





第三步:打开工程Write Input Tables→weather stations




第四步:Write Input Tables→Write Swat Input tables→Select All→Create Table,完成后会由红色变成绿色,如下:



第一步:SWAT Simulation→Run Swat

确认时间段及设备型号,定好计算步长后先建立运行模型(Setup SWAT Run),然后再运行(Run Swat),运行完成后关闭页面。

第二步:SWAT Simulation→Read Swat Output读取输出表







file.cioMaster watershed file. This required file contains the names of watershed level files and parameters related to printing.
(watershed level file)主分水岭文件。这个需要的文件包含分水岭级别文件的名称和与打印相关的参数。
.figWatershed configuration file. This required file defines the routing network in the watershed and lists input fle names for the different objects in the watershed.
(watershed level file)流域配置文件。这个文件定义了流域内的路由网络,并列出了流域内不同对象的输入变量名。
.bsnBasin input file. This required file defines values or options used to model physical processes uniformly over the entire watershed. 
(watershed level file)盆地输入文件。这个必需的文件定义了用于在整个流域上统一建模物理过程的值或选项。
.pcpPrecipitation input file. This optional file contains daily measured precipitation for a measuring gage(s). Up to 18 precipitation files may be used in each simulation and each file can hold data for up to 300 stations. The data for a particular station is assigned to a subbasin in the subbasin input file  ( .sub).
(watershed level file) 降水输入文件。这个可选文件包含用于测量计的每日测量降水量。每次模拟可使用多达18个降水文件,每个文件可保存多达300个站点的数据。特定工作站的数据分配给子池输入文件(.sub)中的子池。
.tmpTemperature input file. This optional file contains daily measured maximum and minimum temperatures for a measuring gage(s). Up to 18 temperature files may be used in each simulation and each file can hold data for up to 150 stations. The data for a particular station is assigned to a subbasin in the subbasin input file (.sub).
(watershed level file)温度输入文件。此可选文件包含测量计的每日测量的最高和最低温度。多达18个温度文件可用于每个模拟和每个文件可以保存数据高达150个站。特定工作站的数据分配给子池输入文件(.sub)中的子池。
.slrSolar radiation input file. This optional file contains daily solar radiation for a measuring gage(s). The solar radiation file can hold data for up to 300 stations. The data for a particular station is assigned to a subbasin in the subbasin input file ( .sub).
(watershed level file)太阳辐射输入文件。这个可选文件包含用于测量计的每日太阳辐射。太阳辐射文件可以保存多达300个站点的数据。特定工作站的数据分配给子池输入文件(.sub)中的子池。
.wndWind speed input file. This optional file contains daily average wind speed for a measuring gage(s). The wind speed file can hold data for up to 300 stations. The data for a particular station is assigned to a subbasin in the subbasin input file (. sub).
(watershed level file)风速输入文件。此可选文件包含测量计的每日平均风速。风速文件可以保存多达300个站点的数据。在子盆地输入文件(.sub)。
.hmdRelative humidity input file. This optional file contains daily relative humidity values for a measuring gage(s). The relative humidity file can hold data for up to 300 stations. The data for a particular station is assigned to a subbasin in the subbasin input file (.sub).
(watershed level file) 相对湿度输入文件。此可选文件包含测量计的每日相对湿度值。相对湿度文件可以保存多达300个站点的数据。特定工作站的数据分配给子池输入文件(.sub)中的子池。
.petPotential evapotranspiration input file. This optional file contains daily PET values for the watershed.
(watershed level file)潜在蒸散发输入文件。这个可选文件包含分水岭的每日PET值。
.cstWeather forecast input file. This optional file contains the statistical data needed to generate representative daily climatic data for the subbasins during the forecast period.
(watershed level file)天气预报输入文件。该可选文件包含在预测期间为各子流域生成具有代表性的每日气候数据所需的统计数据。
.calAuto-calibration input file. This optional file(watershed level file) contains the data needed to operate the auto-calibration algorithms.
(watershed level file)自动校准输入文件。这个可选文件(分水岭级文件)包含操作自动校准算法所需的数据。
crop.datLand cover/ plant growth database file. This required file contains plant growth parameters for all land covers simulated in the watershed.
(watershed level file)土地覆盖/植物生长数据库文件。该文件包含流域内所有模拟土地覆盖的植物生长参数。
till.datTillage database file. This required file contains information on the amount and depth of mixing caused by tillage operations simulated in the watershed.
(watershed level file)耕作数据库文件。该文件包含有关流域模拟耕作作业造成的混合量和深度的信息。
pest.datPesticide database file. This required file contains information on mobility and degradation for all pesticides simulated in the watershed.
(watershed level file)农药数据库文件。该文件包含了流域中模拟的所有杀虫剂的迁移和降解的信息。
fert.datFertilizer database file. This required file contains information on the nutrient content of all fertilizers and manures simulated in the watershed.
(watershed level file)肥料数据库文件。该文件包含流域模拟的所有肥料和粪肥的养分含量信息。
urban.datUrban database file. This required file contains information on the build-up/wash-off of solids in urban areas simulated in the watershed.
(watershed level file)城市数据库文件。这一必要文件载有关于在流域模拟的城市地区固体堆积/冲刷情况的资料。
.subSubbasin input file. This required file for each subbasin defines climatic inputs,tributary channelattributes, and the number and types of HRUs in thesubbasin.
(subbasin level file)次盆地输入文件。每个子流域所需的文件定义了气候输入、支流河道属性以及子流域hru的数量和类型。
.wgnWeather generator input file. This required file contains the statistical data needed to generaterepresentative daily climatic data for a subbasin.
(subbasin level file)天气生成器输入文件。这个必需的文件包含为一个子流域生成代表性的每日气候数据所需的统计数据。
.pndPond/wetland input file.This optional file contains information for impoundments located within asubbasin.
(subbasin level file)池塘和湿地输入文件。这个可选文件包含位于子盆地内的蓄水池的信息。
.wusWater use input file. This optional file contains information for consumptive water use in a subbasin.
(subbasin level file)用水输入文件。这个可选文件包含子流域的耗水使用信息。
.rteMain channel input file. This required file contains parameters governing water and sediment movementin the main channel of a subbasin.
(subbasin level file)主通道输入文件。这个文件包含控制子流域主河道水沙运动的参数。
.wwqWatershed water quality input file. This optional file contains parameters used to model QUAL2E transformations in the main channels.
(watershed level file)流域水质输入文件。这个可选文件包含用于在主通道中建模QUAL2E转换的参数。
.swqStream water quality input file. This optional file contains parameters used to model pesticide andQUAL2Enutrient transformations in the mainchannel of the subbasin.
(subbasin level file)溪流水质输入文件。该可选文件包含用于模拟子池主渠道中农药和质量营养物转化的参数。
.hruHRUinput file. Required file for HRU level parameters.Catch-all file.
(HRU level file)HRUinput文件。HRU级别参数所需文件。所有文件。
.mgtManagement input file. This required file contains management scenarios and specifies the land coversimulated in the HRU.
(HRU level file)管理输入文件。该文件包含管理场景并指定HRU中模拟的土地覆盖。
.solSoilinput file. This required file contains information about the physical characteristics of thesoil in the HRU.
(HRU level file)Soilinput文件。这个文件包含HRU中土壤物理特性的信息。
.chmSoil chemical input file. This optional file contains information about initial nutrient and pesticide levelsof the soil in the HRU.
(HRU level file)土壤化学输入文件。这个可选文件包含有关赫鲁晓区土壤中养分和杀虫剂初始水平的信息。
.gwGroundwater input file. This required file contains information about the shallow and deep aquifer inthe subbasin. Because land covers differ in theirinteraction with the shallow aquifer,information inthis input file is allowed to be varied at the HRUlevel.
(HRU level file)地下水输入文件。这个文件包含关于子盆地浅层和深层含水层的信息。因为土地覆盖层与浅层含水层的相互作用不同,所以输入文件中的信息可以在HRUlevel上有所不同。
.resReservoir input file. This optional file contains parameters used to model the movement of water and sediment through a reservoir.
(reservoir file)水库输入文件。这个可选文件包含用于模拟水库中水和泥沙运动的参数。
.lwqLake water quality input file. This optional file contains parameters used to model the movement of nutrients and pesticides through a reservoir.
(reservoir file)湖泊水质输入文件。该可选文件包含用于模拟营养素和杀虫剂通过水库的移动的参数。
rechour.datPoint source input files. These optional files containinformation about loadings to the channel network from a point source. The type of file used to store the data depends on how the data is summarized (hourly, daily, monthly, yearly, or average annual).
(point source file)
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