SQL 练习题自写答案

create database edu;

use edu;
create schema zhangjie authorization guest;

create table student(
	sno char(8) not null,
	sname char(8) not null,
	sex char(2),
	native char(20),
	birthday datetime,
	pno char(4),
	dno char(6),
	classno char(4),
	entime datetime,
	home varchar(40),
	tel varchar(40),
	primary key(sno)

create table course(
	cno char(10) not null,
	cname char(20) not null,
	cpno char(10),
	experiment tinyint,
	lecture tinyint,
	semester tinyint,
	credit tinyint
	primary key(cno)

create table student_course(
	sno char(8) not null,
	cno char(10) not null,
	score tinyint,
	primary key(sno,cno),
	foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
	foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

create table teacher(
	tno char(8) not null,
	tname char(8) not null,
	sex char(2),
	birthday datetime,
	dno char(6),
	pno varchar(20),
	home varchar(40),
	zipcode char(6),
	tel varchar(40),
	email varchar(40),
	primary key(tno)
create table teacher_course(
	tcid smallint not null,
	tno char(8),
	classno char(4),
	cno char(10),
	semester char(6),
	schoolyear char(10),
	classtime varchar(40),
	classroom varchar(40),
	weektime tinyint
	primary key(tcid),
	foreign key(tno) references teacher(tno),
	foreign key(cno) references course(cno)

create table department(
	dno char(6) not null,
	dname char(8) not null,
	dhome varchar(40),
	dzipcode char(6),
	dtel varchar(40),
	primary key(dno)
create unique index upup on student(sname desc); 

create index upupup on student(birthday asc);

create index aaa on student_course(sno asc,cno desc);

create index bbb on teacher(tno asc);

drop index student_course.aaa;
drop index student.upup;
insert into student











('20101012','刘伟','男','河北保定	','1989-03-15','2','4','2','2010-9-1','河北保定','15232598762'),



insert into course
('5','c 语言程序设计',null,'18','45','1','3'),
('6','WEB 开发',null,'28','72','1','2'),

insert into student_course

insert into teacher

insert into teacher_course

insert into department
values('1','法政学院','河北省石家庄市裕华区南二环东路 20 号','50024','80788100'),
('2','教育学院','河北省石家庄市裕华区南二环东路 20 号','50024','80788101'),
('3','软件学院','河北省石家庄市裕华区南二环东路 20 号','50024','80788102'),
('4','数信学院','河北省石家庄市裕华区南二环东路 20 号','50024','80788102');

select sno,sname,native
from student;

select cname,credit
from course;

select tname,sex,tel
from teacher;

select cno,cname,lecture
from course;

select sname, '联系方式 :' +tel '联系方式'
from student;

select count(distinct tno)
from teacher;

select tname,home,zipcode'邮政编码'
from teacher;

select sname
from student;

select tno
from teacher
where semester = 1 and tno in (select tno 
											from teacher_course);

select sno
from student
where sno in (select sno 
						from student_course);

select sno,sname
from student 
where native = '河北保定';

--12)查询课程学分小于 3 分的课程名称
select cname
from course
where credit < 3;

--13)查询在 c201 教室上课的教师编号
select distinct tno
from teacher_course
where classroom = 'c201';

select dtel
from department
where dname = '软件学院';

--15)查询学生成绩在 60-90 分的学生的学号和课程号
select sno,cno
from student_course
where score between 60 and 90;

--16)查询学分为 3 分的课程信息
select *
from course
where  credit = '3';

--17)查询在教学楼 C 座上课的教师的编号
select tno
from teacher_course
where classroom like '%c%';

select cno,cname
from course
where cpno is not null;

select *
from student
where native like '山东%';

--20)查询姓名为 3 个字,前两个字为‘上官’的学生学号和姓名
 select sno,sname
from student
where sname like '上官__';
--21)查询专业号为 3 的女学生的姓名、生日和家庭住址
select sname,birthday,home
from student
where pno = '3' and sex = '女';

select cno,score
from student_course
where sno = '20101001'
order by score asc;

select *
from course 
order by lecture desc,credit asc;

select tname,birthday
from teacher
order by birthday desc;

--25)查询选修 2 号课程学生成绩的最大值和最小值 
select MAX(score),MIN(score)
from student_course
where cno = '2';

select COUNT(tno)
from teacher;

--27)查询所有专业号为 1 的学生人数
select COUNT(sno)
from student
where pno = 1;

--28)查询选课人数超过 5 人的课程编号
select cno
from student_course
group by cno
having COUNT(*)>5;

select student.*,department.dname,department.dtel
from student,department
where student.dno = department.dno;

select teacher_course.classno,classroom,weektime
from teacher_course,teacher
where teacher_course.tno = teacher.tno and teacher.tname = '李亮';

select sno,sname
from student
where sno in (select sno 
						from student_course
							where 	cno in (select cno 
													from course
													where cname = '数据库系统概论' or cname = '数据结构'));

--32-67 要求至少使用两种方式查询(对复杂查询,可以建立视图)

select classno
from student
where sex = '男'
group by classno
having COUNT(*)<2
select classno
from student
where classno not in (select distinct classno 
								from student
								where sex = '男');
select distinct department.*
from department,teacher
where department.dno = teacher.dno and teacher.pno = '教授';

select *
from department
where dno in (select distinct dno
						from teacher
						 where pno = '教授');

select teacher.*,teacher_course.*
from teacher left outer join teacher_course
on teacher.tno = teacher_course.tno;

-----------------------------------------------------------35).查询每门课程及其被选修的人数 group by后可以是多列

select course.cno,course.cname,COUNT(*)
from course left outer join student_course
on course.cno = student_course.cno
group by course.cno,course.cname;

select *
from course
where cno in(select cno
						from  teacher_course
						where tno in (select tno 
												from teacher
												where 	home like '河北%'));

select *
from student
where dno in (select dno 
						from department
						where 	dname = '软件学院');

-----------------------------------------------------------------38).查询班级人数最多的班的学生情况	(top 1)
select *
from student
where classno in (select classno
							from student
							group by classno
							having COUNT(*) >= all (select COUNT(*)
																	from student
																	group by classno));

select *
from student
where classno in (select top 1 classno
							from student
							group by classno 
							order by COUNT(*) desc );


select cno,cname
from course
where cno in (select distinct  cno
						from student_course
							where	sno in (select sno	
													from student
													where sname like '张%'));

select cno,AVG(score)
from student_course
where sno in (select sno
						from student	
						where sex = '男'	)
group by cno;	

--41).查询哪些学生选修了授课学时为 54 的课程
select *
from student
where sno in (select distinct sno
						from student_course
							where 	cno in (select cno
													from course
													where lecture = 54));

select *
from student
where not exists(select *
							from course
							where lecture = 54  and not exists (select *
																					from student_course
																					where student.sno = student_course.sno
																					and course.cno = student_course.cno));


select *
from student
where YEAR(birthday) > all(select YEAR(birthday)
											from student
											where dno in (select dno
																	from department
																		where 	dname = '软件学院'));

select *
from student
where YEAR(birthday) < any(select YEAR(birthday)
										from student
										where dno in (select dno
																from department
																where dname = '数信学院')) and dno in(select dno 
																																from department
																																where dname = '教育学院');

--44).查询班级号为 1 的班的学生 c 语言程序设计成绩的平均成绩
select AVG(score)
from student_course
where sno in (select sno
						from student
							where classno = '1'	) and cno in (select cno 
																					from course
																					where cname = 'c 语言程序设计');

select 	classno,AVG(score)
from student_course,student
where student_course.sno = student.sno and cno in (select cno
																					from course
																					where cname = '计算机导论'	)		
group by classno
having AVG(score) >= all (select 	AVG(score)
											from student_course,student
											where student_course.sno = student.sno and cno in (select cno
																																from course
																																where cname = '计算机导论'	)		
											group by classno);

select *
from teacher
where tno in(select tno
					from teacher_course
					where cno in (select cno
					from student_course
					group by cno
					having COUNT(*) >=all(select COUNT(sno)
														from student_course
														group by cno)));

select cno ,AVG(score)
from student_course
where cno in (select cno
						from teacher_course
						where tno = (select tno 
											from teacher
											where tname = '余孝天'))
group by cno;

select classno,avg(score) '平均成绩'
from student_course,student
where student_course.sno = student.sno and cno in((select cno 
																					from teacher_course  
																						where	tno in(select tno 
																												from teacher
																												where tname = '鲁婵娟')))
group by classno;


select *
from student_course,student
where student_course.sno = student.sno and cno in((select cno 
																					from teacher_course  
																						where	tno in(select tno 
																												from teacher
																												where tname = '鲁婵娟')))

select COUNT(distinct sno)
from student_course
where cno in (select cpno 
						from course 
							where 	cname = '数据结构');

select *
from course
where cno in (select cno 
						from teacher_course
								where tno in(select tno 
														from teacher
															where dno in (select dno
																					from department
																						where dname = '软件学院')));

select *
from course
where cno in (select cno 
						from teacher_course
								where tno in(select tno 
														from teacher
															where dno in (select dno
																					from department
																						where dname = '软件学院')))
order by cno desc;

select tname,dno
from teacher
where  tno not in (select	tno
							from teacher_course );

select pno,COUNT(tno)
from teacher
where dno in (select dno 
						from department
						where 	dname = '软件学院')
group by pno;

select *
from student
where sno in (select sno
						from student_course
						where cno = (select cno
												from course
												where cname = '数据结构'	)
												and score >(select AVG(score)
																	from student_course
																	where cno in (select cno 
																							from course
																							where cname = '数据结构')));
select student_course.sno,student.sname,cname,score,teacher.tname
from student_course,student,course,teacher_course,teacher
where student_course.sno = student.sno and course.cno = student_course.cno  and teacher_course.cno = course.cno and teacher_course.tno = teacher.tno;

select classno
from teacher_course
where semester = '1' and tno in (select tno
														from teacher
														where dno in(select dno
																				from department
																				where dname = '法政学院'))

--58).查询第 2 学期哪些教师在公教楼上课。
select *
from teacher
where tno in (select tno
						from teacher_course
						where semester = '1' and classroom like '公教楼%');


select cno,AVG(score)
from student_course
where cno in (select cno
						from teacher_course
							where tno in (select tno
													from teacher
														where dno in ((select dno
																					from department
																					where dname = '数信学院'))))
group by cno;


select *
from student
where not exists (select *
							from course
							where not exists(select *
														from student_course
														where student.sno = student_course.sno
														and course.cno = student_course.cno));

select *
from student
where not exists (select *
							from course
							where cno in (select cno
												from teacher_course
												where tno in	(select tno
																	from teacher
																	where tname = '鲁婵娟'	)) and not exists(select *
																																	from student_course
																																	where student.sno = student_course.sno
																																	and course.cno = student_course.cno));

select *
from student
where classno in (select classno
							from student
								where sname = '张小兵')
								and sname != '张小兵';

--63).查询和刘英伟同年出生的学生信息(参考 sql 日期操作函数)
select *
from student
where YEAR(birthday) in (select YEAR(birthday)
										from student
											where sname = '刘英伟')
											and sname != '刘英伟';

--64).查询选修了 3 门以上课程学生信息
select *
from student
where sno in (select sno
					from student_course
					group by sno
					having COUNT(*) > 3);

--65).查询至少有 2 名女生的班级的学生信息
select *
from student
where classno in (select classno
								from student
								where sex = '女'
								group by classno
								having COUNT(*)>2);

--66).查询软件学院年龄小于 25 岁的老师的信息
select *
from teacher
where 	dno in (select dno	
						from department
						where dname = '软件学院')  and 	2020-YEAR(birthday) < 25; 

select *
from student_course a
where score > (select AVG(score)
						from student_course b
						where a.cno = b.cno	
						group by b.cno);


--68).年龄小于 23 岁的女老师和女学生的信息
select *
from teacher
where 2020 - YEAR(birthday) <23
select *
from student
where sex = '女';

select *
from teacher
where tno not in(select tno
							from teacher_course

--70).查询班级号为 3,且性别为女的学生的信息
select *
from student
where classno = '3' and sex = '女';

--(1)将年龄小于 18 岁的男同学的年龄都增大 1 岁。
update student
set birthday =  birthday -1
where 2020- YEAR(birthday) >18;

--(2)将王英老师的联系电话改为 83421236。
update teacher
set tel = '83421236'
where tname = '王英';

update teacher_course
set classroom = 'D404'
where cno in (select cno
						from course
							where cname = '数据结构');

--(4)将“数据库原理”课程成绩在 70 分以下的加 5 分。
update student_course
set score = score+5
where cno in(select cno
						from course
							where cname = '数据库原理');

--(5)将所有计算机系学生的“高等数学”课的成绩加 10 分。
update student_course
set score = score + 10
where cno in (select cno
						from course
							where cname = '高等数学') and sno in (select sno
																								from student
																									where dno in (select dno
																															from department
																																where dname = '计算机系'));
update student
set tel = null
where dno in (select dno 
						from department
							where dname = '数学系'	);

from student_course
where score is null;

from student
where sname like '%强%';

from student
where sex = '女' and dno in (select dno
												from department
													where dname = '数学系');

--(10)将 2000 年 9 月 1 日以前入学的学生记录删除。
from student
where entime <2000-9-1;

from teacher_course
where tno in (select tno 
						from teacher
							where dno in (select dno 
													from department
														where dname = '计算机系'));

------------------------------------(12)将平均成绩最高的课程学分加 1。
update course
set credit = credit +1
where cno in (select cno
						from student_course

--(13)将实验时数为 36 的课程的成绩加上 10%。
update student_course
set score =score + score*0.1
where cno in (select cno
						from course
						where 	experiment = '36');
from teacher
where tno not in (select tno 
							from teacher_course);

create view woman
select *
from teacher
where sex = '女';
--(2)将数学系班级号为 2008 的学生的学号、姓名、性别和专业号定义为视图。
create view bbb
select sno,sname,sex,pno
from student
where classno='2008' and dno in (select dno 
														from department
														where dname = '数学系');

create view ccc(cno,人数)
select dno,COUNT(distinct sno)
from student
group by dno;

------------------------------------(4)将平均成绩大于 90 分的课程定义为视图,包括课程号、课程名和平均成
create view ddd(cno,cname,平均成绩)
select course.cno,course.cname,AVG(score)
from student_course,course
where student_course.cno = course.cno
group by course.cno,course.cname
having AVG(score) >90;

select *
from ddd;

create view eee
select cno,COUNT(sno)
from student_course
group by cno;

--(6)查询人数超过 500 人的学院名称。
select dname
from department
where dno in (select dno
							from student
							group by dno 
							having COUNT(*) >4);

create view ggg(cno,人数)
select cno,COUNT(*)
from teacher_course
where tno in (select tno
						from teacher
						where tname = '王强'	)
group by cno;
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


