
Skeletonz is a new content management system (CMS) based on Python. It differs from others by being simple, but yet very powerful and extensible. If you need a simple system that you and your users are going love then Skeletonz might be the solution you are looking for! The system is open source and released under GNU GPL.

Notice: Show me are animations that can take some time to load. They are around 200kb each.


Simple admin section
Add users, do zip backups and manage templates with ease

Simple and intuitive syntax
The edit system is simple and intuitive

Responsive interface
You and your users won't reload that often!
Most things in Skeletonz are Ajax based.

Powerful plugins
Plugins can extend almost anything and a lot of core features are plugins

Super perfomance
Skeletonz is built to perform! Featuring automatic caching and expiring.

Python powered
Clean and modual Python code. Take a look at our code!

Much more!
Powerful template system, spell checking, UTF-8 support etc...

Who is using Skeletonz?

Skeletonz has been in development since October 2005. Currently the user base is small, but here are some sites that use Skeletonz:

* Bioinformatics Research Center - Skeletonz is used since February 2006 with almost 100% uptime!
* Orangoo Labs
* Todoist Blog
* amix.dk blog
* Chloecello.net
* The Aspuru-Guzik group at Harvard University

Skeletonz current version number is 1.0. To see how to install Skeletonz, please check out getting started guide.
Who is behind it?

The CMS system was initially made by Amir Salihefendic. The system is copyrighted by Bioinformatics Research Center, University of Aarhus.

Posted on April 20, 2009 3:35 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

经过两轮测试与修复,PHP168 V6定于4月20日盛大全面公测。V6版定义为CMS领域的创造版。








更多详细资料 - http://www.php168.com/

Posted on April 20, 2009 12:12 AM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)





DedeCms 企业站系统内核是经过精简的DedeCms系统,去掉了不必要的功能,同时具有如下特性:






说实话,我很支持Dedecms这个方向:现在网络上企业网站的建站程序倒是不少,但好的、使用方便的、安全性较好的,则寥寥无几 。。。


Posted on April 17, 2009 12:23 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

PHP168 V6版 将于4月10日开启测试




PHP168 官方坚信站长是互联网的核心,站长完全可运营主流的互联网平台。PHP168官方期望能协助站长建立一批有影响力的商务站和领域站。
















13、无评论,不新闻-----V6文章评论功能将深度优化, 让用户有更好阅读性,参与性.









在中国信息化之路上, PHP168作为国内杰出技术团队,理解程序为用户所用,不断创新梳理,为用户、合作伙伴、机构等开发实用、卓越的互联网产品。

Posted on April 10, 2009 12:43 AM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

    在发布了六个版本之后,JEECMS v2.3.2 Final版终于在2009年4月6日如期发布了,这是自JEECMS面世以来发布的第一个正式版本,这个版本的稳定性与工作性能已经得到提高和巩固。正式版主要修正了之前beta版的一些bug,处理了程序运行时可能会出现的报错信息,使其更加友好。以下是JEECMS发展历程中值得纪念的几个阶段:

    ·2008年10月20日,JEECMS v1.0 beta版发布,标志着JEECMS的诞生

    ·2008年11月29日,JEECMS v2.0 beta版发布,超过50%的代码被重构,改进了模板机制,美化了后台管理界面

    ·2008年12月24日,JEECMS v2.1 beta版发布,加入模板可视化编辑、模板方案导入/导出功能、缩略图动态裁剪

    ·2009年01月15日,JEECMS v2.2 beta版发布,公布了ponyjava包源码,标志着JEECMS完全开源,降低运行环境要求

    ·2009年03月10日,JEECMS v2.3 beta版发布,加入多站点功能,增加了一套新模板

    ·2009年03月20日,JEECMS v2.3.2 正式版发布

    JEECMS v2.3.2 正式版具有如下特性:




    五、面向未来的过渡,JEECMS v2.3.2 Final版是JEECMS面世以来发布的第一个正式版本,具有更大的灵活性和稳定性;

   JEECMS v2.3.2 正式版功能列表:




















    JEECMS v2.3.2 Final版下载地址:

    JEECMS v2.3.2 Final版运行环境要求:


    ·Web服务器:TOMCAT 5.0及以上

    ·JDK:JDK 1.5及以上

    ·MySql:MySQL 5.0及以上

Posted on April 6, 2009 7:15 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

What's New
  • New Group Admin page from the admin panel. (related post)
  • A lot of Wrong Referrer fixes. This is the main reason for the RC4 release.
  • Clicking the modify story from submit step 3 now prefills the data from step 2 so you don't have to enter it again.
  • Fixes for allowed HTML tags
  • Login will now apply to both www. and non-www. urls. Previously logging in from www.domain.com wouldn't log you in to domain.com and vice versa.
  • Fix for ampersand (&) used in categories

This list is just a brief outline of some of the larger changes made since the last release. Several small changes have been left out. For a complete changelog we suggest checking our SVN logs or reading the Pligg Twitter page.
You can also follow the bugs on the Pligg Projects page.

Download Pligg 1.0.0 RC4.zip

Posted on March 31, 2009 4:35 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

The Joomla Project announces the immediate availability of Joomla 1.5.10 [Wohmamni]. This is a security release and users are strongly encouraged to upgrade immediately.

This release contains 66 bug fixes, one low-level security fix, and one moderate-level security fix. It has been 11 weeks since Joomla 1.5.9 was released on January 10, 2009. The Development Working Group's goal is to continue to provide regular, frequent updates to the Joomla community.

Download Joomla 1.5.10  Full package

Release Notes


One low-level and one moderate-level security issue were fixed in this release:

    * Moderate Priority: A series of XSS and CSRF faults exist in the administrator application. Affected administrator components include com_admin, com_media, com_search. Both com_admin and com_search contain XSS vulnerabilities, and com_media contains 2 CSRF vulnerabilities. More information ??
    * Low Priority: A XSS vulnerability exists in the category view of com_content. More information ??

For additional information, visit the Joomla Security Center.

    * Article Alias no longer missing from Category Views (14228)
    * Section List now drills down correctly to a Category List with Global Content Filters (14510)
    * Web link Router now uses correct Category value (14705)
    * Article HTML filtering correct when only one Filter group selected (14758)
    * Tooltip Help corrected for Section, Category, and Article Alias (15007)
    * Sorting lists by values other than Order corrected (15107)
    * Archived Article Filter Function works correctly (15124)
    * Ampersand in site name no longer breaks Position value in vCard (15143)
    * Added "/" before URL in Remind Me and Password links for com_user (15215)
    * Search works properly using international characters with SEF enabled (15233)
    * Register to Read More in redirect URL correct for Section and Category Menu Items (15266)
    * Multiple Search Menu Items now return correct ItemID (15293)
    * com_media no longer incorrectly loads CSS files from the backend (15354)
    * Fixed invalid XHTML output in com_content and com_contact (15362)
    * Small errors in code comments corrected for com_user (15461)


    * Changing the module's 'Position' value now correctly changes the value for the 'Order' listbox. (12119)
    * When Module is saved, Module's cache is now cleared (12137)
    * Encoding behavior for quotes and ampersands corrected in Modules (13111)
    * Menu image alignment resolved (14071)
    * Menu Alias respects Active setting (14767)
    * Resolved tag error in mod_feed (14948)
    * Login Redirect returns to current page when no Redirect URL is specified (15376)


    * Fixed ID tags used by openid.js (13285)
    * Pagebreak works correctly with JCE (14525)
    * Pagebreak outputs correct XHTML elements (14496)
    * Pagebreak accurately tracks active page (14558)
    * Pagebreak works correctly with Section tables (14827)
    * Caching error resolved for Remember Me function (14857)
    * Menu Item changes are now cached properly (14896)
    * SEF Plugin correctly handles "Data" attribute (15137)
    * Load Position no longer deletes dollar sign and next two positions, in Module output (15237)


    * No legacy issues fixed for this release.


    * Beez: Correct Last Updated date used in Section Blog (14571)
    * JA Purity: All Article text no longer linked when Category presented (14286)
    * rhuk Milkyway: Correct authorEmail value (14439)
    * Corrected RTL issue for Site Title when mouse hovering over Template Logo (14945)


    * Localization for user name corrected in registration form (14468)
    * Corrected localization issue for new Module (13999)
    * User details translatable (14710)
    * Localization corrected for installation of Component  (14859)
    * Copy Menu Items function is now translatable (14944)
    * Pagebreak now translatable (15300)
    * Uninstalling a Component now has all Language Strings (15375)


    * Categories are now sortable in reverse order by Order data element (14004)
    * Parameter Element ID for folderlist and filelist are correct (14514)
    * Date format correct for 'checked out date'  (14381)


    * Installation of Extensions no longer fails when zip files are included (9701)
    * No longer missing l10n in JApplicationHelper::parseXMLInstallFile() (11798)
    * Resolved Javascript errors created by previous SEF Background Image Fix (13973)
    * Resolved problem with error handling in JFactory::getXMLParser (14022)
    * Case-sensitive image extensions (14059)
    * Atom feed validates correctly (14515)
    * JString::RTrim method is correct (14491)
    * Removed short open tag in admin.categories.html.php (14660)
    * JInstallerComponent::_rollback_menu() error resolved when getting DB Connector (14795)
    * File move now correctly returns "false" when not read or writable (14818)
    * Directory Permissions listed correctly for Temp and Log Folders (14865)
    * JFolder::folders no longer returns unnecessary warning (14875)
    * Setting Tooltip Offset works correctly (15006)
    * JArchiveZip::_extractNative() correctly identifies zip_open() failure (15044)
    * Installer.php parseMedia points to correct folder (15047)
    * Custom Install file upgraded on Component installation (15217)
    * Undefined index HTTP_USER_AGENT error fixed in behavior.php (15282)


Statistics for the 1.5.10 release period:

    * Joomla 1.5.10 contains:
          o 68 issues fixed in SVN
          o 281 commits
    * Tracker activity resulted in a net decrease of 8 active issues:
          o 176 new reports
          o 133 closed
          o 68 fixed in SVN
    * At the time the 1.5.10 release was packaged, the tracker had 95 active issues:
          o 44 open
          o 40 confirmed
          o 11 pending

Joomla! Bug Squad

Thanks to the Joomla Bug Squad for their dedicated efforts investigating reports, fixing problems, and applying patches to Joomla. If you find a bug with Joomla, find out more information here on how to report the bug.

Active members of the Joomla Bug Squad during this last release cycle include: Ian MacLennan and Mark Dexter co-coordinators; Airton Torres, Akarawuth Tamrareang, Arno Zijlstra, Amy Stephen, Andrew Eddie, Anthony Ferrara, Ashwin Date, Dan Walker, Dennis Hermacki, Edvard Ananyan, Elin Waring, Ercan Ozkaya, Gerg?? Erd??si, Hannes Papenberg, Kevin Devine, Kevin Sookocheff, Klas Berli??, Marieke van der Tuin, Marijke Stuivenberg, Mati Kochen, Niels Braczek, Pete Nurse, Rosario Buste, Samuel Moffatt, Shantanu Bala, and Wilco Jansen.

A warm welcome to the newest members of the Joomla Bug Squad: Amit Kumar Singh, Andrew Rose, Ashwin Date, Edvard Ananyan, Joe Palmer, Kashyap Puranik, Niels Braczek, Parth Lawate, Pete Nurse, Philip Walton, Richard Malinowski, and Srinivas Chilukuri.
Posted on March 29, 2009 5:58 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

Hippo CMS is an open source information centered content management system. It's targetted at medium to large organisations managing content for multi-channel distribution like websites and intranets. It facilitates an open and flexible way of using your information by following international accepted open standards.Hippo CMS is user friendly, has an open architecture and is designed for interoperability with existing environments.Hippo CMS is built to integrate external sources of content into one. Therefore, it uses all relevant open standards to allow this integration. For many existing sources, connectors are available in the codebase.The open architecture of Hippo CMS has the following advantages:

 * Availability in the open source
 * Works with open standards
 * Reuse of content
 * Separation of content, design, logic and the CMS system itself.
 * User friendly user interface
 * Native XML, 100 % JAVA
 * No vendor lock-inThe Hippo CMS project was initiated and is maintained by Hippo.nl. Hippo CMS is based on several proven open source projects, mainly from the Apache Software foundation.

Homepage http://www.hippocms.org  Download Hippo CMS 6.05.06

Posted on March 27, 2009 8:21 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

This release is a maintenance release that does not include any new features, instead focusing on dozens of security and stability fixes across the framework.

With the release of 1.1 we are also happy to announce that 2.0 is well under way. It will include a number of enhancements we'll cover in detail in a soon-to-be-released post (for now, think simplified templating and a cleaner/faster module creation process). As of this time we intend to continue closing out any bugs or security issues that arise with the 1.0 release but most efforts (and the new features) will be coming with 2.0.

Download - SWCMS 1.1

Posted on March 26, 2009 5:19 PM | | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

Template: Comuna3
Release: TemplatePlazza
Compatible With: Joomla 1.5.x
Test Drive: Live Demo

Comuna 3, just like Comuna 1 and 2, is a Joomla template that dedicated to be use on community websites or social networking.


Designed with a clean and sleek look, making Comuna 3 suitable for a website with full concentration on contents. CSS implementation and lightweight codes made your Joomla website will have faster loading time and efficient.

We have developed Comuna 3 in two social networking component platforms for Joomla (so, Quickstart for this template also available in two versions.)
One, using Jomsocial (software social networking joomla commercial) and Community Builder (free / GLP component).

To use the Jomsocial version, you have to buy it first at jomsocial.com (because inside the available Quickstart on our server, Jomsocial is not included.) Install the jomsocial just like you install the usual component on Quickstart Jomsocial version, then all the dummy data dab setting as you seen on demo site will immediately sincronized. And for the CB version, all are included, just like the demo site :)

Oh, like always, a template from template plazza always came in with amazing features... :D

This time, the template came along with these extra extensions:

1. TPajaxtabs Module . With this module, you can load any modules inside a module. This action will optimizing space on your website and also with the ajax ability, TPajaxtabs will only loads contents from a module when visitor click on the tab of the desireable module. To have this module run well, you have to install the component first.
2. TP autovatar plugin . This plugin will display a picture of the writer on the head of the article. The avatar itself can be choose, is it from Jomsocial avatar or Community Builder. If there's no avatar available, then it will be replaced with a default image. This TPautovatar will make your website appear more professional and lovely.
3. Recent Activities module for Community Builder . This module will display the latest activities of the members, such as updating their profile, uploading pictures, etc.
4. Latest member module for Jomsocial . Because when this template was made there's no module with function that similar to Jomsocial.com, we decided to make this module on our own. This module will display the avatar of latest members who sign in on the website, which can be set on several options that are available on the backend of this module.
5. CB superthumb module for Joomla 1.5 . CB superthumb module is a multifunction module that can display avatar from the site member with different and flexible settings. This module will give your website a more interactive and attractive look. It is actually only available on J1.0 version, and now, here it is the Joomla 1.5 version.
6. Gjive category module for Joomla 1.5 . This module also actually only available on the Joomla 1.0 version. It can display group categories in gjive, in a directory format.
7. Spesial template for Jomsocial and Community Builder . We have edited template from Jomsocial and CB a bit, to make it blended well in comuna 3.
8. Inset position that only appears on common visitor. If user have login, this position will disappear. You can use this position to publish banner, or promotion that is aimed only for common visitor. For example, a banner with suggestion to join the website. To use it, simply assigned your module on inset position.
9. Template overriding for frontpage, that will change the appearance of your Joomla frontpage into a more professional and attractive look.
10. 4 variation design, 9 font styles, 3 font sizes, and 2 template orientation, that will give you power and flexibility to decide which layout that is suitable with what you want.

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