Android View 链式调用快捷设置 Helper 类

本文介绍了一个用于快速设置Android View的链式调用Helper类ViewHelper,它提供了一种简洁的语法糖,方便开发者进行View的属性设置。

DevUtils Github

get获取单例 ViewHelper
viewHelper获取 ViewHelper
devHelper获取 DevHelper
postRunnable在主线程 Handler 中执行任务
removeRunnable在主线程 Handler 中清除任务
setHint设置 Hint 文本
setTexts设置多个 TextView 文本
setHtmlText设置 Html 内容
setHtmlTexts设置多个 TextView Html 内容
setHintTextColor设置 Hint 字体颜色
setHintTextColors设置多个 TextView Hint 字体颜色
setTextColors设置多个 TextView 字体颜色
setTextSizeByPx设置字体大小 - px 像素
setTextSizeBySp设置字体大小 - sp 缩放像素
setTextSizeByDp设置字体大小 - dp 与设备无关的像素
setTextSizeByIn设置字体大小 - inches 英寸
setTextSizes设置多个 TextView 字体大小
clearFlags清空 flags
setBold设置 TextView 是否加粗
setLineSpacing设置文字行间距 ( 行高 )
setLineSpacingAndMultiplier设置文字行间距 ( 行高 )、行间距倍数
setEllipsize设置 Ellipsize 效果
setTextGravity设置 Text Gravity
insert追加内容 ( 当前光标位置追加 )
setMaxLengthAndText设置长度限制, 并且设置内容
setKeyListener设置 KeyListener
setAdjustViewBounds设置 ImageView 是否保持宽高比
setMaxHeight设置 ImageView 最大高度
setMaxWidth设置 ImageView 最大宽度
setImageBitmap设置 ImageView Bitmap
setImageDrawable设置 ImageView Drawable
setImageResource设置 ImageView 资源
setImageMatrix设置 ImageView Matrix
setImageTintList设置 ImageView 着色颜色
setImageTintMode设置 ImageView 着色模式
setScaleType设置 ImageView 缩放类型
setColorFilterImageView 着色处理
setBackgroundResources设置 View 图片资源
setImageResources设置 View 图片资源
setImageBitmaps设置 View Bitmap
setImageDrawables设置 View Drawable
setScaleTypes设置 View 缩放模式
setWidthHeight设置 View 宽度、高度
setWidth设置 View 宽度
setHeight设置 View 高度
setMinimumHeight设置 View 最小高度
setMinimumWidth设置 View 最小宽度
setAlpha设置 View 透明度
setTag设置 View Tag
scrollToView 内容滚动位置 - 相对于初始位置移动
scrollByView 内部滚动位置 - 相对于上次移动的最后位置移动
setDescendantFocusability设置 ViewGroup 和其子控件两者之间的关系
setOverScrollMode设置 View 滚动模式
setScrollContainer设置 View 滚动效应
setNextFocusForwardId设置下一个获取焦点的 View id
setNextFocusDownId设置向下移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
setNextFocusLeftId设置向左移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
setNextFocusRightId设置向右移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
setNextFocusUpId设置向上移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
setRotation设置 View 旋转度数
setRotationX设置 View 水平旋转度数
setRotationY设置 View 竖直旋转度数
setScaleX设置 View 水平方向缩放比例
setScaleY设置 View 竖直方向缩放比例
setLayerType设置 View 硬件加速类型
requestLayout请求重新对 View 布局
requestFocusView 请求获取焦点
clearFocusView 清除焦点
requestLayoutParentView 请求更新
setLayoutParams设置 View LayoutParams
setFocusableInTouchMode设置 View 是否在触摸模式下获得焦点
setFocusable设置 View 是否可以获取焦点
setSelected设置 View 是否选中
setEnabled设置 View 是否启用
setClickable设置 View 是否可以点击
setLongClickable设置 View 是否可以长按
setVisibility设置 View 显示的状态
setVisibilitys设置 View 显示的状态
toggleVisibilitys切换 View 显示的状态
reverseVisibilitys反转 View 显示的状态
removeSelfFromParent把自身从父 View 中移除
setLayoutGravity设置 View Layout Gravity
setMarginLeft设置 View Left Margin
setMarginTop设置 View Top Margin
setMarginRight设置 View Right Margin
setMarginBottom设置 View Bottom Margin
setMargin设置 Margin 边距
setPaddingLeft设置 View Left Padding
setPaddingTop设置 View Top Padding
setPaddingRight设置 View Right Padding
setPaddingBottom设置 View Bottom Padding
setPadding设置 Padding 边距
setCompoundDrawablesByLeft设置 Left CompoundDrawables
setCompoundDrawablesByTop设置 Top CompoundDrawables
setCompoundDrawablesByRight设置 Right CompoundDrawables
setCompoundDrawablesByBottom设置 Bottom CompoundDrawables
setCompoundDrawables设置 CompoundDrawables
setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByLeft设置 Left CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByTop设置 Top CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByRight设置 Right CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByBottom设置 Bottom CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds设置 CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
addRule设置 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
removeRule移除 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
addRules设置多个 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
removeRules移除多个 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
addTouchArea增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
smoothScrollToPosition滑动到指定索引 ( 有滚动过程 )
scrollToPosition滑动到指定索引 ( 无滚动过程 )
smoothScrollToTop滑动到顶部 ( 有滚动过程 )
scrollToTop滑动到顶部 ( 无滚动过程 )
smoothScrollToBottom滑动到底部 ( 有滚动过程 )
scrollToBottom滑动到底部 ( 无滚动过程 )
smoothScrollTo滚动到指定位置 ( 有滚动过程 ) - 相对于初始位置移动
smoothScrollBy滚动到指定位置 ( 有滚动过程 ) - 相对于上次移动的最后位置移动
fullScroll滚动方向 ( 有滚动过程 )

import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
import android.os.Build;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.TextWatcher;
import android.text.method.KeyListener;
import android.text.method.TransformationMethod;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;


 * detail: View 链式调用快捷设置 Helper 类
 * @author Ttt
 * <pre>
 *     通过 DevApp 工具类快捷实现
 *     <p></p>
 *     DevApp Api
 *     @see <a href=""/>
 * </pre>
public final class ViewHelper {

    // ViewHelper
    private static final ViewHelper HELPER = new ViewHelper();

     * 获取单例 ViewHelper
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public static ViewHelper get() {
        return HELPER;

    // ==========
    // = Helper =
    // ==========

     * 获取 ViewHelper
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper viewHelper() {
        return this;

     * 获取 DevHelper
     * @return {@link DevHelper}
    public DevHelper devHelper() {
        return DevHelper.get();

    // ===========
    // = Handler =
    // ===========

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行任务
     * @param runnable 可执行的任务
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable    可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable    可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis 延迟时间
     * @param number      轮询次数
     * @param interval    轮询时间
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中执行延迟任务
     * @param runnable      可执行的任务
     * @param delayMillis   延迟时间
     * @param number        轮询次数
     * @param interval      轮询时间
     * @param onEndListener 结束通知
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper postRunnable(final Runnable runnable, final long delayMillis, final int number, final int interval, final HandlerUtils.OnEndListener onEndListener) {
        HandlerUtils.postRunnable(runnable, delayMillis, number, interval, onEndListener);
        return this;

     * 在主线程 Handler 中清除任务
     * @param runnable 需要清除的任务
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper removeRunnable(final Runnable runnable) {
        return this;

    // ========
    // = Text =
    // ========

     * 设置 Hint 文本
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param text Hint text
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHint(final View view, final String text) {
        TextViewUtils.setHint(view, text);
        return this;

     * 设置文本
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param text TextView text
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setText(final View view, final String text) {
        if (view instanceof EditText) {
            EditTextUtils.setText(EditTextUtils.getEditText(view), text);
        } else {
            TextViewUtils.setText(view, text);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView 文本
     * @param text  TextView text
     * @param views View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTexts(final String text, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setTexts(text, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 Html 内容
     * @param view    {@link TextView}
     * @param content Html content
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHtmlText(final View view, final String content) {
        TextViewUtils.setHtmlText(view, content);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView Html 内容
     * @param content Html content
     * @param views   View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHtmlTexts(final String content, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setHtmlTexts(content, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 Hint 字体颜色
     * @param view  {@link TextView}
     * @param color
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHintTextColor(final View view, @ColorInt final int color) {
        TextViewUtils.setHintTextColor(view, color);
        return this;

     * 设置 Hint 字体颜色
     * @param view   {@link TextView}
     * @param colors {@link ColorStateList}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHintTextColor(final View view, final ColorStateList colors) {
        TextViewUtils.setHintTextColor(view, colors);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView Hint 字体颜色
     * @param color
     * @param views View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHintTextColors(@ColorInt final int color, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setHintTextColors(color, views);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView Hint 字体颜色
     * @param colors {@link ColorStateList}
     * @param views  View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHintTextColors(final ColorStateList colors, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setHintTextColors(colors, views);
        return this;

     * 设置字体颜色
     * @param view  {@link TextView}
     * @param color
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextColor(final View view, @ColorInt final int color) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextColor(view, color);
        return this;

     * 设置字体颜色
     * @param view   {@link TextView}
     * @param colors {@link ColorStateList}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextColor(final View view, final ColorStateList colors) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextColor(view, colors);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView 字体颜色
     * @param color
     * @param views View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextColors(@ColorInt final int color, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextColors(color, views);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView 字体颜色
     * @param colors {@link ColorStateList}
     * @param views  View(TextView)[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextColors(final ColorStateList colors, final View... views) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextColors(colors, views);
        return this;

     * 设置字体
     * @param view     {@link TextView}
     * @param typeface {@link Typeface} 字体样式
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTypeface(final View view, final Typeface typeface) {
        TextViewUtils.setTypeface(view, typeface);
        return this;

     * 设置字体大小 - px 像素
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param size 字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSizeByPx(final View view, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSizeByPx(view, size);
        return this;

     * 设置字体大小 - sp 缩放像素
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param size 字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSizeBySp(final View view, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSizeBySp(view, size);
        return this;

     * 设置字体大小 - dp 与设备无关的像素
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param size 字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSizeByDp(final View view, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSizeByDp(view, size);
        return this;

     * 设置字体大小 - inches 英寸
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param size 字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSizeByIn(final View view, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSizeByIn(view, size);
        return this;

     * 设置字体大小
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param unit 字体参数类型
     * @param size 字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSize(final View view, final int unit, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSize(view, unit, size);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 TextView 字体大小
     * @param views View(TextView)[]
     * @param unit  参数类型
     * @param size  字体大小
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextSizes(final View[] views, final int unit, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextSizes(views, unit, size);
        return this;

     * 清空 flags
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper clearFlags(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 设置 TextView 是否加粗
     * @param view   {@link TextView}
     * @param isBold {@code true} yes, {@code false} no
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBold(final View view, final boolean isBold) {
        TextViewUtils.setBold(view, isBold);
        return this;

     * 设置 TextView 是否加粗
     * @param view     {@link TextView}
     * @param typeface {@link Typeface} 字体样式
     * @param isBold   {@code true} yes, {@code false} no
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBold(final View view, final Typeface typeface, final boolean isBold) {
        TextViewUtils.setBold(view, typeface, isBold);
        return this;

     * 设置下划线
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setUnderlineText(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 设置下划线并加清晰
     * @param view        {@link TextView}
     * @param isAntiAlias 是否消除锯齿
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setUnderlineText(final View view, final boolean isAntiAlias) {
        TextViewUtils.setUnderlineText(view, isAntiAlias);
        return this;

     * 设置中划线
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setStrikeThruText(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 设置中划线并加清晰
     * @param view        {@link TextView}
     * @param isAntiAlias 是否消除锯齿
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setStrikeThruText(final View view, final boolean isAntiAlias) {
        TextViewUtils.setStrikeThruText(view, isAntiAlias);
        return this;

     * 设置文字水平间距
     * @param view          {@link TextView}
     * @param letterSpacing 文字水平间距值
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLetterSpacing(final View view, final float letterSpacing) {
            TextViewUtils.setLetterSpacing(view, letterSpacing);
        return this;

     * 设置文字行间距 ( 行高 )
     * @param view        {@link TextView}
     * @param lineSpacing 文字行间距 ( 行高 ), android:lineSpacingExtra
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLineSpacing(final View view, final float lineSpacing) {
        TextViewUtils.setLineSpacing(view, lineSpacing);
        return this;

     * 设置文字行间距 ( 行高 )、行间距倍数
     * @param view        {@link TextView}
     * @param lineSpacing 文字行间距 ( 行高 ), android:lineSpacingExtra
     * @param multiplier  行间距倍数, android:lineSpacingMultiplier
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLineSpacingAndMultiplier(final View view, final float lineSpacing, final float multiplier) {
        TextViewUtils.setLineSpacingAndMultiplier(view, lineSpacing, multiplier);
        return this;

     * 设置字体水平方向的缩放
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param size 缩放比例
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextScaleX(final View view, final float size) {
        TextViewUtils.setTextScaleX(view, size);
        return this;

     * 设置是否保留字体留白间隙区域
     * @param view       {@link TextView}
     * @param includepad 是否保留字体留白间隙区域
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setIncludeFontPadding(final View view, final boolean includepad) {
        TextViewUtils.setIncludeFontPadding(view, includepad);
        return this;

     * 设置输入类型
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param type 类型
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setInputType(final View view, final int type) {
        TextViewUtils.setInputType(view, type);
        return this;

     * 设置软键盘右下角按钮类型
     * @param view       {@link TextView}
     * @param imeOptions 软键盘按钮类型
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImeOptions(final View view, final int imeOptions) {
        TextViewUtils.setImeOptions(view, imeOptions);
        return this;

     * 设置行数
     * @param view  {@link TextView}
     * @param lines 行数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLines(final View view, final int lines) {
        TextViewUtils.setLines(view, lines);
        return this;

     * 设置最大行数
     * @param view     {@link TextView}
     * @param maxLines 最大行数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxLines(final View view, final int maxLines) {
        TextViewUtils.setMaxLines(view, maxLines);
        return this;

     * 设置最小行数
     * @param view     {@link TextView}
     * @param minLines 最小行数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMinLines(final View view, final int minLines) {
        TextViewUtils.setMinLines(view, minLines);
        return this;

     * 设置最大字符宽度限制
     * @param view   {@link TextView}
     * @param maxEms 最大字符
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxEms(final View view, final int maxEms) {
        TextViewUtils.setMaxEms(view, maxEms);
        return this;

     * 设置最小字符宽度限制
     * @param view   {@link TextView}
     * @param minEms 最小字符
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMinEms(final View view, final int minEms) {
        TextViewUtils.setMinEms(view, minEms);
        return this;

     * 设置指定字符宽度
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param ems  字符
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setEms(final View view, final int ems) {
        TextViewUtils.setEms(view, ems);
        return this;

     * 设置 Ellipsize 效果
     * @param view  {@link TextView}
     * @param where {@link TextUtils.TruncateAt}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setEllipsize(final View view, final TextUtils.TruncateAt where) {
        TextViewUtils.setEllipsize(view, where);
        return this;

     * 设置自动识别文本链接
     * @param view {@link TextView}
     * @param mask {@link android.text.util.Linkify}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setAutoLinkMask(final View view, final int mask) {
        TextViewUtils.setAutoLinkMask(view, mask);
        return this;

     * 设置文本全为大写
     * @param view    {@link TextView}
     * @param allCaps 是否全部大写
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setAllCaps(final View view, final boolean allCaps) {
        TextViewUtils.setAllCaps(view, allCaps);
        return this;

     * 设置 Text Gravity
     * @param view    {@link TextView}
     * @param gravity {@link android.view.Gravity}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextGravity(final View view, final int gravity) {
        TextViewUtils.setGravity(view, gravity);
        return this;

    // ============
    // = EditText =
    // ============

     * 设置内容
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param content  文本内容
     * @param isSelect 是否设置光标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setText(final EditText editText, final String content, final boolean isSelect) {
        EditTextUtils.setText(editText, content, isSelect);
        return this;

     * 追加内容 ( 当前光标位置追加 )
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param content  文本内容
     * @param isSelect 是否设置光标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper insert(final EditText editText, final String content, final boolean isSelect) {
        EditTextUtils.insert(editText, content, isSelect);
        return this;

     * 追加内容
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param content  文本内容
     * @param start    开始添加的位置
     * @param isSelect 是否设置光标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper insert(final EditText editText, final String content, final int start, final boolean isSelect) {
        EditTextUtils.insert(editText, content, start, isSelect);
        return this;

     * 设置长度限制
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param maxLength 长度限制
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxLength(final View view, final int maxLength) {
        if (view instanceof EditText) {
            EditTextUtils.setMaxLength(EditTextUtils.getEditText(view), maxLength);
        } else {
            TextViewUtils.setMaxLength(view, maxLength);
        return this;

     * 设置长度限制, 并且设置内容
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param content   文本内容
     * @param maxLength 长度限制
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxLengthAndText(final View view, final String content, final int maxLength) {
        if (view instanceof EditText) {
            EditTextUtils.setMaxLengthAndText(EditTextUtils.getEditText(view), content, maxLength);
        } else {
            TextViewUtils.setMaxLengthAndText(view, content, maxLength);
        return this;

     * 设置是否显示光标
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param visible  是否显示光标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCursorVisible(final EditText editText, final boolean visible) {
        EditTextUtils.setCursorVisible(editText, visible);
        return this;

     * 设置光标在第一位
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setSelectionToTop(final EditText editText) {
        return this;

     * 设置光标在最后一位
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setSelectionToBottom(final EditText editText) {
        return this;

     * 设置光标位置
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param index    光标位置
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setSelection(final EditText editText, final int index) {
        EditTextUtils.setSelection(editText, index);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置文本视图显示转换
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param method {@link TransformationMethod}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTransformationMethod(final View view, final TransformationMethod method) {
        if (view instanceof EditText) {
            EditTextUtils.setTransformationMethod(EditTextUtils.getEditText(view), method);
        } else {
            TextViewUtils.setTransformationMethod(view, method);
        return this;

     * 设置密码文本视图显示转换
     * @param view              {@link View}
     * @param isDisplayPassword 是否显示密码
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTransformationMethod(final View view, final boolean isDisplayPassword) {
        if (view instanceof EditText) {
            EditTextUtils.setTransformationMethod(EditTextUtils.getEditText(view), isDisplayPassword);
        } else {
            TextViewUtils.setTransformationMethod(view, isDisplayPassword);
        return this;

     * 设置密码文本视图显示转换
     * @param editText          {@link EditText}
     * @param isDisplayPassword 是否显示密码
     * @param isSelectBottom    是否设置光标到最后
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTransformationMethod(final EditText editText, final boolean isDisplayPassword, final boolean isSelectBottom) {
        EditTextUtils.setTransformationMethod(editText, isDisplayPassword, isSelectBottom);
        return this;

    // =

     * 添加输入监听事件
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param watcher  输入监听
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
        EditTextUtils.addTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
        return this;

     * 移除输入监听事件
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param watcher  输入监听
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper removeTextChangedListener(final EditText editText, final TextWatcher watcher) {
        EditTextUtils.removeTextChangedListener(editText, watcher);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText    {@link EditText}
     * @param keyListener {@link KeyListener}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final KeyListener keyListener) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, keyListener);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param accepted 允许输入的内容, 如: 0123456789
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final String accepted) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
        return this;

     * 设置 KeyListener
     * @param editText {@link EditText}
     * @param accepted 允许输入的内容
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setKeyListener(final EditText editText, final char[] accepted) {
        EditTextUtils.setKeyListener(editText, accepted);
        return this;

    // =========
    // = Image =
    // =========

     * 设置 ImageView 是否保持宽高比
     * @param imageView        ImageView
     * @param adjustViewBounds 是否调整此视图的边界以保持可绘制的原始纵横比
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setAdjustViewBounds(final ImageView imageView, final boolean adjustViewBounds) {
        ImageViewUtils.setAdjustViewBounds(imageView, adjustViewBounds);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 最大高度
     * @param imageView ImageView
     * @param maxHeight 最大高度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxHeight(final ImageView imageView, final int maxHeight) {
        ImageViewUtils.setMaxHeight(imageView, maxHeight);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 最大宽度
     * @param imageView ImageView
     * @param maxWidth  最大宽度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMaxWidth(final ImageView imageView, final int maxWidth) {
        ImageViewUtils.setMaxWidth(imageView, maxWidth);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置背景图片
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param background 背景图片
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackground(final View view, final Drawable background) {
        ImageViewUtils.setBackground(view, background);
        return this;

     * 设置背景颜色
     * @param view  {@link View}
     * @param color 背景颜色
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundColor(final View view, @ColorInt final int color) {
        ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundColor(view, color);
        return this;

     * 设置背景资源
     * @param view  {@link View}
     * @param resId resource identifier
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundResource(final View view, @DrawableRes final int resId) {
        ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundResource(view, resId);
        return this;

     * 设置背景着色颜色
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param tint 着色颜色
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundTintList(final View view, final ColorStateList tint) {
            ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundTintList(view, tint);
        return this;

     * 设置背景着色模式
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param tintMode 着色模式 {@link PorterDuff.Mode}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundTintMode(final View view, final PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) {
            ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundTintMode(view, tintMode);
        return this;

     * 设置前景图片
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param foreground 前景图片
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setForeground(final View view, final Drawable foreground) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            ImageViewUtils.setForeground(view, foreground);
        return this;

     * 设置前景重心
     * @param view    {@link View}
     * @param gravity 重心
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setForegroundGravity(final View view, final int gravity) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            ImageViewUtils.setForegroundGravity(view, gravity);
        return this;

     * 设置前景着色颜色
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param tint 着色颜色
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setForegroundTintList(final View view, final ColorStateList tint) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            ImageViewUtils.setForegroundTintList(view, tint);
        return this;

     * 设置前景着色模式
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param tintMode 着色模式 {@link PorterDuff.Mode}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setForegroundTintMode(final View view, final PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
            ImageViewUtils.setForegroundTintMode(view, tintMode);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView Bitmap
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param bitmap {@link Bitmap}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageBitmap(final View view, final Bitmap bitmap) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageBitmap(view, bitmap);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView Drawable
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param drawable {@link Bitmap}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageDrawable(final View view, final Drawable drawable) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageDrawable(view, drawable);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 资源
     * @param view  {@link View}
     * @param resId resource identifier
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageResource(final View view, @DrawableRes final int resId) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageResource(view, resId);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView Matrix
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param matrix {@link Matrix}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageMatrix(final View view, final Matrix matrix) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageMatrix(view, matrix);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 着色颜色
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param tint 着色颜色
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageTintList(final View view, final ColorStateList tint) {
            ImageViewUtils.setImageTintList(view, tint);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 着色模式
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param tintMode 着色模式 {@link PorterDuff.Mode}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageTintMode(final View view, final PorterDuff.Mode tintMode) {
            ImageViewUtils.setImageTintMode(view, tintMode);
        return this;

     * 设置 ImageView 缩放类型
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param scaleType 缩放类型 {@link ImageView.ScaleType}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScaleType(final View view, final ImageView.ScaleType scaleType) {
        ImageViewUtils.setScaleType(view, scaleType);
        return this;

     * ImageView 着色处理
     * @param imageView {@link ImageView}
     * @param color     颜色值
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setColorFilter(final ImageView imageView, @ColorInt final int color) {
        ImageViewUtils.setColorFilter(imageView, color);
        return this;

     * ImageView 着色处理, 并且设置 Drawable
     * @param imageView {@link ImageView}
     * @param drawable  {@link Drawable}
     * @param color     颜色值
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setColorFilter(final ImageView imageView, final Drawable drawable, @ColorInt final int color) {
        ImageViewUtils.setColorFilter(imageView, drawable, color);
        return this;

     * ImageView 着色处理
     * @param imageView   {@link ImageView}
     * @param colorFilter 颜色过滤 ( 效果 )
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setColorFilter(final ImageView imageView, final ColorFilter colorFilter) {
        ImageViewUtils.setColorFilter(imageView, colorFilter);
        return this;

     * ImageView 着色处理, 并且设置 Drawable
     * @param imageView   {@link ImageView}
     * @param drawable    {@link Drawable}
     * @param colorFilter 颜色过滤 ( 效果 )
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setColorFilter(final ImageView imageView, final Drawable drawable, final ColorFilter colorFilter) {
        ImageViewUtils.setColorFilter(imageView, drawable, colorFilter);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 图片资源
     * @param resId resource identifier
     * @param views View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundResources(@DrawableRes final int resId, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundResources(resId, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 图片资源
     * @param resId        resource identifier
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setBackgroundResources(@DrawableRes final int resId, final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setBackgroundResources(resId, isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 图片资源
     * @param resId resource identifier
     * @param views View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageResources(@DrawableRes final int resId, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageResources(resId, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 图片资源
     * @param resId        resource identifier
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageResources(@DrawableRes final int resId, final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageResources(resId, isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bitmap
     * @param bitmap {@link Bitmap}
     * @param views  View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageBitmaps(final Bitmap bitmap, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageBitmaps(bitmap, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bitmap
     * @param bitmap       {@link Bitmap}
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageBitmaps(final Bitmap bitmap, final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageBitmaps(bitmap, isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Drawable
     * @param drawable {@link drawable}
     * @param views    View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageDrawables(final Drawable drawable, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageDrawables(drawable, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Drawable
     * @param drawable     {@link drawable}
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setImageDrawables(final Drawable drawable, final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setImageDrawables(drawable, isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 缩放模式
     * @param scaleType {@link ImageView.ScaleType}
     * @param views     View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScaleTypes(final ImageView.ScaleType scaleType, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setScaleTypes(scaleType, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 缩放模式
     * @param scaleType    {@link ImageView.ScaleType}
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScaleTypes(final ImageView.ScaleType scaleType, final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ImageViewUtils.setScaleTypes(scaleType, isVisibility, views);
        return this;

    // ========
    // = View =
    // ========

     * 设置 View 宽度、高度
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param width  View 宽度
     * @param height View 高度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setWidthHeight(final View view, final int width, final int height) {
        ViewUtils.setWidthHeight(view, width, height);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 宽度、高度
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param width     View 宽度
     * @param height    View 高度
     * @param nullNewLP 如果 LayoutParams 为 null 是否创建新的
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setWidthHeight(final View view, final int width, final int height, final boolean nullNewLP) {
        ViewUtils.setWidthHeight(view, width, height, nullNewLP);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 宽度
     * @param view  {@link View}
     * @param width View 宽度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setWidth(final View view, final int width) {
        ViewUtils.setWidth(view, width);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 宽度
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param width     View 宽度
     * @param nullNewLP 如果 LayoutParams 为 null 是否创建新的
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setWidth(final View view, final int width, final boolean nullNewLP) {
        ViewUtils.setWidth(view, width, nullNewLP);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 高度
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param height View 高度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHeight(final View view, final int height) {
        ViewUtils.setHeight(view, height);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 高度
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param height    View 高度
     * @param nullNewLP 如果 LayoutParams 为 null 是否创建新的
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHeight(final View view, final int height, final boolean nullNewLP) {
        ViewUtils.setHeight(view, height, nullNewLP);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 最小高度
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param minHeight 最小高度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMinimumHeight(final View view, final int minHeight) {
        ViewUtils.setMinimumHeight(view, minHeight);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 最小宽度
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param minWidth 最小宽度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMinimumWidth(final View view, final int minWidth) {
        ViewUtils.setMinimumWidth(view, minWidth);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 透明度
     * @param view  View
     * @param alpha 透明度
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setAlpha(final View view, @FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) final float alpha) {
        ViewUtils.setAlpha(view, alpha);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Tag
     * @param view   View
     * @param object Tag
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTag(final View view, final Object object) {
        ViewUtils.setTag(view, object);
        return this;

    // =

     * View 内容滚动位置 - 相对于初始位置移动
     * <pre>
     *     无滚动过程
     * </pre>
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param x    X 轴开始坐标
     * @param y    Y 轴开始坐标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper scrollTo(final View view, final int x, final int y) {
        ViewUtils.scrollTo(view, x, y);
        return this;

     * View 内部滚动位置 - 相对于上次移动的最后位置移动
     * <pre>
     *     无滚动过程
     * </pre>
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param x    X 轴开始坐标
     * @param y    Y 轴开始坐标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper scrollBy(final View view, final int x, final int y) {
        ViewUtils.scrollBy(view, x, y);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置 ViewGroup 和其子控件两者之间的关系
     * <pre>
     *     beforeDescendants : ViewGroup 会优先其子类控件而获取到焦点
     *     afterDescendants : ViewGroup 只有当其子类控件不需要获取焦点时才获取焦点
     *     blocksDescendants : ViewGroup 会覆盖子类控件而直接获得焦点
     *     android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants"
     * </pre>
     * @param view         {@link ViewGroup}
     * @param focusability {@link ViewGroup#FOCUS_BEFORE_DESCENDANTS}、{@link ViewGroup#FOCUS_AFTER_DESCENDANTS}、{@link ViewGroup#FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setDescendantFocusability(final ViewGroup view, final int focusability) {
        ViewUtils.setDescendantFocusability(view, focusability);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 滚动模式
     * <pre>
     *     设置滑动到边缘时无效果模式 {@link View#OVER_SCROLL_NEVER}
     *     android:overScrollMode="never"
     * </pre>
     * @param view           {@link View}
     * @param overScrollMode {@link View#OVER_SCROLL_ALWAYS}、{@link View#OVER_SCROLL_IF_CONTENT_SCROLLS}、{@link View#OVER_SCROLL_NEVER}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setOverScrollMode(final View view, final int overScrollMode) {
        ViewUtils.setOverScrollMode(view, overScrollMode);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置是否绘制横向滚动条
     * @param view                       {@link View}
     * @param horizontalScrollBarEnabled {@code true} yes, {@code false} no
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(final View view, final boolean horizontalScrollBarEnabled) {
        ViewUtils.setHorizontalScrollBarEnabled(view, horizontalScrollBarEnabled);
        return this;

     * 设置是否绘制垂直滚动条
     * @param view                     {@link View}
     * @param verticalScrollBarEnabled {@code true} yes, {@code false} no
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(final View view, final boolean verticalScrollBarEnabled) {
        ViewUtils.setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(view, verticalScrollBarEnabled);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置 View 滚动效应
     * @param view              {@link View}
     * @param isScrollContainer 是否需要滚动效应
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScrollContainer(final View view, final boolean isScrollContainer) {
        ViewUtils.setScrollContainer(view, isScrollContainer);
        return this;

     * 设置下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @param view               {@link View}
     * @param nextFocusForwardId 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setNextFocusForwardId(final View view, @IdRes final int nextFocusForwardId) {
        ViewUtils.setNextFocusForwardId(view, nextFocusForwardId);
        return this;

     * 设置向下移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @param view            {@link View}
     * @param nextFocusDownId 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setNextFocusDownId(final View view, @IdRes final int nextFocusDownId) {
        ViewUtils.setNextFocusDownId(view, nextFocusDownId);
        return this;

     * 设置向左移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @param view            {@link View}
     * @param nextFocusLeftId 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setNextFocusLeftId(final View view, @IdRes final int nextFocusLeftId) {
        ViewUtils.setNextFocusLeftId(view, nextFocusLeftId);
        return this;

     * 设置向右移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @param view             {@link View}
     * @param nextFocusRightId 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setNextFocusRightId(final View view, @IdRes final int nextFocusRightId) {
        ViewUtils.setNextFocusRightId(view, nextFocusRightId);
        return this;

     * 设置向上移动焦点时, 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @param view          {@link View}
     * @param nextFocusUpId 下一个获取焦点的 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setNextFocusUpId(final View view, @IdRes final int nextFocusUpId) {
        ViewUtils.setNextFocusUpId(view, nextFocusUpId);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 旋转度数
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param rotation 旋转度数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setRotation(final View view, final float rotation) {
        ViewUtils.setRotation(view, rotation);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 水平旋转度数
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param rotationX 水平旋转度数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setRotationX(final View view, final float rotationX) {
        ViewUtils.setRotationX(view, rotationX);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 竖直旋转度数
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param rotationY 竖直旋转度数
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setRotationY(final View view, final float rotationY) {
        ViewUtils.setRotationY(view, rotationY);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 水平方向缩放比例
     * @param view   View
     * @param scaleX 水平方向缩放比例
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScaleX(final View view, final float scaleX) {
        ViewUtils.setScaleX(view, scaleX);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 竖直方向缩放比例
     * @param view   View
     * @param scaleY 竖直方向缩放比例
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setScaleY(final View view, final float scaleY) {
        ViewUtils.setScaleY(view, scaleY);
        return this;

     * 设置文本的显示方式
     * @param view          {@link View}
     * @param textAlignment 文本的显示方式
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextAlignment(final View view, final int textAlignment) {
            ViewUtils.setTextAlignment(view, textAlignment);
        return this;

     * 设置文本的显示方向
     * @param view          {@link View}
     * @param textDirection 文本的显示方向
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTextDirection(final View view, final int textDirection) {
            ViewUtils.setTextDirection(view, textDirection);
        return this;

     * 设置水平方向偏转量
     * @param view   View
     * @param pivotX 水平方向偏转量
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPivotX(final View view, final float pivotX) {
        ViewUtils.setPivotX(view, pivotX);
        return this;

     * 设置竖直方向偏转量
     * @param view   View
     * @param pivotY 竖直方向偏转量
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPivotY(final View view, final float pivotY) {
        ViewUtils.setPivotY(view, pivotY);
        return this;

     * 设置水平方向的移动距离
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param translationX 水平方向的移动距离
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTranslationX(final View view, final float translationX) {
        ViewUtils.setTranslationX(view, translationX);
        return this;

     * 设置竖直方向的移动距离
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param translationY 竖直方向的移动距离
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setTranslationY(final View view, final float translationY) {
        ViewUtils.setTranslationY(view, translationY);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 硬件加速类型
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param layerType 硬件加速类型
     * @param paint     {@link Paint}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLayerType(final View view, final int layerType, final Paint paint) {
        ViewUtils.setLayerType(view, layerType, paint);
        return this;

    // =

     * 请求重新对 View 布局
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper requestLayout(final View view) {
        return this;

     * View 请求获取焦点
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper requestFocus(final View view) {
        return this;

     * View 清除焦点
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper clearFocus(final View view) {
        return this;

     * View 请求更新
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param allParent 是否全部父布局 View 都请求
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper requestLayoutParent(final View view, final boolean allParent) {
        ViewUtils.requestLayoutParent(view, allParent);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置 View LayoutParams
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param params LayoutParams
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLayoutParams(final View view, final ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        ViewUtils.setLayoutParams(view, params);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否在触摸模式下获得焦点
     * @param focusableInTouchMode {@code true} 可获取, {@code false} 不可获取
     * @param views                View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setFocusableInTouchMode(final boolean focusableInTouchMode, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setFocusableInTouchMode(focusableInTouchMode, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否可以获取焦点
     * @param focusable {@code true} 可获取, {@code false} 不可获取
     * @param views     View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setFocusable(final boolean focusable, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setFocusable(focusable, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否选中
     * @param selected {@code true} 选中, {@code false} 非选中
     * @param views    View[]
     * @return {@code true} 选中, {@code false} 非选中
    public ViewHelper setSelected(final boolean selected, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setSelected(selected, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否启用
     * @param enabled {@code true} 启用, {@code false} 禁用
     * @param views   View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setEnabled(final boolean enabled, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setEnabled(enabled, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否可以点击
     * @param clickable {@code true} 可点击, {@code false} 不可点击
     * @param views     View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setClickable(final boolean clickable, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setClickable(clickable, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 是否可以长按
     * @param longClickable {@code true} 可长按, {@code false} 不可长按
     * @param views         View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLongClickable(final boolean longClickable, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setLongClickable(longClickable, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@code true} View.VISIBLE, {@code false} View.GONE
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setVisibility(final boolean isVisibility, final View view) {
        ViewUtils.setVisibility(isVisibility, view);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setVisibility(final int isVisibility, final View view) {
        ViewUtils.setVisibility(isVisibility, view);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@code true} View.VISIBLE, {@code false} View.GONE
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setVisibilitys(final boolean isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setVisibilitys(isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 设置 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setVisibilitys(final int isVisibility, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.setVisibilitys(isVisibility, views);
        return this;

     * 切换 View 显示的状态
     * @param view  {@link View}
     * @param views View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper toggleVisibilitys(final View view, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.toggleVisibilitys(view, views);
        return this;

     * 切换 View 显示的状态
     * @param viewArys View[]
     * @param views    View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper toggleVisibilitys(final View[] viewArys, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.toggleVisibilitys(viewArys, views);
        return this;

     * 切换 View 显示的状态
     * @param status   {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param viewArys View[]
     * @param views    View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper toggleVisibilitys(final int status, final View[] viewArys, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.toggleVisibilitys(status, viewArys, views);
        return this;

     * 反转 View 显示的状态
     * @param status   {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param viewArys View[]
     * @param views    View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper reverseVisibilitys(final int status, final View[] viewArys, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.reverseVisibilitys(status, viewArys, views);
        return this;

     * 反转 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@code true} View.VISIBLE, {@code false} View.GONE
     * @param viewArys     View[]
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper reverseVisibilitys(final boolean isVisibility, final View[] viewArys, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.reverseVisibilitys(isVisibility, viewArys, views);
        return this;

     * 反转 View 显示的状态
     * @param status {@link View#VISIBLE}、{@link View#INVISIBLE}、{@link View#GONE}
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param views  View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper reverseVisibilitys(final int status, final View view, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.reverseVisibilitys(status, view, views);
        return this;

     * 反转 View 显示的状态
     * @param isVisibility {@code true} View.VISIBLE, {@code false} View.GONE
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param views        View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper reverseVisibilitys(final boolean isVisibility, final View view, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.reverseVisibilitys(isVisibility, view, views);
        return this;

     * 把自身从父 View 中移除
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper removeSelfFromParent(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 设置 View Layout Gravity
     * @param view    {@link View}
     * @param gravity Gravity
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setLayoutGravity(final View view, final int gravity) {
        ViewUtils.setLayoutGravity(view, gravity);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Left Margin
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param leftMargin Left Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginLeft(final View view, final int leftMargin) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginLeft(view, leftMargin);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Left Margin
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param leftMargin Left Margin
     * @param reset      是否重置清空其他 margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginLeft(final View view, final int leftMargin, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginLeft(view, leftMargin, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Top Margin
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param topMargin Top Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginTop(final View view, final int topMargin) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginTop(view, topMargin);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Top Margin
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param topMargin Top Margin
     * @param reset     是否重置清空其他 margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginTop(final View view, final int topMargin, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginTop(view, topMargin, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Right Margin
     * @param view        {@link View}
     * @param rightMargin Right Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginRight(final View view, final int rightMargin) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginRight(view, rightMargin);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Right Margin
     * @param view        {@link View}
     * @param rightMargin Right Margin
     * @param reset       是否重置清空其他 margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginRight(final View view, final int rightMargin, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginRight(view, rightMargin, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bottom Margin
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param bottomMargin Bottom Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginBottom(final View view, final int bottomMargin) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginBottom(view, bottomMargin);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bottom Margin
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param bottomMargin Bottom Margin
     * @param reset        是否重置清空其他 margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMarginBottom(final View view, final int bottomMargin, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setMarginBottom(view, bottomMargin, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param leftRight Left and Right Margin
     * @param topBottom Top and bottom Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View view, final int leftRight, final int topBottom) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(view, leftRight, topBottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param margin Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View view, final int margin) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(view, margin);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param left   Left Margin
     * @param top    Top Margin
     * @param right  Right Margin
     * @param bottom Bottom Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View view, final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(view, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param views     View[]
     * @param leftRight Left and Right Margin
     * @param topBottom Top and bottom Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View[] views, final int leftRight, final int topBottom) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(views, leftRight, topBottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param views  View[]
     * @param margin Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View[] views, final int margin) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(views, margin);
        return this;

     * 设置 Margin 边距
     * @param views  View[]
     * @param left   Left Margin
     * @param top    Top Margin
     * @param right  Right Margin
     * @param bottom Bottom Margin
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setMargin(final View[] views, final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setMargin(views, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Left Padding
     * @param view        {@link View}
     * @param leftPadding Left Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingLeft(final View view, final int leftPadding) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingLeft(view, leftPadding);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Left Padding
     * @param view        {@link View}
     * @param leftPadding Left Padding
     * @param reset       是否重置清空其他 Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingLeft(final View view, final int leftPadding, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingLeft(view, leftPadding, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Top Padding
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param topPadding Top Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingTop(final View view, final int topPadding) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingTop(view, topPadding);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Top Padding
     * @param view       {@link View}
     * @param topPadding Top Padding
     * @param reset      是否重置清空其他 Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingTop(final View view, final int topPadding, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingTop(view, topPadding, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Right Padding
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param rightPadding Right Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingRight(final View view, final int rightPadding) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingRight(view, rightPadding);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Right Padding
     * @param view         {@link View}
     * @param rightPadding Right Padding
     * @param reset        是否重置清空其他 Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingRight(final View view, final int rightPadding, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingRight(view, rightPadding, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bottom Padding
     * @param view          {@link View}
     * @param bottomPadding Bottom Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingBottom(final View view, final int bottomPadding) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingBottom(view, bottomPadding);
        return this;

     * 设置 View Bottom Padding
     * @param view          {@link View}
     * @param bottomPadding Bottom Padding
     * @param reset         是否重置清空其他 Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPaddingBottom(final View view, final int bottomPadding, final boolean reset) {
        ViewUtils.setPaddingBottom(view, bottomPadding, reset);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param leftRight Left and Right Padding
     * @param topBottom Top and bottom Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View view, final int leftRight, final int topBottom) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(view, leftRight, topBottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param view    {@link View}
     * @param padding Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View view, final int padding) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(view, padding);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param view   {@link View}
     * @param left   Left Padding
     * @param top    Top Padding
     * @param right  Right Padding
     * @param bottom Bottom Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View view, final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(view, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param views     View[]
     * @param leftRight Left and Right Padding
     * @param topBottom Top and bottom Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View[] views, final int leftRight, final int topBottom) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(views, leftRight, topBottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param views   View[]
     * @param padding Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View[] views, final int padding) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(views, padding);
        return this;

     * 设置 Padding 边距
     * @param views  View[]
     * @param left   Left Padding
     * @param top    Top Padding
     * @param right  Right Padding
     * @param bottom Bottom Padding
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setPadding(final View[] views, final int left, final int top, final int right, final int bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setPadding(views, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Left CompoundDrawables
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param left     left Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesByLeft(final TextView textView, final Drawable left) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesByLeft(textView, left);
        return this;

     * 设置 Top CompoundDrawables
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param top      top Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesByTop(final TextView textView, final Drawable top) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesByTop(textView, top);
        return this;

     * 设置 Right CompoundDrawables
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param right    right Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesByRight(final TextView textView, final Drawable right) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesByRight(textView, right);
        return this;

     * 设置 Bottom CompoundDrawables
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param bottom   bottom Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesByBottom(final TextView textView, final Drawable bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesByBottom(textView, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 CompoundDrawables
     * <pre>
     *     CompoundDrawable 的大小控制是通过 drawable.setBounds() 控制
     *     需要先设置 Drawable 的 setBounds
     * </pre>
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param left     left Drawable
     * @param top      top Drawable
     * @param right    right Drawable
     * @param bottom   bottom Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawables(final TextView textView,
                                           final Drawable left, final Drawable top,
                                           final Drawable right, final Drawable bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawables(textView, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 Left CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param left     left Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByLeft(final TextView textView, final Drawable left) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByLeft(textView, left);
        return this;

     * 设置 Top CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param top      top Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByTop(final TextView textView, final Drawable top) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByTop(textView, top);
        return this;

     * 设置 Right CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param right    right Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByRight(final TextView textView, final Drawable right) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByRight(textView, right);
        return this;

     * 设置 Bottom CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param bottom   bottom Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByBottom(final TextView textView, final Drawable bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBoundsByBottom(textView, bottom);
        return this;

     * 设置 CompoundDrawables - 按照原有比例大小显示图片
     * @param textView {@link TextView}
     * @param left     left Drawable
     * @param top      top Drawable
     * @param right    right Drawable
     * @param bottom   bottom Drawable
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(final TextView textView,
                                                              final Drawable left, final Drawable top,
                                                              final Drawable right, final Drawable bottom) {
        ViewUtils.setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(textView, left, top, right, bottom);
        return this;

    // ==================
    // = RelativeLayout =
    // ==================

     * 设置 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param verb 布局位置
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addRule(final View view, final int verb) {
        ViewUtils.addRule(view, verb);
        return this;

     * 设置 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param view    {@link View}
     * @param verb    布局位置
     * @param subject 关联 View id
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addRule(final View view, final int verb, final int subject) {
        ViewUtils.addRule(view, verb, subject);
        return this;

     * 移除 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param verb 布局位置
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper removeRule(final View view, final int verb) {
        ViewUtils.removeRule(view, verb);
        return this;

    // =

     * 设置多个 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param verb  布局位置
     * @param views View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addRules(final int verb, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.addRules(verb, views);
        return this;

     * 设置多个 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param verb    布局位置
     * @param subject 关联 View id
     * @param views   View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addRules(final int verb, final int subject, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.addRules(verb, subject, views);
        return this;

     * 移除多个 RelativeLayout View 布局规则
     * @param verb  布局位置
     * @param views View[]
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper removeRules(final int verb, final View... views) {
        ViewUtils.removeRules(verb, views);
        return this;

    // =============
    // = Animation =
    // =============

     * 设置动画
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param animation {@link Animation}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setAnimation(final View view, final Animation animation) {
        ViewUtils.setAnimation(view, animation);
        return this;

     * 清空动画
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper clearAnimation(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 启动动画
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param animation {@link Animation}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper startAnimation(final View view, final Animation animation) {
        ViewUtils.startAnimation(view, animation);
        return this;

    // ============
    // = Listener =
    // ============

     * 设置点击事件
     * @param onClickListener {@link View.OnClickListener}
     * @param views           View 数组
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setOnClicks(final View.OnClickListener onClickListener, final View... views) {
        ListenerUtils.setOnClicks(onClickListener, views);
        return this;

     * 设置长按事件
     * @param onLongClickListener {@link View.OnLongClickListener}
     * @param views               View 数组
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper setOnLongClicks(final View.OnLongClickListener onLongClickListener, final View... views) {
        ListenerUtils.setOnLongClicks(onLongClickListener, views);
        return this;

     * 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
     * @param view  待添加点击范围 View
     * @param range 点击范围
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int range) {
        ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, range);
        return this;

     * 增加控件的触摸范围, 最大范围只能是父布局所包含的的区域
     * @param view   待添加点击范围 View
     * @param top    top range
     * @param bottom bottom range
     * @param left   left range
     * @param right  right range
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper addTouchArea(final View view, final int top, final int bottom, final int left, final int right) {
        ClickUtils.addTouchArea(view, top, bottom, left, right);
        return this;

    // =================
    // = ListViewUtils =
    // =================

     * 滑动到指定索引 ( 有滚动过程 )
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param position 索引
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper smoothScrollToPosition(final View view, final int position) {
        ListViewUtils.smoothScrollToPosition(view, position);
        return this;

     * 滑动到指定索引 ( 无滚动过程 )
     * @param view     {@link View}
     * @param position 索引
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper scrollToPosition(final View view, final int position) {
        ListViewUtils.scrollToPosition(view, position);
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = 滑动到顶部 =
    // ==============

     * 滑动到顶部 ( 有滚动过程 )
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper smoothScrollToTop(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 滑动到顶部 ( 无滚动过程 )
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper scrollToTop(final View view) {
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = 滑动到底部 =
    // ==============

     * 滑动到底部 ( 有滚动过程 )
     * <pre>
     *     如果未到达底部 ( position 可以再加上 smoothScrollBy 搭配到底部 )
     *     smoothScrollToBottom(view)
     *     smoothScrollBy(view, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
     * </pre>
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper smoothScrollToBottom(final View view) {
        return this;

     * 滑动到底部 ( 无滚动过程 )
     * <pre>
     *     如果未到达底部 ( position 可以再加上 scrollBy 搭配到底部 )
     *     scrollToBottom(view)
     *     scrollBy(view, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
     * </pre>
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper scrollToBottom(final View view) {
        return this;

    // ==============
    // = ScrollView =
    // ==============

     * 滚动到指定位置 ( 有滚动过程 ) - 相对于初始位置移动
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param x    X 轴开始坐标
     * @param y    Y 轴开始坐标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper smoothScrollTo(final View view, final int x, final int y) {
        ListViewUtils.smoothScrollTo(view, x, y);
        return this;

     * 滚动到指定位置 ( 有滚动过程 ) - 相对于上次移动的最后位置移动
     * @param view {@link View}
     * @param x    X 轴开始坐标
     * @param y    Y 轴开始坐标
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper smoothScrollBy(final View view, final int x, final int y) {
        ListViewUtils.smoothScrollBy(view, x, y);
        return this;

     * 滚动方向 ( 有滚动过程 )
     * @param view      {@link View}
     * @param direction 滚动方向 如: View.FOCUS_UP、View.FOCUS_DOWN
     * @return {@link ViewHelper}
    public ViewHelper fullScroll(final View view, final int direction) {
        ListViewUtils.fullScroll(view, direction);
        return this;




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