A Japanese guy in China restaurant.

A Japanese guy takes his lunch in an China restaurant.
he asked the waiter a question with his lobster dish: "what will you do with the lobster shell after my

"of course, throw into trash can", the Chinese waiter answered.
Japanese guy said: "No! No! No! in Japan, we crush up the left lobster shell to make cookies, and shipment

the cookies to China";

after his dish, the waiter serve him some fruit.
Japanese find that here is a lemon, so he asked the waiter again: "what will you do with my left lemon

peel? "
"of course, throw into trash can", the Chinese waiter answered.
Japanese guy happily said: "No! No! No! in Japan, we powder the left lemon peel to make juice, and shipment

the juice to China";

the chewing gum Japanese guy also asked one more question when paying his bill: "so what will you do with

the chewed gum?"
"of course, throw into trash can", the Chinese waiter answered.
The triumphant Japanese guy said: "No! No! No! in Japan, we gather the chewed gum to make condom, and

shipment the condom to China";

The impatient waiter rhetorically asked: "then are you interesting what will we do with the used condom? "
"just throw into trash can", the Japanese answered.
"No! No! No! we produce chewing gum with used condom and shipment the gum to Japan!!!"

2008-12-12, by dbh. :)




侍者道。"NO!NO!NO!" 日本人摇摇头说,"在我们日本,吃剩的柠檬皮就送进工厂里,做成果珍,然后再卖到你们中国

结帐的时候,日本人一边嚼着口香糖,一边笑着问侍: "请问你们怎样处理吃剩的口香糖?""当然是吐掉啦,"侍者道。

"NO!NO!NO!" 日本人摇摇头,得意的说,"在我们日本,嚼过的口香糖就送进工厂里,做成套套,然后再卖到你们中国


说:"NO!NO!NO!在我们中国,用过的套套就 送进工厂里,做成口香糖,然后再卖到你们日本。

### 回答1: There are several ways to learn Japanese, some of the most effective ones include: 1. Enrolling in a language school or taking classes: This is a structured way of learning the language, as you will have access to a teacher and course materials. 2. Self-study with textbooks and online resources: There are many textbooks and online resources available for learning Japanese, such as textbooks, audio lessons, and apps. You can also find a tutor for one-on-one lessons, or join a language exchange program where you can practice speaking with a native speaker. 3. Immersion through travel or living in Japan: Immersion is one of the most effective ways to learn a language, and living or traveling in Japan will give you the opportunity to practice speaking and listening to the language every day. 4. Participating in language exchanges or conversation groups: You can find language exchange partners through websites or local language clubs, where you can practice speaking with native speakers in a relaxed and informal setting. 5. Watching Japanese TV shows, movies, and dramas: This is a fun and entertaining way to learn the language, as you'll be exposed to authentic Japanese speech and culture. Regardless of the method you choose, consistency and perseverance are key to making progress in learning Japanese. ### 回答2: 学习日语有很多方法,下面是几种常见的学习日语的方式: 1. 课堂学习:参加语言学校或课外培训班,有专业的老师教授日语基础知识和语法规则,同时提供互动训练和练习。 2. 自学教材:购买适合自学的日语教材,如教科书、语法书、词汇书等,并利用相关的学习资源,如录音、视频等来提升听力和口语能力。 3. 听力训练:通过听日语电台、音频课程、日语电影和动画等来提升听力水平,同时也可以从中学习日语的发音和语调。 4. 阅读练习:阅读日语杂志、新闻、小说和漫画等,可以扩展词汇量和理解力,并提升语法运用能力。 5. 交流实践:和会讲日语的人交流,尽可能多地使用日语进行对话,并参加语言交流活动和日语角或在线论坛等,以提升口语表达能力和自信心。 6. 创造语境:多制造练习日语的机会,例如在日语环境下写日记、翻译句子、创作日语歌曲或演讲等,来提升写作和口语能力。 7. 使用语言学习应用:下载日语学习APP,进行日常的单词记忆、语法学习和练习,如利用Anki、Duolingo等提高学习效率。 8. 培养兴趣:通过观看日本电视剧、电影和综艺节目等,对日本文化和语言产生浓厚的兴趣,从而激发学习的动力。 总之,不同的学习方法可以相互结合,根据个人的兴趣和学习方式选择适合自己的学习方法,坚持不懈地学习日语,相信一定能够取得进步。




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