Apache HTTP最新官方配置(中译版[1])


# Based upon the NCSA server configuration files originally by Rob McCool.

#参照NCSA服务器的配置文件,原版由Rob McCool发布


# This is the main Apache server configuration file.  It contains the

# configuration directives that give the server its instructions.

# See <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/> for detailed information about

# the directives.

#这是Apache server的主配置文件. 它包含配置指令,来指示服务器

#请参考 http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0 了解关于指令的详细信息

# Do NOT simply read the instructions in here without understanding

# what they do.  They're here only as hints or reminders.  If you are unsure

# consult the online docs. You have been warned. 



# The configuration directives are grouped into three basic sections:


#  1. Directives that control the operation of the Apache server process as a

#     whole (the 'global environment').

#  1. 控制Apache server的全局操作的指令(全局环境变量).

#  2. Directives that define the parameters of the 'main' or 'default' server,

#     which responds to requests that aren't handled by a virtual host.

#     These directives also provide default values for the settings

#     of all virtual hosts.

#  2.配置主服务或者默认服务的指令,它针对那些被虚拟主机以外的请求作出响应.

#    它也包含虚拟主机的一些默认参数

#  3. Settings for virtual hosts, which allow Web requests to be sent to

#     different IP addresses or hostnames and have them handled by the

#     same Apache server process.

#  3. 虚拟主机设置,这使得发往不同的ip或者主机名的请求可以被子同一个Apache服务#     器处理

# Configuration and logfile names: If the filenames you specify for many

# of the server's control files begin with "/" (or "drive:/" for Win32), the

# server will use that explicit path.  If the filenames do *not* begin

# with "/", the value of ServerRoot is prepended -- so "logs/foo.log"

# with ServerRoot set to "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2" will be interpreted by the

# server as "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/logs/foo.log".

#配置和日志文件名:如果你所指定的文件名以”/”(在Win32中以盘符:/)开头,服务器将以绝对路径来处理。如果不以”/”开头,则以相对于ServerRoot不解释,所以对于logs/foo.log来讲,当ServerRoot"C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2”时,则指的是

C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/logs/foo.log文件

# NOTE: Where filenames are specified, you must use forward slashes

# instead of backslashes (e.g., "c:/apache" instead of "c:/apache").


# If a drive letter is omitted, the drive on which Apache.exe is located

# will be used by default.  It is recommended that you always supply

# an explicit drive letter in absolute paths, however, to avoid

# confusion.




### Section 1: Global Environment



# The directives in this section affect the overall operation of Apache,

# such as the number of concurrent requests it can handle or where it

# can find its configuration files.




# ServerRoot: The top of the directory tree under which the server's

# configuration, error, and log files are kept.

# ServerRoot: 服务器的配置,错误和日志文件的根目录

# NOTE!  If you intend to place this on an NFS (or otherwise network)

# mounted filesystem then please read the LockFile documentation (available

# at <URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/mpm_common.html#lockfile>);

# you will save yourself a lot of trouble.


# Do NOT add a slash at the end of the directory path.


ServerRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2"



# ScoreBoardFile: File used to store internal server process information.

# If unspecified (the default), the scoreboard will be stored in an

# anonymous shared memory segment, and will be unavailable to third-party

# applications.

ScoreBoardFile: 保存服务器内部的处理信息


# If specified, ensure that no two invocations of Apache share the same

# scoreboard file. The scoreboard file MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL DISK.

# 如果已定义,应确保Apache的两个调用不能共享同一个scoreboard. Scoreboard文件必须存放在可分配的磁盘上




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