: It’s unbelievable that women in this day and age still don’t have equal rights with men.
M: What are you talking about? When I look around, I see women in important jobs everywhere. It seems as if you all do have equal rights.
Q: Why does the man think women are equal to men?


A bright light disappearing behind a hill.
He drove towards it.
He carried the man on his shoulder to a flying saucer.
She does not believe the man’s story.


Policewoman: Hello, Officer Jones speaking.
Man: Help. Yeah, uh, it was strange, very strange.
Policewoman: Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to report?
Man: Well, I’d like to report a UFO sighting.
Policewoman: A what?
Man: What do you mean “what”? An unidentified flying object!
Policewoman: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.
Man: Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 am, when I saw that bright light overhead.
Policewoman: OK. And then what happened?
Man: Oh, man. Well, I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.
Policewoman: All right. Then what?
Man: Well, I got back in my car and started driving toward where the UFO landed.
Policewoman: Now, how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane or the headlights of an approaching car. Things like that happen, you know.
Man: Well, if it was that, how do you explain “the BEAST”?
Policewoman: What do you mean by “the beast”?
Man: OK. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.
Policewoman: Oh, yeah. Then what?
Man: Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and shouted, “Get out of the car. I’m taking you to my master!”
Policewoman: Wow? A hairy alien who can speak English! Come on!
Man: I’m not making this up. Then, when I didn’t get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulders to a round-shaped flying saucer. When I woke up, I found myself lying alongside the road. The beast must have knocked me out and left me there.
Policewoman: Well, that’s the best story I’ve heard all night, sir. Now, have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours?
Man: Well, I did have a few beers, but I’m telling the truth.
Policewoman: OK, OK. We have a great doctor who deals with these kinds of cases.

Q 6: What does the man report to the policewoman?

Q 7: What did the man see?

Q 8: What did the man do when he sighted what he believed to be a UFO?

Q 9: What does the man say the “beast” did?

Q 10: What does the policewoman imply by asking “Have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours?”


The crises after job loss are worse than the loss itself.
More than 700 subjects averaging over 30 years of age.
All of the above.
Their health and emotional functioning were both poor.
Long-lasting depression from job loss.


While it may not be surprising that job loss and the resulting financial pressure can lead to depression, new study findings by Dr. Howard Price of the University of Ohio show that this and other negative consequences of unemployment can last for up to two years, even after a person gets another job.

It is not simply the loss of employment that keeps individuals in a prolonged state of depression or otherwise poor health, but rather the series of negative events that follows that loss. It is the crises that follow job loss that are more damaging than the loss itself.

Dr. Price and his colleagues investigated the link between job loss and depression, damaged functioning and poor health in a study of 756 job-seekers who were involuntarily unemployed for roughly three months or less and had no hopes of being recalled to their former positions. The study participants were 33 years old on average, and most had completed high school.

Overall, the financial pressure that resulted from the participants’ unemployment led to a series of negative life events. For example, if some people lose their jobs, they may have difficulty making a car payment, which can cause them to lose their cars, and then lose their abilities to search for jobs. In addition, losing healthcare benefits due to unemployment will affect a person’s ability to care for a family member with a life-long illness, all of which can create a huge pressure on family relationships.

Such negative events seem to have caused the study participants to have more symptoms of depression and a greater perception that they had lost personal control, including lowered self-esteem, study findings indicate.

Further, this depression and perceived loss of personal control remained evident in follow-ups conducted six months and two years later, when 60% and 71% of the study participants had been re-employed and were working at least 20 hours a week. What’s more, the study participants’ perceived loss of personal control led to reports of poor health and poor emotional functioning in daily tasks.

Q 11: Which of the following is true, according to the speaker?

Q 12: What are the subjects in the study like?

Q 13: Which of the following does the speaker mention as a result of unemployment?

Q 14: Which of the following is true of the study participants who found new jobs?

Q 15: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?


23、less time
24、ill effects
25、remained unaffected


In recent years the weekend has begun to decline in importance. While most people work a five-day workweek, when the hardware costs outweigh human costs, the competitiveness of the modern economy means that leaving a factory idle for two days or an office unmanned is too great an expense. Thus, many workers regularly work on weekends. Since this is seen as a greater burden, most employers pay extra for weekend work, either by agreement or by law. The rapid increase in the number of two-income households has also changed the character of the weekend. Previously the stay-at-home spouse would do the shopping during the week. With both working, most of the shopping must be done on weekends, leaving less time for recreation. To serve these new shoppers it is also necessary for more stores to remain open and thus more people to work on weekends. The functions of the workweek and weekend vary a great deal in some areas. Stores that rely on office workers will see far less business on a weekend, while those in the suburbs or in residential areas will see far more. Weekends are days when people can safely sleep in and also not have to worry as much about the ill effects of a hangover, so Friday and Saturday nights are the busiest for bars, restaurants, clubs, and movie theaters. There is substantially less activity on many websites on weekends. One area in which the weekend has remained unaffected is education, where schools are shut on Saturdays and Sundays.





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