B-Tree 数据结构及Java 实现









  1. 树中每个结点最多含有m个孩子(m>=2);
  2. 除根结点和叶子结点外,其它每个结点至少有[ceil(m / 2)]个孩子(其中ceil(x)是一个取上限的函数);
  3. 若根结点不是叶子结点,则至少有2个孩子(特殊情况:没有孩子的根结点,即根结点为叶子结点,整棵树只有一个根节点);
  4. 所有叶子结点都出现在同一层(最底层),叶子结点为外部结点,保存内容,即key和value
  5. 其他结点为内部结点,保存索引,即key和next






Java 代码实现

package tree;

 * Created by bruce_shan on 2018/7/8 17:08.
 * Description :  B-树 也作 B树  java 实现
public class BTree<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> {

    private static final int M = 4;  // B树的阶数

    private Node root;       //  B-tree 的根节点
    private int height;      //  B-tree 的高度
    private int N;           //  B-tree 树中键值对的数目

    // B-tree 节点类型
    private static final class Node {
        private int m;                             // number of children
        private Entry[] children = new Entry[M];   // the array of children
        // create a node with k children
        private Node(int k) {
            m = k;
    //  B-tree 节点中的元素类型
    private static class Entry {
        private Comparable key;
        private Object val;
        private Node next;     // 指向节点中下一元素
        public Entry(Comparable key, Object val, Node next) {
            this.key  = key;
            this.val  = val;
            this.next = next;

     * 初始化空 B-tree树
    public BTree() {
        root = new Node(0);

     *  判断 B-tree 是否是空树
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return size() == 0;

    public int size() {
        return N;

    public int height() {
        return height;

     *   get操作
    public Value get(Key key) {
        if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("key must not be null");
        return search(root, key, height);

     *   put 操作
    public void put(Key key, Value val) {
        if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("key must not be null");
        Node u = insert(root, key, val, height);
        if (u == null) return;

        // need to split root
        Node t = new Node(2);
        t.children[0] = new Entry(root.children[0].key, null, root);
        t.children[1] = new Entry(u.children[0].key, null, u);
        root = t;

    //  搜索操作
    private Value search(Node x, Key key, int ht) {
        Entry[] children = x.children;

        // 节点内数组操作  内部遍历
        if (ht == 0) {
            for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
                if (equals(key, children[j].key)) return (Value) children[j].val;

        //  外部定位
        else {
            for (int j = 0; j < x.m; j++) {
                if (j+1 == x.m || less(key, children[j+1].key))
                    return search(children[j].next, key, ht-1);
        return null;
    //  插入操作
    private Node insert(Node h, Key key, Value val, int ht) {
        int j;
        Entry t = new Entry(key, val, null);

        // 节点内部数组操作
        if (ht == 0) {
            for (j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
                if (less(key, h.children[j].key)) break;
        // 外部遍历
        else {
            for (j = 0; j < h.m; j++) {
                if ((j+1 == h.m) || less(key, h.children[j+1].key)) {
                    Node u = insert(h.children[j++].next, key, val, ht-1);
                    if (u == null) return null;
                    t.key = u.children[0].key;
                    t.next = u;

        for (int i = h.m; i > j; i--)
            h.children[i] = h.children[i-1];
        h.children[j] = t;
        if (h.m < M) return null;
        else         return split(h);

    //  分裂节点成两半
    private Node split(Node h) {
        Node t = new Node(M/2);
        h.m = M/2;
        for (int j = 0; j < M/2; j++)
            t.children[j] = h.children[M/2+j];
        return t;
    // 判断两个元素是否相等
    private boolean equals(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
        return k1.compareTo(k2) == 0;

    // 判断两个元素的大小
    private boolean less(Comparable k1, Comparable k2) {
        return k1.compareTo(k2) < 0;

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BPlusTree_Java实现 package bplustree; import java.util.*; import com.xuedi.IO.*; import com.xuedi.maths.*; ////// DisposeRoot ///////中的key参数有些问题 public class BTree { //用于记录每个节点中的键值数量 public int keyAmount; //树的根节点 public Node root; public BTree(int keyAmount) { this.keyAmount = keyAmount; this.root = new Node(keyAmount); } //在B树中插入叶节点///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void insert(long key,Object pointer) { //找到应该插入的节点 Node theNode = search(key,root); //在叶节点中找到空闲空间,有的话就把键放在那里 if( !isFull(theNode) ) { putKeyToNode(key,pointer,theNode); }else{ //如果在适当的叶节点没有空间,就把该叶节点分裂成两个,并正确分配键值 Node newNode = separateLeaf(key,pointer,theNode); //如果分裂的是根节点,就新建一个新的根节点将新建的节点作为他的字节点 if( isRoot(theNode) ) { DisposeRoot(theNode,newNode,newNode.keys[0]); }else{ //将新建立的节点的指针插入到上层节点 insertToInnerNode(theNode.parent,newNode,newNode.keys[0]); } } } //lowerNode是下级节点分离后新建立的那个节点/////////////////////////////////////// //upperNode是lowerNode的上层节点 private void insertToInnerNode(Node upperNode,Node lowerNode,long key) { //上层节点有空位就直接插入 if( !isFull(upperNode) ) { putKeyToNode(key,lowerNode,upperNode); //重置父节点指针 pointerRedirect(upperNode); return; }else{ //如果分裂的是根节点,就新建一个新的根节点将新建的节点作为他的子节点 Node newNode; if( isRoot(upperNode) ) { newNode = separateInnerNode(key,lowerNode,upperNode); Node newRoot = new Node(this.keyAmount); newRoot.pointer[0] = upperNode; newRoot.pointer[1] = newNode; upperNode.parent = newRoot; newNode.parent = newRoot; newRoot.keyAmount = 1; newRoot.keys[0] = key; root = newRoot; //重置父节点指针 pointerRedirect(upperNode); return; }else{ //上层非根节点没有空位进行分裂和插入操作 newNode = separateInnerNode(key,lowerNode,upperNode); //重置父节点指针 pointerRedirect(upperNode); //记录要向上插入的键值在源节点中的位置(该键值在separateInnerNode()被保留在srcNode中) int keyToUpperNodePosition = upperNode.keyAmount; //向上递归插入 insertToInnerNode(upperNode.parent,newNode,upperNode.keys[keyToUpperNodePosition]); //重置父节点指针 pointerRedirect(newNode); } } } //将对应的内部节点进行分裂并正确分配键值,返回新建的节点 private Node separateInnerNode(long key,Object pointer,Node srcNode) { Node newNode = new Node(this.keyAmount); //因为我在Node中预制了一个位置用于插入,而下面的函数(putKeyToLeaf())不进行越界检查 //所以可以将键-指针对先插入到元节点,然后再分别放到两个节点中 putKeyToNode(key,pointer,srcNode); //先前节点后来因该有(n+1)/2取上界个键-值针对 int ptrSaveAmount = (int)com.xuedi.maths.NumericalBound.getBound(0,(double)(this.keyAmount+1)/2); int keySaveAmount = (int)com.xuedi.maths.NumericalBound.getBound(0,(double)(this.keyAmount)/2); int keyMoveAmount = (int)com.xuedi.maths.NumericalBound.getBound(1,(double)(this.keyAmount)/2); //(n+1)/2取上界个指针和n/2取上界个键留在源节点中 //剩下的n+1)/2取下界个指n/2取下界个键留在源节点中 for (int k = ptrSaveAmount; k < srcNode.keyAmount; k++) { newNode.add(srcNode.keys[k], srcNode.pointer[k]); } newNode.pointer[newNode.keyAmount] = srcNode.pointer[srcNode.pointer.length-1]; srcNode.keyAmount = keySaveAmount; return newNode; } //将对应的叶节点进行分裂并正确分配键值,返回新建的节点/////////////////////////////// private Node separateLeaf(long key,Object pointer,Node srcNode) { Node newNode = new Node(this.keyAmount); //兄弟间的指针传递 newNode.pointer[this.keyAmount] = srcNode.pointer[this.keyAmount]; //因为我在Node中预制了一个位置用于插入,而下面的函数(putKeyToLeaf())不进行越界检查 //所以可以将键-指针对先插入到元节点,然后再分别放到两个节点中 putKeyToNode(key,pointer,srcNode); //先前节点后来因该有(n+1)/2取上界个键-值针对 int oldNodeSize = (int)com.xuedi.maths.NumericalBound.getBound(0,(double)(this.keyAmount+1)/2); for(int k = oldNodeSize; k <= this.keyAmount; k++) { newNode.add(srcNode.keys[k],srcNode.pointer[k]); } srcNode.keyAmount = oldNodeSize; //更改指针--让新节点成为就节点的右边的兄弟 srcNode.pointer[this.keyAmount] = newNode; return newNode; } //把键值放到叶节点中--这个函数不进行越界检查//////////////////////////////////////// private void putKeyToNode(long key,Object pointer,Node theNode) { int position = getInsertPosition(key,theNode); //进行搬迁动作--------叶节点的搬迁 if( isLeaf(theNode) ) { if(theNode.keyAmount <= position) { theNode.add(key,pointer); return; } else{ for (int j = theNode.keyAmount - 1; j >= position; j--) { theNode.keys[j + 1] = theNode.keys[j]; theNode.pointer[j + 1] = theNode.pointer[j]; } theNode.keys[position] = key; theNode.pointer[position] = pointer; } }else{ //内部节点的搬迁----有一定的插入策略: //指针的插入比数据的插入多出一位 for (int j = theNode.keyAmount - 1; j >= position; j--) { theNode.keys[j + 1] = theNode.keys[j]; theNode.pointer[j + 2] = theNode.pointer[j+1]; } theNode.keys[position] = key; theNode.pointer[position+1] = pointer; } //键值数量加1 theNode.keyAmount++; } //获得正确的插入位置 private int getInsertPosition(long key,Node node) { //将数据插入到相应的位置 int position = 0; for (int i = 0; i < node.keyAmount; i++) { if (node.keys[i] > key) break; position++; } return position; } //有用的辅助函数//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //判断某个结点是否已经装满了 private boolean isFull(Node node) { if(node.keyAmount >= this.keyAmount) return true; else return false; } //判断某个节点是否是叶子结点 private boolean isLeaf(Node node) { //int i = 0; if(node.keyAmount == 0) return true; //如果向下的指针是Node型,则肯定不是叶子节点 if(node.pointer[0] instanceof Node) return false; return true; } private boolean isRoot(Node node) { if( node.equals(this.root) ) return true; return false; } //给内部节点中的自己点重新定向自己的父亲 private void pointerRedirect(Node node) { for(int i = 0; i <= node.keyAmount; i++) { ((Node)node.pointer[i]).parent = node; } } //新建一个新的根节点将新建的节点作为他的字节点 private void DisposeRoot(Node child1,Node child2,long key) { Node newRoot = new Node(this.keyAmount); newRoot.pointer[0] = child1; newRoot.pointer[1] = child2; newRoot.keyAmount = 1; newRoot.keys[0] = key; root = newRoot; //如果两个孩子是叶节点就让他们两个相连接 if( isLeaf(child1) ) { //兄弟间的指针传递 child2.pointer[this.keyAmount] = child1.pointer[this.keyAmount]; child1.pointer[this.keyAmount] = child2; } pointerRedirect(root); return; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //用于寻找键值key所在的或key应该插入的节点 //key为键值,curNode为当前节点--一般从root节点开始 public Node search(long key,Node curNode) { if (isLeaf(curNode)) return curNode; for (int i = 0; i < this.keyAmount; i++) { if (key < curNode.keys[i]) //判断是否是第一个值 return search(key, (Node) curNode.pointer[i]); else if (key >= curNode.keys[i]) { if (i == curNode.keyAmount - 1) //如果后面没有值 { //如果key比最后一个键值大,则给出最后一个指针进行递归查询 return search(key,(Node) curNode.pointer[curNode.keyAmount]); } else { if (key < curNode.keys[i + 1]) return search(key, (Node) curNode.pointer[i + 1]); } } } //永远也不会到达这里 return null; } }


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