





brew install gradle-profiler
gradle-profiler --benchmark help

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: [help]

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version
* Stopping daemons

* Scenarios
Scenario: using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Tooling API
  Run: run tasks help
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: []
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10

* Running scenario using Gradle 7.3.3 (scenario 1/1)


# <root-project>/scenarios.txt
clean_build_2gb_4workers {
    tasks = [":app:assembleDebug"]
    gradle-args = ["--max-workers=1"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2048m"]
    cleanup-tasks = ["clean"]
clean_build_G1GC_4gb {
    tasks = [":app:assembleDebug"]
    gradle-args = ["--max-workers=4"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2048m"]
    cleanup-tasks = ["clean"]




gradle-profiler --benchmark --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios.txt



测试结果以上是Gradle --max-workers=1和Gradle --max-workers=4两次的测试结果对比。

增量Build分析(Profiling incremental builds)


  • 修改方法征文、添加新方法
  • 修改布局和字符串资源
incremental_build {
    tasks = ["assemble"]

    apply-build-script-change-to = "build.gradle.kts"
    apply-project-dependency-change-to {
        files = ["build.gradle"]
        # Default number of dependency-count is 3.
        # Gradle Profiler will simulate changes to project dependencies by generate some additional projects and then add a combination of project dependencies to every non-generated subprojects before each iteration.
        # The profiler will generate the minimal number of subprojects to allow for a unique combination of dependencies to be used for each iteration.
        # Note: Number of generated projects is calculated as binomial coffiecient: "from `x` choose `dependency-count` = `iterations * files`", where number of generated projects is `x`.
        dependency-count = 3
    apply-abi-change-to = "src/main/java/"
    apply-non-abi-change-to = ["src/main/java/", "src/main/java/"]
    apply-h-change-to = "src/main/headers/app.h"
    apply-cpp-change-to = "src/main/cpp/app.cpp"
    apply-property-resource-change-to = "src/main/resources/"
    apply-android-resource-change-to = "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"
    apply-android-resource-value-change-to = "src/main/res/values/strings.xml"
    apply-android-manifest-change-to = "src/main/AndroidManifest.xml"
    clear-build-cache-before = SCENARIO
    clear-transform-cache-before = BUILD
    show-build-cache-size = true
    git-checkout = {
        cleanup = "efb43a1"
        build = "master"
    git-revert = ["efb43a1"]
    jvm-args = ["-Xmx2500m", "-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m"]




androidStudioSync {
title = “Android Studio Sync”
# Measure an Android studio sync
# Note: Android Studio Bumblebee (2021.1.1) or newer is required
android-studio-sync {
# Override default Android Studio jvm args
# studio-jvm-args = [“-Xms256m”, “-Xmx4096m”]


gradle-profiler --benchmark --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios_add.txt

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-11

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-11
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: []

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version

* Stopping daemons
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Android Studio installation directory should be specified using --studio-install-dir when measuring Android studio sync.
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.getBuildAction(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.loadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.doLoadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.ScenarioLoader.loadScenarios(
	at org.gradle.profiler.Main.main(

hynson@housaibangdeiMac SimpleGallery % gradle-profiler --benchmark --studio-install-dir "/Applications/Android" --project-dir ./ --scenario-file scenarios_add.txt 

* Writing results to /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20

* Settings
Project dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.
Output dir: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20
Profiler: none
Benchmark: true
Versions: []
Gradle User Home: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home
Targets: []

* Inspecting the build using its default Gradle version

* Stopping daemons

* Scenarios
Scenario: Android Studio Sync using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Android Studio
  Run: Android Studio sync
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: []
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10
Scenario: string_resource_change using Gradle 7.3.3
  Gradle 7.3.3 (/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/gradle-user-home/wrapper/dists/gradle-7.3.3-bin/6a41zxkdtcxs8rphpq6y0069z/gradle-7.3.3)
  Run using: Tooling API
  Run: run tasks :app_kt:assembleDebug
  Cleanup: do nothing
  Gradle args: []
  Build changes: [ApplyValueChangeToAndroidResourceFileMutator(/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/./app_kt/src/main/res/values/strings.xml)]
  Warm-ups: 6
  Builds: 10

* Running scenario Android Studio Sync using Gradle 7.3.3 (scenario 1/2)

* Stopping daemons

* Running warm-up build #1

* Starting Android Studio at /Applications/Android
* Java command: /Applications/Android
* Classpath:
* System properties:
  gradle.profiler.startup.port -> 59499
  gradle.profiler.port -> 59500
  idea.config.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/config
  idea.log.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs
  idea.jre.check -> true
  idea.system.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/system
  idea.paths.selector -> AndroidStudio2021.3 -> Google
  java.system.class.loader -> com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader
  idea.gradle.distributionType -> BUNDLED
  idea.plugins.path -> /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/plugins -> true
  splash -> true
  idea.platform.prefix -> AndroidStudio
  idea.executable -> studio
  idea.home.path -> /Applications/Android
* Main class: com.intellij.idea.Main
* Android Studio logs can be found at: /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs/idea.log
* Using command line: [/Applications/Android, -cp, /Applications/Android, -Dgradle.profiler.startup.port=59499, -Dgradle.profiler.port=59500, -Didea.config.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/config, -Didea.log.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/logs, -Didea.jre.check=true, -Didea.system.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/system, -Didea.paths.selector=AndroidStudio2021.3,, -Djava.system.class.loader=com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader, -Didea.gradle.distributionType=BUNDLED, -Didea.plugins.path=/Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/profile-out-20/studio-sandbox/plugins,, -Dsplash=true, -Didea.platform.prefix=AndroidStudio, -Didea.executable=studio, -Didea.home.path=/Applications/Android, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.nio.charset=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.time=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.util.concurrent.atomic=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.vm=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.desktop/, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.dnd.peer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.event=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.image=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.peer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.plaf.basic=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/javax.swing.text.html=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.X11=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.datatransfer=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt.image=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.awt=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.font=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.java2d=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.desktop/sun.swing=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=jdk.attach/, --add-opens=jdk.compiler/, --add-opens=jdk.internal.jvmstat/sun.jvmstat.monitor=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=jdk.jdi/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, --add-exports=java.desktop/, -javaagent:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/studio-agent13826845936541378830.jar=59501,/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/instrumentation-support8915076811485037397.jar, --add-exports, java.base/jdk.internal.misc=ALL-UNNAMED, -Xbootclasspath/a:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/asm14122579247830138713.jar:/private/var/folders/93/fk0382_90qbcctczf5s2xhkr0000gn/T/client-protocol15407110553657043473.jar, -Xms256m, -Xmx4096m, com.intellij.idea.Main, /Users/hynson/StudioProjects/SimpleGallery/.]

* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 441762ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 441762ms
* Full IDE execution time: 398563ms
* Full sync has completed in: 840325ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 840325 ms

* Running warm-up build #2
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 22032ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 22032ms
* Full IDE execution time: 2025ms
* Full sync has completed in: 24057ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 24057 ms

* Running warm-up build #3
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 3824ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 3824ms
* Full IDE execution time: 1073ms
* Full sync has completed in: 4897ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 4897 ms

* Running warm-up build #4
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1175ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1175ms
* Full IDE execution time: 427ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1602ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1602 ms

* Running warm-up build #5
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 964ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 964ms
* Full IDE execution time: 394ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1358ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1358 ms

* Running warm-up build #6
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1014ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1014ms
* Full IDE execution time: 301ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1315ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1315 ms

* Running measured build #1
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1227ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1227ms
* Full IDE execution time: 282ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1509ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1509 ms

* Running measured build #2
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1453ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1453ms
* Full IDE execution time: 350ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1803ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1803 ms

* Running measured build #3
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 883ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 883ms
* Full IDE execution time: 353ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1236ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1236 ms

* Running measured build #4
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 997ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 997ms
* Full IDE execution time: 370ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1367ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1367 ms

* Running measured build #5
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 923ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 923ms
* Full IDE execution time: 320ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1243ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1243 ms

* Running measured build #6
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 1386ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 1386ms
* Full IDE execution time: 320ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1706ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1706 ms

* Running measured build #7
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 934ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 934ms
* Full IDE execution time: 3469ms
* Full sync has completed in: 4403ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 4403 ms

* Running measured build #8
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 755ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 755ms
* Full IDE execution time: 331ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1086ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1086 ms

* Running measured build #9
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 702ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 702ms
* Full IDE execution time: 299ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1001ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1001 ms

* Running measured build #10
* Running sync in Android Studio...
* Sent sync request
* Sync has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has started, waiting for it to complete...
* Gradle invocation 1 has completed in: 723ms
* Full Gradle execution time: 723ms
* Full IDE execution time: 340ms
* Full sync has completed in: 1063ms and it SUCCEEDED
Execution time 1063 ms
* Stopping Android Studio....
* Android Studio stopped.

* Stopping daemons



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  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助




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